blob: f44a33b8255a16a73c52777106471849e5ffe64c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <grpc/slice.h>
#include <grpc/slice_buffer.h>
#include "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/frame.h"
#include "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/hpack_encoder_table.h"
#include "src/core/lib/transport/metadata_batch.h"
#include "src/core/lib/transport/transport.h"
extern grpc_core::TraceFlag grpc_http_trace;
namespace grpc_core {
class HPackCompressor {
class SliceIndex;
HPackCompressor() = default;
~HPackCompressor() = default;
// Maximum table size we'll actually use.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTableSize = 1024 * 1024;
void SetMaxTableSize(uint32_t max_table_size);
void SetMaxUsableSize(uint32_t max_table_size);
uint32_t test_only_table_size() const {
return table_.test_only_table_size();
struct EncodeHeaderOptions {
uint32_t stream_id;
bool is_end_of_stream;
bool use_true_binary_metadata;
size_t max_frame_size;
grpc_transport_one_way_stats* stats;
template <typename HeaderSet>
void EncodeHeaders(const EncodeHeaderOptions& options,
const HeaderSet& headers, grpc_slice_buffer* output) {
Framer framer(options, this, output);
class Framer {
Framer(const EncodeHeaderOptions& options, HPackCompressor* compressor,
grpc_slice_buffer* output);
~Framer() { FinishFrame(true); }
Framer(const Framer&) = delete;
Framer& operator=(const Framer&) = delete;
void Encode(const Slice& key, const Slice& value);
void Encode(HttpPathMetadata, const Slice& value);
void Encode(HttpAuthorityMetadata, const Slice& value);
void Encode(HttpStatusMetadata, uint32_t status);
void Encode(GrpcTimeoutMetadata, Timestamp deadline);
void Encode(TeMetadata, TeMetadata::ValueType value);
void Encode(ContentTypeMetadata, ContentTypeMetadata::ValueType value);
void Encode(HttpSchemeMetadata, HttpSchemeMetadata::ValueType value);
void Encode(HttpMethodMetadata, HttpMethodMetadata::ValueType method);
void Encode(UserAgentMetadata, const Slice& slice);
void Encode(GrpcStatusMetadata, grpc_status_code status);
void Encode(GrpcEncodingMetadata, grpc_compression_algorithm value);
void Encode(GrpcAcceptEncodingMetadata, CompressionAlgorithmSet value);
void Encode(GrpcTagsBinMetadata, const Slice& slice);
void Encode(GrpcTraceBinMetadata, const Slice& slice);
void Encode(GrpcMessageMetadata, const Slice& slice) {
if (slice.empty()) return;
Slice::FromStaticString("grpc-message"), slice.Ref());
template <typename Which>
void Encode(Which, const typename Which::ValueType& value) {
const Slice& slice = MetadataValueAsSlice<Which>(value);
if (absl::EndsWith(Which::key(), "-bin")) {
Slice::FromStaticString(Which::key()), slice.Ref());
} else {
Slice::FromStaticString(Which::key()), slice.Ref());
friend class SliceIndex;
struct FramePrefix {
// index (in output_) of the header for the frame
size_t header_idx;
// number of bytes in 'output' when we started the frame - used to
// calculate frame length
size_t output_length_at_start_of_frame;
FramePrefix BeginFrame();
void FinishFrame(bool is_header_boundary);
void EnsureSpace(size_t need_bytes);
void AdvertiseTableSizeChange();
void EmitIndexed(uint32_t index);
void EmitLitHdrWithNonBinaryStringKeyIncIdx(Slice key_slice,
Slice value_slice);
void EmitLitHdrWithBinaryStringKeyIncIdx(Slice key_slice,
Slice value_slice);
void EmitLitHdrWithBinaryStringKeyNotIdx(Slice key_slice,
Slice value_slice);
void EmitLitHdrWithBinaryStringKeyNotIdx(uint32_t key_index,
Slice value_slice);
void EmitLitHdrWithNonBinaryStringKeyNotIdx(Slice key_slice,
Slice value_slice);
void EncodeAlwaysIndexed(uint32_t* index, absl::string_view key,
Slice value, uint32_t transport_length);
void EncodeIndexedKeyWithBinaryValue(uint32_t* index, absl::string_view key,
Slice value);
size_t CurrentFrameSize() const;
void Add(Slice slice);
uint8_t* AddTiny(size_t len);
// maximum size of a frame
const size_t max_frame_size_;
bool is_first_frame_ = true;
const bool use_true_binary_metadata_;
const bool is_end_of_stream_;
// output stream id
const uint32_t stream_id_;
grpc_slice_buffer* const output_;
grpc_transport_one_way_stats* const stats_;
HPackCompressor* const compressor_;
FramePrefix prefix_;
static constexpr size_t kNumFilterValues = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t kNumCachedGrpcStatusValues = 16;
// maximum number of bytes we'll use for the decode table (to guard against
// peers ooming us by setting decode table size high)
uint32_t max_usable_size_ = hpack_constants::kInitialTableSize;
// if non-zero, advertise to the decoder that we'll start using a table
// of this size
bool advertise_table_size_change_ = false;
HPackEncoderTable table_;
class SliceIndex {
void EmitTo(absl::string_view key, const Slice& value, Framer* framer);
struct ValueIndex {
ValueIndex(Slice value, uint32_t index)
: value(std::move(value)), index(index) {}
Slice value;
uint32_t index;
std::vector<ValueIndex> values_;
struct PreviousTimeout {
Timeout timeout;
uint32_t index;
// Index into table_ for the te:trailers metadata element
uint32_t te_index_ = 0;
// Index into table_ for the content-type metadata element
uint32_t content_type_index_ = 0;
// Index into table_ for the user-agent metadata element
uint32_t user_agent_index_ = 0;
// Cached grpc-status values
uint32_t cached_grpc_status_[kNumCachedGrpcStatusValues] = {};
// Cached grpc-encoding values
uint32_t cached_grpc_encoding_[GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT] = {};
// Cached grpc-accept-encoding value
uint32_t grpc_accept_encoding_index_ = 0;
// The grpc-accept-encoding string referred to by grpc_accept_encoding_index_
CompressionAlgorithmSet grpc_accept_encoding_;
// Index of something that was sent with grpc-tags-bin
uint32_t grpc_tags_bin_index_ = 0;
// Index of something that was sent with grpc-trace-bin
uint32_t grpc_trace_bin_index_ = 0;
// The user-agent string referred to by user_agent_index_
Slice user_agent_;
SliceIndex path_index_;
SliceIndex authority_index_;
std::vector<PreviousTimeout> previous_timeouts_;
} // namespace grpc_core