blob: 92f52e67b754a98394bb6cdc70a0763a323903a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "../../internal/GRPCCallOptions+Internal.h"
#import "GRPCChannel.h"
#import "GRPCChannelFactory.h"
#import "GRPCChannelPool+Test.h"
#import "GRPCChannelPool.h"
#import "GRPCCompletionQueue.h"
#import "GRPCInsecureChannelFactory.h"
#import "GRPCSecureChannelFactory.h"
#import "GRPCWrappedCall.h"
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
extern const char *kCFStreamVarName;
static GRPCChannelPool *gChannelPool;
static dispatch_once_t gInitChannelPool;
/** When all calls of a channel are destroyed, destroy the channel after this much seconds. */
static const NSTimeInterval kDefaultChannelDestroyDelay = 30;
@implementation GRPCPooledChannel {
GRPCChannelConfiguration *_channelConfiguration;
NSTimeInterval _destroyDelay;
NSHashTable<GRPCWrappedCall *> *_wrappedCalls;
GRPCChannel *_wrappedChannel;
NSDate *_lastTimedDestroy;
dispatch_queue_t _timerQueue;
- (instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration {
return [self initWithChannelConfiguration:channelConfiguration
- (nullable instancetype)initWithChannelConfiguration:
(GRPCChannelConfiguration *)channelConfiguration
destroyDelay:(NSTimeInterval)destroyDelay {
NSAssert(channelConfiguration != nil, @"channelConfiguration cannot be empty.");
if (channelConfiguration == nil) {
return nil;
if ((self = [super init])) {
_channelConfiguration = [channelConfiguration copy];
_destroyDelay = destroyDelay;
_wrappedCalls = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable];
_wrappedChannel = nil;
_lastTimedDestroy = nil;
if (@available(iOS 8.0, macOS 10.10, *)) {
_timerQueue = dispatch_queue_create(NULL, dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(
} else {
_timerQueue = dispatch_queue_create(NULL, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
// Disconnect GRPCWrappedCall objects created but not yet removed
if (_wrappedCalls.allObjects.count != 0) {
for (GRPCWrappedCall *wrappedCall in _wrappedCalls.allObjects) {
[wrappedCall channelDisconnected];
- (GRPCWrappedCall *)wrappedCallWithPath:(NSString *)path
completionQueue:(GRPCCompletionQueue *)queue
callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
NSAssert(path.length > 0, @"path must not be empty.");
NSAssert(queue != nil, @"completionQueue must not be empty.");
NSAssert(callOptions, @"callOptions must not be empty.");
if (path.length == 0 || queue == nil || callOptions == nil) {
return nil;
GRPCWrappedCall *call = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
if (_wrappedChannel == nil) {
_wrappedChannel = [[GRPCChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:_channelConfiguration];
if (_wrappedChannel == nil) {
NSAssert(_wrappedChannel != nil, @"Unable to get a raw channel for proxy.");
return nil;
_lastTimedDestroy = nil;
grpc_call *unmanagedCall =
[_wrappedChannel unmanagedCallWithPath:path
completionQueue:[GRPCCompletionQueue completionQueue]
if (unmanagedCall == NULL) {
NSAssert(unmanagedCall != NULL, @"Unable to create grpc_call object");
return nil;
call = [[GRPCWrappedCall alloc] initWithUnmanagedCall:unmanagedCall pooledChannel:self];
if (call == nil) {
NSAssert(call != nil, @"Unable to create GRPCWrappedCall object");
return nil;
[_wrappedCalls addObject:call];
return call;
- (void)notifyWrappedCallDealloc:(GRPCWrappedCall *)wrappedCall {
NSAssert(wrappedCall != nil, @"wrappedCall cannot be empty.");
if (wrappedCall == nil) {
@synchronized(self) {
// Detect if all objects weakly referenced in _wrappedCalls are (implicitly) removed.
// _wrappedCalls.count does not work here since the hash table may include deallocated weak
// references. _wrappedCalls.allObjects forces removal of those objects.
if (_wrappedCalls.allObjects.count == 0) {
// No more call has reference to this channel. We may start the timer for destroying the
// channel now.
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSAssert(now != nil, @"Unable to create NSDate object 'now'.");
_lastTimedDestroy = now;
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)_destroyDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC),
_timerQueue, ^{
@synchronized(self) {
// Check _lastTimedDestroy against now in case more calls are created (and
// maybe destroyed) after this dispatch_async. In that case the current
// dispatch_after block should be discarded; the channel should be
// destroyed in a later dispatch_after block.
if (now != nil && self->_lastTimedDestroy == now) {
self->_wrappedChannel = nil;
self->_lastTimedDestroy = nil;
- (void)disconnect {
NSArray<GRPCWrappedCall *> *copiedWrappedCalls = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
if (_wrappedChannel != nil) {
_wrappedChannel = nil;
copiedWrappedCalls = _wrappedCalls.allObjects;
[_wrappedCalls removeAllObjects];
for (GRPCWrappedCall *wrappedCall in copiedWrappedCalls) {
[wrappedCall channelDisconnected];
- (GRPCChannel *)wrappedChannel {
GRPCChannel *channel = nil;
@synchronized(self) {
channel = _wrappedChannel;
return channel;
@interface GRPCChannelPool ()
- (instancetype)initPrivate NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
@implementation GRPCChannelPool {
NSMutableDictionary<GRPCChannelConfiguration *, GRPCPooledChannel *> *_channelPool;
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
dispatch_once(&gInitChannelPool, ^{
gChannelPool = [[GRPCChannelPool alloc] initPrivate];
NSAssert(gChannelPool != nil, @"Cannot initialize global channel pool.");
return gChannelPool;
- (instancetype)initPrivate {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_channelPool = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
- (GRPCPooledChannel *)channelWithHost:(NSString *)host callOptions:(GRPCCallOptions *)callOptions {
NSAssert(host.length > 0, @"Host must not be empty.");
NSAssert(callOptions != nil, @"callOptions must not be empty.");
if (host.length == 0 || callOptions == nil) {
return nil;
// remove trailing slash of hostname
NSURL *hostURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[@"https://" stringByAppendingString:host]];
if ( && hostURL.port == nil) {
host = [ stringByAppendingString:@":443"];
GRPCPooledChannel *pooledChannel = nil;
GRPCChannelConfiguration *configuration =
[[GRPCChannelConfiguration alloc] initWithHost:host callOptions:callOptions];
@synchronized(self) {
pooledChannel = _channelPool[configuration];
if (pooledChannel == nil) {
pooledChannel = [[GRPCPooledChannel alloc] initWithChannelConfiguration:configuration];
_channelPool[configuration] = pooledChannel;
return pooledChannel;
- (void)disconnectAllChannels {
NSArray<GRPCPooledChannel *> *copiedPooledChannels;
@synchronized(self) {
copiedPooledChannels = _channelPool.allValues;
// Disconnect pooled channels.
for (GRPCPooledChannel *pooledChannel in copiedPooledChannels) {
[pooledChannel disconnect];
@implementation GRPCChannelPool (Test)
- (instancetype)initTestPool {
return [self initPrivate];