blob: 6e8dd961ea9ca5ae5b487bf2253eb92d53e385c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <grpc/support/string_util.h>
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/atomic.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/inlined_vector.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/map.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/memory.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h"
namespace grpc_core {
class XdsLocalityName : public RefCounted<XdsLocalityName> {
struct Less {
bool operator()(const RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName>& lhs,
const RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName>& rhs) const {
int cmp_result = strcmp(lhs->region_.get(), rhs->region_.get());
if (cmp_result != 0) return cmp_result < 0;
cmp_result = strcmp(lhs->zone_.get(), rhs->zone_.get());
if (cmp_result != 0) return cmp_result < 0;
return strcmp(lhs->sub_zone_.get(), rhs->sub_zone_.get()) < 0;
XdsLocalityName(UniquePtr<char> region, UniquePtr<char> zone,
UniquePtr<char> subzone)
: region_(std::move(region)),
sub_zone_(std::move(subzone)) {}
bool operator==(const XdsLocalityName& other) const {
return strcmp(region_.get(), other.region_.get()) == 0 &&
strcmp(zone_.get(), other.zone_.get()) == 0 &&
strcmp(sub_zone_.get(), other.sub_zone_.get()) == 0;
const char* region() const { return region_.get(); }
const char* zone() const { return zone_.get(); }
const char* sub_zone() const { return sub_zone_.get(); }
const char* AsHumanReadableString() {
if (human_readable_string_ == nullptr) {
char* tmp;
gpr_asprintf(&tmp, "{region=\"%s\", zone=\"%s\", sub_zone=\"%s\"}",
region_.get(), zone_.get(), sub_zone_.get());
return human_readable_string_.get();
UniquePtr<char> region_;
UniquePtr<char> zone_;
UniquePtr<char> sub_zone_;
UniquePtr<char> human_readable_string_;
// The stats classes (i.e., XdsClientStats, LocalityStats, and LoadMetric) can
// be taken a snapshot (and reset) to populate the load report. The snapshots
// are contained in the respective Snapshot structs. The Snapshot structs have
// no synchronization. The stats classes use several different synchronization
// methods. 1. Most of the counters are Atomic<>s for performance. 2. Some of
// the Map<>s are protected by Mutex if we are not guaranteed that the accesses
// to them are synchronized by the callers. 3. The Map<>s to which the accesses
// are already synchronized by the callers do not have additional
// synchronization here. Note that the Map<>s we mentioned in 2 and 3 refer to
// the map's tree structure rather than the content in each tree node.
class XdsClientStats {
class LocalityStats : public RefCounted<LocalityStats> {
class LoadMetric {
struct Snapshot {
bool IsAllZero() const;
uint64_t num_requests_finished_with_metric;
double total_metric_value;
// Returns a snapshot of this instance and reset all the accumulative
// counters.
Snapshot GetSnapshotAndReset();
uint64_t num_requests_finished_with_metric_{0};
double total_metric_value_{0};
using LoadMetricMap = Map<UniquePtr<char>, LoadMetric, StringLess>;
using LoadMetricSnapshotMap =
Map<UniquePtr<char>, LoadMetric::Snapshot, StringLess>;
struct Snapshot {
// TODO(juanlishen): Change this to const method when const_iterator is
// added to Map<>.
bool IsAllZero();
uint64_t total_successful_requests;
uint64_t total_requests_in_progress;
uint64_t total_error_requests;
uint64_t total_issued_requests;
LoadMetricSnapshotMap load_metric_stats;
// Returns a snapshot of this instance and reset all the accumulative
// counters.
Snapshot GetSnapshotAndReset();
// Each XdsLb::PickerWrapper holds a ref to the perspective LocalityStats.
// If the refcount is 0, there won't be new calls recorded to the
// LocalityStats, so the LocalityStats can be safely deleted when all the
// in-progress calls have finished.
// Only be called from the control plane combiner.
void RefByPicker() { picker_refcount_.FetchAdd(1, MemoryOrder::ACQ_REL); }
// Might be called from the control plane combiner or the data plane
// combiner.
// TODO(juanlishen): Once is merged,
// this method will also only be invoked in the control plane combiner.
// We may then be able to simplify the LocalityStats' lifetime by making it
// RefCounted<> and populating the protobuf in its dtor.
void UnrefByPicker() { picker_refcount_.FetchSub(1, MemoryOrder::ACQ_REL); }
// Only be called from the control plane combiner.
// The only place where the picker_refcount_ can be increased is
// RefByPicker(), which also can only be called from the control plane
// combiner. Also, if the picker_refcount_ is 0, total_requests_in_progress_
// can't be increased from 0. So it's safe to delete the LocalityStats right
// after this method returns true.
bool IsSafeToDelete() {
return picker_refcount_.FetchAdd(0, MemoryOrder::ACQ_REL) == 0 &&
total_requests_in_progress_.FetchAdd(0, MemoryOrder::ACQ_REL) == 0;
void AddCallStarted();
void AddCallFinished(bool fail = false);
Atomic<uint64_t> total_successful_requests_{0};
Atomic<uint64_t> total_requests_in_progress_{0};
// Requests that were issued (not dropped) but failed.
Atomic<uint64_t> total_error_requests_{0};
Atomic<uint64_t> total_issued_requests_{0};
// Protects load_metric_stats_. A mutex is necessary because the length of
// load_metric_stats_ can be accessed by both the callback intercepting the
// call's recv_trailing_metadata (not from any combiner) and the load
// reporting thread (from the control plane combiner).
Mutex load_metric_stats_mu_;
LoadMetricMap load_metric_stats_;
// Can be accessed from either the control plane combiner or the data plane
// combiner.
Atomic<uint8_t> picker_refcount_{0};
// TODO(juanlishen): The value type of Map<> must be movable in current
// implementation. To avoid making LocalityStats movable, we wrap it by
// UniquePtr<>. We should remove this wrapper if the value type of Map<>
// doesn't have to be movable.
using LocalityStatsMap =
Map<RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName>, RefCountedPtr<LocalityStats>,
using LocalityStatsSnapshotMap =
Map<RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName>, LocalityStats::Snapshot,
using DroppedRequestsMap = Map<UniquePtr<char>, uint64_t, StringLess>;
using DroppedRequestsSnapshotMap = DroppedRequestsMap;
struct Snapshot {
// TODO(juanlishen): Change this to const method when const_iterator is
// added to Map<>.
bool IsAllZero();
LocalityStatsSnapshotMap upstream_locality_stats;
uint64_t total_dropped_requests;
DroppedRequestsSnapshotMap dropped_requests;
// The actual load report interval.
grpc_millis load_report_interval;
// Returns a snapshot of this instance and reset all the accumulative
// counters.
Snapshot GetSnapshotAndReset();
void MaybeInitLastReportTime();
RefCountedPtr<LocalityStats> FindLocalityStats(
const RefCountedPtr<XdsLocalityName>& locality_name);
void PruneLocalityStats();
void AddCallDropped(const UniquePtr<char>& category);
// The stats for each locality.
LocalityStatsMap upstream_locality_stats_;
Atomic<uint64_t> total_dropped_requests_{0};
// Protects dropped_requests_. A mutex is necessary because the length of
// dropped_requests_ can be accessed by both the picker (from data plane
// combiner) and the load reporting thread (from the control plane combiner).
Mutex dropped_requests_mu_;
DroppedRequestsMap dropped_requests_;
// The timestamp of last reporting. For the LB-policy-wide first report, the
// last_report_time is the time we scheduled the first reporting timer.
grpc_millis last_report_time_ = -1;
} // namespace grpc_core