blob: 47884b34f800ed810e1f7977798af9a0ca38f92e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include <grpc/impl/compression_types.h>
#include <grpc/status.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include "src/core/lib/compression/compression_internal.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/chunked_vector.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/packed_table.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h"
#include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/arena.h"
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice.h"
#include "src/core/lib/transport/parsed_metadata.h"
namespace grpc_core {
// grpc-timeout metadata trait.
// ValueType is defined as Timestamp - an absolute timestamp (i.e. a
// deadline!), that is converted to a duration by transports before being
// sent.
// TODO(ctiller): Move this elsewhere. During the transition we need to be able
// to name this in MetadataMap, but ultimately once the transition is done we
// should not need to.
struct GrpcTimeoutMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
using ValueType = Timestamp;
using MementoType = Duration;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-timeout"; }
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType timeout);
static Slice Encode(ValueType x);
static std::string DisplayValue(MementoType x) { return x.ToString(); }
// TE metadata trait.
struct TeMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
// HTTP2 says that TE can either be empty or "trailers".
// Empty means this trait is not included, "trailers" means kTrailers, and
// kInvalid is used to remember an invalid value.
enum ValueType : uint8_t {
using MementoType = ValueType;
static absl::string_view key() { return "te"; }
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType te) { return te; }
static StaticSlice Encode(ValueType x) {
GPR_ASSERT(x == kTrailers);
return StaticSlice::FromStaticString("trailers");
static const char* DisplayValue(MementoType te);
// content-type metadata trait.
struct ContentTypeMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
// gRPC says that content-type can be application/grpc[;something]
// Core has only ever verified the prefix.
// IF we want to start verifying more, we can expand this type.
enum ValueType : uint8_t {
using MementoType = ValueType;
static absl::string_view key() { return "content-type"; }
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType content_type) {
return content_type;
static StaticSlice Encode(ValueType x);
static const char* DisplayValue(MementoType content_type);
// scheme metadata trait.
struct HttpSchemeMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
enum ValueType : uint8_t {
using MementoType = ValueType;
static absl::string_view key() { return ":scheme"; }
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error) {
return Parse(value.as_string_view(), on_error);
static ValueType Parse(absl::string_view value,
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType content_type) {
return content_type;
static StaticSlice Encode(ValueType x);
static const char* DisplayValue(MementoType content_type);
// method metadata trait.
struct HttpMethodMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
enum ValueType : uint8_t {
using MementoType = ValueType;
static absl::string_view key() { return ":method"; }
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType content_type) {
return content_type;
static StaticSlice Encode(ValueType x);
static const char* DisplayValue(MementoType content_type);
// Base type for metadata pertaining to a single compression algorithm
// (e.g., "grpc-encoding").
struct CompressionAlgorithmBasedMetadata {
using ValueType = grpc_compression_algorithm;
using MementoType = ValueType;
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType x) { return x; }
static Slice Encode(ValueType x) {
return Slice::FromStaticString(CompressionAlgorithmAsString(x));
static const char* DisplayValue(MementoType x) {
if (const char* p = CompressionAlgorithmAsString(x)) {
return p;
} else {
return "<discarded-invalid-value>";
// grpc-encoding metadata trait.
struct GrpcEncodingMetadata : public CompressionAlgorithmBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-encoding"; }
// grpc-internal-encoding-request metadata trait.
struct GrpcInternalEncodingRequest : public CompressionAlgorithmBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-internal-encoding-request"; }
// grpc-accept-encoding metadata trait.
struct GrpcAcceptEncodingMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-accept-encoding"; }
using ValueType = CompressionAlgorithmSet;
using MementoType = ValueType;
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn) {
return CompressionAlgorithmSet::FromString(value.as_string_view());
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType x) { return x; }
static Slice Encode(ValueType x) { return x.ToSlice(); }
static absl::string_view DisplayValue(MementoType x) { return x.ToString(); }
struct SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
using ValueType = Slice;
using MementoType = Slice;
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn) {
return value.TakeOwned();
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType value) { return value; }
static Slice Encode(const ValueType& x) { return x.Ref(); }
static absl::string_view DisplayValue(const MementoType& value) {
return value.as_string_view();
// user-agent metadata trait.
struct UserAgentMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "user-agent"; }
// grpc-message metadata trait.
struct GrpcMessageMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-message"; }
// host metadata trait.
struct HostMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "host"; }
// endpoint-load-metrics-bin metadata trait.
struct EndpointLoadMetricsBinMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "endpoint-load-metrics-bin"; }
// grpc-server-stats-bin metadata trait.
struct GrpcServerStatsBinMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-server-stats-bin"; }
// grpc-trace-bin metadata trait.
struct GrpcTraceBinMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-trace-bin"; }
// grpc-tags-bin metadata trait.
struct GrpcTagsBinMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-tags-bin"; }
// :authority metadata trait.
struct HttpAuthorityMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return ":authority"; }
// :path metadata trait.
struct HttpPathMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return ":path"; }
// We separate SimpleIntBasedMetadata into two pieces: one that does not
// depend on the invalid value, and one that does. This allows the compiler to
// easily see the functions that are shared, and helps reduce code bloat here.
template <typename Int>
struct SimpleIntBasedMetadataBase {
using ValueType = Int;
using MementoType = Int;
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType value) { return value; }
static Slice Encode(ValueType x) { return Slice::FromInt64(x); }
static Int DisplayValue(MementoType x) { return x; }
template <typename Int, Int kInvalidValue>
struct SimpleIntBasedMetadata : public SimpleIntBasedMetadataBase<Int> {
static constexpr Int invalid_value() { return kInvalidValue; }
static Int ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error) {
Int out;
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(value.as_string_view(), &out)) {
on_error("not an integer", value);
out = kInvalidValue;
return out;
// grpc-status metadata trait.
struct GrpcStatusMetadata
: public SimpleIntBasedMetadata<grpc_status_code, GRPC_STATUS_UNKNOWN> {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-status"; }
// grpc-previous-rpc-attempts metadata trait.
struct GrpcPreviousRpcAttemptsMetadata
: public SimpleIntBasedMetadata<uint32_t, 0> {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-previous-rpc-attempts"; }
// grpc-retry-pushback-ms metadata trait.
struct GrpcRetryPushbackMsMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-retry-pushback-ms"; }
using ValueType = Duration;
using MementoType = Duration;
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType x) { return x; }
static Slice Encode(Duration x) { return Slice::FromInt64(x.millis()); }
static int64_t DisplayValue(Duration x) { return x.millis(); }
static Duration ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
// :status metadata trait.
// TODO(ctiller): consider moving to uint16_t
struct HttpStatusMetadata : public SimpleIntBasedMetadata<uint32_t, 0> {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return ":status"; }
// "secret" metadata trait used to pass load balancing token between filters.
// This should not be exposed outside of gRPC core.
class GrpcLbClientStats;
struct GrpcLbClientStatsMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "grpclb_client_stats"; }
using ValueType = GrpcLbClientStats*;
using MementoType = ValueType;
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType value) { return value; }
static Slice Encode(ValueType) { abort(); }
static const char* DisplayValue(MementoType) { return "<internal-lb-stats>"; }
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice, MetadataParseErrorFn) {
return nullptr;
// lb-token metadata
struct LbTokenMetadata : public SimpleSliceBasedMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static absl::string_view key() { return "lb-token"; }
// lb-cost-bin metadata
struct LbCostBinMetadata {
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = true;
static absl::string_view key() { return "lb-cost-bin"; }
struct ValueType {
double cost;
std::string name;
using MementoType = ValueType;
static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType value) { return value; }
static Slice Encode(const ValueType& x);
static std::string DisplayValue(MementoType x);
static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error);
// Annotation added by a transport to note whether a failed request was never
// placed on the wire, or never seen by a server.
struct GrpcStreamNetworkState {
static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "GrpcStreamNetworkState"; }
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
enum ValueType : uint8_t {
static std::string DisplayValue(ValueType x);
// Annotation added by a server transport to note the peer making a request.
struct PeerString {
static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "PeerString"; }
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
using ValueType = absl::string_view;
static std::string DisplayValue(ValueType x);
// Annotation added by various systems to describe the reason for a failure.
struct GrpcStatusContext {
static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "GrpcStatusContext"; }
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = true;
using ValueType = std::string;
static const std::string& DisplayValue(const std::string& x);
// Annotation added by a transport to note that the status came from the wire.
struct GrpcStatusFromWire {
static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "GrpcStatusFromWire"; }
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
using ValueType = bool;
static absl::string_view DisplayValue(bool x) { return x ? "true" : "false"; }
// Annotation added by client surface code to denote wait-for-ready state
struct WaitForReady {
struct ValueType {
bool value = false;
bool explicitly_set = false;
static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "WaitForReady"; }
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
static std::string DisplayValue(ValueType x);
// Annotation added by a transport to note that server trailing metadata
// is a Trailers-Only response.
struct GrpcTrailersOnly {
static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "GrpcTrailersOnly"; }
static constexpr bool kRepeatable = false;
using ValueType = bool;
static absl::string_view DisplayValue(bool x) { return x ? "true" : "false"; }
namespace metadata_detail {
// Build a key/value formatted debug string.
// Output looks like 'key1: value1, key2: value2'
// The string is expected to be readable, but not necessarily parsable.
class DebugStringBuilder {
// Add one key/value pair to the output.
void Add(absl::string_view key, absl::string_view value);
// Finalize the output and return the string.
// Subsequent Add calls are UB.
std::string TakeOutput() { return std::move(out_); }
std::string out_;
// IsEncodable: Given a trait, determine if that trait is encodable, or is
// just a value attached to a MetadataMap. We use the presence of the key()
// static method to determine if a trait is encodable or not - encodable
// traits have string names, and non-encodable traits do not.
template <typename Trait, typename Ignored = void>
struct IsEncodableTrait {
static const bool value = false;
template <typename Trait>
struct IsEncodableTrait<Trait, absl::void_t<decltype(Trait::key())>> {
static const bool value = true;
// Helper type - maps a string name to a trait.
template <typename MustBeVoid, typename... Traits>
struct NameLookup;
template <typename Trait, typename... Traits>
struct NameLookup<absl::enable_if_t<IsEncodableTrait<Trait>::value, void>,
Trait, Traits...> {
// Call op->Found(Trait()) if op->name == Trait::key() for some Trait in
// Traits. If not found, call op->NotFound().
template <typename Op>
static auto Lookup(absl::string_view key, Op* op)
-> decltype(op->Found(Trait())) {
if (key == Trait::key()) {
return op->Found(Trait());
return NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(key, op);
template <typename Trait, typename... Traits>
struct NameLookup<absl::enable_if_t<!IsEncodableTrait<Trait>::value, void>,
Trait, Traits...> {
template <typename Op>
static auto Lookup(absl::string_view key, Op* op)
-> decltype(NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(key, op)) {
return NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(key, op);
template <>
struct NameLookup<void> {
template <typename Op>
static auto Lookup(absl::string_view key, Op* op)
-> decltype(op->NotFound(key)) {
return op->NotFound(key);
// Helper to take a slice to a memento to a value.
// By splitting this part out we can scale code size as the number of
// (memento, value) types, rather than as the number of traits.
template <typename ParseMementoFn, typename MementoToValueFn>
struct ParseValue {
template <ParseMementoFn parse_memento, MementoToValueFn memento_to_value>
static GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE auto Parse(Slice* value,
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error)
-> decltype(memento_to_value(parse_memento(std::move(*value),
on_error))) {
return memento_to_value(parse_memento(std::move(*value), on_error));
// This is an "Op" type for NameLookup.
// Used for MetadataMap::Parse, its Found/NotFound methods turn a slice into a
// ParsedMetadata object.
template <typename Container>
class ParseHelper {
ParseHelper(Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error, size_t transport_size)
: value_(std::move(value)),
transport_size_(transport_size) {}
template <typename Trait>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE ParsedMetadata<Container> Found(Trait trait) {
return ParsedMetadata<Container>(
ParseValueToMemento<typename Trait::MementoType, Trait::ParseMemento>(),
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE ParsedMetadata<Container> NotFound(
absl::string_view key) {
return ParsedMetadata<Container>(Slice::FromCopiedString(key),
template <typename T, T (*parse_memento)(Slice, MetadataParseErrorFn)>
return parse_memento(std::move(value_), on_error_);
Slice value_;
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error_;
const size_t transport_size_;
// This is an "Op" type for NameLookup.
// Used for MetadataMap::Append, its Found/NotFound methods turn a slice into
// a value and add it to a container.
template <typename Container>
class AppendHelper {
AppendHelper(Container* container, Slice value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error)
: container_(container), value_(std::move(value)), on_error_(on_error) {}
template <typename Trait>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void Found(Trait trait) {
trait, ParseValue<decltype(Trait::ParseMemento),
template Parse<Trait::ParseMemento, Trait::MementoToValue>(
&value_, on_error_));
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void NotFound(absl::string_view key) {
container_->unknown_.Append(key, std::move(value_));
Container* const container_;
Slice value_;
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error_;
// This is an "Op" type for NameLookup.
// Used for MetadataMap::Remove, its Found/NotFound methods remove a key from
// the container.
template <typename Container>
class RemoveHelper {
explicit RemoveHelper(Container* container) : container_(container) {}
template <typename Trait>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void Found(Trait trait) {
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void NotFound(absl::string_view key) {
Container* const container_;
// This is an "Op" type for NameLookup.
// Used for MetadataMap::GetStringValue, its Found/NotFound methods generated
// a string value from the container.
template <typename Container>
class GetStringValueHelper {
explicit GetStringValueHelper(const Container* container,
std::string* backing)
: container_(container), backing_(backing) {}
template <typename Trait>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE absl::enable_if_t<
Trait::kRepeatable == false &&
std::is_same<Slice, typename Trait::ValueType>::value,
Found(Trait) {
const auto* value = container_->get_pointer(Trait());
if (value == nullptr) return absl::nullopt;
return value->as_string_view();
template <typename Trait>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE absl::enable_if_t<
Trait::kRepeatable == true &&
!std::is_same<Slice, typename Trait::ValueType>::value,
Found(Trait) {
const auto* value = container_->get_pointer(Trait());
if (value == nullptr) return absl::nullopt;
for (const auto& v : *value) {
if (!backing_->empty()) backing_->push_back(',');
auto new_segment = Trait::Encode(v);
backing_->append(new_segment.begin(), new_segment.end());
return *backing_;
template <typename Trait>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE absl::enable_if_t<
Trait::kRepeatable == false &&
!std::is_same<Slice, typename Trait::ValueType>::value,
Found(Trait) {
const auto* value = container_->get_pointer(Trait());
if (value == nullptr) return absl::nullopt;
*backing_ = std::string(Trait::Encode(*value).as_string_view());
return *backing_;
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE absl::optional<absl::string_view> NotFound(
absl::string_view key) {
return container_->unknown_.GetStringValue(key, backing_);
const Container* const container_;
std::string* backing_;
// Sink for key value logs
using LogFn = absl::FunctionRef<void(absl::string_view, absl::string_view)>;
template <typename T>
struct AdaptDisplayValueToLog {
static std::string ToString(const T& value) { return std::to_string(value); }
template <>
struct AdaptDisplayValueToLog<std::string> {
static std::string ToString(const std::string& value) { return value; }
template <>
struct AdaptDisplayValueToLog<const std::string&> {
static std::string ToString(const std::string& value) { return value; }
template <>
struct AdaptDisplayValueToLog<absl::string_view> {
static std::string ToString(absl::string_view value) {
return std::string(value);
template <>
struct AdaptDisplayValueToLog<Slice> {
static std::string ToString(Slice value) {
return std::string(value.as_string_view());
template <>
struct AdaptDisplayValueToLog<StaticSlice> {
static absl::string_view ToString(StaticSlice value) {
return value.as_string_view();
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void LogKeyValueTo(absl::string_view key, const T& value,
V (*display_value)(U), LogFn log_fn) {
log_fn(key, AdaptDisplayValueToLog<V>::ToString(display_value(value)));
// Generate a strong type for metadata values per trait.
template <typename Which, typename Ignored = void>
struct Value;
template <typename Which>
struct Value<Which, absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == false &&
void>> {
Value() = default;
explicit Value(const typename Which::ValueType& value) : value(value) {}
explicit Value(typename Which::ValueType&& value)
: value(std::forward<typename Which::ValueType>(value)) {}
Value(const Value&) = delete;
Value& operator=(const Value&) = delete;
Value(Value&&) noexcept = default;
Value& operator=(Value&& other) noexcept {
value = std::move(other.value);
return *this;
template <typename Encoder>
void EncodeTo(Encoder* encoder) const {
encoder->Encode(Which(), value);
template <typename Encoder>
void VisitWith(Encoder* encoder) const {
return EncodeTo(encoder);
void LogTo(LogFn log_fn) const {
LogKeyValueTo(Which::key(), value, Which::Encode, log_fn);
using StorageType = typename Which::ValueType;
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS StorageType value;
template <typename Which>
struct Value<Which, absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == false &&
void>> {
Value() = default;
explicit Value(const typename Which::ValueType& value) : value(value) {}
explicit Value(typename Which::ValueType&& value)
: value(std::forward<typename Which::ValueType>(value)) {}
Value(const Value&) = delete;
Value& operator=(const Value&) = delete;
Value(Value&&) noexcept = default;
Value& operator=(Value&& other) noexcept {
value = std::move(other.value);
return *this;
template <typename Encoder>
void EncodeTo(Encoder*) const {}
template <typename Encoder>
void VisitWith(Encoder* encoder) const {
encoder->Encode(Which(), value);
void LogTo(LogFn log_fn) const {
LogKeyValueTo(Which::DebugKey(), value, Which::DisplayValue, log_fn);
using StorageType = typename Which::ValueType;
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS StorageType value;
template <typename Which>
struct Value<Which, absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == true &&
void>> {
Value() = default;
explicit Value(const typename Which::ValueType& value) {
explicit Value(typename Which::ValueType&& value) {
this->value.emplace_back(std::forward<typename Which::ValueType>(value));
Value(const Value&) = delete;
Value& operator=(const Value&) = delete;
Value(Value&& other) noexcept : value(std::move(other.value)) {}
Value& operator=(Value&& other) noexcept {
value = std::move(other.value);
return *this;
template <typename Encoder>
void EncodeTo(Encoder* encoder) const {
for (const auto& v : value) {
encoder->Encode(Which(), v);
template <typename Encoder>
void VisitWith(Encoder* encoder) const {
return EncodeTo(encoder);
void LogTo(LogFn log_fn) const {
for (const auto& v : value) {
LogKeyValueTo(Which::key(), v, Which::Encode, log_fn);
using StorageType = absl::InlinedVector<typename Which::ValueType, 1>;
StorageType value;
template <typename Which>
struct Value<Which, absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == true &&
void>> {
Value() = default;
explicit Value(const typename Which::ValueType& value) {
explicit Value(typename Which::ValueType&& value) {
this->value.emplace_back(std::forward<typename Which::ValueType>(value));
Value(const Value&) = delete;
Value& operator=(const Value&) = delete;
Value(Value&& other) noexcept : value(std::move(other.value)) {}
Value& operator=(Value&& other) noexcept {
value = std::move(other.value);
return *this;
template <typename Encoder>
void EncodeTo(Encoder*) const {}
template <typename Encoder>
void VisitWith(Encoder* encoder) const {
for (const auto& v : value) {
encoder->Encode(Which(), v);
void LogTo(LogFn log_fn) const {
for (const auto& v : value) {
LogKeyValueTo(Which::DebugKey(), v, Which::DisplayValue, log_fn);
using StorageType = absl::InlinedVector<typename Which::ValueType, 1>;
StorageType value;
// Encoder to copy some metadata
template <typename Output>
class CopySink {
explicit CopySink(Output* dst) : dst_(dst) {}
template <class T, class V>
void Encode(T trait, V value) {
dst_->Set(trait, value);
template <class T>
void Encode(T trait, const Slice& value) {
dst_->Set(trait, std::move(value.AsOwned()));
void Encode(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
dst_->unknown_.Append(key.as_string_view(), value.Ref());
Output* dst_;
// Callable for the ForEach in Encode() -- for each value, call the
// appropriate encoder method.
template <typename Encoder>
struct EncodeWrapper {
Encoder* encoder;
template <typename Which>
void operator()(const Value<Which>& which) {
// Callable for the table ForEach in ForEach() -- for each value, call the
// appropriate visitor method.
template <typename Encoder>
struct ForEachWrapper {
Encoder* encoder;
template <typename Which>
void operator()(const Value<Which>& which) {
// Callable for the ForEach in Log()
struct LogWrapper {
LogFn log_fn;
template <typename Which>
void operator()(const Value<Which>& which) {
// Encoder to compute TransportSize
class TransportSizeEncoder {
void Encode(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
size_ += key.length() + value.length() + 32;
template <typename Which>
void Encode(Which, const typename Which::ValueType& value) {
Add(Which(), value);
void Encode(ContentTypeMetadata,
const typename ContentTypeMetadata::ValueType& value) {
if (value == ContentTypeMetadata::kInvalid) return;
Add(ContentTypeMetadata(), value);
size_t size() const { return size_; }
template <typename Which>
void Add(Which, const typename Which::ValueType& value) {
size_ += Which::key().length() + Which::Encode(value).length() + 32;
uint32_t size_ = 0;
// Handle unknown (non-trait-based) fields in the metadata map.
class UnknownMap {
explicit UnknownMap(Arena* arena) : unknown_(arena) {}
using BackingType = ChunkedVector<std::pair<Slice, Slice>, 10>;
void Append(absl::string_view key, Slice value);
void Remove(absl::string_view key);
absl::optional<absl::string_view> GetStringValue(absl::string_view key,
std::string* backing) const;
BackingType::ConstForwardIterator begin() const { return unknown_.cbegin(); }
BackingType::ConstForwardIterator end() const { return unknown_.cend(); }
bool empty() const { return unknown_.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return unknown_.size(); }
void Clear() { unknown_.Clear(); }
Arena* arena() const { return unknown_.arena(); }
// Backing store for added metadata.
ChunkedVector<std::pair<Slice, Slice>, 10> unknown_;
} // namespace metadata_detail
// Helper function for encoders
// Given a metadata trait, convert the value to a slice.
template <typename Which>
absl::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename Which::ValueType, Slice>::value,
const Slice&>
MetadataValueAsSlice(const Slice& slice) {
return slice;
template <typename Which>
absl::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<typename Which::ValueType, Slice>::value, Slice>
MetadataValueAsSlice(typename Which::ValueType value) {
return Slice(Which::Encode(value));
// MetadataMap encodes the mapping of metadata keys to metadata values.
// MetadataMap takes a derived class and list of traits. Each of these trait
// objects defines one metadata field that is used by core, and so should have
// more specialized handling than just using the generic APIs.
// MetadataMap is the backing type for some derived type via the curiously
// recursive template pattern. This is because many types consumed by
// MetadataMap require the container type to operate on, and many of those
// types are instantiated one per trait. A naive implementation without the
// Derived type would, for traits A,B,C, then instantiate for some
// T<Container, Trait>:
// - T<MetadataMap<A,B,C>, A>,
// - T<MetadataMap<A,B,C>, B>,
// - T<MetadataMap<A,B,C>, C>.
// Since these types ultimately need to be recorded in the .dynstr segment
// for dynamic linkers (if gRPC is linked as a static library) this would
// create O(N^2) bytes of symbols even in stripped libraries. To avoid this
// we use the derived type (e.g. grpc_metadata_batch right now) to capture
// the container type, and we would write T<grpc_metadata_batch, A>, etc...
// Note that now the container type uses a number of bytes that is independent
// of the number of traits, and so we return to a linear symbol table growth
// function.
// Each trait object has one of two possible signatures, depending on whether
// that traits field is encodable or not.
// Non-encodable traits are carried in a MetadataMap, but are never passed to
// the application nor serialized to wire.
// Encodable traits have the following signature:
// // Traits for the "grpc-xyz" metadata field:
// struct GrpcXyzMetadata {
// // Can this metadata field be repeated?
// static constexpr bool kRepeatable = ...;
// // The type that's stored on MetadataBatch
// using ValueType = ...;
// // The type that's stored in compression/decompression tables
// using MementoType = ...;
// // The string key for this metadata type (for transports that require it)
// static absl::string_view key() { return "grpc-xyz"; }
// // Parse a memento from a slice
// // Takes ownership of value
// // Calls fn in the case of an error that should be reported to the user
// static MementoType ParseMemento(Slice value, MementoParseErrorFn fn) {
// ...
// }
// // Convert a memento to a value
// static ValueType MementoToValue(MementoType memento) { ... }
// // Convert a value to its canonical text wire format (the format that
// // ParseMemento will accept!)
// static Slice Encode(const ValueType& value);
// // Convert a value to something that can be passed to StrCat and
// displayed
// // for debugging
// static SomeStrCatableType DisplayValue(MementoType value) { ... }
// };
// Non-encodable traits are determined by missing the key() method, and have
// the following signature (and by convention omit the Metadata part of the
// type name):
// // Traits for the GrpcXyz field:
// struct GrpcXyz {
// // The string key that should be used for debug dumps - should not be a
// // valid http2 key (ie all lower case)
// static absl::string_view DebugKey() { return "GRPC_XYZ"; }
// // Can this metadata field be repeated?
// static constexpr bool kRepeatable = ...;
// // The type that's stored on MetadataBatch
// using ValueType = ...;
// // Convert a value to something that can be passed to StrCat and
// displayed
// // for debugging
// static SomeStrCatableType DisplayValue(ValueType value) { ... }
// };
// About parsing and mementos:
// Many gRPC transports exchange metadata as key/value strings, but also allow
// for a more efficient representation as a single integer. We can use this
// integer representation to avoid reparsing too, by storing the parsed value
// in the compression table. This is what mementos are used for.
// A trait offers the capability to turn a slice into a memento via
// ParseMemento. This is exposed to users of MetadataMap via the Parse()
// method, that returns a ParsedMetadata object. That ParsedMetadata object
// can in turn be used to set the same value on many different MetadataMaps
// without having to reparse.
// Implementation wise, ParsedMetadata is a type erased wrapper around
// MementoType. When we set a value on MetadataMap, we first turn that memento
// into a value. For most types, this is going to be a no-op, but for example
// for grpc-timeout we make the memento the timeout expressed on the wire, but
// we make the value the timestamp of when the timeout will expire (i.e. the
// deadline).
template <class Derived, typename... Traits>
class MetadataMap {
explicit MetadataMap(Arena* arena);
MetadataMap(const MetadataMap&) = delete;
MetadataMap& operator=(const MetadataMap&) = delete;
MetadataMap(MetadataMap&&) noexcept;
// We never create MetadataMap directly, instead we create Derived, but we
// want to be able to move it without redeclaring this.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-unconventional-assign-operator)
Derived& operator=(MetadataMap&&) noexcept;
// Encode this metadata map into some encoder.
// For each field that is set in the MetadataMap, call
// encoder->Encode.
// For fields for which we have traits, this will be a method with
// the signature:
// void Encode(TraitsType, typename TraitsType::ValueType value);
// For fields for which we do not have traits, this will be a method
// with the signature:
// void Encode(string_view key, Slice value);
template <typename Encoder>
void Encode(Encoder* encoder) const {
table_.template ForEachIn<metadata_detail::EncodeWrapper<Encoder>,
for (const auto& unk : unknown_) {
encoder->Encode(unk.first, unk.second);
// Like Encode, but also visit the non-encodable fields.
template <typename Encoder>
void ForEach(Encoder* encoder) const {
for (const auto& unk : unknown_) {
encoder->Encode(unk.first, unk.second);
// Similar to Encode, but targeted at logging: for each metadatum,
// call f(key, value) as absl::string_views.
void Log(metadata_detail::LogFn log_fn) const {
for (const auto& unk : unknown_) {
log_fn(unk.first.as_string_view(), unk.second.as_string_view());
std::string DebugString() const {
metadata_detail::DebugStringBuilder builder;
Log([&builder](absl::string_view key, absl::string_view value) {
builder.Add(key, value);
return builder.TakeOutput();
// Get the pointer to the value of some known metadata.
// Returns nullptr if the metadata is not present.
// Causes a compilation error if Which is not an element of Traits.
template <typename Which>
const typename metadata_detail::Value<Which>::StorageType* get_pointer(
Which) const {
if (auto* p = table_.template get<Value<Which>>()) return &p->value;
return nullptr;
// Get the pointer to the value of some known metadata.
// Returns nullptr if the metadata is not present.
// Causes a compilation error if Which is not an element of Traits.
template <typename Which>
typename metadata_detail::Value<Which>::StorageType* get_pointer(Which) {
if (auto* p = table_.template get<Value<Which>>()) return &p->value;
return nullptr;
// Get the pointer to the value of some known metadata.
// Adds the default value for the metadata is not present.
// Causes a compilation error if Which is not an element of Traits.
template <typename Which>
typename metadata_detail::Value<Which>::StorageType* GetOrCreatePointer(
Which) {
return &table_.template get_or_create<Value<Which>>()->value;
// Get the value of some known metadata.
// Returns nullopt if the metadata is not present.
// Causes a compilation error if Which is not an element of Traits.
template <typename Which>
absl::optional<typename Which::ValueType> get(Which) const {
if (auto* p = table_.template get<Value<Which>>()) return p->value;
return absl::nullopt;
// Set the value of some known metadata.
// Returns a pointer to the new value.
template <typename Which, typename... Args>
absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == false, void> Set(Which,
Args&&... args) {
table_.template set<Value<Which>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename Which, typename... Args>
absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == true, void> Set(Which,
Args&&... args) {
// Remove a specific piece of known metadata.
template <typename Which>
void Remove(Which) {
table_.template clear<Value<Which>>();
// Remove some metadata by name
void Remove(absl::string_view key) {
metadata_detail::RemoveHelper<Derived> helper(static_cast<Derived*>(this));
metadata_detail::NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(key, &helper);
void Remove(const char* key) { Remove(absl::string_view(key)); }
// Retrieve some metadata by name
absl::optional<absl::string_view> GetStringValue(absl::string_view name,
std::string* buffer) const {
metadata_detail::GetStringValueHelper<Derived> helper(
static_cast<const Derived*>(this), buffer);
return metadata_detail::NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(name, &helper);
// Extract a piece of known metadata.
// Returns nullopt if the metadata was not present, or the value if it was.
// The same as:
// auto value = m.get(T());
// m.Remove(T());
template <typename Which>
absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == false,
absl::optional<typename Which::ValueType>>
Take(Which which) {
if (auto* p = get_pointer(which)) {
absl::optional<typename Which::ValueType> value(std::move(*p));
return value;
return {};
// Extract repeated known metadata.
// Returns an empty vector if the metadata was not present.
template <typename Which>
absl::enable_if_t<Which::kRepeatable == true,
typename metadata_detail::Value<Which>::StorageType>
Take(Which which) {
if (auto* p = get_pointer(which)) {
typename Value<Which>::StorageType value = std::move(*p);
return value;
return {};
// Parse metadata from a key/value pair, and return an object representing
// that result.
// TODO(ctiller): key should probably be an absl::string_view.
// Once we don't care about interning anymore, make that change!
static ParsedMetadata<Derived> Parse(absl::string_view key, Slice value,
uint32_t transport_size,
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error) {
metadata_detail::ParseHelper<Derived> helper(value.TakeOwned(), on_error,
return metadata_detail::NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(key, &helper);
// Set a value from a parsed metadata object.
void Set(const ParsedMetadata<Derived>& m) {
// Append a key/value pair - takes ownership of value
void Append(absl::string_view key, Slice value,
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error) {
metadata_detail::AppendHelper<Derived> helper(static_cast<Derived*>(this),
value.TakeOwned(), on_error);
metadata_detail::NameLookup<void, Traits...>::Lookup(key, &helper);
void Clear();
size_t TransportSize() const;
Derived Copy() const;
bool empty() const { return table_.empty() && unknown_.empty(); }
size_t count() const { return table_.count() + unknown_.size(); }
friend class metadata_detail::AppendHelper<Derived>;
friend class metadata_detail::GetStringValueHelper<Derived>;
friend class metadata_detail::RemoveHelper<Derived>;
friend class metadata_detail::CopySink<Derived>;
friend class ParsedMetadata<Derived>;
template <typename Which>
using Value = metadata_detail::Value<Which>;
// Table of known metadata types.
PackedTable<Value<Traits>...> table_;
metadata_detail::UnknownMap unknown_;
// Ok/not-ok check for metadata maps that contain GrpcStatusMetadata, so that
// they can be used as result types for TrySeq.
template <typename Derived, typename... Args>
inline bool IsStatusOk(const MetadataMap<Derived, Args...>& m) {
return m.get(GrpcStatusMetadata()).value_or(GRPC_STATUS_UNKNOWN) ==
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::MetadataMap(Arena* arena) : unknown_(arena) {}
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::MetadataMap(MetadataMap&& other) noexcept
: table_(std::move(other.table_)), unknown_(std::move(other.unknown_)) {}
// We never create MetadataMap directly, instead we create Derived, but we
// want to be able to move it without redeclaring this.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-unconventional-assign-operator)
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
Derived& MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::operator=(
MetadataMap&& other) noexcept {
table_ = std::move(other.table_);
unknown_ = std::move(other.unknown_);
return static_cast<Derived&>(*this);
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::~MetadataMap() = default;
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
void MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::Clear() {
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
size_t MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::TransportSize() const {
metadata_detail::TransportSizeEncoder enc;
return enc.size();
template <typename Derived, typename... Traits>
Derived MetadataMap<Derived, Traits...>::Copy() const {
Derived out(unknown_.arena());
metadata_detail::CopySink<Derived> sink(&out);
return out;
} // namespace grpc_core
struct grpc_metadata_batch;
using grpc_metadata_batch_base = grpc_core::MetadataMap<
// Colon prefixed headers first
grpc_core::HttpPathMetadata, grpc_core::HttpAuthorityMetadata,
grpc_core::HttpMethodMetadata, grpc_core::HttpStatusMetadata,
// Non-colon prefixed headers begin here
grpc_core::ContentTypeMetadata, grpc_core::TeMetadata,
grpc_core::GrpcEncodingMetadata, grpc_core::GrpcInternalEncodingRequest,
grpc_core::GrpcAcceptEncodingMetadata, grpc_core::GrpcStatusMetadata,
grpc_core::GrpcTimeoutMetadata, grpc_core::GrpcPreviousRpcAttemptsMetadata,
grpc_core::GrpcRetryPushbackMsMetadata, grpc_core::UserAgentMetadata,
grpc_core::GrpcMessageMetadata, grpc_core::HostMetadata,
grpc_core::GrpcServerStatsBinMetadata, grpc_core::GrpcTraceBinMetadata,
grpc_core::GrpcTagsBinMetadata, grpc_core::GrpcLbClientStatsMetadata,
grpc_core::LbCostBinMetadata, grpc_core::LbTokenMetadata,
// Non-encodable things
grpc_core::GrpcStreamNetworkState, grpc_core::PeerString,
grpc_core::GrpcStatusContext, grpc_core::GrpcStatusFromWire,
grpc_core::WaitForReady, grpc_core::GrpcTrailersOnly>;
struct grpc_metadata_batch : public grpc_metadata_batch_base {
using grpc_metadata_batch_base::grpc_metadata_batch_base;