blob: efd0538004f71483f0b96591a0a9959dac57756d [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: io/grpc/reflection/v1alpha/reflection.proto
package io.grpc.reflection.v1alpha;
public interface ServerReflectionRequestOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionRequest) {
* <code>string host = 1;</code>
java.lang.String getHost();
* <code>string host = 1;</code>
* <pre>
* Find a proto file by the file name.
* </pre>
* <code>string file_by_filename = 3;</code>
java.lang.String getFileByFilename();
* <pre>
* Find a proto file by the file name.
* </pre>
* <code>string file_by_filename = 3;</code>
* <pre>
* Find the proto file that declares the given fully-qualified symbol name.
* This field should be a fully-qualified symbol name
* (e.g. &lt;package&gt;.&lt;service&gt;[.&lt;method&gt;] or &lt;package&gt;.&lt;type&gt;).
* </pre>
* <code>string file_containing_symbol = 4;</code>
java.lang.String getFileContainingSymbol();
* <pre>
* Find the proto file that declares the given fully-qualified symbol name.
* This field should be a fully-qualified symbol name
* (e.g. &lt;package&gt;.&lt;service&gt;[.&lt;method&gt;] or &lt;package&gt;.&lt;type&gt;).
* </pre>
* <code>string file_containing_symbol = 4;</code>
* <pre>
* Find the proto file which defines an extension extending the given
* message type with the given field number.
* </pre>
* <code>.grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ExtensionRequest file_containing_extension = 5;</code>
boolean hasFileContainingExtension();
* <pre>
* Find the proto file which defines an extension extending the given
* message type with the given field number.
* </pre>
* <code>.grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ExtensionRequest file_containing_extension = 5;</code>
io.grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ExtensionRequest getFileContainingExtension();
* <pre>
* Find the proto file which defines an extension extending the given
* message type with the given field number.
* </pre>
* <code>.grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ExtensionRequest file_containing_extension = 5;</code>
io.grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ExtensionRequestOrBuilder getFileContainingExtensionOrBuilder();
* <pre>
* Finds the tag numbers used by all known extensions of extendee_type, and
* appends them to ExtensionNumberResponse in an undefined order.
* Its corresponding method is best-effort: it's not guaranteed that the
* reflection service will implement this method, and it's not guaranteed
* that this method will provide all extensions. Returns
* StatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED if it's not implemented.
* This field should be a fully-qualified type name. The format is
* &lt;package&gt;.&lt;type&gt;
* </pre>
* <code>string all_extension_numbers_of_type = 6;</code>
java.lang.String getAllExtensionNumbersOfType();
* <pre>
* Finds the tag numbers used by all known extensions of extendee_type, and
* appends them to ExtensionNumberResponse in an undefined order.
* Its corresponding method is best-effort: it's not guaranteed that the
* reflection service will implement this method, and it's not guaranteed
* that this method will provide all extensions. Returns
* StatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED if it's not implemented.
* This field should be a fully-qualified type name. The format is
* &lt;package&gt;.&lt;type&gt;
* </pre>
* <code>string all_extension_numbers_of_type = 6;</code>
* <pre>
* List the full names of registered services. The content will not be
* checked.
* </pre>
* <code>string list_services = 7;</code>
java.lang.String getListServices();
* <pre>
* List the full names of registered services. The content will not be
* checked.
* </pre>
* <code>string list_services = 7;</code>
public io.grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionRequest.MessageRequestCase getMessageRequestCase();