blob: d633b4045bbc381be331be4e697ab17c873c7a3f [file] [log] [blame]
<idea-plugin url="">
<vendor url="">
<!-- Mark it as available on all JetBrains IDEs. It's really only useful in
IDEA and Android Studio, but there's no way to specify that for some
reason. It won't crash PyCharm or anything, so whatever. -->
<dd>Added a version for 2020.1+ IDEs.</dd>
<dd>Marked the plugin as being incompatible with 2020.1+ IDEs.</dd>
<dd>Fixed the plugin on 2019.3 IDEs.</dd>
<dd>Added support for all IDEs after 2017.3.</dd>
<dd>Added support for 2019.1 IDEs.</dd>
<dd>Upgraded to google-java-format 1.7.</dd>
<listener class=""
<listener class=""
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<projectConfigurable instance=""
displayName="google-java-format Settings"/>
<projectService serviceImplementation=""/>