blob: be9265210ba783daeefaf6572b842c47313c3c77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Brett Vickers.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package etree
import "testing"
func checkEq(t *testing.T, got, want string) {
if got == want {
"etree: unexpected result.\nGot:\n%s\nWanted:\n%s\n",
got, want)
func TestDocument(t *testing.T) {
// Create a document
doc := NewDocument()
doc.CreateProcInst("xml", `version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)
doc.CreateProcInst("xml-stylesheet", `type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"`)
store := doc.CreateElement("store")
store.CreateAttr("xmlns:t", "urn:books-com:titles")
store.CreateComment("This is a comment")
book := store.CreateElement("book")
book.CreateAttr("lang", "fr")
book.CreateAttr("lang", "en")
title := book.CreateElement("t:title")
title.SetText("Nicholas Nickleby")
title.SetText("Great Expectations")
author := book.CreateElement("author")
author.CreateCharData("Charles Dickens")
// Serialize the document to a string
s, err := doc.WriteToString()
if err != nil {
t.Error("etree: failed to serialize document")
// Make sure the serialized XML matches expectation.
expected := `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<store xmlns:t="urn:books-com:titles">
<!--This is a comment-->
<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
checkEq(t, s, expected)
// Test the structure of the XML
if doc.Root() != store {
t.Error("etree: root mismatch")
if len(store.ChildElements()) != 1 || len(store.Child) != 7 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect tree structure")
if len(book.ChildElements()) != 2 || len(book.Attr) != 1 || len(book.Child) != 5 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect tree structure")
if len(title.ChildElements()) != 0 || len(title.Child) != 1 || len(title.Attr) != 0 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect tree structure")
if len(author.ChildElements()) != 0 || len(author.Child) != 1 || len(author.Attr) != 0 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect tree structure")
if book.parent != store || store.parent != &doc.Element || doc.parent != nil {
t.Error("etree: incorrect tree structure")
if title.parent != book || author.parent != book {
t.Error("etree: incorrect tree structure")
// Perform some basic queries on the document
elements := doc.SelectElements("store")
if len(elements) != 1 || elements[0] != store {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElements result")
element := doc.SelectElement("store")
if element != store {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElement result")
elements = store.SelectElements("book")
if len(elements) != 1 || elements[0] != book {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElements result")
element = store.SelectElement("book")
if element != book {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElement result")
attr := book.SelectAttr("lang")
if attr == nil || attr.Key != "lang" || attr.Value != "en" {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectAttr result")
if book.SelectAttrValue("lang", "unknown") != "en" {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectAttrValue result")
if book.SelectAttrValue("t:missing", "unknown") != "unknown" {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectAttrValue result")
attr = book.RemoveAttr("lang")
if attr.Value != "en" {
t.Error("etree: incorrect RemoveAttr result")
book.CreateAttr("lang", "de")
attr = book.RemoveAttr("lang")
if attr.Value != "de" {
t.Error("etree: incorrect RemoveAttr result")
element = book.SelectElement("t:title")
if element != title || element.Text() != "Great Expectations" || len(element.Attr) != 0 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElement result")
element = book.SelectElement("title")
if element != title {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElement result")
element = book.SelectElement("p:title")
if element != nil {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElement result")
element = book.RemoveChild(title).(*Element)
if element != title {
t.Error("etree: incorrect RemoveElement result")
element = book.SelectElement("title")
if element != nil {
t.Error("etree: incorrect SelectElement result")
func TestWriteSettings(t *testing.T) {
BOM := "\xef\xbb\xbf"
doc := NewDocument()
doc.WriteSettings.CanonicalEndTags = true
doc.WriteSettings.CanonicalText = true
doc.WriteSettings.CanonicalAttrVal = true
doc.CreateProcInst("xml-stylesheet", `type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"`)
people := doc.CreateElement("People")
people.CreateComment("These are all known people")
jon := people.CreateElement("Person")
jon.CreateAttr("name", "Jon O'Reilly")
sally := people.CreateElement("Person")
sally.CreateAttr("name", "Sally")
sally.CreateAttr("escape", "<'\">&")
s, err := doc.WriteToString()
if err != nil {
t.Error("etree: WriteSettings WriteTo produced incorrect result.")
expected := BOM + `<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!--These are all known people-->
<Person name="Jon O'Reilly">&lt;'"&gt;&amp;</Person>
<Person name="Sally" escape="&lt;'&quot;>&amp;"></Person>
checkEq(t, s, expected)
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
s := `<store>
<book lang="en">
<title>Great Expectations</title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
doc := NewDocument()
err := doc.ReadFromString(s)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("etree: incorrect ReadFromString result")
s1, err := doc.WriteToString()
if err != nil {
t.Error("etree: incorrect WriteToString result")
doc2 := doc.Copy()
s2, err := doc2.WriteToString()
if err != nil {
t.Error("etree: incorrect Copy result")
if s1 != s2 {
t.Error("etree: mismatched Copy result")
t.Error("wanted:\n" + s1)
t.Error("got:\n" + s2)
e1 := doc.FindElement("./store/book/title")
e2 := doc2.FindElement("./store/book/title")
if e1 == nil || e2 == nil {
t.Error("etree: incorrect FindElement result")
if e1 == e2 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect FindElement result")
s1, _ = doc.WriteToString()
s2, _ = doc2.WriteToString()
if s1 == s2 {
t.Error("etree: incorrect result after RemoveElement")
func TestInsertChild(t *testing.T) {
testdoc := `<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
doc := NewDocument()
err := doc.ReadFromString(testdoc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("etree ReadFromString: " + err.Error())
year := NewElement("year")
book := doc.FindElement("//book")
book.InsertChild(book.SelectElement("t:title"), year)
expected1 := `<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
s1, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s1, expected1)
book.InsertChild(book.SelectElement("author"), year)
expected2 := `<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
s2, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s2, expected2)
book.InsertChild(book.SelectElement("UNKNOWN"), year)
expected3 := `<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
s3, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s3, expected3)
book.InsertChild(nil, year)
expected4 := `<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
s4, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s4, expected4)
func TestAddChild(t *testing.T) {
testdoc := `<book lang="en">
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
doc1 := NewDocument()
err := doc1.ReadFromString(testdoc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("etree ReadFromString: " + err.Error())
doc2 := NewDocument()
root := doc2.CreateElement("root")
for _, e := range doc1.FindElements("//book/*") {
expected1 := `<book lang="en"/>
s1, _ := doc1.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s1, expected1)
expected2 := `<root>
<t:title>Great Expectations</t:title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
s2, _ := doc2.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s2, expected2)
func TestSetRoot(t *testing.T) {
testdoc := `<?test a="wow"?>
<title>Great Expectations</title>
<author>Charles Dickens</author>
doc := NewDocument()
err := doc.ReadFromString(testdoc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("etree ReadFromString: " + err.Error())
origroot := doc.Root()
if origroot.Parent() != &doc.Element {
t.Error("Root incorrect")
newroot := NewElement("root")
if doc.Root() != newroot {
t.Error("doc.Root() != newroot")
if origroot.Parent() != nil {
t.Error("origroot.Parent() != nil")
expected1 := `<?test a="wow"?>
s1, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s1, expected1)
expected2 := testdoc
s2, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s2, expected2)
doc2 := NewDocument()
doc2.CreateProcInst("test", `a="wow"`)
expected3 := expected1
s3, _ := doc2.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s3, expected3)
expected4 := testdoc
s4, _ := doc2.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s4, expected4)
expected5 := `<?test a="wow"?>
s5, _ := doc.WriteToString()
checkEq(t, s5, expected5)