blob: cb7e4e5b11a6eea1ef6d5e0f4409b0d64c0cfd59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Brett Vickers. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package etree provides XML services through an Element Tree
// abstraction.
package etree
import (
const (
NoIndent = -1 // Use with Indent to turn off indenting
var (
ErrXml = errors.New("etree: invalid XML format")
ErrPath = errors.New("etree: invalid path")
// A Token is an empty interface that represents an Element,
// Comment, CharData, or ProcInst.
type Token interface {
dup(parent *Element) Token
writeTo(w *bufio.Writer)
// A Document is the root level object in an etree. It represents the
// XML document as a whole. It embeds an Element type but only uses the
// its Child tokens.
type Document struct {
// An Element represents an XML element, its attributes, and its child tokens.
type Element struct {
Space, Tag string // The element's namespace and tag
Attr []Attr // The element's key-value attribute pairs
Child []Token // The element's child tokens (elements, comments, etc.)
Parent *Element // The element's parent element
// An Attr represents a key-value attribute of an XML element.
type Attr struct {
Space, Key string // The attribute's namespace and key
Value string // The attribute value string
// A Comment represents an XML comment.
type Comment struct {
Data string
// CharData represents character data within XML.
type CharData struct {
Data string
whitespace bool
// A Directive represents an XML directive.
type Directive struct {
Data string
// A ProcInst represents an XML processing instruction.
type ProcInst struct {
Target string
Inst string
// CreateDocument creates a new XML document with root
// as the root element.
func CreateDocument(root *Element) *Document {
doc := NewDocument()
doc.Child = append(doc.Child, root)
return doc
// NewDocument creates an empty XML document and returns it.
func NewDocument() *Document {
return &Document{Element{Child: make([]Token, 0)}}
// Copy returns a recursive, deep copy of the document.
func (doc *Document) Copy() *Document {
return &Document{*(doc.dup(nil).(*Element))}
// Root returns the root element of the document, or nil if there is no root
// element.
func (d *Document) Root() *Element {
for _, t := range d.Child {
if c, ok := t.(*Element); ok {
return c
return nil
// ReadFrom reads XML from the reader r into the document d.
// It returns the number of bytes read and any error encountered.
func (d *Document) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
return d.Element.readFrom(r)
// ReadFromString reads XML from the string s into the document d.
func (d *Document) ReadFromFile(filename string) error {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
_, err = d.ReadFrom(f)
return err
// ReadFromBytes reads XML from the byte slice b into the document d.
func (d *Document) ReadFromBytes(b []byte) error {
_, err := d.ReadFrom(bytes.NewReader(b))
return err
// ReadFromString reads XML from the string s into the document d.
func (d *Document) ReadFromString(s string) error {
_, err := d.ReadFrom(strings.NewReader(s))
return err
// WriteTo serializes an XML document into the writer w. It
// returns the number of bytes written and any error encountered.
func (d *Document) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
cw := newCountWriter(w)
b := bufio.NewWriter(cw)
for _, c := range d.Child {
err, n = b.Flush(), cw.bytes
// WriteToFile serializes an XML document into the file named
// filename.
func (d *Document) WriteToFile(filename string) error {
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
_, err = d.WriteTo(f)
return err
// WriteToBytes serializes the XML document into a slice of
// bytes.
func (d *Document) WriteToBytes() (b []byte, err error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err = d.WriteTo(&buf); err != nil {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// WriteToString serializes the XML document into a string.
func (d *Document) WriteToString() (s string, err error) {
var b []byte
if b, err = d.WriteToBytes(); err != nil {
return string(b), nil
type indentFunc func(depth int) string
// Indent modifies the document's element tree by inserting
// CharData entities containing carriage returns and indentation.
// The amount of indentation per depth level is given as spaces.
// Pass etree.NoIndent for spaces if you want no indentation at all.
func (d *Document) Indent(spaces int) {
var indent indentFunc
switch {
case spaces < 0:
indent = func(depth int) string { return "" }
indent = func(depth int) string { return crIndent(depth*spaces, crsp) }
d.Element.indent(0, indent)
// IndentTabs modifies the document's element tree by inserting
// CharData entities containing carriage returns and tabs for
// indentation. One tab is used per indentation level.
func (d *Document) IndentTabs() {
indent := func(depth int) string { return crIndent(depth, crtab) }
d.Element.indent(0, indent)
// Copy creates a parentless, recursive, deep copy of the element and
// all its attributes and children. The returned element has no
// parent but can be parented to a document using the CreateDocument
// function.
func (e *Element) Copy() *Element {
var parent *Element
return e.dup(parent).(*Element)
// Text returns the characters immediately following the element's
// opening tag.
func (e *Element) Text() string {
if len(e.Child) == 0 {
return ""
if cd, ok := e.Child[0].(*CharData); ok {
return cd.Data
return ""
// SetText replaces an element's subsidiary CharData text with a new
// string.
func (e *Element) SetText(text string) {
if len(e.Child) > 0 {
if cd, ok := e.Child[0].(*CharData); ok {
cd.Data = text
e.Child = append(e.Child, nil)
copy(e.Child[1:], e.Child[0:])
e.Child[0] = newCharData(text, false)
// CreateElement creates a child element of the receiving element and
// gives it the specified tag. The tag may be prefixed by a namespace
// and a colon.
func (e *Element) CreateElement(tag string) *Element {
space, stag := spaceDecompose(tag)
return e.createElement(space, stag)
// createElement is a helper function that creates new elements.
func (e *Element) createElement(space, tag string) *Element {
c := &Element{
Space: space,
Tag: tag,
Attr: make([]Attr, 0),
Child: make([]Token, 0),
Parent: e,
return c
// RemoveElement removes the given child element. If an identical child element
// does not exist, nil is returned.
func (e *Element) RemoveElement(el *Element) *Element {
for i, t := range e.Child {
if c, ok := t.(*Element); ok && c == el {
e.Child = append(e.Child[0:i], e.Child[i+1:]...)
c.Parent = nil
return c
return nil
// ReadFrom reads XML from the reader r and stores the result as
// a new child of the receiving element.
func (e *Element) readFrom(ri io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
r := newCountReader(ri)
dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
var stack stack
for {
t, err := dec.RawToken()
switch {
case err == io.EOF:
return r.bytes, nil
case err != nil:
return r.bytes, err
case stack.empty():
return r.bytes, ErrXml
top := stack.peek().(*Element)
switch t := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
e := top.createElement(t.Name.Space, t.Name.Local)
for _, a := range t.Attr {
e.createAttr(a.Name.Space, a.Name.Local, a.Value)
case xml.EndElement:
case xml.CharData:
data := string(t)
top.createCharData(data, isWhitespace(data))
case xml.Comment:
case xml.Directive:
case xml.ProcInst:
top.CreateProcInst(t.Target, string(t.Inst))
// SelectAttr finds an element attribute matching the requested key
// and returns it if found. The key may be prefixed by a namespace
// and a colon.
func (e *Element) SelectAttr(key string) *Attr {
space, skey := spaceDecompose(key)
for i, a := range e.Attr {
if spaceMatch(space, a.Space) && skey == a.Key {
return &e.Attr[i]
return nil
// SelectAttrValue finds an element attribute matching the requested key
// and returns its value if found. The key may be prefixed by a namespace
// and a colon. If the key is not found, the dflt value is returned instead.
func (e *Element) SelectAttrValue(key, dflt string) string {
space, skey := spaceDecompose(key)
for _, a := range e.Attr {
if spaceMatch(space, a.Space) && skey == a.Key {
return a.Value
return dflt
// ChildElements returns all elements that are children of the
// receiving element.
func (e *Element) ChildElements() []*Element {
elements := make([]*Element, 0)
for _, t := range e.Child {
if c, ok := t.(*Element); ok {
elements = append(elements, c)
return elements
// SelectElement returns the first child element with the given tag.
// The tag may be prefixed by a namespace and a colon.
func (e *Element) SelectElement(tag string) *Element {
space, stag := spaceDecompose(tag)
for _, t := range e.Child {
if c, ok := t.(*Element); ok && spaceMatch(space, c.Space) && stag == c.Tag {
return c
return nil
// SelectElements returns a slice of all child elements with the given tag.
// The tag may be prefixed by a namespace and a colon.
func (e *Element) SelectElements(tag string) []*Element {
space, stag := spaceDecompose(tag)
elements := make([]*Element, 0)
for _, t := range e.Child {
if c, ok := t.(*Element); ok && spaceMatch(space, c.Space) && stag == c.Tag {
elements = append(elements, c)
return elements
// FindElement returns the first element matched by the XPath-like
// path string. Panics if an invalid path string is supplied.
func (e *Element) FindElement(path string) *Element {
return e.FindElementPath(MustCompilePath(path))
// FindElementPath returns the first element matched by the XPath-like
// path string.
func (e *Element) FindElementPath(path Path) *Element {
p := newPather()
elements := p.traverse(e, path)
switch {
case len(elements) > 0:
return elements[0]
return nil
// FindElements returns a slice of elements matched by the XPath-like
// path string. Panics if an invalid path string is supplied.
func (e *Element) FindElements(path string) []*Element {
return e.FindElementsPath(MustCompilePath(path))
// FindElementsPath returns a slice of elements matched by the Path object.
func (e *Element) FindElementsPath(path Path) []*Element {
p := newPather()
return p.traverse(e, path)
// indent recursively inserts proper indentation between an
// XML element's child tokens.
func (e *Element) indent(depth int, indent indentFunc) {
n := len(e.Child)
if n == 0 {
oldChild := e.Child
e.Child = make([]Token, 0, n*2+1)
isCharData := false
for i, c := range oldChild {
_, isCharData = c.(*CharData)
if !isCharData && !(i == 0 && depth == 0) {
e.addChild(newCharData(indent(depth), true))
if ce, ok := c.(*Element); ok {
ce.indent(depth+1, indent)
if !isCharData {
e.addChild(newCharData(indent(depth-1), true))
// stripIndent removes any previously inserted indentation.
func (e *Element) stripIndent() {
// Count the number of non-indent child tokens
n := len(e.Child)
for _, c := range e.Child {
if cd, ok := c.(*CharData); ok && cd.whitespace {
if n == len(e.Child) {
// Strip out indent CharData
newChild := make([]Token, n)
j := 0
for _, c := range e.Child {
if cd, ok := c.(*CharData); ok && cd.whitespace {
newChild[j] = c
e.Child = newChild
// dup duplicates the element.
func (e *Element) dup(parent *Element) Token {
ne := &Element{
Space: e.Space,
Tag: e.Tag,
Attr: make([]Attr, len(e.Attr)),
Child: make([]Token, len(e.Child)),
Parent: parent,
for i, t := range e.Child {
ne.Child[i] = t.dup(ne)
for i, a := range e.Attr {
ne.Attr[i] = a
return ne
// writeTo serializes the element to the writer w.
func (e *Element) writeTo(w *bufio.Writer) {
if e.Space != "" {
for _, a := range e.Attr {
w.WriteByte(' ')
if len(e.Child) > 0 {
for _, c := range e.Child {
w.Write([]byte{'<', '/'})
if e.Space != "" {
} else {
w.Write([]byte{'/', '>'})
// addChild adds a child token to the receiving element.
func (e *Element) addChild(t Token) {
e.Child = append(e.Child, t)
// CreateAttr creates an attribute and adds it to the receiving element.
// The key may be prefixed by a namespace and a colon. If an attribute with
// the key already exists, its value is replaced.
func (e *Element) CreateAttr(key, value string) *Attr {
space, skey := spaceDecompose(key)
return e.createAttr(space, skey, value)
// createAttr is a helper function that creates attributes.
func (e *Element) createAttr(space, key, value string) *Attr {
for i, a := range e.Attr {
if space == a.Space && key == a.Key {
e.Attr[i].Value = value
return &e.Attr[i]
a := Attr{space, key, value}
e.Attr = append(e.Attr, a)
return &e.Attr[len(e.Attr)-1]
// RemoveAttr removes and returns the first attribute of the element whose key
// matches the given key. The key may be prefixed by a namespace and a colon.
// If an equal attribute does not exist, nil is returned.
func (e *Element) RemoveAttr(key string) *Attr {
space, skey := spaceDecompose(key)
for i, a := range e.Attr {
if space == a.Space && skey == a.Key {
e.Attr = append(e.Attr[0:i], e.Attr[i+1:]...)
return &a
return nil
// writeTo serializes the attribute to the writer.
func (a *Attr) writeTo(w *bufio.Writer) {
if a.Space != "" {
// newCharData creates an XML character data entity.
func newCharData(data string, whitespace bool) *CharData {
return &CharData{Data: data, whitespace: whitespace}
// CreateCharData creates an XML character data entity and adds it
// as a child of the receiving element.
func (e *Element) CreateCharData(data string) *CharData {
return e.createCharData(data, false)
// CreateCharData creates an XML character data entity and adds it
// as a child of the receiving element.
func (e *Element) createCharData(data string, whitespace bool) *CharData {
c := newCharData(data, whitespace)
return c
// dup duplicates the character data.
func (c *CharData) dup(parent *Element) Token {
return newCharData(c.Data, c.whitespace)
// writeTo serializes the character data entity to the writer.
func (c *CharData) writeTo(w *bufio.Writer) {
// NewComment creates an XML comment.
func newComment(comment string) *Comment {
return &Comment{Data: comment}
// CreateComment creates an XML comment and adds it as a child of the
// receiving element.
func (e *Element) CreateComment(comment string) *Comment {
c := newComment(comment)
return c
// dup duplicates the comment.
func (c *Comment) dup(parent *Element) Token {
return newComment(c.Data)
// writeTo serialies the comment to the writer.
func (c *Comment) writeTo(w *bufio.Writer) {
// newDirective creates a new XML directive.
func newDirective(data string) *Directive {
return &Directive{Data: data}
// CreateDirective creates an XML directive and adds it as a
// child of the receiving element.
func (e *Element) CreateDirective(data string) *Directive {
d := newDirective(data)
return d
// dup duplicates the directive.
func (d *Directive) dup(parent *Element) Token {
return newDirective(d.Data)
// writeTo serializes the XML directive to the writer.
func (d *Directive) writeTo(w *bufio.Writer) {
// newProcInst creates a new processing instruction.
func newProcInst(target, inst string) *ProcInst {
return &ProcInst{Target: target, Inst: inst}
// CreateProcInst creates a processing instruction and adds it as a
// child of the receiving element.
func (e *Element) CreateProcInst(target, inst string) *ProcInst {
p := newProcInst(target, inst)
return p
// dup duplicates the procinst.
func (p *ProcInst) dup(parent *Element) Token {
return newProcInst(p.Target, p.Inst)
// writeTo serializes the processing instruction to the writer.
func (p *ProcInst) writeTo(w *bufio.Writer) {
w.WriteByte(' ')