blob: 3ba97cb31092bfa5500d4b2e8a3a12ccdf2ac0b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY! This file is automatically generated from the vk.xml registry
.Valid Usage (Implicit)
* [[VUID-vkTrimCommandPool-device-parameter]] pname:device must: be a valid sname:VkDevice handle
* [[VUID-vkTrimCommandPool-commandPool-parameter]] pname:commandPool must: be a valid sname:VkCommandPool handle
* [[VUID-vkTrimCommandPool-flags-zerobitmask]] pname:flags must: be `0`
* [[VUID-vkTrimCommandPool-commandPool-parent]] pname:commandPool must: have been created, allocated, or retrieved from pname:device
.Host Synchronization
* Host access to pname:commandPool must: be externally synchronized