blob: 7295f62a2795691ad71bd1fde1b8c1d16eabd020 [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY! This file is automatically generated from the vk.xml registry
.Valid Usage (Implicit)
* [[VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-commandBuffer-parameter]] pname:commandBuffer must: be a valid sname:VkCommandBuffer handle
* [[VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-commandBuffer-recording]] pname:commandBuffer must: be in the <<commandbuffers-lifecycle, recording state>>
* [[VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-commandBuffer-cmdpool]] The sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: support compute operations
* [[VUID-vkCmdDispatchBase-renderpass]] This command must: only be called outside of a render pass instance
.Host Synchronization
* Host access to pname:commandBuffer must: be externally synchronized
* Host access to the sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: be externally synchronized
.Command Properties
[options="header", width="100%"]
|<<VkCommandBufferLevel,Command Buffer Levels>>|<<vkCmdBeginRenderPass,Render Pass Scope>>|<<VkQueueFlagBits,Supported Queue Types>>|<<synchronization-pipeline-stages-types,Pipeline Type>>
|Primary +