blob: b05083f3a6ea372a6232d1a4959bcf1b7b2fefa0 [file] [log] [blame]
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<name>Thomas D. (Whissi)</name>
<flag name="init">Adds the capability to place the firewall in a safe state prior to bringing up the network interfaces</flag>
<flag name="ipv4">Installs everything needed to create a full IPv4 firewall</flag>
<flag name="ipv6">Adds the capability to create a full IPv6 firewall (requires <pkg>net-firewall/shorewall[ipv4]</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="lite4">Installs everything needed to just *run* an IPv4 compiled firewall script created with <pkg>net-firewall/shorewall[ipv4]</pkg></flag>
<flag name="lite6">Installs everything needed to just *run* an IPv6 compiled firewall script created with <pkg>net-firewall/shorewall[ipv6]</pkg></flag>