blob: 6f7f593d0950d11fafb5007d0fbbe3d8b3b48f52 [file] [log] [blame]
# vdr-joystick: mapping.conf
# With version 0.0.3 axis mappings became possible.
# Each entry represents one axis in the following format:
# <axis number>:<off value>:<threshold>:<value1>:<value2>:<value3>: ...
# This is an example which works for the hat of my Wingman Extreme:
# 2:7800:1000:0:-12000:-32700
# and leads to the following results:
# value button
# 6800 - 8800 none
# -1000 - 1000 0
# -13000 - -11000 1
# -33700 - -31700 2
# If an axis is not mapped in mappings.conf a standard entry will be generated
# which has the same effect like the axis handling of version 0.0.2:
# <num>:0:20000:-25000:25000
# Wingman Extreme
# 2:7800:1000:0:-12000:-32700