Mark libbnnmlowp as vendor_available am: 5fc8f2b400 am: e6b22b7388
am: a312577a2b  -s ours

Change-Id: Ieefdb17e5f79a67801081cf90b54abd5c84e03ed
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 5e20eb9..f6d9324 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -12,4 +12,18 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "libfixedpoint",
+    vendor_available: true,
+    host_supported: true,
+    export_include_dirs: ["fixedpoint"],
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "libgemmlowp",
+    vendor_available: true,
+    host_supported: true,
+    export_include_dirs: ["public"],
 subdirs = ["eight_bit_int_gemm"]
diff --git a/internal/allocator.h b/internal/allocator.h
index 0fe4a01..da325a4 100644
--- a/internal/allocator.h
+++ b/internal/allocator.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 #include "common.h"
-#if defined ANDROID || defined __ANDROID__
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
 #include <android/api-level.h>
 // The 18 here should be 16, but has to be 18 for now due
 // to a Google-internal issue.
diff --git a/internal/common.h b/internal/common.h
index 1d89b26..511809d 100644
--- a/internal/common.h
+++ b/internal/common.h
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 // Detect Android. Don't conflate with ARM - we care about tuning
 // for non-ARM Android devices too. This can be used in conjunction
 // with x86 to tune differently for mobile x86 CPUs (Atom) vs. desktop x86 CPUs.
-#if defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(ANDROID)
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
diff --git a/internal/fixedpoint.h b/internal/fixedpoint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 340331b..0000000
--- a/internal/fixedpoint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// fixedpoint.h: fixed-point arithmetic, with basic operations and
-// a few math functions such as tanh.
-// This is only used in output.h
-// for some specific output pipeline stages (tanh); most of gemmlowp
-// uses only plain integer arithmetic, not fixed-point arithmetic.
-// At the most basic level, we distinguish between plain integer
-// arithmetic and fixed-point arithmetic by the type of multiplication
-// that is used: plain integer arithmetic uses plain (overflowing)
-// integer multiplication, whereas fixed-point arithmetic uses
-// "multiply-high" instructions, which means using only the most
-// significant bits of the product, or equivalently, multiplying
-// fixed-point numbers in the [-1 .. +1] interval.
-#include "common.h"
-#include <limits>
-#include <cassert>
-namespace gemmlowp {
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType BitAnd(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return a & b;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType BitOr(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return a | b;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType BitXor(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return a ^ b;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType BitNot(tIntegerType a) {
-  return ~a;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType Add(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return a + b;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType Sub(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return a - b;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType Neg(tIntegerType a) {
-  return -a;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType ShiftLeft(tIntegerType a, int offset) {
-  return a * (1 << offset);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType ShiftRight(tIntegerType a, int offset) {
-  return a / (1 << offset);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType SelectUsingMask(tIntegerType if_mask, tIntegerType then_val,
-                             tIntegerType else_val) {
-  return BitXor(BitAnd(if_mask, then_val), BitAnd(BitNot(if_mask), else_val));
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfNonZero(tIntegerType a) {
-  static const tIntegerType zero = 0;
-  return a ? BitNot(zero) : zero;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfZero(tIntegerType a) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(!a);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a == b);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfNotEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a != b);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfGreaterThan(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a > b);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfGreaterThanOrEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a >= b);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfLessThan(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a < b);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-tIntegerType MaskIfLessThanOrEqual(tIntegerType a, tIntegerType b) {
-  return MaskIfNonZero<tIntegerType>(a <= b);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-bool All(tIntegerType a) {
-  return a;
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-bool Any(tIntegerType a) {
-  return a;
-template <typename IntegerType>
-IntegerType RoundingHalfSum(IntegerType a, IntegerType b) {
-  static_assert(std::is_same<IntegerType, void>::value, "unimplemented");
-  return a;
-template <>
-inline int32_t RoundingHalfSum(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
-  int64_t a64 = a;
-  int64_t b64 = b;
-  int64_t sum = a64 + b64;
-  int64_t sign = sum >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
-  return static_cast<int32_t>((sum + sign) / 2);
-template <typename IntegerType>
-IntegerType SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(IntegerType a, IntegerType b) {
-  static_assert(std::is_same<IntegerType, void>::value, "unimplemented");
-  return a;
-// This function implements the same computation as the ARMv7 NEON VQRDMULH
-// instruction.
-template <>
-inline int32_t SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
-  bool overflow = a == b && a == std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
-  int64_t a_64(a);
-  int64_t b_64(b);
-  int64_t ab_64 = a_64 * b_64;
-  int32_t nudge = ab_64 >= 0 ? (1 << 30) : (1 - (1 << 30));
-  int32_t ab_x2_high32 = static_cast<int32_t>((ab_64 + nudge) / (1ll << 31));
-  return overflow ? std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() : ab_x2_high32;
-template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType,
-          int ExponentSign = (Exponent > 0 ? 1 : Exponent < 0 ? -1 : 0)>
-struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT {};
-template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType>
-struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, IntegerType, 0> {
-  static IntegerType eval(IntegerType x) { return x; }
-template <int Exponent>
-struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, int32_t, 1> {
-  static int32_t eval(int32_t x) {
-    const int64_t min = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
-    const int64_t max = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
-    return x >= (1 << (31 - Exponent)) ? max : x <= -(1 << (31 - Exponent))
-                                                   ? min
-                                                   : x * (1 << Exponent);
-  }
-template <int Exponent>
-struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, int32_t, -1> {
-  static int32_t eval(int32_t x) {
-    int32_t b = (std::abs(x) & (1 << (-Exponent - 1))) >> (-Exponent - 1);
-    int32_t nudge = x >= 0 ? b : -b;
-    return x / (1 << -Exponent) + nudge;
-  }
-template <int Exponent, typename IntegerType>
-IntegerType SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT(IntegerType x) {
-  return ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, IntegerType>::eval(x);
-template <typename tIntegerType>
-struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits {};
-template <>
-struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits<int32_t> {
-  typedef int32_t ScalarRawType;
-  static const int kLanes = 1;
-template <typename tRawType>
-tRawType Dup(typename FixedPointRawTypeTraits<tRawType>::ScalarRawType x) {
-  return x;
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-class FixedPoint {
- public:
-  typedef tRawType RawType;
-  typedef FixedPointRawTypeTraits<RawType> RawTypeTraits;
-  typedef typename RawTypeTraits::ScalarRawType ScalarRawType;
-  static const int kTotalBits = 8 * sizeof(ScalarRawType);
-  static const int kIntegerBits = tIntegerBits;
-  static const int kFractionalBits = kTotalBits - 1 - kIntegerBits;
-  static_assert(kIntegerBits >= 0 && kIntegerBits < kTotalBits,
-                "bad IntegerBits");
-  typedef FixedPoint<ScalarRawType, kIntegerBits> ScalarFixedPointType;
-  static const ScalarRawType ScalarRawMin() {
-    return std::numeric_limits<ScalarRawType>::min();
-  }
-  static const ScalarRawType ScalarRawMax() {
-    return std::numeric_limits<ScalarRawType>::max();
-  }
-  static const ScalarRawType RawMin() {
-    return VectorFromScalar(ScalarRawMin());
-  }
-  static const ScalarRawType RawMax() {
-    return VectorFromScalar(ScalarRawMax());
-  }
-  static FixedPoint FromRaw(RawType x) {
-    FixedPoint retval;
-    retval.raw() = x;
-    return retval;
-  }
-  static FixedPoint FromScalarRaw(ScalarRawType x) {
-    FixedPoint retval;
-    retval.raw() = Dup<RawType>(x);
-    return retval;
-  }
-  static FixedPoint FromScalarFixedPoint(ScalarFixedPointType x) {
-    return FromScalarRaw(x.raw());
-  }
-  template <int Exponent>
-  static FixedPoint ConstantPOT() {
-    static const int kOffset = kFractionalBits + Exponent;
-    static_assert(
-        kOffset < 31,
-        "Constant not exactly representable in this fixed-point format");
-    return FromScalarRaw(ScalarRawType(1) << kOffset);
-  }
-  static FixedPoint Zero() { return FromScalarRaw(0); }
-  static FixedPoint One() {
-    return FromScalarRaw(kIntegerBits == 0
-                             ? ScalarRawMax()
-                             : (ScalarRawType(1) << kFractionalBits));
-  }
-  RawType raw() const { return i_; }
-  RawType& raw() { return i_; }
- private:
-  RawType i_;
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits_a, int tIntegerBits_b>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_a + tIntegerBits_b> operator*(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_a> a,
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_b> b) {
-  FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits_a + tIntegerBits_b> c;
-  c.raw() = SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(a.raw(), b.raw());
-  return c;
-template <int tExponent, typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, tExponent + tIntegerBits> ExactMulByPot(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
-  FixedPoint<tRawType, tExponent + tIntegerBits> c;
-  c.raw() = a.raw();
-  return c;
-template <int tExponent, typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
-  return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(
-      SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<tExponent>(a.raw()));
-#define MAKE_FIXEDPOINT_UNARY_FUNC(FuncName, ImplFuncName)                     \
-  template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>                               \
-  FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> FuncName(                                 \
-      FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {                                  \
-    return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(ImplFuncName(a.raw())); \
-  }
-#define MAKE_FIXEDPOINT_BINARY_FUNC(FuncName, ImplFuncName) \
-  template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>            \
-  FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> FuncName(              \
-      FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a,                 \
-      FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) {               \
-    return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(     \
-        ImplFuncName(a.raw(), b.raw()));                    \
-  }
-MAKE_FIXEDPOINT_BINARY_FUNC(RoundingHalfSum, RoundingHalfSum)
-  template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>            \
-  tRawType FuncName(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) { \
-    return FuncName(a.raw());                               \
-  }
-  template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>            \
-  tRawType FuncName(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a,   \
-                    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) { \
-    return FuncName(a.raw(), b.raw());                      \
-  }
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> SelectUsingMask(
-    tRawType if_mask, FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> then_val,
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> else_val) {
-  return FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>::FromRaw(
-      SelectUsingMask(if_mask, then_val.raw(), else_val.raw()));
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-bool operator==(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a,
-                FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) {
-  return All(MaskIfEqual(a.raw(), b.raw()));
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-bool operator!=(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a,
-                FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> b) {
-  return !(a == b);
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-double ToDouble(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> x) {
-  static_assert(FixedPointRawTypeTraits<tRawType>::kLanes == 1,
-                "not applicable to SIMD types");
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> F;
-  return x.raw() / double(1ll << F::kFractionalBits);
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> ToFixedPoint(double x) {
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> F;
-  return F::FromScalarRaw(static_cast<int32_t>(
-      std::min(std::max(round(x * double(1ll << F::kFractionalBits)),
-                        double(F::ScalarRawMin())),
-               double(F::ScalarRawMax()))));
-template <int tIntegerBitsDst, typename tRawType, int tIntegerBitsSrc>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBitsDst> Rescale(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBitsSrc> x) {
-  static const int kExponent = tIntegerBitsSrc - tIntegerBitsDst;
-  FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBitsDst> result;
-  result.raw() = SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<kExponent>(x.raw());
-  return result;
-template <typename FixedPointType>
-FixedPointType CheckedFixedPointConstant(
-    typename FixedPointType::ScalarRawType raw_value, double double_value) {
-  typedef typename FixedPointType::RawType RawType;
-  static const int kIntegerBits = FixedPointType::kIntegerBits;
-  FixedPointType ref = FixedPointType::FromScalarRaw(raw_value);
-  FixedPointType check = ToFixedPoint<RawType, kIntegerBits>(double_value);
-  assert(ref == check);
-  return ref;
-#define GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(FixedPointType, ScalarRawValue, \
-                                             DoubleValue)                    \
-  (CheckedFixedPointConstant<FixedPointType>(ScalarRawValue, DoubleValue))
-#define GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(FixedPointType, ScalarRawValue, \
-                                             DoubleValue)                    \
-  (FixedPointType::FromScalarRaw(ScalarRawValue))
-template <typename tRawType>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> exp_on_interval_between_negative_one_quarter_and_0_excl(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> a) {
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> F;
-  const F constant_term =
-      GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F, 1895147668, std::exp(-1.0 / 8.0));
-  const F constant_1_over_3 =
-      GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F, 715827883, 1.0 / 3.0);
-  // We're evaluating a Taylor expansion around -1/8, so we do the change of
-  // variable: x = a + 1/8.
-  // In fixed-point with 0 integer bits, 1/8 is represented by 1 << 28.
-  F x = a + F::template ConstantPOT<-3>();
-  F x2 = x * x;
-  F x3 = x2 * x;
-  F x4 = x2 * x2;
-  F x4_over_4 = SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<-2>(x4);
-  F x4_over_24_plus_x3_over_6_plus_x2_over_2 =
-      SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<-1>(
-          ((x4_over_4 + x3) * constant_1_over_3) + x2);
-  return constant_term +
-         constant_term * (x + x4_over_24_plus_x3_over_6_plus_x2_over_2);
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> exp_on_negative_values(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> InputF;
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> ResultF;
-  static const int kFractionalBits = InputF::kFractionalBits;
-  static const int kIntegerBits = InputF::kIntegerBits;
-  static const InputF kOneQuarter = InputF::template ConstantPOT<-2>();
-  InputF mask = kOneQuarter - InputF::FromScalarRaw(1);
-  InputF a_mod_quarter_minus_one_quarter = (a & mask) - kOneQuarter;
-  ResultF result = exp_on_interval_between_negative_one_quarter_and_0_excl(
-      Rescale<0>(a_mod_quarter_minus_one_quarter));
-  tRawType remainder = (a_mod_quarter_minus_one_quarter - a).raw();
-#define GEMMLOWP_EXP_BARREL_SHIFTER(Exponent, FixedPointMultiplier)         \
-  if (kIntegerBits > Exponent) {                                            \
-    const ResultF kMultiplier = GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(       \
-        ResultF, FixedPointMultiplier, std::exp(-std::pow(2.0, Exponent))); \
-    result = SelectUsingMask(                                               \
-        MaskIfNonZero(BitAnd(                                               \
-            remainder, Dup<tRawType>(1 << (kFractionalBits + Exponent)))),  \
-        result * kMultiplier, result);                                      \
-  }
-  if (kIntegerBits > 5) {
-    static const int b = kIntegerBits > 5 ? kFractionalBits + 5 : 0;
-    const InputF clamp =
-        GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(InputF, -(1 << b), -32.0);
-    result = SelectUsingMask(MaskIfLessThan(a, clamp), ResultF::Zero(), result);
-  }
-  result = SelectUsingMask(MaskIfZero(a), ResultF::One(), result);
-  return result;
-template <typename tRawType>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> one_minus_x_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> a) {
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> F0;
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 2> F2;
-  F0 half_denominator = RoundingHalfSum(a, F0::One());
-  const F2 constant_48_over_17 =
-      GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F2, 1515870810, 48.0 / 17.0);
-  const F2 constant_neg_32_over_17 =
-      GEMMLOWP_CHECKED_FIXEDPOINT_CONSTANT(F2, -1010580540, -32.0 / 17.0);
-  F2 x = constant_48_over_17 + half_denominator * constant_neg_32_over_17;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-    F2 half_denominator_times_x = half_denominator * x;
-    F2 one_minus_half_denominator_times_x =
-        F2::One() - half_denominator_times_x;
-    x = x + Rescale<2>(x * one_minus_half_denominator_times_x);
-  }
-  return Rescale<0>(x - F2::One());
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> neg_tanh_on_negative_values(
-    FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
-  return one_minus_x_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(
-      exp_on_negative_values(ExactMulByPot<1>(a)));
-template <typename tRawType, int tIntegerBits>
-FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> tanh(FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> a) {
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits> InputF;
-  typedef FixedPoint<tRawType, 0> ResultF;
-  tRawType mask_if_negative = MaskIfLessThan(a, InputF::Zero());
-  tRawType mask_if_zero = MaskIfZero(a);
-  InputF n = SelectUsingMask(mask_if_negative, a, -a);
-  ResultF t = neg_tanh_on_negative_values(n);
-  return SelectUsingMask(mask_if_zero, ResultF::Zero(),
-                         SelectUsingMask(mask_if_negative, -t, t));
-}  // end namespace gemmlowp
-#include "fixedpoint_neon.h"
diff --git a/internal/fixedpoint_neon.h b/internal/fixedpoint_neon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f5688ba..0000000
--- a/internal/fixedpoint_neon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// fixedpoint_neon.h: optimized NEON specializations of the templates
-// in fixedpoint.h.
-#include "fixedpoint.h"
-#include <arm_neon.h>
-namespace gemmlowp {
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t BitAnd(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vandq_s32(a, b);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t BitOr(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vorrq_s32(a, b);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t BitXor(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return veorq_s32(a, b);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t BitNot(int32x4_t a) {
-  return veorq_s32(a, vdupq_n_s32(-1));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t Add(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vaddq_s32(a, b);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t Sub(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vsubq_s32(a, b);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t Neg(int32x4_t a) {
-  return vnegq_s32(a);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t ShiftLeft(int32x4_t a, int offset) {
-  return vshlq_s32(a, vdupq_n_s32(offset));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t ShiftRight(int32x4_t a, int offset) {
-  return vshlq_s32(a, vdupq_n_s32(-offset));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t SelectUsingMask(int32x4_t if_mask, int32x4_t then_val,
-                                 int32x4_t else_val) {
-  return vbslq_s32(vreinterpretq_u32_s32(if_mask), then_val, else_val);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vceqq_s32(a, b));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfNotEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return BitNot(MaskIfEqual(a, b));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfZero(int32x4_t a) {
-  return MaskIfEqual(a, vdupq_n_s32(0));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfNonZero(int32x4_t a) {
-  return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vtstq_s32(a, a));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfGreaterThan(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcgtq_s32(a, b));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfGreaterThanOrEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcgeq_s32(a, b));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfLessThan(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcltq_s32(a, b));
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t MaskIfLessThanOrEqual(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vcleq_s32(a, b));
-template <>
-inline bool All(int32x4_t a) {
-  a = vandq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 1));
-  a = vandq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 2));
-  return vgetq_lane_s32(a, 0);
-template <>
-inline bool Any(int32x4_t a) {
-  a = vorrq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 1));
-  a = vorrq_s32(a, vextq_s32(a, a, 2));
-  return vgetq_lane_s32(a, 0);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t RoundingHalfSum(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vrhaddq_s32(a, b);
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
-  return vqrdmulhq_s32(a, b);
-template <int Exponent>
-struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, int32x4_t, 1> {
-  static int32x4_t eval(int32x4_t x) { return vqshlq_n_s32(x, Exponent); }
-template <int Exponent>
-struct ImplSaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<Exponent, int32x4_t, -1> {
-  static int32x4_t eval(int32x4_t x) { return vrshrq_n_s32(x, -Exponent); }
-template <>
-struct FixedPointRawTypeTraits<int32x4_t> {
-  typedef int32_t ScalarRawType;
-  static const int kLanes = 4;
-template <>
-inline int32x4_t Dup<int32x4_t>(int32_t x) {
-  return vdupq_n_s32(x);
-}  // end namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/internal/iterator.h b/internal/iterator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 524cb80..0000000
--- a/internal/iterator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// iterator.h: Const forward iterators for VectorMap and VectorDup that help
-// access data in architecture specific way, e.g. 4 elements at a time for NEON.
-namespace gemmlowp {
-enum class VectorShape;
-// ConstIterator is a forward only constant iterator that can be made
-// architecture specific e.g. to return 4 values at once for NEON.
-template <typename VectorType> class ConstIterator {
-  // Unused default case.
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape> class VectorMap;
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
-class ConstIterator<VectorMap<tScalar, tShape>> {
- public:
-  typedef tScalar Scalar;
-  ConstIterator(const VectorMap<tScalar, tShape>& vector_map,
-                const int start_offset)
-      : pointer_( + start_offset) {}
-  const Scalar operator*() const { return *pointer_; }
-  const Scalar* get() const { return pointer_; }
-  ConstIterator& operator+=(int inc) { pointer_ += inc; return *this; }
- private:
-  const Scalar* pointer_;
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
-ConstIterator<VectorMap<tScalar, tShape>> const_iterator(
-    const VectorMap<tScalar, tShape>& vector_map,
-    const int start_offset) {
-  return ConstIterator<VectorMap<tScalar, tShape>>(vector_map, start_offset);
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape> class VectorDup;
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
-class ConstIterator<VectorDup<tScalar, tShape>> {
- public:
-  typedef tScalar Scalar;
-  ConstIterator(const VectorDup<tScalar, tShape>& vector_dup)
-      : data_(vector_dup(0)) {}
-  const Scalar operator*() const { return data_; }
-  const Scalar* get() const { return &data_; }
-  ConstIterator& operator+=(int inc) { return *this; }
- private:
-  Scalar data_;
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
-ConstIterator<VectorDup<tScalar, tShape>> const_iterator(
-    const VectorDup<tScalar, tShape>& vector_map,
-    const int start_offset) {
-  return ConstIterator<VectorDup<tScalar, tShape>>(vector_map);
-}  // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/internal/kernel_SSE.h b/internal/kernel_SSE.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dba44ea..0000000
--- a/internal/kernel_SSE.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// kernel_SSE.h: a collection of Intel SSE optimized kernels.
-// Check in kernel_default.h which one(s) are actually used by default.
-// Others are mere experiments; they are still covered by tests
-// in case they might be useful some day.
-#include "kernel.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <cassert>
-namespace gemmlowp {
-#ifdef GEMMLOWP_SSE4_32
-struct SSE4_32_Kernel4x4Depth2 : KernelBase {
-  typedef KernelFormat<
-      KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1>,
-      KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
-      Format;
-  const char* Name() const override { return "SSE, 4x4, depth 2"; }
-  void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
-           std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
-           const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
-           std::size_t run_depth) const override {
-    ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized kernel");
-    assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
-    std::int32_t run_depth_cells = run_depth / Format::kDepth;
-    /* Main loop */
-    // A 2x4 cell of Rhs is stored in 16bit in xmm1 .
-    // A 4x2 block Lhs is stored in 16bit in xmm0.
-    // A 4x4 block of accumulators is stored in 32bit in xmm4--xmm7.
-    //
-    //                   +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //                   |xmm1[0]|xmm1[2]|xmm1[4]|xmm1[6]|
-    //              Rhs  +-------+---------------+-------+
-    //                   |xmm1[1]|xmm1[3]|xmm1[5]|xmm1[7]|
-    //                   +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //
-    //                   |       |       |       |       |
-    //
-    //    Lhs            |       |       |       |       |
-    //
-    //  +--+--+ - - - -  +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  |xmm0 | (Iter1)  | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  +--+--+ - - - -  +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //
-    //                              Accumulator
-    asm volatile(
-        // set accumulators to zero.
-        "pxor %%xmm4  , %%xmm4 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm5  , %%xmm5 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm6  , %%xmm6 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm7  , %%xmm7 \n\t"
-        "movl  %[run_depth_cells], %%eax\n\t"
-        "subl $2, %%eax\n\t"
-        "js outerLoop1%=\n\t"
-        // Loop for K unrolled by 4
-        "outerLoop2%=:\n\t"
-        // K = 1,2
-        // RHS cell to xmm1
-        "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
-        // LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5           \n\t"
-        "prefetcht0 0x80(%[lhs_ptr]) \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7           \n\t"
-        "prefetcht0 0x80(%[rhs_ptr]) \n\t"
-        // K = 3,4
-        // RHS cell to xmm1
-        "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
-        // LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7           \n\t"
-        "addl $0x10, %[lhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "addl $0x10, %[rhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "subl $2, %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
-        "jnz outerLoop2%=\n\t"
-        "movl %[run_depth_cells], %%eax\n\t"
-        "decl %%eax\n\t"
-        "js finish%=\n\t"
-        // Loop for K unrolled by 2
-        "outerLoop1%=:\n\t"
-        // RHS cell to xmm1
-        "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
-        // LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7           \n\t"
-        "addl $0x08, %[lhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "addl $0x08, %[rhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "decl %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
-        "jnz outerLoop1%=\n\t"
-        "finish%=:\n\t"
-        "movl  %[dst_col_stride], %%eax\n\t"
-        "shll $2, %%eax\n\t"
-        "movl  %[start_depth], %%ecx\n\t"
-        "test %%ecx, %%ecx\n\t"
-        "jz storeDst%=\n\t"
-        "leal (%%eax,%%eax,0x2), %%ecx\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr])           , %%xmm4 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 1) , %%xmm5 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 2) , %%xmm6 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%ecx, 1) , %%xmm7 \n\t"
-        "storeDst%=:\n\t"
-        "leal (%%eax,%%eax,0x2), %%ecx\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm4  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr])          \n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm5  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 1)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm6  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%eax, 2)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm7  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%ecx, 1)\n\t"
-        :  // outputs
-        [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
-        [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr)
-        :  // inputs
-        [start_depth] "g"(start_depth), [dst_col_stride] "g"(dst_col_stride),
-        [run_depth_cells] "g"(run_depth_cells)
-        :  // clobbers
-        "cc", "memory", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm3", "%xmm2", "%xmm4", "%xmm5",
-        "%xmm6", "%xmm7", "%eax", "%ecx");
-  }
-#ifdef GEMMLOWP_SSE4_64
-struct SSE4_64_Kernel12x4Depth2 : KernelBase {
-  typedef KernelFormat<
-      KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 3>,
-      KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, 1> >
-      Format;
-  const char* Name() const override { return "SSE, 12x4, depth 2"; }
-  void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
-           std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
-           const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
-           std::size_t run_depth) const override {
-    ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized kernel");
-    assert(dst_row_stride == 1);
-    const std::int64_t run_depth_cells = run_depth / Format::kDepth;
-    const std::int64_t dst_col_stride_q = dst_col_stride;
-    /* Main loop */
-    // A 2x4 cell of Rhs is stored in 16bit in xmm1 .
-    // A 12x2 block of 3 4x2 cells Lhs is stored in 16bit in xmm0, replaced
-    // every Iteration.
-    // A 12x4 block of accumulators is stored in 32bit in xmm4--xmm15.
-    //
-    //                   +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //                   |xmm1[0]|xmm1[2]|xmm1[4]|xmm1[6]|
-    //              Rhs  +-------+---------------+-------+
-    //                   |xmm1[1]|xmm1[3]|xmm1[5]|xmm1[7]|
-    //                   +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //
-    //                   |       |       |       |       |
-    //
-    //    Lhs            |       |       |       |       |
-    //
-    //  +--+--+ - - - -  +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  |xmm0 | (Iter1)  | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm4  | xmm5  | xmm6  | xmm7  |
-    //  +--+--+ - - - -  +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm8  | xmm9  | xmm10 | xmm11 |
-    //  |xmm0 | (Iter2)  | xmm8  | xmm9  | xmm10 | xmm11 |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm8  | xmm9  | xmm10 | xmm11 |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm8  | xmm9  | xmm10 | xmm11 |
-    //  +--+--+ - - - -  +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
-    //  |xmm0 | (Iter3)  | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
-    //  |xmm0 |          | xmm12 | xmm13 | xmm14 | xmm15 |
-    //  +--+--+ - - - -  +-------+-------+-------+-------+
-    //
-    //                              Accumulator
-    asm volatile(
-        // Set registers for destination
-        "movq  %[dst_col_stride_q], %%r12\n\t"
-        "shlq $2, %%r12\n\t"
-        "leaq (%%r12,%%r12,0x2), %%r13\n\t"
-        // Set accumulators to zero.
-        "pxor %%xmm4  , %%xmm4 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm5  , %%xmm5 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm6  , %%xmm6 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm7  , %%xmm7 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm8  , %%xmm8 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm9  , %%xmm9 \n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm10 , %%xmm10\n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm11 , %%xmm11\n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm12 , %%xmm12\n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm13 , %%xmm13\n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm14 , %%xmm14\n\t"
-        "pxor %%xmm15 , %%xmm15\n\t"
-        "movq  %[run_depth_cells], %%r14\n\t"
-        "subq $2, %%r14\n\t"
-        "js outerLoop1%=\n\t"
-        // Loop for K unrolled by 4
-        "outerLoop2%=:\n\t"
-        // K = 1,2
-        // RHS cell to xmm1
-        "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
-        // LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5           \n\t"
-        "prefetcht0 0x80(%[lhs_ptr]) \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7           \n\t"
-        // next LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm8           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm9           \n\t"
-        "prefetcht0 0x80(%[rhs_ptr]) \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm10          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm11          \n\t"
-        // next LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x10(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm12          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm13          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm14          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm15          \n\t"
-        // K = 3,4
-        // RHS cell to xmm1
-        "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
-        // LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x18(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7           \n\t"
-        // next LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x20(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm8           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm9           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm10          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm11          \n\t"
-        // next LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x28(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm12          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm13          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm14          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm15          \n\t"
-        "addq $0x30, %[lhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "addq $0x10, %[rhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "subq $2, %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
-        "jnz outerLoop2%=\n\t"
-        "movq %[run_depth_cells], %%r14\n\t"
-        "decq %%r14\n\t"
-        "js finish%=\n\t"
-        // Loop for K unrolled by 2
-        "outerLoop1%=:\n\t"
-        // RHS cell to xmm1
-        "pmovzxbw (%[rhs_ptr]), %%xmm1\n\t"
-        // LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x00(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm4           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm5           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm6           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm7           \n\t"
-        // next LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x08(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm8           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm9           \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm10          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm11          \n\t"
-        // next LHS cell
-        "pmovzxbw 0x10(%[lhs_ptr]), %%xmm0\n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm12          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0x55,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm13          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xaa,%%xmm1,%%xmm2     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm2         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm2, %%xmm14          \n\t"
-        "pshufd $0xff,%%xmm1,%%xmm3     \n\t"
-        "pmaddwd %%xmm0, %%xmm3         \n\t"
-        "paddd %%xmm3, %%xmm15          \n\t"
-        "addq $0x18, %[lhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "addq $0x08, %[rhs_ptr]\n\t"
-        "decq %[run_depth_cells]\n\t"
-        "jnz outerLoop1%=\n\t"
-        "finish%=:\n\t"
-        "test %[start_depth], %[start_depth]\n\t"
-        "jz storeDst%=\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr])           , %%xmm4 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr])           , %%xmm8 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr])           , %%xmm12\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1) , %%xmm5 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1) , %%xmm9 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1) , %%xmm13\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2) , %%xmm6 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2) , %%xmm10\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2) , %%xmm14\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1) , %%xmm7 \n\t"
-        "paddd 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1) , %%xmm11\n\t"
-        "paddd 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1) , %%xmm15\n\t"
-        "storeDst%=:\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm4  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr])          \n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm8  , 0x10(%[dst_ptr])          \n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm12 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr])          \n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm5  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm9  , 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm13 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 1)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm6  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm10 , 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm14 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r12, 2)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm7  , 0x00(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm11 , 0x10(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1)\n\t"
-        "movdqu %%xmm15 , 0x20(%[dst_ptr], %%r13, 1)\n\t"
-        :  // outputs
-        [lhs_ptr] "+r"(lhs_ptr), [rhs_ptr] "+r"(rhs_ptr),
-        [dst_ptr] "+r"(dst_ptr)
-        :  // inputs
-        [start_depth] "r"(start_depth),
-        [dst_col_stride_q] "r"(dst_col_stride_q),
-        [run_depth_cells] "r"(run_depth_cells)
-        :  // clobbers
-        "cc", "memory", "%xmm0", "%xmm1", "%xmm3", "%xmm2", "%xmm4", "%xmm5",
-        "%xmm6", "%xmm7", "%xmm8", "%xmm9", "%xmm10", "%r12", "%r13", "%r14",
-        "%xmm11", "%xmm12", "%xmm13", "%xmm14", "%xmm15");
-  }
-}  // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/internal/pack_SSE.h b/internal/pack_SSE.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aef4683..0000000
--- a/internal/pack_SSE.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// pack_SSE.h: optimized SSE specializations of the templates in pack.h.
-#include <smmintrin.h>
-#include "pack.h"
-namespace gemmlowp {
-// Requantizes source values pointed by raw_src_ptr in [0..255] range
-// to the range specified by BitDepth, [0..((2^bits)-1)].
-// This is in-place requantization, where the input is
-// not modified if 8bit integers are used. SSE does not
-// have less than 8bit kernels currently. Altought SSE registers
-// hold 16 uint8_t elements, only first 8 uint8_t elements are
-// requantized. The packing only use first 8 uint8_t elements
-// of the SSE registers. Therefore, requantizing all 16 uint8_t
-// elements will be wasteful computation.
-template <typename QuantizationParams>
-void SSERequantize(
-    __m128i* raw_src_ptr,
-    ScalarRoundingOffsetGenerator<QuantizationParams::kRoundingMode>*
-        rounding_offset_generator) {
-  static const int kBits = QuantizationParams::BitDepth::kBits;
-  static const std::uint8_t kMaxVal = (1 << kBits) - 1;
-  if (kBits == 8) {
-    return;
-  }
-  std::uint8_t* raw_src_ui8_ptr = (std::uint8_t*)&raw_src_ptr[0];
-  // modify only first 8 elements in the register (see note above)
-  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-    std::uint16_t scaled =
-        static_cast<std::uint16_t>(raw_src_ui8_ptr[i]) * kMaxVal;
-    std::uint8_t rounding_offset = rounding_offset_generator->get();
-    raw_src_ui8_ptr[i] = (scaled + rounding_offset) / 255;
-  }
-// TODO: Add DepthMajorUint8SideMap
-typedef SideMap<const std::uint8_t, SideMapOrder::WidthMajor>
-    WidthMajorUint8SideMap;
-template <int Cells>
-using WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2 =
-    KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<4, 2, CellOrder::WidthMajor>, Cells>;
-template <typename QuantizationParams, int Cells>
-class PackingRegisterBlock<
-    QuantizationParams, WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
-    PackedSideBlock<WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> > >
-    : public PackingRegisterBlockBase<
-          QuantizationParams, WidthMajorUint8SideMap,
-          PackedSideBlock<WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> > > {
- public:
-  typedef WidthMajorSideFormatNCells4x2<Cells> KernelSideFormat;
-  typedef typename KernelSideFormat::Cell CellFormat;
-  static const int kCells = KernelSideFormat::kCells;
-  static const int kCellWidth = CellFormat::kWidth;
-  static const int kKernelWidth = CellFormat::kWidth * kCells;
-  static const int kCellDepth = CellFormat::kDepth;
-  static const int kCellSize = CellFormat::kSize;
-  typedef ScalarRoundingOffsetGenerator<QuantizationParams::kRoundingMode>
-      RoundingOffsetGenerator;
-  void Pack(PackedSideBlock<KernelSideFormat>* dst, int start_width,
-            RoundingOffsetGenerator* rounding_offset_generator) {
-    std::uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst->current_data();
-    const int width_stride = this->complete_src_.width_stride();
-    int depth_step = 8;
-    __m128i one = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
-    for (int cell_start_depth = 0; cell_start_depth < kRegisterSize;
-         cell_start_depth += depth_step) {
-      for (int cell_start_width = 0; cell_start_width < kKernelWidth;
-           cell_start_width += kCellWidth) {
-        std::int32_t* cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr =
-            dst->sums_of_each_slice() + start_width + cell_start_width;
-        const std::uint8_t* src_data =
-            this->, cell_start_depth);
-        __m128i xmm1 =
-            _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[0]));
-        __m128i xmm2 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
-            reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[1 * width_stride]));
-        __m128i xmm3 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
-            reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[2 * width_stride]));
-        __m128i xmm4 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
-            reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&src_data[3 * width_stride]));
-        __m128i xmm5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(xmm1, xmm2);
-        __m128i xmm8 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm5, 0x31);
-        __m128i xmm6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(xmm3, xmm4);
-        __m128i xmm7 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm6, 0x80);
-        __m128i xmm9 = _mm_blend_epi16(xmm5, xmm7, 0xcc);
-        SSERequantize<QuantizationParams>(&xmm9, rounding_offset_generator);
-        __m128i xmm10 = _mm_blend_epi16(xmm8, xmm6, 0xcc);
-        SSERequantize<QuantizationParams>(&xmm10, rounding_offset_generator);
-        _mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[0]), xmm9);
-        _mm_storel_epi64(
-            reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[kCellSize * kCells]), xmm10);
-        __m128i xmm11 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm9, 0xee);
-        SSERequantize<QuantizationParams>(&xmm11, rounding_offset_generator);
-        __m128i xmm12 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xmm10, 0xee);
-        SSERequantize<QuantizationParams>(&xmm12, rounding_offset_generator);
-        _mm_storel_epi64(
-            reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[2 * kCellSize * kCells]),
-            xmm11);
-        _mm_storel_epi64(
-            reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&dst_ptr[3 * kCellSize * kCells]),
-            xmm12);
-        xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm9);
-        xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
-        __m128i sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_loadu_si128(
-            reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(&cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr[0]));
-        sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
-        xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm10);
-        xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
-        sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
-        xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm11);
-        xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
-        sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
-        xmm1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(xmm12);
-        xmm2 = _mm_madd_epi16(xmm1, one);
-        sums_of_each_slice_xmm = _mm_add_epi32(sums_of_each_slice_xmm, xmm2);
-        _mm_storeu_si128(
-            reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&cell_sums_of_each_slice_ptr[0]),
-            sums_of_each_slice_xmm);
-        dst_ptr += kCellSize;
-      }
-      dst_ptr += 3 * kCellSize * kCells;
-    }
-    dst->seek_forward_n_cells(kCells * kRegisterSize / kCellDepth);
-  }
-}  // namespace gemmlowp
diff --git a/internal/unpack_neon.h b/internal/unpack_neon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c9e76a..0000000
--- a/internal/unpack_neon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// unpack_neon.h: optimized NEON specializations of the templates in unpack.h.
-#include "output_neon.h"
-#include "unpack.h"
-#include <arm_neon.h>
-namespace gemmlowp {
-template <std::uint32_t numerator, std::uint32_t denominator>
-int32x4_t RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction(int32x4_t x) {
-  static_assert(numerator > 0 && denominator > 0,
-                "only supporting positive num/denom");
-  if (numerator == denominator) {
-    return x;
-  }
-  static const std::int32_t int_quotient =
-      (numerator + denominator / 2) / denominator;
-  static const std::int32_t remaining_numerator =
-      numerator - int_quotient * denominator;
-  static const std::int32_t scaled_remaining_numerator =
-      static_cast<std::int32_t>(
-          (static_cast<std::int64_t>(remaining_numerator) * (1ll << 31)) /
-          denominator);
-  // Note: vqrdmulh instruction is rounding doubling multiply high.
-  const int32x4_t remaining_product =
-      vqrdmulhq_n_s32(x, scaled_remaining_numerator);
-  return vmlaq_n_s32(remaining_product, x, int_quotient);
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
-int32x4_t get_int32x4_t_and_inc(
-    ConstIterator<VectorMap<tScalar, tShape>>* iterator) {
-  const int32x4_t result = vld1q_s32(iterator->get());
-  *iterator += 4;
-  return result;
-template <typename tScalar, VectorShape tShape>
-int32x4_t get_int32x4_t_and_inc(
-    ConstIterator<VectorDup<tScalar, tShape>>* iterator) {
-  const int32x4_t result = vdupq_n_s32(**iterator);
-  // Increment really does nothing for VectorDup.
-  *iterator += 4;
-  return result;
-template <typename BitDepthParams, typename PackedResultType,
-          typename OutputScalar, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
-          typename OutputPipelineType>
-struct UnpackResultImpl<BitDepthParams,
-                        MatrixMap<OutputScalar, MapOrder::ColMajor>,
-                        PackedResultType, LhsOffset, RhsOffset,
-                        OutputPipelineType> {
-  typedef MatrixMap<OutputScalar, MapOrder::ColMajor> ResultBlockType;
-  static void Unpack(ResultBlockType* dst, const MatrixBlockBounds& dst_block,
-                     const PackedResultType& src, int depth,
-                     const std::int32_t* lhs_sums_of_each_slice,
-                     const std::int32_t* rhs_sums_of_each_slice,
-                     const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
-                     const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {
-    ScopedProfilingLabel label("optimized path (NEON)");
-    assert(dst_block.start_row >= 0);
-    assert(dst_block.start_row + dst_block.rows <= dst->rows());
-    assert(dst_block.start_col >= 0);
-    assert(dst_block.start_col + dst_block.cols <= dst->cols());
-    const int kLhsBits = BitDepthParams::LhsBitDepth::kBits;
-    const int kRhsBits = BitDepthParams::RhsBitDepth::kBits;
-    const std::int32_t kLhsMax = (1 << kLhsBits) - 1;
-    const std::int32_t kRhsMax = (1 << kRhsBits) - 1;
-    auto src_map = src.Map();
-    OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, FragmentInt32x1x1>
-        output_pipeline_executor_int32x1x1(output_pipeline);
-    OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, NEONFragmentInt32x4x1>
-        output_pipeline_executor_int32x4x1(output_pipeline);
-    OutputPipelineExecutor<OutputPipelineType, NEONFragmentInt32x16x1>
-        output_pipeline_executor_int32x16x1(output_pipeline);
-    for (int c = 0; c < dst_block.cols; c++) {
-      int c_dst = c + dst_block.start_col;
-      const std::int32_t* src_ptr =, c);
-      const std::int32_t* sums_of_each_slice_ptr = lhs_sums_of_each_slice;
-      auto lhs_offset_iter = const_iterator(lhs_offset, dst_block.start_row);
-      const std::int32_t rhs_offset_c = rhs_offset(c_dst);
-      const std::int32_t rhs_sums_of_each_slice_c = rhs_sums_of_each_slice[c];
-      // Handle 16 values at once for higher performance
-      int dst_rows_aligned16 = RoundDown<16>(dst_block.rows);
-      for (int r = 0; r < dst_rows_aligned16; r += 16) {
-        int r_dst = r + dst_block.start_row;
-        // Compute the sum of the 4 terms,
-        //   q = term_xx + term_x1 + term_1x_plus_term_11
-        // Refer to the generic code in unpack.h.
-        int32x4_t raw_xx[4];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          raw_xx[i] = vld1q_s32(src_ptr);
-          src_ptr += 4;
-        }
-        int32x4_t raw_x1[4];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          const int32x4_t sum_x1 = vld1q_s32(sums_of_each_slice_ptr);
-          raw_x1[i] = vmulq_n_s32(sum_x1, rhs_offset_c);
-          sums_of_each_slice_ptr += 4;
-        }
-        int32x4_t raw_1x[4];
-        int32x4_t term_11[4];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          const int32x4_t lhs_offsets = get_int32x4_t_and_inc(&lhs_offset_iter);
-          raw_1x[i] = vmulq_n_s32(lhs_offsets, rhs_sums_of_each_slice_c);
-          term_11[i] = vmulq_n_s32(lhs_offsets, rhs_offset_c * depth);
-        }
-        int32x4_t term_xx[4];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          term_xx[i] =
-              RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255 * 255, kLhsMax * kRhsMax>(
-                  raw_xx[i]);
-        }
-        int32x4_t term_x1[4];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          term_x1[i] =
-              RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255, kLhsMax>(raw_x1[i]);
-        }
-        int32x4_t term_1x[4];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          term_1x[i] =
-              RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255, kRhsMax>(raw_1x[i]);
-        }
-        int32x4x4_t q;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-          q.val[i] = vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(term_xx[i], term_x1[i]),
-                               vaddq_s32(term_1x[i], term_11[i]));
-        }
-        NEONFragmentInt32x16x1 f(q);
-        output_pipeline_executor_int32x16x1.Execute(f, dst, r_dst, c_dst);
-      }
-      // We have finished handling groups of 16 entries at once; now
-      // try to handle 4 entries at once.
-      int dst_rows_aligned4 = RoundDown<4>(dst_block.rows);
-      for (int r = dst_rows_aligned16; r < dst_rows_aligned4; r += 4) {
-        int r_dst = r + dst_block.start_row;
-        // Compute the sum of the 4 terms,
-        //   q = term_xx + term_x1 + term_1x_plus_term_11
-        // Refer to the generic code in unpack.h.
-        const int32x4_t raw_xx = vld1q_s32(src_ptr);
-        src_ptr += 4;
-        const int32x4_t term_xx =
-            RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255 * 255, kLhsMax * kRhsMax>(
-                raw_xx);
-        const int32x4_t sum_x1 = vld1q_s32(sums_of_each_slice_ptr);
-        const int32x4_t raw_x1 = vmulq_n_s32(sum_x1, rhs_offset_c);
-        sums_of_each_slice_ptr += 4;
-        const int32x4_t term_x1 =
-            RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255, kLhsMax>(raw_x1);
-        const int32x4_t lhs_offsets = get_int32x4_t_and_inc(&lhs_offset_iter);
-        const int32x4_t raw_1x =
-            vmulq_n_s32(lhs_offsets, rhs_sums_of_each_slice_c);
-        const int32x4_t term_1x =
-            RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255, kRhsMax>(raw_1x);
-        const int32x4_t term_11 =
-            vmulq_n_s32(lhs_offsets, rhs_offset_c * depth);
-        int32x4_t q = vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(term_xx, term_x1),
-                                vaddq_s32(term_1x, term_11));
-        NEONFragmentInt32x4x1 f(q);
-        output_pipeline_executor_int32x4x1.Execute(f, dst, r_dst, c_dst);
-      }
-      // We have finished handling 4 entries at once; now handle
-      // remaining entries one by one. This scalar code is similar
-      // to the code in unpack.h, see comments there.
-      for (int r = dst_rows_aligned4; r < dst_block.rows; r++) {
-        int r_dst = r + dst_block.start_row;
-        const std::int32_t raw_xx = src_map(r, c);
-        const std::int32_t raw_x1 = lhs_sums_of_each_slice[r] * rhs_offset_c;
-        const std::int32_t raw_1x =
-            rhs_sums_of_each_slice_c * lhs_offset(r_dst);
-        const std::int32_t term_xx =
-            RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255 * 255, kLhsMax * kRhsMax>(
-                raw_xx);
-        const std::int32_t term_x1 =
-            RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255, kLhsMax>(raw_x1);
-        const std::int32_t term_1x =
-            RoundingMultiplyByConstantFraction<255, kRhsMax>(raw_1x);
-        const std::int32_t term_11 = lhs_offset(r) * rhs_offset(c) * depth;
-        FragmentInt32x1x1 sum = term_xx + term_x1 + term_1x + term_11;
-        output_pipeline_executor_int32x1x1.Execute(sum, dst, r_dst, c_dst);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace gemmlowp