blob: 2e5388871a4ca2a6788a2b50d1fb38abb7317535 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using System.IO;
using FreeImageAPI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Sample01
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Check if FreeImage.dll is available (can be in %path%).
if (!FreeImage.IsAvailable())
Console.WriteLine("FreeImage.dll seems to be missing. Aborting.");
Sample sample = new Sample();
// This example shows the basic loading and saving operations offered by FreeImage.
// This example shows a more comfortable way offered by the .NET Wrapper.
// This example shows the FreeImage-Errormessage-Callback
public class Sample
const string fileName = @"Sample.jpg";
const string outFileName = @"Sample.tif";
string message = null;
public void Example01()
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
Console.WriteLine(fileName + " does not exist. Aborting.");
// Try to unload the bitmap handle (in case it is not null).
// Always assert that a handle (like dib) is unloaded before it is reused, because
// on unmanaged side there is no garbage collector that will clean up unreferenced
// objects.
// The following code will produce a memory leak (in case the bitmap is loaded
// successfully) because the handle to the first bitmap is lost:
if (!dib.IsNull)
// Loading a sample bitmap. In this case it's a .jpg file. 'Load' requires the file
// format or the loading process will fail. An additional flag (the default value is
// 'DEFAULT') can be set to enable special loading options.
// Check if the handle is null which means the bitmap could not be loaded.
if (dib.IsNull)
Console.WriteLine("Loading bitmap failed. Aborting.");
// Check whether there was an error message.
// Try flipping the bitmap.
if (!FreeImage.FlipHorizontal(dib))
Console.WriteLine("Unable to flip bitmap.");
// Check whether there was an error message.
// Store the bitmap back to disk. Again the desired format is needed. In this case the format is 'TIFF'.
// An output filename has to be chosen (which will be overwritten without a warning).
// A flag can be provided to enable pluginfunctions (compression is this case).
// The bitmap was saved to disk but is still allocated in memory, so the handle has to be freed.
if (!dib.IsNull)
// Make sure to set the handle to null so that it is clear that the handle is not pointing to a bitmap.
public void Example02()
// 'UnloadEx' is a comfortable way of unloading a bitmap. The coder can call 'UnloadEx' even
// when the handle is pointing to null (in this case nothing will happen). In case the handle
// is valid (valid means that it is NOT pointing to null) the bitmap will be unloaded and the
// handle will be set to null manually.
FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib);
// 'LoadEx' is a comfortable way of loading a bitmap. 'LoadEx' tries to find out the format of
// the file and will use this to load it. It will use DEFAULT loading values.
dib = FreeImage.LoadEx(fileName);
// Check if the handle is null which means the bitmap could not be loaded.
if (dib.IsNull)
Console.WriteLine("Loading bitmap failed. Aborting.");
// 'SaveEx' (like 'LoadEx') will try to save the bitmap with default values.
// Before saving the bitmap, 'SaveEx' checks whether the extension is valid for the file type
// and if the plugin can use the colordepth of the bitmap. If not it will automatically convert
// the bitmap into the next best colordepth and save it.
if (!FreeImage.SaveEx(ref dib, @"Sample.gif", false))
Console.WriteLine("Saving bitmap failed.");
// The handle is still valid.
if (!FreeImage.SaveEx(
ref dib,
@"Sample", // No extension was selected so let 'SaveEx' decide.
FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_PNG, // A format is needed this time.
FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.DEFAULT, // PNG has no options so use default.
FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH.FICD_04_BPP, // 4bpp as result color depth.
true)) // We're done so unload
// SaveEx will not unload the bitmap in case saving failed.
// This way possible operations done to the bitmaps aren't lost.
FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib);
public void Example03()
// Safely unload to prevent memory leak.
FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib);
// Load the example bitmap.
dib = FreeImage.LoadEx(fileName);
// Check whether loading succeeded.
if (dib.IsNull)
// Add this class to the callback event.
FreeImageEngine.Message += new OutputMessageFunction(FreeImage_Message);
// Try to save the bitmap as a gif
if (!FreeImage.Save(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_GIF, dib, @"Sample_fail.gif", FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.DEFAULT))
// Saving failed
// Check whether there was an error callback
if (message != null)
// Print the message and delete it.
Console.WriteLine("Error message recieved: {0}", message);
message = null;
// Unload bitmap.
FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib);
// Remove this class from the callback event.
FreeImageEngine.Message -= new OutputMessageFunction(FreeImage_Message);
void FreeImage_Message(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif, string message)
this.message = message;