blob: d078692412c3dca77348f1518e448822f97ab9f4 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import otRound
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont, newTable
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_l_y_f import GlyphCoordinates
import sys
import array
import pytest
import re
import os
import unittest
class GlyphCoordinatesTest(object):
def test_translate(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(1.5,2.0)])
def test_scale(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(0.5,0.0)])
def test_transform(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
assert g[0] == GlyphCoordinates([(0.9,1.0)])[0]
def test__eq__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g2 = GlyphCoordinates([(1.0,2)])
g3 = GlyphCoordinates([(1.5,2)])
assert g == g2
assert not g == g3
assert not g2 == g3
assert not g == object()
def test__ne__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g2 = GlyphCoordinates([(1.0,2)])
g3 = GlyphCoordinates([(1.5,2)])
assert not (g != g2)
assert g != g3
assert g2 != g3
assert g != object()
def test__pos__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g2 = +g
assert g == g2
def test__neg__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g2 = -g
assert g2 == GlyphCoordinates([(-1, -2)])
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[0] < 3,
reason="__round___ requires Python 3")
def test__round__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(-1.5,2)])
g2 = round(g)
assert g2 == GlyphCoordinates([(-1,2)])
def test__add__(self):
g1 = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g2 = GlyphCoordinates([(3,4)])
g3 = GlyphCoordinates([(4,6)])
assert g1 + g2 == g3
assert g1 + (1, 1) == GlyphCoordinates([(2,3)])
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert g1 + object()
assert 'unsupported operand' in str(excinfo.value)
def test__sub__(self):
g1 = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g2 = GlyphCoordinates([(3,4)])
g3 = GlyphCoordinates([(-2,-2)])
assert g1 - g2 == g3
assert g1 - (1, 1) == GlyphCoordinates([(0,1)])
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert g1 - object()
assert 'unsupported operand' in str(excinfo.value)
def test__rsub__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
# other + (-self)
assert (1, 1) - g == GlyphCoordinates([(0,-1)])
def test__mul__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
assert g * 3 == GlyphCoordinates([(3,6)])
assert g * (3,2) == GlyphCoordinates([(3,4)])
assert g * (1,1) == g
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert g * object()
assert 'unsupported operand' in str(excinfo.value)
def test__truediv__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
assert g / 2 == GlyphCoordinates([(.5,1)])
assert g / (1, 2) == GlyphCoordinates([(1,1)])
assert g / (1, 1) == g
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert g / object()
assert 'unsupported operand' in str(excinfo.value)
def test__iadd__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g += (.5,0)
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(1.5, 2.0)])
g2 = GlyphCoordinates([(3,4)])
g += g2
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(4.5, 6.0)])
def test__isub__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g -= (.5, 0)
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(0.5, 2.0)])
g2 = GlyphCoordinates([(3,4)])
g -= g2
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(-2.5, -2.0)])
def __test__imul__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g *= (2,.5)
g *= 2
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(4.0, 2.0)])
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,2)])
g *= 2
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(2, 4)])
def test__itruediv__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1,3)])
g /= (.5,1.5)
g /= 2
assert g == GlyphCoordinates([(1.0, 1.0)])
def test__bool__(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([])
assert bool(g) == False
g = GlyphCoordinates([(0,0), (0.,0)])
assert bool(g) == True
g = GlyphCoordinates([(0,0), (1,0)])
assert bool(g) == True
g = GlyphCoordinates([(0,.5), (0,0)])
assert bool(g) == True
def test_double_precision_float(self):
afloat = 242.50000000000003
g = GlyphCoordinates([(afloat, 0)])
# this would return 242 if the internal array.array typecode is 'f',
# since the Python float is truncated to a C float.
# when using typecode 'd' it should return the correct value 243
assert g[0][0] == otRound(afloat)
def test__checkFloat_overflow(self):
g = GlyphCoordinates([(1, 1)], typecode="h")
g.append((0x8000, 0))
assert g.array.typecode == "d"
assert g.array == array.array("d", [1.0, 1.0, 32768.0, 0.0])
CURR_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, 'data')
GLYF_TTX = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "_g_l_y_f_outline_flag_bit6.ttx")
GLYF_BIN = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "_g_l_y_f_outline_flag_bit6.glyf.bin")
HEAD_BIN = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "_g_l_y_f_outline_flag_bit6.head.bin")
LOCA_BIN = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "_g_l_y_f_outline_flag_bit6.loca.bin")
MAXP_BIN = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "_g_l_y_f_outline_flag_bit6.maxp.bin")
def strip_ttLibVersion(string):
return re.sub(' ttLibVersion=".*"', '', string)
class glyfTableTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
with open(GLYF_BIN, 'rb') as f:
cls.glyfData =
with open(HEAD_BIN, 'rb') as f:
cls.headData =
with open(LOCA_BIN, 'rb') as f:
cls.locaData =
with open(MAXP_BIN, 'rb') as f:
cls.maxpData =
with open(GLYF_TTX, 'r') as f:
cls.glyfXML = strip_ttLibVersion(
def test_toXML(self):
font = TTFont(sfntVersion="\x00\x01\x00\x00")
glyfTable = font['glyf'] = newTable('glyf')
font['head'] = newTable('head')
font['loca'] = newTable('loca')
font['maxp'] = newTable('maxp')
font['maxp'].decompile(self.maxpData, font)
font['head'].decompile(self.headData, font)
font['loca'].decompile(self.locaData, font)
glyfTable.decompile(self.glyfData, font)
out = UnicodeIO()
glyfXML = strip_ttLibVersion(out.getvalue()).splitlines()
self.assertEqual(glyfXML, self.glyfXML)
def test_fromXML(self):
font = TTFont(sfntVersion="\x00\x01\x00\x00")
glyfTable = font['glyf']
glyfData = glyfTable.compile(font)
self.assertEqual(glyfData, self.glyfData)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys