blob: 3c08012cb84944513f32415450b05e88c5b63e0c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Looper;
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableType;
/** A queue of media samples. */
public class SampleQueue implements TrackOutput {
/** A listener for changes to the upstream format. */
public interface UpstreamFormatChangedListener {
* Called on the loading thread when an upstream format change occurs.
* @param format The new upstream format.
void onUpstreamFormatChanged(Format format);
@VisibleForTesting /* package */ static final int SAMPLE_CAPACITY_INCREMENT = 1000;
private final SampleDataQueue sampleDataQueue;
private final SampleExtrasHolder extrasHolder;
private final Looper playbackLooper;
private final DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager;
private final MediaSourceEventDispatcher eventDispatcher;
@Nullable private UpstreamFormatChangedListener upstreamFormatChangeListener;
@Nullable private Format downstreamFormat;
@Nullable private DrmSession currentDrmSession;
private int capacity;
private int[] sourceIds;
private long[] offsets;
private int[] sizes;
private int[] flags;
private long[] timesUs;
private @NullableType CryptoData[] cryptoDatas;
private Format[] formats;
private int length;
private int absoluteFirstIndex;
private int relativeFirstIndex;
private int readPosition;
private long largestDiscardedTimestampUs;
private long largestQueuedTimestampUs;
private boolean isLastSampleQueued;
private boolean upstreamKeyframeRequired;
private boolean upstreamFormatRequired;
private boolean upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired;
@Nullable private Format unadjustedUpstreamFormat;
@Nullable private Format upstreamFormat;
@Nullable private Format upstreamCommittedFormat;
private int upstreamSourceId;
private long sampleOffsetUs;
private boolean pendingSplice;
* Creates a sample queue.
* @param allocator An {@link Allocator} from which allocations for sample data can be obtained.
* @param playbackLooper The looper associated with the media playback thread.
* @param drmSessionManager The {@link DrmSessionManager} to obtain {@link DrmSession DrmSessions}
* from. The created instance does not take ownership of this {@link DrmSessionManager}.
* @param eventDispatcher A {@link MediaSourceEventDispatcher} to notify of events related to this
* SampleQueue.
public SampleQueue(
Allocator allocator,
Looper playbackLooper,
DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager,
MediaSourceEventDispatcher eventDispatcher) {
this.playbackLooper = playbackLooper;
this.drmSessionManager = drmSessionManager;
this.eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher;
sampleDataQueue = new SampleDataQueue(allocator);
extrasHolder = new SampleExtrasHolder();
sourceIds = new int[capacity];
offsets = new long[capacity];
timesUs = new long[capacity];
flags = new int[capacity];
sizes = new int[capacity];
cryptoDatas = new CryptoData[capacity];
formats = new Format[capacity];
largestDiscardedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
largestQueuedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
upstreamFormatRequired = true;
upstreamKeyframeRequired = true;
// Called by the consuming thread when there is no loading thread.
/** Calls {@link #reset(boolean) reset(true)} and releases any resources owned by the queue. */
public void release() {
reset(/* resetUpstreamFormat= */ true);
/** Convenience method for {@code reset(false)}. */
public final void reset() {
reset(/* resetUpstreamFormat= */ false);
* Clears all samples from the queue.
* @param resetUpstreamFormat Whether the upstream format should be cleared. If set to false,
* samples queued after the reset (and before a subsequent call to {@link #format(Format)})
* are assumed to have the current upstream format. If set to true, {@link #format(Format)}
* must be called after the reset before any more samples can be queued.
public void reset(boolean resetUpstreamFormat) {
length = 0;
absoluteFirstIndex = 0;
relativeFirstIndex = 0;
readPosition = 0;
upstreamKeyframeRequired = true;
largestDiscardedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
largestQueuedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
isLastSampleQueued = false;
upstreamCommittedFormat = null;
if (resetUpstreamFormat) {
unadjustedUpstreamFormat = null;
upstreamFormat = null;
upstreamFormatRequired = true;
* Sets a source identifier for subsequent samples.
* @param sourceId The source identifier.
public final void sourceId(int sourceId) {
upstreamSourceId = sourceId;
/** Indicates samples that are subsequently queued should be spliced into those already queued. */
public final void splice() {
pendingSplice = true;
/** Returns the current absolute write index. */
public final int getWriteIndex() {
return absoluteFirstIndex + length;
* Discards samples from the write side of the queue.
* @param discardFromIndex The absolute index of the first sample to be discarded. Must be in the
* range [{@link #getReadIndex()}, {@link #getWriteIndex()}].
public final void discardUpstreamSamples(int discardFromIndex) {
// Called by the consuming thread.
/** Calls {@link #discardToEnd()} and releases any resources owned by the queue. */
public void preRelease() {
* Throws an error that's preventing data from being read. Does nothing if no such error exists.
* @throws IOException The underlying error.
public void maybeThrowError() throws IOException {
// TODO: Avoid throwing if the DRM error is not preventing a read operation.
if (currentDrmSession != null && currentDrmSession.getState() == DrmSession.STATE_ERROR) {
throw Assertions.checkNotNull(currentDrmSession.getError());
/** Returns the current absolute start index. */
public final int getFirstIndex() {
return absoluteFirstIndex;
/** Returns the current absolute read index. */
public final int getReadIndex() {
return absoluteFirstIndex + readPosition;
* Peeks the source id of the next sample to be read, or the current upstream source id if the
* queue is empty or if the read position is at the end of the queue.
* @return The source id.
public final synchronized int peekSourceId() {
int relativeReadIndex = getRelativeIndex(readPosition);
return hasNextSample() ? sourceIds[relativeReadIndex] : upstreamSourceId;
/** Returns the upstream {@link Format} in which samples are being queued. */
public final synchronized Format getUpstreamFormat() {
return upstreamFormatRequired ? null : upstreamFormat;
* Returns the largest sample timestamp that has been queued since the last {@link #reset}.
* <p>Samples that were discarded by calling {@link #discardUpstreamSamples(int)} are not
* considered as having been queued. Samples that were dequeued from the front of the queue are
* considered as having been queued.
* @return The largest sample timestamp that has been queued, or {@link Long#MIN_VALUE} if no
* samples have been queued.
public final synchronized long getLargestQueuedTimestampUs() {
return largestQueuedTimestampUs;
* Returns whether the last sample of the stream has knowingly been queued. A return value of
* {@code false} means that the last sample had not been queued or that it's unknown whether the
* last sample has been queued.
* <p>Samples that were discarded by calling {@link #discardUpstreamSamples(int)} are not
* considered as having been queued. Samples that were dequeued from the front of the queue are
* considered as having been queued.
public final synchronized boolean isLastSampleQueued() {
return isLastSampleQueued;
/** Returns the timestamp of the first sample, or {@link Long#MIN_VALUE} if the queue is empty. */
public final synchronized long getFirstTimestampUs() {
return length == 0 ? Long.MIN_VALUE : timesUs[relativeFirstIndex];
* Returns whether there is data available for reading.
* <p>Note: If the stream has ended then a buffer with the end of stream flag can always be read
* from {@link #read}. Hence an ended stream is always ready.
* @param loadingFinished Whether no more samples will be written to the sample queue. When true,
* this method returns true if the sample queue is empty, because an empty sample queue means
* the end of stream has been reached. When false, this method returns false if the sample
* queue is empty.
@SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") // See comments in setUpstreamFormat
public synchronized boolean isReady(boolean loadingFinished) {
if (!hasNextSample()) {
return loadingFinished
|| isLastSampleQueued
|| (upstreamFormat != null && upstreamFormat != downstreamFormat);
int relativeReadIndex = getRelativeIndex(readPosition);
if (formats[relativeReadIndex] != downstreamFormat) {
// A format can be read.
return true;
return mayReadSample(relativeReadIndex);
* Attempts to read from the queue.
* <p>{@link Format Formats} read from this method may be associated to a {@link DrmSession}
* through {@link FormatHolder#drmSession}, which is populated in two scenarios:
* <ul>
* <li>The {@link Format} has a non-null {@link Format#drmInitData}.
* <li>The {@link DrmSessionManager} provides placeholder sessions for this queue's track type.
* See {@link DrmSessionManager#acquirePlaceholderSession(Looper, int)}.
* </ul>
* @param formatHolder A {@link FormatHolder} to populate in the case of reading a format.
* @param buffer A {@link DecoderInputBuffer} to populate in the case of reading a sample or the
* end of the stream. If the end of the stream has been reached, the {@link
* C#BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} flag will be set on the buffer. If a {@link
* DecoderInputBuffer#isFlagsOnly() flags-only} buffer is passed, only the buffer flags may be
* populated by this method and the read position of the queue will not change.
* @param formatRequired Whether the caller requires that the format of the stream be read even if
* it's not changing. A sample will never be read if set to true, however it is still possible
* for the end of stream or nothing to be read.
* @param loadingFinished True if an empty queue should be considered the end of the stream.
* @param decodeOnlyUntilUs If a buffer is read, the {@link C#BUFFER_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY} flag will
* be set if the buffer's timestamp is less than this value.
* @return The result, which can be {@link C#RESULT_NOTHING_READ}, {@link C#RESULT_FORMAT_READ} or
public int read(
FormatHolder formatHolder,
DecoderInputBuffer buffer,
boolean formatRequired,
boolean loadingFinished,
long decodeOnlyUntilUs) {
int result =
formatHolder, buffer, formatRequired, loadingFinished, decodeOnlyUntilUs, extrasHolder);
if (result == C.RESULT_BUFFER_READ && !buffer.isEndOfStream() && !buffer.isFlagsOnly()) {
sampleDataQueue.readToBuffer(buffer, extrasHolder);
return result;
* Attempts to seek the read position to the specified sample index.
* @param sampleIndex The sample index.
* @return Whether the seek was successful.
public final synchronized boolean seekTo(int sampleIndex) {
if (sampleIndex < absoluteFirstIndex || sampleIndex > absoluteFirstIndex + length) {
return false;
readPosition = sampleIndex - absoluteFirstIndex;
return true;
* Attempts to seek the read position to the keyframe before or at the specified time.
* @param timeUs The time to seek to.
* @param allowTimeBeyondBuffer Whether the operation can succeed if {@code timeUs} is beyond the
* end of the queue, by seeking to the last sample (or keyframe).
* @return Whether the seek was successful.
public final synchronized boolean seekTo(long timeUs, boolean allowTimeBeyondBuffer) {
int relativeReadIndex = getRelativeIndex(readPosition);
if (!hasNextSample()
|| timeUs < timesUs[relativeReadIndex]
|| (timeUs > largestQueuedTimestampUs && !allowTimeBeyondBuffer)) {
return false;
int offset =
findSampleBefore(relativeReadIndex, length - readPosition, timeUs, /* keyframe= */ true);
if (offset == -1) {
return false;
readPosition += offset;
return true;
* Advances the read position to the keyframe before or at the specified time.
* @param timeUs The time to advance to.
* @return The number of samples that were skipped, which may be equal to 0.
public final synchronized int advanceTo(long timeUs) {
int relativeReadIndex = getRelativeIndex(readPosition);
if (!hasNextSample() || timeUs < timesUs[relativeReadIndex]) {
return 0;
int offset =
findSampleBefore(relativeReadIndex, length - readPosition, timeUs, /* keyframe= */ true);
if (offset == -1) {
return 0;
readPosition += offset;
return offset;
* Advances the read position to the end of the queue.
* @return The number of samples that were skipped.
public final synchronized int advanceToEnd() {
int skipCount = length - readPosition;
readPosition = length;
return skipCount;
* Discards up to but not including the sample immediately before or at the specified time.
* @param timeUs The time to discard up to.
* @param toKeyframe If true then discards samples up to the keyframe before or at the specified
* time, rather than any sample before or at that time.
* @param stopAtReadPosition If true then samples are only discarded if they're before the read
* position. If false then samples at and beyond the read position may be discarded, in which
* case the read position is advanced to the first remaining sample.
public final void discardTo(long timeUs, boolean toKeyframe, boolean stopAtReadPosition) {
discardSampleMetadataTo(timeUs, toKeyframe, stopAtReadPosition));
/** Discards up to but not including the read position. */
public final void discardToRead() {
/** Discards all samples in the queue and advances the read position. */
public final void discardToEnd() {
// Called by the loading thread.
* Sets an offset that will be added to the timestamps (and sub-sample timestamps) of samples that
* are subsequently queued.
* @param sampleOffsetUs The timestamp offset in microseconds.
public final void setSampleOffsetUs(long sampleOffsetUs) {
if (this.sampleOffsetUs != sampleOffsetUs) {
this.sampleOffsetUs = sampleOffsetUs;
* Sets a listener to be notified of changes to the upstream format.
* @param listener The listener.
public final void setUpstreamFormatChangeListener(
@Nullable UpstreamFormatChangedListener listener) {
upstreamFormatChangeListener = listener;
// TrackOutput implementation. Called by the loading thread.
public final void format(Format unadjustedUpstreamFormat) {
Format adjustedUpstreamFormat = getAdjustedUpstreamFormat(unadjustedUpstreamFormat);
upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired = false;
this.unadjustedUpstreamFormat = unadjustedUpstreamFormat;
boolean upstreamFormatChanged = setUpstreamFormat(adjustedUpstreamFormat);
if (upstreamFormatChangeListener != null && upstreamFormatChanged) {
public final int sampleData(
DataReader input, int length, boolean allowEndOfInput, @SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart)
throws IOException {
return sampleDataQueue.sampleData(input, length, allowEndOfInput);
public final void sampleData(
ParsableByteArray buffer, int length, @SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart) {
sampleDataQueue.sampleData(buffer, length);
public void sampleMetadata(
long timeUs,
@C.BufferFlags int flags,
int size,
int offset,
@Nullable CryptoData cryptoData) {
if (upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired) {
timeUs += sampleOffsetUs;
if (pendingSplice) {
if ((flags & C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) == 0 || !attemptSplice(timeUs)) {
pendingSplice = false;
long absoluteOffset = sampleDataQueue.getTotalBytesWritten() - size - offset;
commitSample(timeUs, flags, absoluteOffset, size, cryptoData);
* Invalidates the last upstream format adjustment. {@link #getAdjustedUpstreamFormat(Format)}
* will be called to adjust the upstream {@link Format} again before the next sample is queued.
protected final void invalidateUpstreamFormatAdjustment() {
upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired = true;
* Adjusts the upstream {@link Format} (i.e., the {@link Format} that was most recently passed to
* {@link #format(Format)}).
* <p>The default implementation incorporates the sample offset passed to {@link
* #setSampleOffsetUs(long)} into {@link Format#subsampleOffsetUs}.
* @param format The {@link Format} to adjust.
* @return The adjusted {@link Format}.
protected Format getAdjustedUpstreamFormat(Format format) {
if (sampleOffsetUs != 0 && format.subsampleOffsetUs != Format.OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE) {
format =
.setSubsampleOffsetUs(format.subsampleOffsetUs + sampleOffsetUs)
return format;
// Internal methods.
/** Rewinds the read position to the first sample in the queue. */
private synchronized void rewind() {
readPosition = 0;
@SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") // See comments in setUpstreamFormat
private synchronized int readSampleMetadata(
FormatHolder formatHolder,
DecoderInputBuffer buffer,
boolean formatRequired,
boolean loadingFinished,
long decodeOnlyUntilUs,
SampleExtrasHolder extrasHolder) {
buffer.waitingForKeys = false;
// This is a temporary fix for
// TODO: Remove it and replace it with a fix that discards samples when writing to the queue.
boolean hasNextSample;
int relativeReadIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
while ((hasNextSample = hasNextSample())) {
relativeReadIndex = getRelativeIndex(readPosition);
long timeUs = timesUs[relativeReadIndex];
if (timeUs < decodeOnlyUntilUs
&& MimeTypes.allSamplesAreSyncSamples(formats[relativeReadIndex].sampleMimeType)) {
} else {
if (!hasNextSample) {
if (loadingFinished || isLastSampleQueued) {
} else if (upstreamFormat != null && (formatRequired || upstreamFormat != downstreamFormat)) {
onFormatResult(Assertions.checkNotNull(upstreamFormat), formatHolder);
} else {
if (formatRequired || formats[relativeReadIndex] != downstreamFormat) {
onFormatResult(formats[relativeReadIndex], formatHolder);
if (!mayReadSample(relativeReadIndex)) {
buffer.waitingForKeys = true;
buffer.timeUs = timesUs[relativeReadIndex];
if (buffer.timeUs < decodeOnlyUntilUs) {
if (buffer.isFlagsOnly()) {
extrasHolder.size = sizes[relativeReadIndex];
extrasHolder.offset = offsets[relativeReadIndex];
extrasHolder.cryptoData = cryptoDatas[relativeReadIndex];
private synchronized boolean setUpstreamFormat(Format format) {
upstreamFormatRequired = false;
if (Util.areEqual(format, upstreamFormat)) {
// The format is unchanged. If format and upstreamFormat are different objects, we keep the
// current upstreamFormat so we can detect format changes on the read side using cheap
// referential quality.
return false;
} else if (Util.areEqual(format, upstreamCommittedFormat)) {
// The format has changed back to the format of the last committed sample. If they are
// different objects, we revert back to using upstreamCommittedFormat as the upstreamFormat
// so we can detect format changes on the read side using cheap referential equality.
upstreamFormat = upstreamCommittedFormat;
return true;
} else {
upstreamFormat = format;
return true;
private synchronized long discardSampleMetadataTo(
long timeUs, boolean toKeyframe, boolean stopAtReadPosition) {
if (length == 0 || timeUs < timesUs[relativeFirstIndex]) {
int searchLength = stopAtReadPosition && readPosition != length ? readPosition + 1 : length;
int discardCount = findSampleBefore(relativeFirstIndex, searchLength, timeUs, toKeyframe);
if (discardCount == -1) {
return discardSamples(discardCount);
public synchronized long discardSampleMetadataToRead() {
if (readPosition == 0) {
return discardSamples(readPosition);
private synchronized long discardSampleMetadataToEnd() {
if (length == 0) {
return discardSamples(length);
private void releaseDrmSessionReferences() {
if (currentDrmSession != null) {
currentDrmSession = null;
// Clear downstream format to avoid violating the assumption that downstreamFormat.drmInitData
// != null implies currentSession != null
downstreamFormat = null;
private synchronized void commitSample(
long timeUs,
@C.BufferFlags int sampleFlags,
long offset,
int size,
@Nullable CryptoData cryptoData) {
if (upstreamKeyframeRequired) {
if ((sampleFlags & C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) == 0) {
upstreamKeyframeRequired = false;
isLastSampleQueued = (sampleFlags & C.BUFFER_FLAG_LAST_SAMPLE) != 0;
largestQueuedTimestampUs = Math.max(largestQueuedTimestampUs, timeUs);
int relativeEndIndex = getRelativeIndex(length);
timesUs[relativeEndIndex] = timeUs;
offsets[relativeEndIndex] = offset;
sizes[relativeEndIndex] = size;
flags[relativeEndIndex] = sampleFlags;
cryptoDatas[relativeEndIndex] = cryptoData;
formats[relativeEndIndex] = upstreamFormat;
sourceIds[relativeEndIndex] = upstreamSourceId;
upstreamCommittedFormat = upstreamFormat;
if (length == capacity) {
// Increase the capacity.
int newCapacity = capacity + SAMPLE_CAPACITY_INCREMENT;
int[] newSourceIds = new int[newCapacity];
long[] newOffsets = new long[newCapacity];
long[] newTimesUs = new long[newCapacity];
int[] newFlags = new int[newCapacity];
int[] newSizes = new int[newCapacity];
CryptoData[] newCryptoDatas = new CryptoData[newCapacity];
Format[] newFormats = new Format[newCapacity];
int beforeWrap = capacity - relativeFirstIndex;
System.arraycopy(offsets, relativeFirstIndex, newOffsets, 0, beforeWrap);
System.arraycopy(timesUs, relativeFirstIndex, newTimesUs, 0, beforeWrap);
System.arraycopy(flags, relativeFirstIndex, newFlags, 0, beforeWrap);
System.arraycopy(sizes, relativeFirstIndex, newSizes, 0, beforeWrap);
System.arraycopy(cryptoDatas, relativeFirstIndex, newCryptoDatas, 0, beforeWrap);
System.arraycopy(formats, relativeFirstIndex, newFormats, 0, beforeWrap);
System.arraycopy(sourceIds, relativeFirstIndex, newSourceIds, 0, beforeWrap);
int afterWrap = relativeFirstIndex;
System.arraycopy(offsets, 0, newOffsets, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
System.arraycopy(timesUs, 0, newTimesUs, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
System.arraycopy(flags, 0, newFlags, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
System.arraycopy(sizes, 0, newSizes, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
System.arraycopy(cryptoDatas, 0, newCryptoDatas, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
System.arraycopy(formats, 0, newFormats, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
System.arraycopy(sourceIds, 0, newSourceIds, beforeWrap, afterWrap);
offsets = newOffsets;
timesUs = newTimesUs;
flags = newFlags;
sizes = newSizes;
cryptoDatas = newCryptoDatas;
formats = newFormats;
sourceIds = newSourceIds;
relativeFirstIndex = 0;
capacity = newCapacity;
* Attempts to discard samples from the end of the queue to allow samples starting from the
* specified timestamp to be spliced in. Samples will not be discarded prior to the read position.
* @param timeUs The timestamp at which the splice occurs.
* @return Whether the splice was successful.
private synchronized boolean attemptSplice(long timeUs) {
if (length == 0) {
return timeUs > largestDiscardedTimestampUs;
long largestReadTimestampUs =
Math.max(largestDiscardedTimestampUs, getLargestTimestamp(readPosition));
if (largestReadTimestampUs >= timeUs) {
return false;
int retainCount = length;
int relativeSampleIndex = getRelativeIndex(length - 1);
while (retainCount > readPosition && timesUs[relativeSampleIndex] >= timeUs) {
if (relativeSampleIndex == -1) {
relativeSampleIndex = capacity - 1;
discardUpstreamSampleMetadata(absoluteFirstIndex + retainCount);
return true;
private long discardUpstreamSampleMetadata(int discardFromIndex) {
int discardCount = getWriteIndex() - discardFromIndex;
Assertions.checkArgument(0 <= discardCount && discardCount <= (length - readPosition));
length -= discardCount;
largestQueuedTimestampUs = Math.max(largestDiscardedTimestampUs, getLargestTimestamp(length));
isLastSampleQueued = discardCount == 0 && isLastSampleQueued;
if (length != 0) {
int relativeLastWriteIndex = getRelativeIndex(length - 1);
return offsets[relativeLastWriteIndex] + sizes[relativeLastWriteIndex];
return 0;
private boolean hasNextSample() {
return readPosition != length;
* Sets the downstream format, performs DRM resource management, and populates the {@code
* outputFormatHolder}.
* @param newFormat The new downstream format.
* @param outputFormatHolder The output {@link FormatHolder}.
private void onFormatResult(Format newFormat, FormatHolder outputFormatHolder) {
outputFormatHolder.format = newFormat;
boolean isFirstFormat = downstreamFormat == null;
@Nullable DrmInitData oldDrmInitData = isFirstFormat ? null : downstreamFormat.drmInitData;
downstreamFormat = newFormat;
@Nullable DrmInitData newDrmInitData = newFormat.drmInitData;
outputFormatHolder.drmSession = currentDrmSession;
if (!isFirstFormat && Util.areEqual(oldDrmInitData, newDrmInitData)) {
// Nothing to do.
// Ensure we acquire the new session before releasing the previous one in case the same session
// is being used for both DrmInitData.
@Nullable DrmSession previousSession = currentDrmSession;
currentDrmSession =
newDrmInitData != null
? drmSessionManager.acquireSession(playbackLooper, eventDispatcher, newDrmInitData)
: drmSessionManager.acquirePlaceholderSession(
playbackLooper, MimeTypes.getTrackType(newFormat.sampleMimeType));
outputFormatHolder.drmSession = currentDrmSession;
if (previousSession != null) {
* Returns whether it's possible to read the next sample.
* @param relativeReadIndex The relative read index of the next sample.
* @return Whether it's possible to read the next sample.
private boolean mayReadSample(int relativeReadIndex) {
return currentDrmSession == null
|| currentDrmSession.getState() == DrmSession.STATE_OPENED_WITH_KEYS
|| ((flags[relativeReadIndex] & C.BUFFER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED) == 0
&& currentDrmSession.playClearSamplesWithoutKeys());
* Finds the sample in the specified range that's before or at the specified time. If {@code
* keyframe} is {@code true} then the sample is additionally required to be a keyframe.
* @param relativeStartIndex The relative index from which to start searching.
* @param length The length of the range being searched.
* @param timeUs The specified time.
* @param keyframe Whether only keyframes should be considered.
* @return The offset from {@code relativeFirstIndex} to the found sample, or -1 if no matching
* sample was found.
private int findSampleBefore(int relativeStartIndex, int length, long timeUs, boolean keyframe) {
// This could be optimized to use a binary search, however in practice callers to this method
// normally pass times near to the start of the search region. Hence it's unclear whether
// switching to a binary search would yield any real benefit.
int sampleCountToTarget = -1;
int searchIndex = relativeStartIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < length && timesUs[searchIndex] <= timeUs; i++) {
if (!keyframe || (flags[searchIndex] & C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) != 0) {
// We've found a suitable sample.
sampleCountToTarget = i;
if (searchIndex == capacity) {
searchIndex = 0;
return sampleCountToTarget;
* Discards the specified number of samples.
* @param discardCount The number of samples to discard.
* @return The corresponding offset up to which data should be discarded.
private long discardSamples(int discardCount) {
largestDiscardedTimestampUs =
Math.max(largestDiscardedTimestampUs, getLargestTimestamp(discardCount));
length -= discardCount;
absoluteFirstIndex += discardCount;
relativeFirstIndex += discardCount;
if (relativeFirstIndex >= capacity) {
relativeFirstIndex -= capacity;
readPosition -= discardCount;
if (readPosition < 0) {
readPosition = 0;
if (length == 0) {
int relativeLastDiscardIndex = (relativeFirstIndex == 0 ? capacity : relativeFirstIndex) - 1;
return offsets[relativeLastDiscardIndex] + sizes[relativeLastDiscardIndex];
} else {
return offsets[relativeFirstIndex];
* Finds the largest timestamp of any sample from the start of the queue up to the specified
* length, assuming that the timestamps prior to a keyframe are always less than the timestamp of
* the keyframe itself, and of subsequent frames.
* @param length The length of the range being searched.
* @return The largest timestamp, or {@link Long#MIN_VALUE} if {@code length == 0}.
private long getLargestTimestamp(int length) {
if (length == 0) {
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
long largestTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
int relativeSampleIndex = getRelativeIndex(length - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
largestTimestampUs = Math.max(largestTimestampUs, timesUs[relativeSampleIndex]);
if ((flags[relativeSampleIndex] & C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) != 0) {
if (relativeSampleIndex == -1) {
relativeSampleIndex = capacity - 1;
return largestTimestampUs;
* Returns the relative index for a given offset from the start of the queue.
* @param offset The offset, which must be in the range [0, length].
private int getRelativeIndex(int offset) {
int relativeIndex = relativeFirstIndex + offset;
return relativeIndex < capacity ? relativeIndex : relativeIndex - capacity;
/** A holder for sample metadata not held by {@link DecoderInputBuffer}. */
/* package */ static final class SampleExtrasHolder {
public int size;
public long offset;
@Nullable public CryptoData cryptoData;