blob: a980254277cd8496f252be12b614f2ed5d47ff7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.text.Layout.Alignment;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.CheckResult;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableType;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
/** A Truth {@link Subject} for assertions on {@link Spanned} instances containing text styling. */
// TODO: add support for more Spans i.e. all those used in
public final class SpannedSubject extends Subject {
@Nullable private final Spanned actual;
private SpannedSubject(FailureMetadata metadata, @Nullable Spanned actual) {
super(metadata, actual);
this.actual = actual;
public static Factory<SpannedSubject, Spanned> spanned() {
return SpannedSubject::new;
* Convenience method to create a SpannedSubject.
* <p>Can be statically imported alongside other Truth {@code assertThat} methods.
* @param spanned The subject under test.
* @return An object for conducting assertions on the subject.
public static SpannedSubject assertThat(@Nullable Spanned spanned) {
return assertAbout(spanned()).that(spanned);
public void hasNoSpans() {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
Object[] spans = actual.getSpans(0, actual.length(), Object.class);
if (spans.length > 0) {
simpleFact("Expected no spans"), fact("in text", actual), actualSpansFact());
* Checks that the subject has an italic span from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
public WithSpanFlags hasItalicSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
return hasStyleSpan(start, end, Typeface.ITALIC);
* Checks that the subject has a bold span from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
public WithSpanFlags hasBoldSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
return hasStyleSpan(start, end, Typeface.BOLD);
private WithSpanFlags hasStyleSpan(int start, int end, int style) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<Integer> allFlags = new ArrayList<>();
boolean matchingSpanFound = false;
for (StyleSpan span : findMatchingSpans(start, end, StyleSpan.class)) {
if (span.getStyle() == style) {
matchingSpanFound = true;
if (matchingSpanFound) {
return check("StyleSpan (start=%s,end=%s,style=%s)", start, end, style)
failWithExpectedSpan(start, end, StyleSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
* Checks that the subject has bold and italic styling from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>This can either be:
* <ul>
* <li>A single {@link StyleSpan} with {@code span.getStyle() == Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC}.
* <li>Two {@link StyleSpan}s, one with {@code span.getStyle() == Typeface.BOLD} and the other
* with {@code span.getStyle() == Typeface.ITALIC}.
* </ul>
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
public WithSpanFlags hasBoldItalicSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<Integer> allFlags = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> styles = new ArrayList<>();
for (StyleSpan span : findMatchingSpans(start, end, StyleSpan.class)) {
if (styles.isEmpty()) {
failWithExpectedSpan(start, end, StyleSpan.class, actual.subSequence(start, end).toString());
if (styles.contains(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)
|| (styles.contains(Typeface.BOLD) && styles.contains(Typeface.ITALIC))) {
return check("StyleSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end).about(spanFlags()).that(allFlags);
String.format("No matching StyleSpans found between start=%s,end=%s", start, end)),
fact("in text", actual.toString()),
fact("expected to contain either", Collections.singletonList(Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)),
fact("or both", Arrays.asList(Typeface.BOLD, Typeface.ITALIC)),
fact("but found styles", styles));
* Checks that the subject has no {@link StyleSpan}s on any of the text between {@code start} and
* {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoStyleSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(StyleSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has an {@link UnderlineSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
public WithSpanFlags hasUnderlineSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<UnderlineSpan> underlineSpans = findMatchingSpans(start, end, UnderlineSpan.class);
if (underlineSpans.size() == 1) {
return check("UnderlineSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
failWithExpectedSpan(start, end, UnderlineSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
* Checks that the subject has no {@link UnderlineSpan}s on any of the text between {@code start}
* and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoUnderlineSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(UnderlineSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has an {@link StrikethroughSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
public WithSpanFlags hasStrikethroughSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<StrikethroughSpan> strikethroughSpans =
findMatchingSpans(start, end, StrikethroughSpan.class);
if (strikethroughSpans.size() == 1) {
return check("StrikethroughSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
start, end, StrikethroughSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
* Checks that the subject has no {@link StrikethroughSpan}s on any of the text between {@code
* start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoStrikethroughSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(StrikethroughSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link AlignmentSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The alignment is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link Aligned} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link Aligned} object to assert on the alignment of the matching spans.
public Aligned hasAlignmentSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<AlignmentSpan> alignmentSpans = findMatchingSpans(start, end, AlignmentSpan.class);
if (alignmentSpans.isEmpty()) {
start, end, AlignmentSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("AlignmentSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
* Checks that the subject has no {@link AlignmentSpan}s on any of the text between {@code start}
* and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoAlignmentSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(AlignmentSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link ForegroundColorSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The color is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link Colored} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link Colored} object to assert on the color of the matching spans.
public Colored hasForegroundColorSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<ForegroundColorSpan> foregroundColorSpans =
findMatchingSpans(start, end, ForegroundColorSpan.class);
if (foregroundColorSpans.isEmpty()) {
start, end, ForegroundColorSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("ForegroundColorSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
* Checks that the subject has no {@link ForegroundColorSpan}s on any of the text between {@code
* start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoForegroundColorSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(ForegroundColorSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link BackgroundColorSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The color is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link Colored} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link Colored} object to assert on the color of the matching spans.
public Colored hasBackgroundColorSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<BackgroundColorSpan> backgroundColorSpans =
findMatchingSpans(start, end, BackgroundColorSpan.class);
if (backgroundColorSpans.isEmpty()) {
start, end, BackgroundColorSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("BackgroundColorSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
* Checks that the subject has no {@link BackgroundColorSpan}s on any of the text between {@code
* start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoBackgroundColorSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(BackgroundColorSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link TypefaceSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The font is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link Typefaced} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link Typefaced} object to assert on the font of the matching spans.
public Typefaced hasTypefaceSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<TypefaceSpan> backgroundColorSpans = findMatchingSpans(start, end, TypefaceSpan.class);
if (backgroundColorSpans.isEmpty()) {
failWithExpectedSpan(start, end, TypefaceSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("TypefaceSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
* Checks that the subject has no {@link TypefaceSpan}s on any of the text between {@code start}
* and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoTypefaceSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(TypefaceSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link AbsoluteSizeSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The size is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link AbsoluteSized} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link AbsoluteSized} object to assert on the size of the matching spans.
public AbsoluteSized hasAbsoluteSizeSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<AbsoluteSizeSpan> absoluteSizeSpans =
findMatchingSpans(start, end, AbsoluteSizeSpan.class);
if (absoluteSizeSpans.isEmpty()) {
start, end, AbsoluteSizeSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("AbsoluteSizeSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
* Checks that the subject has no {@link AbsoluteSizeSpan}s on any of the text between {@code
* start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoAbsoluteSizeSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(AbsoluteSizeSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link RelativeSizeSpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The size is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link RelativeSized} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link RelativeSized} object to assert on the size of the matching spans.
public RelativeSized hasRelativeSizeSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<RelativeSizeSpan> relativeSizeSpans =
findMatchingSpans(start, end, RelativeSizeSpan.class);
if (relativeSizeSpans.isEmpty()) {
start, end, RelativeSizeSpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("RelativeSizeSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
* Checks that the subject has no {@link RelativeSizeSpan}s on any of the text between {@code
* start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoRelativeSizeSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(RelativeSizeSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has a {@link RubySpan} from {@code start} to {@code end}.
* <p>The ruby-text is asserted in a follow-up method call on the return {@link RubyText} object.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link Colored} object to assert on the color of the matching spans.
public RubyText hasRubySpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<RubySpan> rubySpans = findMatchingSpans(start, end, RubySpan.class);
if (rubySpans.isEmpty()) {
failWithExpectedSpan(start, end, RubySpan.class, actual.toString().substring(start, end));
return check("RubySpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end).about(rubySpans(actual)).that(rubySpans);
* Checks that the subject has no {@link RubySpan}s on any of the text between {@code start} and
* {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoRubySpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(RubySpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has an {@link HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan} from {@code start}
* to {@code end}.
* @param start The start of the expected span.
* @param end The end of the expected span.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
public WithSpanFlags hasHorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
List<HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan> horizontalInVerticalSpans =
findMatchingSpans(start, end, HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan.class);
if (horizontalInVerticalSpans.size() == 1) {
return check("HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan (start=%s,end=%s)", start, end)
actual.toString().substring(start, end));
* Checks that the subject has no {@link HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan}s on any of the text
* between {@code start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
public void hasNoHorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpanBetween(int start, int end) {
hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan.class, start, end);
* Checks that the subject has no spans of type {@code spanClazz} on any of the text between
* {@code start} and {@code end}.
* <p>This fails even if the start and end indexes don't exactly match.
* @param start The start index to start searching for spans.
* @param end The end index to stop searching for spans.
private void hasNoSpansOfTypeBetween(Class<?> spanClazz, int start, int end) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
@NullableType Object[] matchingSpans = actual.getSpans(start, end, spanClazz);
if (matchingSpans.length != 0) {
"Found unexpected %ss between start=%s,end=%s",
spanClazz.getSimpleName(), start, end)),
simpleFact("expected none"),
private <T> List<T> findMatchingSpans(int startIndex, int endIndex, Class<T> spanClazz) {
if (actual == null) {
failWithoutActual(simpleFact("Spanned must not be null"));
return Collections.emptyList();
List<T> spans = new ArrayList<>();
for (T span : actual.getSpans(startIndex, endIndex, spanClazz)) {
if (actual.getSpanStart(span) == startIndex && actual.getSpanEnd(span) == endIndex) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(spans);
private void failWithExpectedSpan(
int start, int end, Class<?> spanType, String spannedSubstring) {
simpleFact("No matching span found"),
fact("in text", actual),
fact("expected", getSpanAsString(start, end, spanType, spannedSubstring)),
private Fact actualSpansFact() {
String actualSpans = getAllSpansAsString(actual);
if (actualSpans.isEmpty()) {
return Fact.simpleFact("but found no spans");
} else {
return Fact.fact("but found", actualSpans);
private static String getAllSpansAsString(Spanned spanned) {
List<String> actualSpanStrings = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object span : spanned.getSpans(0, spanned.length(), Object.class)) {
actualSpanStrings.add(getSpanAsString(span, spanned));
return TextUtils.join("\n", actualSpanStrings);
private static String getSpanAsString(Object span, Spanned spanned) {
int spanStart = spanned.getSpanStart(span);
int spanEnd = spanned.getSpanEnd(span);
return getSpanAsString(
spanStart, spanEnd, span.getClass(), spanned.toString().substring(spanStart, spanEnd));
private static String getSpanAsString(
int start, int end, Class<?> span, String spannedSubstring) {
return String.format(
start, end, span.getSimpleName(), spannedSubstring);
* Allows additional assertions to be made on the flags of matching spans.
* <p>Identical to {@link WithSpanFlags}, but this should be returned from {@code with...()}
* methods while {@link WithSpanFlags} should be returned from {@code has...()} methods.
* <p>See Flag constants on {@link Spanned} for possible values.
public interface AndSpanFlags {
* Checks that one of the matched spans has the expected {@code flags}.
* @param flags The expected flags. See SPAN_* constants on {@link Spanned} for possible values.
void andFlags(int flags);
private static final AndSpanFlags ALREADY_FAILED_AND_FLAGS = flags -> {};
* Allows additional assertions to be made on the flags of matching spans.
* <p>Identical to {@link AndSpanFlags}, but this should be returned from {@code has...()} methods
* while {@link AndSpanFlags} should be returned from {@code with...()} methods.
public interface WithSpanFlags {
* Checks that one of the matched spans has the expected {@code flags}.
* @param flags The expected flags. See SPAN_* constants on {@link Spanned} for possible values.
void withFlags(int flags);
private static final WithSpanFlags ALREADY_FAILED_WITH_FLAGS = flags -> {};
private static Factory<SpanFlagsSubject, List<Integer>> spanFlags() {
return SpanFlagsSubject::new;
private static final class SpanFlagsSubject extends Subject
implements AndSpanFlags, WithSpanFlags {
private final List<Integer> flags;
private SpanFlagsSubject(FailureMetadata metadata, List<Integer> flags) {
super(metadata, flags);
this.flags = flags;
public void andFlags(int flags) {
public void withFlags(int flags) {
/** Allows assertions about the alignment of a span. */
public interface Aligned {
* Checks that at least one of the matched spans has the expected {@code alignment}.
* @param alignment The expected alignment.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
AndSpanFlags withAlignment(Alignment alignment);
private static final Aligned ALREADY_FAILED_ALIGNED = alignment -> ALREADY_FAILED_AND_FLAGS;
private static Factory<AlignmentSpansSubject, List<AlignmentSpan>> alignmentSpans(
Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<AlignmentSpan> spans) ->
new AlignmentSpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class AlignmentSpansSubject extends Subject implements Aligned {
private final List<AlignmentSpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private AlignmentSpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<AlignmentSpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withAlignment(Alignment alignment) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
List<Alignment> spanAlignments = new ArrayList<>();
for (AlignmentSpan span : actualSpans) {
if (span.getAlignment().equals(alignment)) {
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
/** Allows assertions about the color of a span. */
public interface Colored {
* Checks that at least one of the matched spans has the expected {@code color}.
* @param color The expected color.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
AndSpanFlags withColor(@ColorInt int color);
private static final Colored ALREADY_FAILED_COLORED = color -> ALREADY_FAILED_AND_FLAGS;
private static Factory<ForegroundColorSpansSubject, List<ForegroundColorSpan>>
foregroundColorSpans(Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<ForegroundColorSpan> spans) ->
new ForegroundColorSpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class ForegroundColorSpansSubject extends Subject implements Colored {
private final List<ForegroundColorSpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private ForegroundColorSpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<ForegroundColorSpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withColor(@ColorInt int color) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
// Use hex strings for comparison so the values in error messages are more human readable.
List<String> spanColors = new ArrayList<>();
for (ForegroundColorSpan span : actualSpans) {
spanColors.add(String.format("0x%08X", span.getForegroundColor()));
if (span.getForegroundColor() == color) {
String expectedColorString = String.format("0x%08X", color);
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
private static Factory<BackgroundColorSpansSubject, List<BackgroundColorSpan>>
backgroundColorSpans(Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<BackgroundColorSpan> spans) ->
new BackgroundColorSpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class BackgroundColorSpansSubject extends Subject implements Colored {
private final List<BackgroundColorSpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private BackgroundColorSpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<BackgroundColorSpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withColor(@ColorInt int color) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
// Use hex strings for comparison so the values in error messages are more human readable.
List<String> spanColors = new ArrayList<>();
for (BackgroundColorSpan span : actualSpans) {
spanColors.add(String.format("0x%08X", span.getBackgroundColor()));
if (span.getBackgroundColor() == color) {
String expectedColorString = String.format("0x%08X", color);
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
/** Allows assertions about the typeface of a span. */
public interface Typefaced {
* Checks that at least one of the matched spans has the expected {@code fontFamily}.
* @param fontFamily The expected font family.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
AndSpanFlags withFamily(String fontFamily);
private static final Typefaced ALREADY_FAILED_TYPEFACED = color -> ALREADY_FAILED_AND_FLAGS;
private static Factory<TypefaceSpansSubject, List<TypefaceSpan>> typefaceSpans(
Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<TypefaceSpan> spans) ->
new TypefaceSpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class TypefaceSpansSubject extends Subject implements Typefaced {
private final List<TypefaceSpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private TypefaceSpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<TypefaceSpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withFamily(String fontFamily) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
List<@NullableType String> spanFontFamilies = new ArrayList<>();
for (TypefaceSpan span : actualSpans) {
if (Util.areEqual(span.getFamily(), fontFamily)) {
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
/** Allows assertions about the absolute size of a span. */
public interface AbsoluteSized {
* Checks that at least one of the matched spans has the expected {@code size}.
* @param size The expected size.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
AndSpanFlags withAbsoluteSize(int size);
private static final AbsoluteSized ALREADY_FAILED_ABSOLUTE_SIZED =
private static Factory<AbsoluteSizeSpansSubject, List<AbsoluteSizeSpan>> absoluteSizeSpans(
Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<AbsoluteSizeSpan> spans) ->
new AbsoluteSizeSpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class AbsoluteSizeSpansSubject extends Subject implements AbsoluteSized {
private final List<AbsoluteSizeSpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private AbsoluteSizeSpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<AbsoluteSizeSpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withAbsoluteSize(int size) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> spanSizes = new ArrayList<>();
for (AbsoluteSizeSpan span : actualSpans) {
if (span.getSize() == size) {
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
/** Allows assertions about the relative size of a span. */
public interface RelativeSized {
* Checks that at least one of the matched spans has the expected {@code sizeChange}.
* @param sizeChange The expected size change.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
AndSpanFlags withSizeChange(float sizeChange);
private static final RelativeSized ALREADY_FAILED_RELATIVE_SIZED =
private static Factory<RelativeSizeSpansSubject, List<RelativeSizeSpan>> relativeSizeSpans(
Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<RelativeSizeSpan> spans) ->
new RelativeSizeSpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class RelativeSizeSpansSubject extends Subject implements RelativeSized {
private final List<RelativeSizeSpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private RelativeSizeSpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<RelativeSizeSpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withSizeChange(float size) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
List<Float> spanSizes = new ArrayList<>();
for (RelativeSizeSpan span : actualSpans) {
if (span.getSizeChange() == size) {
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
/** Allows assertions about a span's ruby text and its position. */
public interface RubyText {
* Checks that at least one of the matched spans has the expected {@code text}.
* @param text The expected text.
* @param position The expected position of the text.
* @return A {@link WithSpanFlags} object for optional additional assertions on the flags.
AndSpanFlags withTextAndPosition(String text, @RubySpan.Position int position);
private static final RubyText ALREADY_FAILED_WITH_TEXT =
(text, position) -> ALREADY_FAILED_AND_FLAGS;
private static Factory<RubySpansSubject, List<RubySpan>> rubySpans(Spanned actualSpanned) {
return (FailureMetadata metadata, List<RubySpan> spans) ->
new RubySpansSubject(metadata, spans, actualSpanned);
private static final class RubySpansSubject extends Subject implements RubyText {
private final List<RubySpan> actualSpans;
private final Spanned actualSpanned;
private RubySpansSubject(
FailureMetadata metadata, List<RubySpan> actualSpans, Spanned actualSpanned) {
super(metadata, actualSpans);
this.actualSpans = actualSpans;
this.actualSpanned = actualSpanned;
public AndSpanFlags withTextAndPosition(String text, @RubySpan.Position int position) {
List<Integer> matchingSpanFlags = new ArrayList<>();
List<TextAndPosition> spanTextsAndPositions = new ArrayList<>();
for (RubySpan span : actualSpans) {
spanTextsAndPositions.add(new TextAndPosition(span.rubyText, span.position));
if (span.rubyText.equals(text)) {
.containsExactly(new TextAndPosition(text, position));
return check("flags").about(spanFlags()).that(matchingSpanFlags);
private static final class TextAndPosition {
private final String text;
@RubySpan.Position private final int position;
private TextAndPosition(String text, int position) {
this.text = text;
this.position = position;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
TextAndPosition that = (TextAndPosition) o;
if (position != that.position) {
return false;
return text.equals(that.text);
public int hashCode() {
int result = text.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + position;
return result;
public String toString() {
return String.format("{text='%s',position=%s}", text, position);