blob: 6bb13bc1c0958cff05635f4c33288fb34215deb7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2018 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// Intel(R) Performance Primitives. Cryptography Primitives.
// GF(p^d) methods, if binomial generator
#include "owncp.h"
#include "pcpgfpxstuff.h"
#include "pcpgfpxmethod_com.h"
//gres: temporary excluded: #include <assert.h>
// EPID 2.0 specific.
// EPID 2.0 uses the following finite field hierarchy:
// 1) prime field GF(p),
// p = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFCF0CD46E5F25EEE71A49F0CDC65FB12980A82D3292DDBAED33013
// 2) 2-degree extension of GF(p): GF(p^2) == GF(p)[x]/g(x), g(x) = x^2 -beta,
// beta =-1 mod p, so "beta" represents as {1}
// 3) 3-degree extension of GF(p^2) ~ GF(p^6): GF((p^2)^3) == GF(p)[v]/g(v), g(v) = v^3 -xi,
// xi belongs GF(p^2), xi=x+2, so "xi" represents as {2,1} ---- "2" is low- and "1" is high-order coefficients
// 4) 2-degree extension of GF((p^2)^3) ~ GF(p^12): GF(((p^2)^3)^2) == GF(p)[w]/g(w), g(w) = w^2 -vi,
// psi belongs GF((p^2)^3), vi=0*v^2 +1*v +0, so "vi" represents as {0,1,0}---- "0", '1" and "0" are low-, middle- and high-order coefficients
// See representations in t_gfpparam.cpp
// Multiplication case: mul(a, xi) over GF(p^2),
// where:
// a, belongs to GF(p^2)
// xi belongs to GF(p^2), xi={2,1}
// The case is important in GF((p^2)^3) arithmetic for EPID 2.0.
__INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpFq2Mul_xi(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
mod_mul addF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->add;
mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
int termLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
BNU_CHUNK_T* t0 = cpGFpGetPool(2, pGroundGFE);
BNU_CHUNK_T* t1 = t0+termLen;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA0 = pA;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA1 = pA+termLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR0 = pR;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR1 = pR+termLen;
//gres: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=t0);
addF(t0, pA0, pA0, pGroundGFE);
addF(t1, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE);
subF(pR0, t0, pA1, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR1, t1, pA1, pGroundGFE);
cpGFpReleasePool(2, pGroundGFE);
return pR;
// Multiplication case: mul(a, vi) over GF((p^2)^3),
// where:
// a, belongs to GF((p^2)^3)
// xi belongs to GF((p^2)^3), vi={0,1,0}
// The case is important in GF(((p^2)^3)^2) arithmetic for EPID 2.0.
__INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpFq6Mul_vi(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
int termLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA0 = pA;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA1 = pA+termLen;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA2 = pA+termLen*2;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR0 = pR;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR1 = pR+termLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR2 = pR+termLen*2;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t = cpGFpGetPool(1, pGroundGFE);
//gres: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=t);
cpFq2Mul_xi(t, pA2, pGroundGFE);
cpGFpElementCopy(pR2, pA1, termLen);
cpGFpElementCopy(pR1, pA0, termLen);
cpGFpElementCopy(pR0, t, termLen);
cpGFpReleasePool(1, pGroundGFE);
return pR;
// Multiplication case: mul(a, g0) over GF(()),
// where:
// a and g0 belongs to GF(()) - field is being extension
// The case is important in GF(()^d) arithmetic if constructed polynomial is generic binomial g(t) = t^d +g0.
static BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpxMul_G0(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
BNU_CHUNK_T* pGFpolynomial = GFP_MODULUS(pGFEx); /* g(x) = t^d + g0 */
return GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul(pR, pA, pGFpolynomial, pGroundGFE);
// EPID20 specific
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Multiplication over GF(p^2)
// - field polynomial: g(x) = x^2 - beta => binominal with specific value of "beta"
// - beta = p-1
// Multiplication over GF(((p^2)^3)^2) ~ GF(p^12)
// - field polynomial: g(w) = w^2 - vi => binominal with specific value of "vi"
// - vi = 0*v^2 + 1*v + 0 - i.e vi={0,1,0} belongs to GF((p^2)^3)
static BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpxMul_p2_binom_epid2(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
mod_mul mulF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul;
mod_add addF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->add;
mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
int groundElemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA0 = pA;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA1 = pA+groundElemLen;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB0 = pB;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB1 = pB+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR0 = pR;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR1 = pR+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t0 = cpGFpGetPool(4, pGroundGFE);
BNU_CHUNK_T* t1 = t0+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t2 = t1+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t3 = t2+groundElemLen;
//gres: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=t0);
mulF(t0, pA0, pB0, pGroundGFE); /* t0 = a[0]*b[0] */
mulF(t1, pA1, pB1, pGroundGFE); /* t1 = a[1]*b[1] */
addF(t2, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE); /* t2 = a[0]+a[1] */
addF(t3, pB0, pB1, pGroundGFE); /* t3 = b[0]+b[1] */
mulF(pR1, t2, t3, pGroundGFE); /* r[1] = (a[0]+a[1]) * (b[0]+b[1]) */
subF(pR1, pR1, t0, pGroundGFE); /* r[1] -= a[0]*b[0]) + a[1]*b[1] */
subF(pR1, pR1, t1, pGroundGFE);
/* EPID2 specific */
int basicExtDegree = cpGFpBasicDegreeExtension(pGFEx);
/* deal with GF(p^2) */
if(basicExtDegree==2) {
subF(pR0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
/* deal with GF(p^6^2) */
else if(basicExtDegree==12) {
cpFq6Mul_vi(t1, t1, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
/* deal with GF(p^x^2) - it's not EPID2 case, just a case */
else {
cpGFpxMul_G0(t1, t1, pGFEx);
subF(pR0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
cpGFpReleasePool(4, pGroundGFE);
return pR;
// EPID20 specific
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Squaring over GF(p^2)
// - field polynomial: g(x) = x^2 - beta => binominal with specific value of "beta"
// - beta = p-1
// Squaring in GF(((p^2)^3)^2) ~ GF(p^12)
// - field polynomial: g(w) = w^2 - vi => binominal with specific value of "vi"
// - vi = 0*v^2 + 1*v + 0 - i.e vi={0,1,0} belongs to GF((p^2)^3)
static BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpxSqr_p2_binom_epid2(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
mod_mul mulF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul;
mod_sqr sqrF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sqr;
mod_add addF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->add;
mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
int groundElemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA0 = pA;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA1 = pA+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR0 = pR;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR1 = pR+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t0 = cpGFpGetPool(3, pGroundGFE);
BNU_CHUNK_T* t1 = t0+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* u0 = t1+groundElemLen;
//gres: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=t0);
mulF(u0, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE); /* u0 = a[0]*a[1] */
/* EPID2 specific */
int basicExtDegree = cpGFpBasicDegreeExtension(pGFEx);
/* deal with GF(p^2) */
if(basicExtDegree==2) {
addF(t0, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE);
subF(t1, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE);
mulF(pR0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR1, u0, u0, pGroundGFE); /* r[1] = 2*a[0]*a[1] */
/* deal with GF(p^6^2) */
else if(basicExtDegree==12) {
subF(t0, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE);
cpFq6Mul_vi(t1, pA1, pGroundGFE);
subF(t1, pA0, t1, pGroundGFE);
mulF(t0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
addF(t0, t0, u0, pGroundGFE);
cpFq6Mul_vi(t1, u0, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR1, u0, u0, pGroundGFE);
/* just a case */
else {
sqrF(t0, pA0, pGroundGFE); /* t0 = a[0]*a[0] */
sqrF(t1, pA1, pGroundGFE); /* t1 = a[1]*a[1] */
cpGFpxMul_G0(t1, t1, pGFEx);
subF(pR0, t0, t1, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR1, u0, u0, pGroundGFE); /* r[1] = 2*a[0]*a[1] */
cpGFpReleasePool(3, pGroundGFE);
return pR;
// return specific polynomi alarith methods
// polynomial - deg 2 binomial (EPID 2.0)
static gsModMethod* gsPolyArith_binom2_epid2(void)
static gsModMethod m = {
return &m;
IPPFUN( const IppsGFpMethod*, ippsGFpxMethod_binom2_epid2, (void) )
static IppsGFpMethod method = {
method.arith = gsPolyArith_binom2_epid2();
return &method;
// EPID20 specific
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Multiplication over GF((p^2)^3)
// - field polynomial: g(v) = v^3 - xi => binominal with specific value of "xi"
// - xi = x+2
static BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpxMul_p3_binom_epid2(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
int groundElemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
mod_mul mulF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul;
mod_add addF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->add;
mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA0 = pA;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA1 = pA+groundElemLen;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA2 = pA+groundElemLen*2;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB0 = pB;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB1 = pB+groundElemLen;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB2 = pB+groundElemLen*2;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR0 = pR;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR1 = pR+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR2 = pR+groundElemLen*2;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t0 = cpGFpGetPool(6, pGroundGFE);
BNU_CHUNK_T* t1 = t0+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* t2 = t1+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* u0 = t2+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* u1 = u0+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* u2 = u1+groundElemLen;
//gres: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=t0);
addF(u0 ,pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE); /* u0 = a[0]+a[1] */
addF(t0 ,pB0, pB1, pGroundGFE); /* t0 = b[0]+b[1] */
mulF(u0, u0, t0, pGroundGFE); /* u0 = (a[0]+a[1])*(b[0]+b[1]) */
mulF(t0, pA0, pB0, pGroundGFE); /* t0 = a[0]*b[0] */
addF(u1 ,pA1, pA2, pGroundGFE); /* u1 = a[1]+a[2] */
addF(t1 ,pB1, pB2, pGroundGFE); /* t1 = b[1]+b[2] */
mulF(u1, u1, t1, pGroundGFE); /* u1 = (a[1]+a[2])*(b[1]+b[2]) */
mulF(t1, pA1, pB1, pGroundGFE); /* t1 = a[1]*b[1] */
addF(u2 ,pA2, pA0, pGroundGFE); /* u2 = a[2]+a[0] */
addF(t2 ,pB2, pB0, pGroundGFE); /* t2 = b[2]+b[0] */
mulF(u2, u2, t2, pGroundGFE); /* u2 = (a[2]+a[0])*(b[2]+b[0]) */
mulF(t2, pA2, pB2, pGroundGFE); /* t2 = a[2]*b[2] */
subF(u0, u0, t0, pGroundGFE); /* u0 = a[0]*b[1]+a[1]*b[0] */
subF(u0, u0, t1, pGroundGFE);
subF(u1, u1, t1, pGroundGFE); /* u1 = a[1]*b[2]+a[2]*b[1] */
subF(u1, u1, t2, pGroundGFE);
subF(u2, u2, t2, pGroundGFE); /* u2 = a[2]*b[0]+a[0]*b[2] */
subF(u2, u2, t0, pGroundGFE);
/* EPID2 specific */
int basicExtDegree = cpGFpBasicDegreeExtension(pGFEx);
/* deal with GF(p^2^3) */
if(basicExtDegree==6) {
cpFq2Mul_xi(u1, u1, pGroundGFE);
cpFq2Mul_xi(t2, t2, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR0, t0, u1, pGroundGFE); /* r[0] = a[0]*b[0] - (a[2]*b[1]+a[1]*b[2])*beta */
addF(pR1, u0, t2, pGroundGFE); /* r[1] = a[1]*b[0] + a[0]*b[1] - a[2]*b[2]*beta */
/* just a case */
else {
cpGFpxMul_G0(u1, u1, pGFEx); /* u1 = (a[1]*b[2]+a[2]*b[1]) * beta */
cpGFpxMul_G0(t2, t2, pGFEx); /* t2 = a[2]*b[2] * beta */
subF(pR0, t0, u1, pGroundGFE); /* r[0] = a[0]*b[0] - (a[2]*b[1]+a[1]*b[2])*beta */
subF(pR1, u0, t2, pGroundGFE); /* r[1] = a[1]*b[0] + a[0]*b[1] - a[2]*b[2]*beta */
addF(pR2, u2, t1, pGroundGFE); /* r[2] = a[2]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[0]*b[2] */
cpGFpReleasePool(6, pGroundGFE);
return pR;
// EPID20 specific
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Squaring over GF((p^2)^3)
// - field polynomial: g(v) = v^3 - xi => binominal with specific value of "xi"
// - xi = x+2
static BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpxSqr_p3_binom_epid2(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsEngine* pGFEx)
gsEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
int groundElemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
mod_mul mulF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul;
mod_sqr sqrF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sqr;
mod_add addF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->add;
mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA0 = pA;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA1 = pA+groundElemLen;
const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA2 = pA+groundElemLen*2;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR0 = pR;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR1 = pR+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* pR2 = pR+groundElemLen*2;
BNU_CHUNK_T* s0 = cpGFpGetPool(5, pGroundGFE);
BNU_CHUNK_T* s1 = s0+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* s2 = s1+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* s3 = s2+groundElemLen;
BNU_CHUNK_T* s4 = s3+groundElemLen;
addF(s2, pA0, pA2, pGroundGFE);
subF(s2, s2, pA1, pGroundGFE);
sqrF(s2, s2, pGroundGFE);
sqrF(s0, pA0, pGroundGFE);
sqrF(s4, pA2, pGroundGFE);
mulF(s1, pA0, pA1, pGroundGFE);
mulF(s3, pA1, pA2, pGroundGFE);
addF(s1, s1, s1, pGroundGFE);
addF(s3, s3, s3, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR2, s1, s2, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR2, pR2, s3, pGroundGFE);
subF(pR2, pR2, s0, pGroundGFE);
subF(pR2, pR2, s4, pGroundGFE);
/* EPID2 specific */
int basicExtDegree = cpGFpBasicDegreeExtension(pGFEx);
/* deal with GF(p^2^3) */
if(basicExtDegree==6) {
cpFq2Mul_xi(s4, s4, pGroundGFE);
cpFq2Mul_xi(s3, s3, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR1, s1, s4, pGroundGFE);
addF(pR0, s0, s3, pGroundGFE);
/* just a case */
else {
cpGFpxMul_G0(s4, s4, pGFEx);
cpGFpxMul_G0(s3, s3, pGFEx);
subF(pR1, s1, s4, pGroundGFE);
subF(pR0, s0, s3, pGroundGFE);
cpGFpReleasePool(5, pGroundGFE);
return pR;
// return specific polynomi alarith methods
// polynomial - deg 3 binomial (EPID 2.0)
static gsModMethod* gsPolyArith_binom3_epid2(void)
static gsModMethod m = {
return &m;
IPPFUN( const IppsGFpMethod*, ippsGFpxMethod_binom3_epid2, (void) )
static IppsGFpMethod method = {
method.arith = gsPolyArith_binom3_epid2();
return &method;