blob: 2f2df3e0ed65d9c3c73b35ba251a112901a496ad [file] [log] [blame]
#include "dynamic_depth/plane.h"
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "dynamic_depth/const.h"
#include "strings/numbers.h"
#include "xmpmeta/base64.h"
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::EncodeFloatArrayBase64;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::Deserializer;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::Serializer;
namespace dynamic_depth {
namespace {
constexpr char kBoundary[] = "Boundary";
constexpr char kBoundaryVertexCount[] = "BoundaryVertexCount";
constexpr char kExtentX[] = "ExtentX";
constexpr char kExtentZ[] = "ExtentZ";
constexpr char kNamespaceHref[] = "";
} // namespace
// Private constructor.
Plane::Plane() {}
// Public methods.
void Plane::GetNamespaces(
std::unordered_map<string, string>* ns_name_href_map) {
if (ns_name_href_map == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Namespace list is null";
ns_name_href_map->emplace(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kNamespaceHref);
if (pose_ != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Plane> Plane::FromData(std::unique_ptr<Pose> pose,
const std::vector<float>& boundary,
const double extent_x,
const double extent_z) {
if (pose == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The Plane's pose must be provided";
return nullptr;
if (boundary.size() % 2 != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Number of vertices in the boundary polygon must be 2-tuples";
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Plane> plane(std::unique_ptr<Plane>(new Plane())); // NOLINT
plane->pose_ = std::move(pose);
plane->boundary_vertex_count_ = boundary.size() / 2;
if (!boundary.empty()) {
plane->boundary_ = boundary;
plane->extent_x_ = extent_x;
plane->extent_z_ = extent_z;
return plane;
std::unique_ptr<Plane> Plane::FromDeserializer(
const Deserializer& parent_deserializer) {
std::unique_ptr<Deserializer> deserializer =
if (deserializer == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Plane> plane(std::unique_ptr<Plane>(new Plane())); // NOLINT
if (!plane->ParsePlaneFields(*deserializer)) {
return nullptr;
return plane;
const Pose* Plane::GetPose() const { return pose_.get(); }
const std::vector<float>& Plane::GetBoundary() const { return boundary_; }
int Plane::GetBoundaryVertexCount() const { return boundary_vertex_count_; }
const double Plane::GetExtentX() const { return extent_x_; }
const double Plane::GetExtentZ() const { return extent_z_; }
bool Plane::Serialize(Serializer* serializer) const {
if (serializer == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Serializer is null";
return false;
if (pose_ == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Plane's pose must be present, not serializing";
return false;
if (!serializer->WriteProperty(
DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kBoundaryVertexCount,
::dynamic_depth::strings::SimpleItoa(boundary_vertex_count_))) {
return false;
if (!boundary_.empty()) {
string base64_encoded_boundary;
if (!EncodeFloatArrayBase64(boundary_, &base64_encoded_boundary)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Boundary polygon encoding failed.";
return false;
if (!serializer->WriteProperty(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kBoundary,
base64_encoded_boundary)) {
return false;
if (!serializer->WriteProperty(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kExtentX,
std::to_string(extent_x_))) {
return false;
if (!serializer->WriteProperty(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kExtentZ,
std::to_string(extent_z_))) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Serializer> pose_serializer = serializer->CreateSerializer(
DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), DynamicDepthConst::Pose());
return pose_->Serialize(pose_serializer.get());
// Private methods.
bool Plane::ParsePlaneFields(const Deserializer& deserializer) {
std::unique_ptr<Pose> pose =
Pose::FromDeserializer(deserializer, DynamicDepthConst::Plane());
if (pose == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Plane's pose could not be parsed, stopping deserialization";
return false;
// The BoundaryVertexCount field is required only if the Boundary field is
// populated.
std::vector<float> boundary;
int boundary_vertex_count = 0;
if (deserializer.ParseFloatArrayBase64(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kBoundary,
&boundary)) {
if (!deserializer.ParseInt(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kBoundaryVertexCount,
&boundary_vertex_count)) {
return false;
double extent_x = -1;
deserializer.ParseDouble(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kExtentX, &extent_x);
double extent_z = -1;
deserializer.ParseDouble(DynamicDepthConst::Plane(), kExtentZ, &extent_z);
pose_ = std::move(pose);
boundary_ = boundary;
boundary_vertex_count_ = boundary_vertex_count;
extent_x_ = extent_x;
extent_z_ = extent_z;
return true;
} // namespace dynamic_depth