blob: 4dcc37fbc23aa6e4b637a3db4e2939359cff4137 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "dynamic_depth/element.h"
#include "dynamic_depth/item.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/deserializer.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/serializer.h"
namespace dynamic_depth {
// The depth conversion format. Please see the Depth Map element in the
// Dynamnic Depth specification for more details.
enum class DepthFormat { kFormatNone = 0, kRangeInverse = 1, kRangeLinear = 2 };
// The Units of the depth map. Please see the Depth Map element in the Dynamic
// Depth specification.
enum class DepthUnits { kUnitsNone = 0, kMeters = 1, kDiopters = 2 };
// The type of depth measurement. Please see the Depth Map element in the
// Dynamic Depth specification.
enum class DepthMeasureType { kOpticalAxis = 1, kOpticRay = 2 };
// The semantics of this depth map.
enum class DepthItemSemantic { kDepth = 1, kSegmentation = 2 };
struct DepthMapParams {
// Mandatory values.
DepthFormat format;
float near;
float far;
DepthUnits units;
string depth_uri;
string mime;
DepthItemSemantic item_semantic = DepthItemSemantic::kDepth;
// The bytes of the depth image. Must be non-empty at write-time (i.e.
// programmatic construction).
string depth_image_data = "";
// Optional values.
DepthMeasureType measure_type = DepthMeasureType::kOpticalAxis;
string confidence_uri = "";
// The bytes of the confidence map. If confidence_uri is not empty, the
// confidence data must be non-empty at write-time (i.e. programmatic
// construction).
string confidence_data = "";
string software = "";
// A list of (distance, radius) pairs. This should generally have a short
// length, so copying is expected to be inexpensive.
std::vector<float> focal_table;
explicit DepthMapParams(DepthFormat in_format, float in_near, float in_far,
DepthUnits in_units, string in_depth_uri)
: format(in_format),
depth_uri(in_depth_uri) {}
inline bool operator==(const DepthMapParams& other) const {
return format == other.format && near == other.near && far == other.far &&
units == other.units && depth_uri == other.depth_uri &&
depth_image_data == other.depth_image_data &&
measure_type == other.measure_type &&
confidence_uri == other.confidence_uri &&
confidence_data == other.confidence_data &&
software == && focal_table == other.focal_table;
inline bool operator!=(const DepthMapParams& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// Implements the Depth Map element from the Dynamic Depth specification, with
// serialization and deserialization.
class DepthMap : public Element {
void GetNamespaces(
std::unordered_map<string, string>* ns_name_href_map) override;
bool Serialize(
::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::Serializer* serializer) const override;
// Creates a DepthMap from the given objects in params.
static std::unique_ptr<DepthMap> FromData(
const DepthMapParams& params, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Item>>* items);
// Returns the deserialized DepthMap object, null if parsing fails.
// Not sensitive to case when parsing the Format, Units, or MeasureType
// fields.
static std::unique_ptr<DepthMap> FromDeserializer(
const ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::Deserializer& parent_deserializer);
DepthFormat GetFormat() const;
float GetNear() const;
float GetFar() const;
DepthUnits GetUnits() const;
const string GetDepthUri() const;
DepthItemSemantic GetItemSemantic() const;
const string GetConfidenceUri() const;
DepthMeasureType GetMeasureType() const;
const string GetSoftware() const;
const std::vector<float>& GetFocalTable() const;
size_t GetFocalTableEntryCount() const;
// Disallow copying
DepthMap(const DepthMap&) = delete;
void operator=(const DepthMap&) = delete;
explicit DepthMap(const DepthMapParams& params);
static std::unique_ptr<DepthMap> ParseFields(
const ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::Deserializer& deserializer);
DepthMapParams params_;
} // namespace dynamic_depth