blob: 399ea7426b573802a2d7da4a58bbbae251d581ee [file] [log] [blame]
#include "dynamic_depth/device.h"
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "dynamic_depth/const.h"
#include "dynamic_depth/vendor_info.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/const.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/deserializer_impl.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/search.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/serializer_impl.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xml/utils.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xmp_data.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xmp_parser.h"
#include "xmpmeta/xmp_writer.h"
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::CreateXmpData;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::XmpData;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::DepthFirstSearch;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::DeserializerImpl;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::GetFirstDescriptionElement;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::Serializer;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::SerializerImpl;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::ToXmlChar;
using ::dynamic_depth::xmpmeta::xml::XmlConst;
namespace dynamic_depth {
namespace {
const char kRevision[] = "Revision";
const char kNamespaceHref[] = "";
// Parses Device fields and children elements from xmlDocPtr.
std::unique_ptr<Device> ParseFields(const xmlDocPtr& xmlDoc) {
// Find and parse the Device node.
// Only these two fields are required to be present; the rest are optional.
// TODO(miraleung): Search for Device by namespace.
xmlNodePtr device_node =
DepthFirstSearch(xmlDoc, DynamicDepthConst::Device());
if (device_node == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No device node found";
return nullptr;
const DeserializerImpl deserializer(device_node);
auto cameras = Cameras::FromDeserializer(deserializer);
if (cameras == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No cameras found";
return nullptr;
auto container = Container::FromDeserializer(deserializer);
// The list of cameras is now guaranteed to have at least one element, because
// of implementation in
auto planes = Planes::FromDeserializer(deserializer);
auto earth_pose = EarthPose::FromDeserializer(deserializer);
auto pose = Pose::FromDeserializer(deserializer, DynamicDepthConst::Device());
auto profiles = Profiles::FromDeserializer(deserializer);
auto vendor_info =
VendorInfo::FromDeserializer(deserializer, DynamicDepthConst::Device());
auto app_info =
AppInfo::FromDeserializer(deserializer, DynamicDepthConst::Device());
std::unique_ptr<DeviceParams> params(
new DeviceParams(std::move(cameras))); // NOLINT
params->container = std::move(container);
params->planes = std::move(planes);
params->earth_pose = std::move(earth_pose);
params->pose = std::move(pose);
params->profiles = std::move(profiles);
params->vendor_info = std::move(vendor_info);
params->app_info = std::move(app_info);
return Device::FromData(std::move(params));
// Parses Device fields and children elements from XmpData.
std::unique_ptr<Device> ParseFields(const XmpData& xmp) {
if (xmp.ExtendedSection() == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "XMP extended section is null";
return nullptr;
return ParseFields(xmp.ExtendedSection());
} // namespace
// Private constructor.
Device::Device(std::unique_ptr<DeviceParams> params) {
params_ = std::move(params);
// Public methods.
std::unique_ptr<Device> Device::FromData(std::unique_ptr<DeviceParams> params) {
if (params->cameras == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "At least one camera must be provided";
return nullptr;
// The list of cameras is now guaranteed to have at least one element, because
// of the implementation in
return std::unique_ptr<Device>(new Device(std::move(params))); // NOLINT
std::unique_ptr<Device> Device::FromXmp(const XmpData& xmp) {
return ParseFields(xmp);
std::unique_ptr<Device> Device::FromJpegFile(const string& filename) {
XmpData xmp;
const bool kSkipExtended = false;
if (!ReadXmpHeader(filename, kSkipExtended, &xmp)) {
return nullptr;
return FromXmp(xmp);
// Creates a Device by parsing XML file containing the metadata.
std::unique_ptr<Device> Device::FromXmlFile(const string& filename) {
xmlDocPtr xmlDoc = xmlReadFile(filename.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
if (xmlDoc == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read file: " << filename;
return nullptr;
auto device = ParseFields(xmlDoc);
return device;
const Cameras* Device::GetCameras() const { return params_->cameras.get(); }
const Container* Device::GetContainer() const {
return params_->container.get();
const EarthPose* Device::GetEarthPose() const {
return params_->earth_pose.get();
const Pose* Device::GetPose() const { return params_->pose.get(); }
const Planes* Device::GetPlanes() const { return params_->planes.get(); }
const Profiles* Device::GetProfiles() const { return params_->profiles.get(); }
const VendorInfo* Device::GetVendorInfo() const {
return params_->vendor_info.get();
const AppInfo* Device::GetAppInfo() const { return params_->app_info.get(); }
// This cannot be const because of memory management for the namespaces.
// namespaces_ are freed when the XML document(s) in xmp are freed.
// If namespaces_ are populated at object creation time and this
// object is serialized, freeing the xmlNs objects in the destructor will result
// memory management errors.
bool Device::SerializeToXmp(XmpData* xmp) {
if (xmp == nullptr || xmp->StandardSection() == nullptr ||
xmp->ExtendedSection() == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "XmpData or its sections are null";
return false;
return Serialize(xmp->MutableExtendedSection());
bool Device::SerializeToXmlFile(const char* filename) {
std::unique_ptr<XmpData> xmp_data = CreateXmpData(true);
if (!Serialize(xmp_data->MutableExtendedSection())) {
return false;
return xmlSaveFile(filename, xmp_data->ExtendedSection()) != -1;
// Private methods.
bool Device::Serialize(xmlDocPtr* xmlDoc) {
xmlNodePtr root_node = GetFirstDescriptionElement(*xmlDoc);
if (root_node == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Extended section has no rdf:Description node";
return false;
if (params_->cameras == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "At least one camera must be present, stopping serialization";
return false;
// Create a node here instead of through a new deserializer, otherwise
// an extraneous prefix will be written to the node name.
xmlNodePtr device_node =
xmlNewNode(nullptr, ToXmlChar(DynamicDepthConst::Device()));
xmlAddChild(root_node, device_node);
xmlNsPtr prev_ns = root_node->ns;
for (const auto& entry : namespaces_) {
if (prev_ns != nullptr) {
prev_ns->next = entry.second;
prev_ns = entry.second;
// Set up serialization on the first description node in the extended section.
SerializerImpl device_serializer(namespaces_, device_node);
// Serialize elements.
if (params_->container &&
!params_->container->Serialize(&device_serializer)) {
return false;
if (params_->earth_pose) {
std::unique_ptr<Serializer> earth_pose_serializer =
if (!params_->earth_pose->Serialize(earth_pose_serializer.get())) {
return false;
if (params_->pose) {
std::unique_ptr<Serializer> pose_serializer =
if (!params_->pose->Serialize(pose_serializer.get())) {
return false;
if (params_->profiles && !params_->profiles->Serialize(&device_serializer)) {
return false;
// Serialize Planes before Cameras, since the data in Planes is likely to be
// significantly smaller than the potential media types in a Camera.
if (params_->planes && !params_->planes->Serialize(&device_serializer)) {
return false;
if (params_->cameras && !params_->cameras->Serialize(&device_serializer)) {
return false;
if (params_->vendor_info) {
std::unique_ptr<Serializer> vendor_info_serializer =
if (!params_->vendor_info->Serialize(vendor_info_serializer.get())) {
return false;
if (params_->app_info) {
std::unique_ptr<Serializer> app_info_serializer =
if (!params_->app_info->Serialize(app_info_serializer.get())) {
return false;
return true;
void Device::GetNamespaces(
std::unordered_map<string, string>* ns_name_href_map) const {
if (ns_name_href_map == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Namespace list is null";
ns_name_href_map->emplace(XmlConst::RdfPrefix(), XmlConst::RdfNodeNs());
ns_name_href_map->emplace(DynamicDepthConst::Device(), kNamespaceHref);
if (params_->earth_pose) {
if (params_->pose) {
if (params_->profiles) {
if (params_->planes) {
if (params_->cameras) {
if (params_->container) {
if (params_->vendor_info) {
if (params_->app_info) {
// Gathers all the XML namespaces of child elements.
void Device::PopulateNamespaces() {
std::unordered_map<string, string> ns_name_href_map;
for (const auto& entry : ns_name_href_map) {
if (!namespaces_.count(entry.first)) {
xmlNewNs(nullptr, ToXmlChar(,
} // namespace dynamic_depth