blob: 3cb89122f2a4dbf7304732005761d9daa1f129c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include "lb2/sample.h"
#include "lb2/util.h"
// Implements sample / frame / byte count conversions. Not to be used directly.
template<class T>
class CountsConverter {
size_t getDataSize() const { return getSampleCount() * sizeof(T); }
size_t getFrameCount() const { return mFrameCount; }
size_t getFrameSize() const { return mChannelCount * sizeof(T); }
size_t getSampleCount() const { return mFrameCount * mChannelCount; }
int getChannelCount() const { return mChannelCount; }
CountsConverter(size_t frameCount, int channelCount) :
mFrameCount(frameCount), mChannelCount(channelCount) {}
CountsConverter(const CountsConverter<T>&) = default;
CountsConverter(CountsConverter<T>&&) = default;
CountsConverter<T>& operator=(const CountsConverter<T>&) = default;
CountsConverter<T>& operator=(CountsConverter<T>&&) = default;
// Fields are logically const, but can be overwritten during an object assignment.
size_t mFrameCount;
int mChannelCount;
// Implements the common parts of AudioBuffer and AudioBufferView.
// Not to be used directly.
// Although AudioBuffer could be considered as an extension of AudioBufferView,
// they have different copy/move semantics, and thus AudioBuffer
// doesn't satisfy Liskov Substitution Principle. That's why these classes are
// implemented as siblings instead, with an implicit conversion constructor of
// AudioBufferView from AudioBuffer.
template<class T>
class AudioBufferBase : public CountsConverter<T> {
void clear() { memset(mData, 0, CountsConverter<T>::getDataSize()); }
T* getData() const { return mData; }
T* getFrameAt(int offsetInFrames) const {
return mData + offsetInFrames * CountsConverter<T>::getChannelCount();
static constexpr size_t npos = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
AudioBufferBase(T* const data, size_t frameCount, int channelCount)
: CountsConverter<T>(frameCount, channelCount), mData(data) {}
AudioBufferBase(const AudioBufferBase<T>&) = default;
AudioBufferBase(AudioBufferBase<T>&&) = default;
AudioBufferBase<T>& operator=(const AudioBufferBase<T>&) = default;
AudioBufferBase<T>& operator=(AudioBufferBase<T>&&) = default;
AudioBufferBase<T> getView(int offsetInFrames, size_t lengthInFrames) const {
if (offsetInFrames < 0) {
__android_log_assert("assert", "lb2", "Negative buffer offset %d", offsetInFrames);
if (lengthInFrames > CountsConverter<T>::getFrameCount() - offsetInFrames) {
lengthInFrames = CountsConverter<T>::getFrameCount() - offsetInFrames;
return AudioBufferBase<T>(
getFrameAt(offsetInFrames), lengthInFrames, CountsConverter<T>::getChannelCount());
// Fields are logically const, but can be overwritten during an object assignment.
T* mData;
template<class T> class AudioBufferView;
// Container for PCM audio data, allocates the data buffer via 'new' and owns it.
// Allows modification of the data. Does not support copying,
// move only. For passing audio data around it's recommended
// to use instances of AudioBufferView class instead.
template<class T>
class AudioBuffer : public AudioBufferBase<T> {
// Null AudioBuffer constructor.
constexpr AudioBuffer(): AudioBufferBase<T>(nullptr, 0, 1), mBuffer() {}
AudioBuffer(size_t frameCount, int channelCount)
: AudioBufferBase<T>(new T[frameCount * channelCount], frameCount, channelCount),
mBuffer(AudioBufferBase<T>::getData()) {
AudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer<T>&) = delete;
AudioBuffer(AudioBuffer<T>&&) = default;
AudioBuffer<T>& operator=(const AudioBuffer<T>&) = delete;
AudioBuffer<T>& operator=(AudioBuffer<T>&&) = default;
AudioBufferView<T> getView(
int offsetInFrames = 0, size_t lengthInFrames = AudioBufferBase<T>::npos) const {
return AudioBufferBase<T>::getView(offsetInFrames, lengthInFrames);
std::unique_ptr<T[]> mBuffer;
// Lightweight view into the PCM audio data provided by AudioBuffer.
// AudioBufferView does *not* own buffer memory. Data can be modified
// via the view. Thanks to its small size, should be passed by value.
template<class T>
class AudioBufferView : public AudioBufferBase<T> {
AudioBufferView(T* const data, size_t frameCount, int channelCount)
: AudioBufferBase<T>(data, frameCount, channelCount) {}
// Implicit conversion from AudioBufferBase.
AudioBufferView(const AudioBufferBase<T>& b)
: AudioBufferBase<T>(b.getData(), b.getFrameCount(), b.getChannelCount()) {}
AudioBufferView(const AudioBufferView<T>&) = default;
AudioBufferView(AudioBufferView<T>&&) = default;
AudioBufferView<T>& operator=(const AudioBufferView<T>&) = default;
AudioBufferView<T>& operator=(AudioBufferView<T>&&) = default;
AudioBufferView<T> getView(
int offsetInFrames = 0, size_t lengthInFrames = AudioBufferBase<T>::npos) const {
return AudioBufferBase<T>::getView(offsetInFrames, lengthInFrames);
template<class S, class D>
inline void convertAudioBufferViewType(AudioBufferView<S> src, AudioBufferView<D> dst) {
if (src.getChannelCount() != dst.getChannelCount()) {
__android_log_assert("assert", "lb2", "Buffer channel counts differ: %d != %d",
src.getChannelCount(), dst.getChannelCount());
if (src.getSampleCount() != dst.getSampleCount()) {
__android_log_assert("assert", "lb2", "Buffer sample counts differ: %lld != %lld",
(long long)src.getSampleCount(), (long long)dst.getChannelCount());
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.getSampleCount(); ++i) {
dst.getData()[i] = convertSampleType(src.getData()[i]);
template<class T>
inline void forEachFrame(AudioBufferView<T> src, AudioBufferView<T> dst,
std::function<void(T* srcFrame, T* dstFrame)> op) {
T *srcData = src.getData();
T *dstData = dst.getData();
for (size_t i = 0;
i < std::min(src.getFrameCount(), dst.getFrameCount());
++i, srcData += src.getChannelCount(), dstData += dst.getChannelCount()) {
op(srcData, dstData);
// Copies audio buffers data frame by frame. Initially fills the
// destination buffer with zeroes. Ignores extra channels in the
// source buffer.
template<class T>
inline void strideCopyAudioBufferViewData(AudioBufferView<T> src, AudioBufferView<T> dst) {
forEachFrame<T>(src, dst,
[&](T* srcFrame, T* dstFrame) {
memcpy(dstFrame, srcFrame, std::min(src.getFrameSize(), dst.getFrameSize()));
// Copies audio buffers data frame by frame. If there are more
// channels in the destination buffer than in the source buffer, the source
// buffer content is duplicated to the extra channels until the entire frame
// gets filled. E.g. if the source buffer has two channels, and the destination
// buffer has five, then each frame of the destination buffer will be filled
// as follows: 12121.
// If the destination buffer has more frames than the source, the extra frames
// a zeroed out.
template<class T>
inline void fillCopyAudioBufferViewData(AudioBufferView<T> src, AudioBufferView<T> dst) {
const int srcFrameCopies = wholeMultiplier(dst.getChannelCount(), src.getChannelCount());
// A temporary buffer allowing to avoid dealing with copying a fraction of the source frame.
T srcFramePatch[srcFrameCopies * src.getChannelCount()];
forEachFrame<T>(src, dst,
[&](T* srcFrame, T* dstFrame) {
// Fill the temporary buffer with copies of the source frame.
T* patch = srcFramePatch;
for (int j = 0; j < srcFrameCopies; ++j, patch += src.getChannelCount()) {
memcpy(patch, srcFrame, src.getFrameSize());
memcpy(dstFrame, srcFramePatch, dst.getFrameSize());
// Copies audio data between the AudioBufferViews of the same type.
// Any missing audio data in the source buffer (not enough frames, or less
// channels) is filled with zeroes in the destination buffer.
template<class T>
inline void copyAudioBufferViewData(AudioBufferView<T> src, AudioBufferView<T> dst) {
if (src.getChannelCount() == dst.getChannelCount()) {
size_t framesToCopy = std::min(src.getFrameCount(), dst.getFrameCount());
if (framesToCopy > 0) {
memcpy(dst.getData(), src.getData(), framesToCopy * dst.getFrameSize());
if (dst.getFrameCount() > framesToCopy) {
} else {
fillCopyAudioBufferViewData(src, dst);
#endif // LB2_AUDIO_BUFFER_H_