blob: 4932ba59e8ee1ebffc857546004774f96e86eaed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
* Represents a browsable sample code project, with methods for managing
* metadata collection, file output, sorting, etc.
public class SampleCode {
String mSource;
String mDest;
String mTitle;
String mProjectDir;
String mTags;
/** Max size for browseable images/video. If a source file exceeds this size,
* a file is generated with a generic placeholder and the original file is not
* copied to out.
private static final double MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = 2097152;
/** When full tree nav is enabled, generate an index for every dir
* and linkify the breadcrumb paths in all files.
private static final boolean FULL_TREE_NAVIGATION = false;
public SampleCode(String source, String dest, String title) {
mSource = source;
mTitle = title;
mTags = null;
if (dest != null) {
int len = dest.length();
if (len > 1 && dest.charAt(len - 1) != '/') {
mDest = dest + '/';
} else {
mDest = dest;
* Iterates a given sample code project gathering metadata for files and building
* a node tree that reflects the project's directory structure. After iterating
* the project, this method adds the project's metadata to jd_lists_unified,
* so that it is accessible for dynamic content and search suggestions.
* @param offlineMode Ignored -- offline-docs mode is not currently supported for
* browsable sample code projects.
* @return A root Node for the project containing its metadata and tree structure.
public Node setSamplesTOC(boolean offlineMode) {
List<Node> filelist = new ArrayList<Node>();
File f = new File(mSource);
mProjectDir = f.getName();
String name = mProjectDir;
String mOut = mDest + name;
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println("-samplecode not a directory: " + mSource);
return null;
Data hdf = Doclava.makeHDF();
setProjectStructure(filelist, f, mDest);
String link = ClearPage.toroot + "samples/" + name + "/index" + Doclava.htmlExtension;
Node rootNode = writeSampleIndexCs(hdf, f,
new Node.Builder().setLabel(mProjectDir).setLink(link).setChildren(filelist).build(),false);
return rootNode;
* For a given sample code project dir, iterate through the project generating
* browsable html for all valid sample code files. After iterating the project
* generate a templated index file to the project output root.
* @param offlineMode Ignored -- offline-docs mode is not currently supported for
* browsable sample code projects.
public void writeSamplesFiles(boolean offlineMode) {
List<Node> filelist = new ArrayList<Node>();
File f = new File(mSource);
mProjectDir = f.getName();
String name = mProjectDir;
String mOut = mDest + name;
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println("-samplecode not a directory: " + mSource);
Data hdf = Doclava.makeHDF();
if (Doclava.samplesNavTree != null) {
hdf.setValue("samples_toc_tree", Doclava.samplesNavTree.getValue("samples_toc_tree", ""));
hdf.setValue("samples", "true");
hdf.setValue("projectDir", mProjectDir);
writeProjectDirectory(f, mDest, false, hdf, "Files.");
writeProjectStructure(name, hdf);
hdf.setValue("parentdirs.0.Name", name);
boolean writeFiles = true;
String link = "samples/" + name + "/index" + Doclava.htmlExtension;
//Write root _index.jd to out and add metadata to Node.
writeSampleIndexCs(hdf, f,
new Node.Builder().setLabel(mProjectDir).setLink(link).build(), true);
* Given the root Node for a sample code project, iterates through the project
* gathering metadata and project tree structure. Unsupported file types are
* filtered from the project output. The collected project Nodes are appended to
* the root project node.
* @param parent The root Node that represents this sample code project.
* @param dir The current dir being processed.
* @param relative Relative path for creating links to this file.
public void setProjectStructure(List<Node> parent, File dir, String relative) {
String name, link;
File[] dirContents = dir.listFiles();
Arrays.sort(dirContents, byTypeAndName);
for (File f: dirContents) {
name = f.getName();
if (!isValidFiletype(name)) {
if (f.isFile() && name.contains(".")) {
String path = relative + name;
link = convertExtension(path, Doclava.htmlExtension);
if (inList(path, IMAGES) || inList(path, VIDEOS) || inList(path, TEMPLATED)) {
parent.add(new Node.Builder().setLabel(name).setLink(ClearPage.toroot + link).build());
} else if (f.isDirectory()) {
List<Node> mchildren = new ArrayList<Node>();
String dirpath = relative + name + "/";
setProjectStructure(mchildren, f, dirpath);
if (mchildren.size() > 0) {
parent.add(new Node.Builder().setLabel(name).setLink(ClearPage.toroot
+ dirpath).setChildren(mchildren).build());
* Given a root sample code project path, iterates through the project
* setting page metadata to manage html output and writing/copying files to
* the output directory. Source files are templated and images are templated
* and linked to the original image.
* @param dir The current dir being processed.
* @param relative Relative path for creating links to this file.
* @param recursed Whether the method is being called recursively.
* @param hdf The data to read/write for files in this project.
* @param newKey Key passed in recursion for managing cs child trees.
public void writeProjectDirectory(File dir, String relative, Boolean recursed,
Data hdf, String newkey) {
String name = "";
String link = "";
String type = "";
int i = 0;
String expansion = ".Sub.";
String key = newkey;
String prefixRoot = Doclava.USE_DEVSITE_LOCALE_OUTPUT_PATHS ? "en/" : "";
if (recursed) {
key = (key + expansion);
} else {
expansion = "";
File[] dirContents = dir.listFiles();
Arrays.sort(dirContents, byTypeAndName);
for (File f: dirContents) {
name = f.getName();
if (!isValidFiletype(name)) {
if (f.isFile() && name.contains(".")) {
String baseRelative = relative;
// don't nest root path
baseRelative = baseRelative.replaceFirst("^en/", "");
String path = baseRelative + name;
type = mapTypes(name);
link = convertExtension(path, Doclava.htmlExtension);
if (inList(path, IMAGES)) {
type = "img";
if (f.length() < MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES) {
ClearPage.copyFile(false, f, prefixRoot + path, false);
writeImageVideoPage(f, convertExtension(prefixRoot + path, Doclava.htmlExtension),
relative, type, true);
} else {
writeImageVideoPage(f, convertExtension(prefixRoot + path, Doclava.htmlExtension),
relative, type, false);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Type", "img");
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Name", name);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Href", link);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".RelPath", relative);
} else if (inList(path, VIDEOS)) {
type = "video";
if (f.length() < MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES) {
ClearPage.copyFile(false, f, prefixRoot + path, false);
writeImageVideoPage(f, convertExtension(prefixRoot + path, Doclava.htmlExtension),
relative, type, true);
} else {
writeImageVideoPage(f, convertExtension(prefixRoot + path, Doclava.htmlExtension),
relative, type, false);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Type", "video");
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Name", name);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Href", link);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".RelPath", relative);
} else if (inList(path, TEMPLATED)) {
writePage(f, convertExtension(prefixRoot + path, Doclava.htmlExtension), relative, hdf);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Type", type);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Name", name);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".Href", link);
hdf.setValue(key + i + ".RelPath", relative);
} else if (f.isDirectory()) {
List<Node> mchildren = new ArrayList<Node>();
type = "dir";
String dirpath = relative + name;
link = dirpath + "/index" + Doclava.htmlExtension;
String hdfkeyName = (key + i + ".Name");
String hdfkeyType = (key + i + ".Type");
String hdfkeyHref = (key + i + ".Href");
hdf.setValue(hdfkeyName, name);
hdf.setValue(hdfkeyType, type);
hdf.setValue(hdfkeyHref, relative + name + "/" + "index" + Doclava.htmlExtension);
writeProjectDirectory(f, relative + name + "/", true, hdf, (key + i));
setParentDirs(hdf, relative, name, false);
//Generate an index.html page for each dir being processed
ClearPage.write(hdf, "sampleindex.cs", prefixRoot + relative + "/index" + Doclava.htmlExtension);
* Processes a templated project index page from _index.jd in a project root.
* Each sample project must have an index, and each index locally defines it's own
* page.tags and cs vars. This method takes a SC node on input, reads
* any local vars from the _index.jd, optionally generates an html file to out,
* then updates the SC node with the page vars and returns it to the caller.
* @param hdf The data source to read/write for this index file.
* @param dir The sample project root directory.
* @param tnode A Node to serve as the project's root node.
* @param writeFiles If true, generates output files only. If false, collects
* metadata only.
* @return The tnode root with any metadata/child Nodes appended.
public Node writeSampleIndexCs(Data hdf, File dir, Node tnode, boolean writeFiles) {
String filename = dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/_index.jd";
String mGroup = "";
File f = new File(filename);
String rel = dir.getPath();
String prefixRoot = Doclava.USE_DEVSITE_LOCALE_OUTPUT_PATHS ? "en/" : "";
if (writeFiles) {
hdf.setValue("samples", "true");
//set any default page variables for root index
hdf.setValue("page.title", mProjectDir);
hdf.setValue("projectDir", mProjectDir);
hdf.setValue("projectTitle", mTitle);
//add the download/project links to the landing pages.
hdf.setValue("samplesProjectIndex", "true");
if (!f.isFile()) {
//The directory didn't have an _index.jd, so create a stub.
ClearPage.write(hdf, "sampleindex.cs", prefixRoot + mDest + "index" + Doclava.htmlExtension);
} else {
DocFile.writePage(filename, rel, prefixRoot + mDest + "index" + Doclava.htmlExtension, hdf);
} else if (f.isFile()) {
//gather metadata for toc and jd_lists_unified
DocFile.getPageMetadata(filename, hdf);
mGroup = hdf.getValue("", "");
if (!"".equals(mGroup)) {
tnode.setGroup(hdf.getValue("", ""));
} else {
//Errors.error(Errors.INVALID_SAMPLE_INDEX, null, "Sample " + mProjectDir
// + ": Root _index.jd must be present and must define"
// + " tag. Please see ... for details.");
return tnode;
* Sets metadata for managing html output and generates the project view page
* for a project.
* @param dir The project root dir.
* @param hdf The data to read/write for files in this project.
public void writeProjectStructure(String dir, Data hdf) {
String prefixRoot = Doclava.USE_DEVSITE_LOCALE_OUTPUT_PATHS ? "en/" : "";
hdf.setValue("projectStructure", "true");
hdf.setValue("projectDir", mProjectDir);
hdf.setValue("page.title", mProjectDir + " Structure");
hdf.setValue("projectTitle", mTitle);
ClearPage.write(hdf, "sampleindex.cs", prefixRoot + mDest + "project" + Doclava.htmlExtension);
hdf.setValue("projectStructure", "");
* Keeps track of each file's parent dirs. Used for generating path breadcrumbs in html.
* @param dir The data to read/write for this file.
* @param hdf The relative path for this file, from samples root.
* @param subdir The relative path for this file, from samples root.
* @param name The name of the file (minus extension).
* @param isFile Whether this is a file (not a dir).
Data setParentDirs(Data hdf, String subdir, String name, Boolean isFile) {
hdf.setValue("linkfyPathCrumb", "");
int iter;
String s = subdir;
String urlParts[] = s.split("/");
int n, l = 1;
for (iter=1; iter < urlParts.length; iter++) {
n = iter-1;
hdf.setValue("parentdirs." + n + ".Name", urlParts[iter]);
hdf.setValue("parentdirs." + n + ".Link", subdir + "index" + Doclava.htmlExtension);
return hdf;
* Writes a templated source code file to out.
public void writePage(File f, String out, String subdir, Data hdf) {
String name = f.getName();
String path = f.getPath();
String data = SampleTagInfo.readFile(new SourcePositionInfo(path, -1, -1), path,
"sample code", true, true, true, true);
data = Doclava.escape(data);
String relative = subdir.replaceFirst("samples/", "");
setParentDirs(hdf, subdir, name, true);
hdf.setValue("projectTitle", mTitle);
hdf.setValue("projectDir", mProjectDir);
hdf.setValue("page.title", name);
hdf.setValue("subdir", subdir);
hdf.setValue("relative", relative);
hdf.setValue("realFile", name);
hdf.setValue("fileContents", data);
hdf.setValue("resTag", "sample");
ClearPage.write(hdf, "sample.cs", out);
* Writes a templated image or video file to out.
public void writeImageVideoPage(File f, String out, String subdir,
String resourceType, boolean browsable) {
Data hdf = Doclava.makeHDF();
if (Doclava.samplesNavTree != null) {
hdf.setValue("samples_toc_tree", Doclava.samplesNavTree.getValue("samples_toc_tree", ""));
hdf.setValue("samples", "true");
String name = f.getName();
if (!browsable) {
hdf.setValue("noDisplay", "true");
setParentDirs(hdf, subdir, name, true);
hdf.setValue("samples", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.title", name);
hdf.setValue("projectTitle", mTitle);
hdf.setValue("projectDir", mProjectDir);
hdf.setValue("subdir", subdir);
hdf.setValue("resType", resourceType);
hdf.setValue("realFile", name);
ClearPage.write(hdf, "sample.cs", out);
* Given a node containing sample code projects and a node containing all valid
* group nodes, extract project nodes from tnode and append them to the group node
* that matches their metadata.
* @param tnode A list of nodes containing sample code projects.
* @param groupnodes A list of nodes that represent the valid sample groups.
* @return The groupnodes list with all projects appended properly to their
* associated sample groups.
public static void writeSamplesNavTree(List<Node> tnode, List<Node> groupnodes) {
Node node = new Node.Builder().setLabel("Samples").setLink(ClearPage.toroot
+ "samples/index" + Doclava.htmlExtension).setChildren(tnode).build();
if (groupnodes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tnode.size(); i++) {
if (tnode.get(i) != null) {
groupnodes = appendNodeGroups(tnode.get(i), groupnodes);
for (int n = 0; n < groupnodes.size(); n++) {
if (groupnodes.get(n).getChildren() == null) {
} else {
Collections.sort(groupnodes.get(n).getChildren(), byLabel);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
node.renderGroupNodesTOCYaml(buf, "", false);
} else {
if (Doclava.samplesNavTree != null) {
Doclava.samplesNavTree.setValue("samples_toc_tree", buf.toString());
ClearPage.write(Doclava.samplesNavTree, "samples_navtree_data.cs", "en/samples/_book.yaml");
* For a given project root node, get the group and then iterate the list of valid
* groups looking for a match. If found, append the project to that group node.
* Samples that reference a valid sample group tag are added to a list for that
* group. Samples declare a tag in their _index.jd files.
private static List<Node> appendNodeGroups(Node gNode, List<Node> groupnodes) {
List<Node> mgrouplist = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (int i = 0; i < groupnodes.size(); i++) {
if (gNode.getGroup().equals(groupnodes.get(i).getLabel())) {
if (groupnodes.get(i).getChildren() == null) {
} else {
return groupnodes;
* Sorts an array of files by type and name (alpha), with manifest always at top.
Comparator<File> byTypeAndName = new Comparator<File>() {
public int compare (File one, File other) {
if (one.isDirectory() && !other.isDirectory()) {
return 1;
} else if (!one.isDirectory() && other.isDirectory()) {
return -1;
} else if ("AndroidManifest.xml".equals(one.getName())) {
return -1;
} else {
return one.compareTo(other);
* Sorts a list of Nodes by label.
public static Comparator<Node> byLabel = new Comparator<Node>() {
public int compare(Node one, Node other) {
return one.getLabel().compareTo(other.getLabel());
* Concatenates dirs that only hold dirs, to simplify nav tree
public static List<Node> squashNodes(List<Node> tnode) {
List<Node> list = tnode;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
if (("dir".equals(list.get(i).getType())) &&
(list.size() == 1) &&
(list.get(i).getChildren().get(0).getChildren() != null)) {
String thisLabel = list.get(i).getLabel();
String childLabel = list.get(i).getChildren().get(0).getLabel();
String newLabel = thisLabel + "/" + childLabel;
} else {
return list;
public static String convertExtension(String s, String ext) {
return s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf('.')) + ext;
* Whitelists of valid image/video and source code types.
public static String[] IMAGES = {".png", ".jpg", ".gif"};
public static String[] VIDEOS = {".mp4", ".ogv", ".webm"};
public static String[] TEMPLATED = {".java", ".xml", ".aidl", ".rs",".txt", ".TXT"};
public static boolean inList(String s, String[] list) {
for (String t : list) {
if (s.endsWith(t)) {
return true;
return false;
* Maps filenames to a set of generic types. Used for displaying files/dirs
* in the project view page.
public static String mapTypes(String name) {
String type = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, name.length());
if ("xml".equals(type) || "java".equals(type)) {
if ("AndroidManifest.xml".equals(name)) type = "manifest";
return type;
} else {
return type = "file";
* Validates a source file from a project against restrictions to determine
* whether to include the file in the browsable project output.
public boolean isValidFiletype(String name) {
if (name.startsWith(".") ||
name.startsWith("_") ||
"".equals(name) ||
"".equals(name) ||
name.endsWith(".ttf") ||
name.endsWith(".gradle") ||
name.endsWith(".bat") ||
"".equals(name)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* SampleCode variant of NavTree node.
public static class Node {
private String mLabel;
private String mLink;
private String mGroup; // from in _index.jd
private List<Node> mChildren;
private String mType;
private Node(Builder builder) {
mLabel = builder.mLabel;
mLink = builder.mLink;
mGroup = builder.mGroup;
mChildren = builder.mChildren;
mType = builder.mType;
public static class Builder {
private String mLabel, mLink, mGroup, mType;
private List<Node> mChildren = null;
public Builder setLabel(String mLabel) { this.mLabel = mLabel; return this;}
public Builder setLink(String mLink) { this.mLink = mLink; return this;}
public Builder setGroup(String mGroup) { this.mGroup = mGroup; return this;}
public Builder setChildren(List<Node> mChildren) { this.mChildren = mChildren; return this;}
public Builder setType(String mType) { this.mType = mType; return this;}
public Node build() {return new Node(this);}
* Renders browsable sample groups and projects to a _book.yaml file, starting
* from the group nodes and then rendering their project nodes and finally their
* child dirs and files.
void renderGroupNodesTOCYaml(StringBuilder buf, String indent, Boolean isChild) {
List<Node> list = mChildren;
if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
} else {
final int n = list.size();
if (indent.length() > 0) {
buf.append(indent + "section:\n");
} // else append 'toc:\n' if needed
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (isChild == true && list.get(i).getChildren() != null) {
buf.append(indent + "- title: " + list.get(i).getLabel() + "/\n");
if (list.get(i).getLink().indexOf(".html") > -1) {
buf.append(indent + " path: " + list.get(i).getLink() + "\n");
buf.append(indent + " path_attributes:\n");
buf.append(indent + " - name: title\n");
buf.append(indent + " value: " + list.get(i).getLabel() + "\n");
} else {
buf.append(indent + " path: \"#\"\n");
buf.append(indent + " path_attributes:\n");
buf.append(indent + " - name: onclick\n");
buf.append(indent + " value: return false;\n");
buf.append(indent + " - name: title\n");
buf.append(indent + " value: " + list.get(i).getLabel() + "\n");
} else {
String xmlToHtmlPath = list.get(i).getLink().replace(".xml", ".html");
buf.append(indent + "- title: " + list.get(i).getLabel() + "\n");
buf.append(indent + " path: " + xmlToHtmlPath + "\n");
if (list.get(i).getChildren() != null) {
list.get(i).renderGroupNodesTOCYaml(buf, indent + " ", true);
* Renders browsable sample groups and projects to an html list, starting
* from the group nodes and then rendering their project nodes and finally their
* child dirs and files.
void renderGroupNodesTOC(StringBuilder buf) {
List<Node> list = mChildren;
if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
} else {
final int n = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (list.get(i).getChildren() == null) {
} else {
buf.append("<li class=\"nav-section\">");
buf.append("<div class=\"nav-section-header\">");
buf.append("<a href=\"" + list.get(i).getLink() + "\" title=\""
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "\">"
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "</a>");
* Renders a list of sample code projects associated with a group node.
void renderProjectNodesTOC(StringBuilder buf) {
List<Node> list = mChildren;
if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
} else {
final int n = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (list.get(i).getChildren() == null) {
} else {
buf.append("<li class=\"nav-section\">");
buf.append("<div class=\"nav-section-header\">");
buf.append("<a href=\"" + list.get(i).getLink() + "\" title=\""
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "\">"
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "</a>");
* Renders child dirs and files associated with a project node.
void renderChildrenToc(StringBuilder buf) {
List<Node> list = mChildren;
if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
} else {
final int n = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (list.get(i).getChildren() == null) {
buf.append("<a href=\"" + list.get(i).getLink() + "\" title=\""
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "\">"
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "</a>");
buf.append(" </li>");
} else {
buf.append("<li class=\"nav-section sticky\">");
buf.append("<div class=\"nav-section-header empty\">");
buf.append("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return false;\" title=\""
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "\">"
+ list.get(i).getLabel() + "/</a>");
* Node getters and setters
public String getLabel() {
return mLabel;
public void setLabel(String label) {
mLabel = label;
public String getLink() {
return mLink;
public void setLink(String ref) {
mLink = ref;
public String getGroup() {
return mGroup;
public void setGroup(String group) {
mGroup = group;
public List<Node> getChildren() {
return mChildren;
public void setChildren(List<Node> node) {
mChildren = node;
public String getType() {
return mType;
public void setType(String type) {
mType = type;