Merge "Snap for 6922857 from 513926fc07f451c58e0c346a9c214018eca858fd to androidx-master-release" into androidx-master-release
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index bb0ff5f..0a0ce4d 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -16,79 +16,42 @@
-apply plugin: 'java'
-apply plugin: 'maven'
+plugins {
+    id("java")
+    id("maven-publish")
 group = ''
 version = '1.0.6'
- * With the build server you are given two env variables:
- * 1. The OUT_DIR is a temporary directory you can use to put things during the build.
- * 2. The DIST_DIR is where you want to save things from the build.
- *
- * The build server will copy the contents of DIST_DIR to somewhere and make it available.
- */
-if (System.env.DIST_DIR != null && System.env.OUT_DIR != null) {
-    buildDir = file("${System.env.OUT_DIR}/gradle/external/jdiff/build").getCanonicalFile()
-    ext.distDir = file(System.env.DIST_DIR).getCanonicalFile()
-    // The distDir is conveniently named after the build ID.
-    version = "${version}.${}"
+if (System.env.OUT_DIR != null) {
+    buildDir = file("${System.env.OUT_DIR}/gradle/external/doclava/build").getCanonicalFile()
 } else {
-    buildDir = file('../../out/host/gradle/external/jdiff/build')
-    ext.distDir = file('../../out/dist')
-    // Local builds are not public release candidates.
-    version = "${version}-SNAPSHOT"
+    buildDir = file('../../out/host/gradle/external/doclava/build')
- * If prebuilts are available, use them. Else, if this is unbundled build use jcenter().
- * Finally, if none of that is true, attempt to compile against the full source trees.
- */
-File m2repo = file('../../prebuilts/androidx/external')
-boolean unbundleBuild = (new File("unbundled-build")).exists()
-if (m2repo.exists() || unbundleBuild) {
-    repositories {
-        maven { url m2repo.absolutePath }
-        if (unbundleBuild) {
-            jcenter()
-        }
-    }
-    dependencies {
-        compile 'org.antlr:antlr:3.5.2'
-        compile ''
-        compile 'org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:1.2.1'
-        // Transitive dependency required by jsilver.
-        compile ''
-    }
-} else {
-    dependencies {
-        compile project(path: ':antlr', configuration: 'antlrRuntime')
-        compile project(':jsilver')
-        compile project(':tagsoup')
-    }
+repositories {
+    maven { url file('../../prebuilts/androidx/external').absolutePath }
 dependencies {
-    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
+    implementation("org.antlr:antlr:3.5.2")
+    implementation("")
+    implementation("org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:1.2.1")
     // tools.jar required for com.sun.javadoc
-    def currentJvmVersion = org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.current()
-    def toolsJar;
-    if (currentJvmVersion.getMajorVersion() == "8") {
+    def toolsJar
+    if (JavaVersion.current().getMajorVersion() == "8") {
         toolsJar = ((URLClassLoader) ToolProvider.getSystemToolClassLoader()).getURLs()
     } else if (System.env.JAVA_TOOLS_JAR != null) {
         toolsJar = System.env.JAVA_TOOLS_JAR
     } else {
         throw new Exception("If you are not using Java 8, JAVA_TOOLS_JAR env variable " +
-            "needs to be set to build Doclava")
+                "needs to be set to build Doclava")
-    compile files(toolsJar)
+    implementation(files(toolsJar))
+    testImplementation("junit:junit:4.12")
 sourceSets {
@@ -102,27 +65,12 @@
-uploadArchives {
-    repositories {
-        mavenDeployer {
-            repository(url: uri("${buildDir}/repo"))
-        }
-    }
-task dist(type: Zip, dependsOn: uploadArchives)  {
-    group = BasePlugin.BUILD_GROUP
-    description 'Builds distribution artifacts.'
-    from uploadArchives.artifacts
-    destinationDir distDir
-    doLast {
-        logger.lifecycle "Compressed maven artifacts to ${archivePath}"
-    }
 tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
     // Suppress build warnings that we're not interested in: b/154755010
     options.warnings = false
+tasks.withType(Jar) { task ->
+    task.reproducibleFileOrder = true
+    task.preserveFileTimestamps = false
diff --git a/gradle/wrapper/ b/gradle/wrapper/
index 84939b4..92352a0 100644
--- a/gradle/wrapper/
+++ b/gradle/wrapper/
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@