blob: 4369036347f451ea68d918af66714beaaa2f9f46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.*;
public class TypeInfo implements Resolvable {
public static final Set<String> PRIMITIVE_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "float", "int",
"long", "short", "void")));
public TypeInfo(boolean isPrimitive, String dimension, String simpleTypeName,
String qualifiedTypeName, ClassInfo cl) {
mIsPrimitive = isPrimitive;
mDimension = dimension;
mSimpleTypeName = simpleTypeName;
mQualifiedTypeName = qualifiedTypeName;
mClass = cl;
public TypeInfo(String typeString) {
// VarArgs
if (typeString.endsWith("...")) {
typeString = typeString.substring(0, typeString.length() - 3);
// Generic parameters
int extendsPos = typeString.indexOf(" extends ");
int paramStartPos = typeString.indexOf('<');
if (paramStartPos > -1 && (extendsPos == -1 || paramStartPos < extendsPos)) {
ArrayList<TypeInfo> generics = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>();
int paramEndPos = 0;
int entryStartPos = paramStartPos + 1;
int bracketNesting = 0;
for (int i = entryStartPos; i < typeString.length(); i++) {
char c = typeString.charAt(i);
if (c == ',' && bracketNesting == 0) {
String entry = typeString.substring(entryStartPos, i).trim();
TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo(entry);
entryStartPos = i + 1;
} else if (c == '<') {
} else if (c == '>') {
// Once bracketNesting goes negative, we've found the closing angle bracket
if (bracketNesting < 0) {
paramEndPos = i;
TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo(typeString.substring(entryStartPos, paramEndPos).trim());
addResolution(new Resolution("variability", "", null));
mTypeArguments = generics;
if (paramEndPos < typeString.length() - 1) {
typeString = typeString.substring(0,paramStartPos) + typeString.substring(paramEndPos + 1);
} else {
typeString = typeString.substring(0,paramStartPos);
// The previous extends may have been within the generic type parameters which we don't
// actually care about and were removed from the type string above
extendsPos = typeString.indexOf(" extends ");
if (extendsPos > -1) {
ArrayList<TypeInfo> extendsBounds = new ArrayList<>();
int entryStartPos = extendsPos + 9;
int bracketNesting = 0;
for (int i = entryStartPos; i < typeString.length(); i++) {
char c = typeString.charAt(i);
if (c == '&' && bracketNesting == 0) {
String entry = typeString.substring(entryStartPos, i).trim();
TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo(entry);
entryStartPos = i + 1;
} else if (c == '<') {
} else if (c == '>') {
TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo(typeString.substring(entryStartPos, typeString.length()).trim());
mExtendsBounds = extendsBounds;
typeString = typeString.substring(0, extendsPos);
int pos = typeString.indexOf('[');
if (pos > -1) {
mDimension = typeString.substring(pos);
typeString = typeString.substring(0, pos);
} else {
mDimension = "";
if (PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(typeString)) {
mIsPrimitive = true;
mSimpleTypeName = typeString;
mQualifiedTypeName = typeString;
} else {
mQualifiedTypeName = typeString;
pos = typeString.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pos > -1) {
mSimpleTypeName = typeString.substring(pos + 1);
} else {
mSimpleTypeName = typeString;
* Copy Constructor.
private TypeInfo(TypeInfo other) {
mIsPrimitive = other.isPrimitive();
mIsTypeVariable = other.isTypeVariable();
mIsWildcard = other.isWildcard();
mDimension = other.dimension();
mSimpleTypeName = other.simpleTypeName();
mQualifiedTypeName = other.qualifiedTypeName();
mClass = other.asClassInfo();
if (other.typeArguments() != null) {
mTypeArguments = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>(other.typeArguments());
if (other.superBounds() != null) {
mSuperBounds = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>(other.superBounds());
if (other.extendsBounds() != null) {
mExtendsBounds = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>(other.extendsBounds());
mFullName = other.fullName();
* Returns this type as a {@link ClassInfo} if it represents a class or
* interface.
public ClassInfo asClassInfo() {
if (!mResolvedClass) {
mResolvedClass = true;
if (mClass == null && !mIsPrimitive && !mIsTypeVariable && !mIsWildcard) {
mClass = Converter.obtainClass(qualifiedTypeName());
return mClass;
public boolean isPrimitive() {
return mIsPrimitive;
public String dimension() {
return mDimension;
public void setDimension(String dimension) {
mDimension = dimension;
public String simpleTypeName() {
return mSimpleTypeName;
public String qualifiedTypeName() {
return mQualifiedTypeName;
public String fullName() {
if (mFullName != null) {
return mFullName;
} else {
return fullName(new HashSet<String>());
public static String typeArgumentsName(ArrayList<TypeInfo> args, HashSet<String> typeVars) {
String result = "<";
int i = 0;
for (TypeInfo arg : args) {
result += arg.fullName(typeVars);
if (i != (args.size()-1)) {
result += ", ";
result += ">";
return result;
public String fullName(HashSet<String> typeVars) {
mFullName = fullNameNoDimension(typeVars) + mDimension;
return mFullName;
public String fullNameNoBounds(HashSet<String> typeVars) {
return fullNameNoDimensionNoBounds(typeVars) + mDimension;
// don't recurse forever with the parameters. This handles
// Enum<K extends Enum<K>>
private boolean checkRecurringTypeVar(HashSet<String> typeVars) {
if (mIsTypeVariable) {
if (typeVars.contains(mQualifiedTypeName)) {
return true;
return false;
private String fullNameNoDimensionNoBounds(HashSet<String> typeVars) {
String fullName = null;
if (checkRecurringTypeVar(typeVars)) {
return mQualifiedTypeName;
* if (fullName != null) { return fullName; }
fullName = mQualifiedTypeName;
if (mTypeArguments != null && !mTypeArguments.isEmpty()) {
fullName += typeArgumentsName(mTypeArguments, typeVars);
return fullName;
public String fullNameNoDimension(HashSet<String> typeVars) {
String fullName = null;
if (checkRecurringTypeVar(typeVars)) {
return mQualifiedTypeName;
fullName = fullNameNoDimensionNoBounds(typeVars);
if (mTypeArguments == null || mTypeArguments.isEmpty()) {
if (mSuperBounds != null && !mSuperBounds.isEmpty()) {
for (TypeInfo superBound : mSuperBounds) {
if (superBound == mSuperBounds.get(0)) {
fullName += " super " + superBound.fullNameNoBounds(typeVars);
} else {
fullName += " & " + superBound.fullNameNoBounds(typeVars);
} else if (mExtendsBounds != null && !mExtendsBounds.isEmpty()) {
for (TypeInfo extendsBound : mExtendsBounds) {
if (extendsBound == mExtendsBounds.get(0)) {
fullName += " extends " + extendsBound.fullNameNoBounds(typeVars);
} else {
fullName += " & " + extendsBound.fullNameNoBounds(typeVars);
return fullName;
public String dexName() {
if (mIsTypeVariable || mIsWildcard) {
if (mExtendsBounds != null && !mExtendsBounds.isEmpty()) {
return mExtendsBounds.get(0).dexName() + mDimension;
} else {
return "java.lang.Object" + mDimension;
return mQualifiedTypeName + mDimension;
public ArrayList<TypeInfo> typeArguments() {
return mTypeArguments;
public void makeHDF(Data data, String base) {
makeHDFRecursive(data, base, false, false, new HashSet<String>());
public void makeQualifiedHDF(Data data, String base) {
makeHDFRecursive(data, base, true, false, new HashSet<String>());
public void makeHDF(Data data, String base, boolean isLastVararg, HashSet<String> typeVariables) {
makeHDFRecursive(data, base, false, isLastVararg, typeVariables);
public void makeQualifiedHDF(Data data, String base, HashSet<String> typeVariables) {
makeHDFRecursive(data, base, true, false, typeVariables);
private void makeHDFRecursive(Data data, String base, boolean qualified, boolean isLastVararg,
HashSet<String> typeVars) {
String label = qualified ? qualifiedTypeName() : simpleTypeName();
label += (isLastVararg) ? "..." : dimension();
data.setValue(base + ".label", label);
if (mIsTypeVariable || mIsWildcard) {
// could link to an @param tag on the class to describe this
// but for now, just don't make it a link
} else if (!isPrimitive() && mClass != null) {
if (mClass.isIncluded()) {
data.setValue(base + ".link", mClass.htmlPage());
data.setValue(base + ".since", mClass.getSince());
} else {
if (!mClass.getFederatedReferences().isEmpty()) {
FederatedSite site = mClass.getFederatedReferences().iterator().next();
data.setValue(base + ".link", site.linkFor(mClass.htmlPage()));
data.setValue(base + ".federated",;
if (mIsTypeVariable) {
if (typeVars.contains(qualifiedTypeName())) {
// don't recurse forever with the parameters. This handles
// Enum<K extends Enum<K>>
if (mTypeArguments != null) {
TypeInfo.makeHDF(data, base + ".typeArguments", mTypeArguments, qualified, typeVars);
if (mSuperBounds != null) {
TypeInfo.makeHDF(data, base + ".superBounds", mSuperBounds, qualified, typeVars);
if (mExtendsBounds != null) {
TypeInfo.makeHDF(data, base + ".extendsBounds", mExtendsBounds, qualified, typeVars);
public static void makeHDF(Data data, String base, ArrayList<TypeInfo> types, boolean qualified,
HashSet<String> typeVariables) {
int i = 0;
for (TypeInfo type : types) {
type.makeHDFRecursive(data, base + "." + i++, qualified, false, typeVariables);
public static void makeHDF(Data data, String base, ArrayList<TypeInfo> types, boolean qualified) {
makeHDF(data, base, types, qualified, new HashSet<String>());
void setTypeArguments(ArrayList<TypeInfo> args) {
mTypeArguments = args;
public void addTypeArgument(TypeInfo arg) {
if (mTypeArguments == null) {
mTypeArguments = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>();
public void setBounds(ArrayList<TypeInfo> superBounds, ArrayList<TypeInfo> extendsBounds) {
mSuperBounds = superBounds;
mExtendsBounds = extendsBounds;
public ArrayList<TypeInfo> superBounds() {
return mSuperBounds;
public ArrayList<TypeInfo> extendsBounds() {
return mExtendsBounds;
public void setIsTypeVariable(boolean b) {
mIsTypeVariable = b;
void setIsWildcard(boolean b) {
mIsWildcard = b;
public boolean isWildcard() {
return mIsWildcard;
public static HashSet<String> typeVariables(ArrayList<TypeInfo> params) {
return typeVariables(params, new HashSet<String>());
static HashSet<String> typeVariables(ArrayList<TypeInfo> params, HashSet<String> result) {
if (params != null) {
for (TypeInfo t : params) {
if (t.mIsTypeVariable) {
return result;
public boolean isTypeVariable() {
return mIsTypeVariable;
public void resolveTypeVariables(HashSet<String> variables) {
if (mExtendsBounds != null) {
for (TypeInfo bound : mExtendsBounds) {
if (variables.contains(bound.qualifiedTypeName())) {
public String defaultValue() {
if (mIsPrimitive) {
if ("boolean".equals(mSimpleTypeName)) {
return "false";
} else {
return "0";
} else {
return "null";
public String toString() {
String returnString = "";
returnString +=
"Primitive?: " + mIsPrimitive + " TypeVariable?: " + mIsTypeVariable + " Wildcard?: "
+ mIsWildcard + " Dimension: " + mDimension + " QualifedTypeName: "
+ mQualifiedTypeName;
if (mTypeArguments != null) {
returnString += "\nTypeArguments: ";
for (TypeInfo tA : mTypeArguments) {
returnString += tA.qualifiedTypeName() + "(" + tA + ") ";
if (mSuperBounds != null) {
returnString += "\nSuperBounds: ";
for (TypeInfo tA : mSuperBounds) {
returnString += tA.qualifiedTypeName() + "(" + tA + ") ";
if (mExtendsBounds != null) {
returnString += "\nExtendsBounds: ";
for (TypeInfo tA : mExtendsBounds) {
returnString += tA.qualifiedTypeName() + "(" + tA + ") ";
return returnString;
public void addResolution(Resolution resolution) {
if (mResolutions == null) {
mResolutions = new ArrayList<Resolution>();
public void printResolutions() {
if (mResolutions == null || mResolutions.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Resolutions for Type " + mSimpleTypeName + ":");
for (Resolution r : mResolutions) {
public boolean resolveResolutions() {
ArrayList<Resolution> resolutions = mResolutions;
mResolutions = new ArrayList<Resolution>();
boolean allResolved = true;
for (Resolution resolution : resolutions) {
if ("class".equals(resolution.getVariable())) {
StringBuilder qualifiedClassName = new StringBuilder();
InfoBuilder.resolveQualifiedName(resolution.getValue(), qualifiedClassName,
// if we still couldn't resolve it, save it for the next pass
if ("".equals(qualifiedClassName.toString())) {
allResolved = false;
} else {
mClass = InfoBuilder.Caches.obtainClass(qualifiedClassName.toString());
} else if ("variability".equals(resolution.getVariable())) {
StringBuilder qualifiedClassName = new StringBuilder();
for (TypeInfo arg : mTypeArguments) {
InfoBuilder.resolveQualifiedName(arg.simpleTypeName(), qualifiedClassName,
return allResolved;
* Copy this TypeInfo, but replace type arguments with those defined in the
* typeArguments mapping.
* <p>
* If the current type is one of the base types in the mapping (i.e. a parameter itself)
* then this returns the mapped type.
public TypeInfo getTypeWithArguments(Map<String, TypeInfo> typeArguments) {
if (typeArguments.containsKey(fullName())) {
return typeArguments.get(fullName());
TypeInfo ti = new TypeInfo(this);
if (typeArguments() != null) {
ArrayList<TypeInfo> newArgs = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>();
for (TypeInfo t : typeArguments()) {
return ti;
* Given two TypeInfos that reference the same type, take the first one's type parameters
* and generate a mapping from their names to the type parameters defined in the second.
public static Map<String, TypeInfo> getTypeArgumentMapping(TypeInfo generic, TypeInfo typed) {
Map<String, TypeInfo> map = new HashMap<String, TypeInfo>();
if (generic != null && generic.typeArguments() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < generic.typeArguments().size(); i++) {
if (typed.typeArguments() != null && typed.typeArguments().size() > i) {
map.put(generic.typeArguments().get(i).simpleTypeName(), typed.typeArguments().get(i));
return map;
* Given a ClassInfo and a parameterized TypeInfo, take the class's raw type's type parameters
* and generate a mapping from their names to the type parameters defined in the TypeInfo.
public static Map<String, TypeInfo> getTypeArgumentMapping(ClassInfo cls, TypeInfo typed) {
return getTypeArgumentMapping(cls.asTypeInfo(), typed);
private ArrayList<Resolution> mResolutions;
/** Whether the value of {@code mClass} has been resolved. */
private boolean mResolvedClass;
private boolean mIsPrimitive;
private boolean mIsTypeVariable;
private boolean mIsWildcard;
private String mDimension;
private String mSimpleTypeName;
private String mQualifiedTypeName;
private ClassInfo mClass;
private ArrayList<TypeInfo> mTypeArguments;
private ArrayList<TypeInfo> mSuperBounds;
private ArrayList<TypeInfo> mExtendsBounds;
private String mFullName;