blob: 902bbd817b7cd0d4efeb7c030bd91c16322888bc [file] [log] [blame]
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs = ['src/']
resources {
srcDirs = ['res/']
// TODO put this function in a plugin
String findToolsJar() {
new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
project.exec {
executable "../../build/core/"
standardOutput = os
return os.toString().trim()
if (project.hasProperty("usePrebuilts") && project.usePrebuilts == "true") {
repositories {
maven { url '../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository' }
dependencies {
compile files(findToolsJar())
compile files('../../prebuilts/misc/common/antlr/antlr-3.4-complete.jar')
compile ''
// TODO add tagsoup to prebuils to fully support building using prebuilts
compile project(':tagsoup')
// required by jsilver
compile ''
} else {
dependencies {
compile files(findToolsJar())
compile project(path: ':antlr', configuration: 'antlrRuntime')
compile project(':jsilver')
compile project(':tagsoup')