blob: 0872f82ac5159cde9d143c960fbf78f34cb73e75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Stubber;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static;
* Same as {@link Stubber} but supports settings up stubbing of static methods via
* {@link #when(MockedMethod)} and {@link #when(MockedVoidMethod)}.
public class StaticCapableStubber implements Stubber {
private Stubber instanceStubber;
StaticCapableStubber(Stubber instanceStubber) {
this.instanceStubber = instanceStubber;
public <T> T when(T mock) {
return instanceStubber.when(mock);
* Common implementation of all {@code doReturn.when} calls.
* @param method The static method to be stubbed
private void whenInt(MockedVoidMethod method) {
if (onMethodCallDuringStubbing.get() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Stubbing is already in progress on this thread.");
ArrayList<Method> stubbingsSetUp = new ArrayList<>();
/* Set up interception of method. 'method' does not specify what class the stubbing is
* set up on. Hence wait until the call is made and intercept it just before the code
* is executed. At this time, start the stubbing operation.
onMethodCallDuringStubbing.set((clazz, stubbedMethod) -> {
try {
try {
// Call the method. This will be intercepted by onMethodCallDuringStubbing;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
if (stubbingsSetUp.isEmpty()) {
// Make sure something was intercepted
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nothing was stubbed. Does the lambda call a"
+ " static method on a 'static' mock/spy?");
} else if (stubbingsSetUp.size() > 1) {
// A lambda might call several methods. In this case it is not clear what should
// be stubbed. Hence throw an error.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple intercepted calls on method "
+ stubbingsSetUp);
} finally {
* Set up stubbing for a static void method.
* <pre>
* private class C {
* void instanceMethod(String arg) {}
* static void staticMethod(String arg) {}
* }
* {@literal @}Test
* public void test() {
* // instance mocking
* C mock = mock(C.class);
* doThrow(Exception.class).when(mock).instanceMethod(eq("Hello));
* assertThrows(Exception.class, mock.instanceMethod("Hello"));
* // static mocking
* MockitoSession session = mockitoSession().staticMock(C.class).startMocking();
* doThrow(Exception.class).when(() -> C.instanceMethod(eq("Hello));
* assertThrows(Exception.class, C.staticMethod("Hello"));
* session.finishMocking();
* }
* </pre>
* @param method The method to stub as a lambda. This should only call a single stubbable
* static method.
public void when(MockedVoidMethod method) {
* Set up stubbing for a static method.
* <pre>
* private class C {
* int instanceMethod(String arg) {
* return 1;
* }
* int static staticMethod(String arg) {
* return 1;
* }
* }
* {@literal @}Test
* public void test() {
* // instance mocking
* C mock = mock(C.class);
* doReturn(2).when(mock).instanceMethod(eq("Hello));
* assertEquals(2, mock.instanceMethod("Hello"));
* // static mocking
* MockitoSession session = mockitoSession().staticMock(C.class).startMocking();
* doReturn(2).when(() -> C.instanceMethod(eq("Hello));
* assertEquals(2, C.staticMethod("Hello"));
* session.finishMocking();
* }
* </pre>
* @param method The method to stub as a lambda. This should only call a single stubbable
* static method.
* @param <T> Return type of the stubbed method
public <T> void when(MockedMethod<T> method) {
public StaticCapableStubber doThrow(Throwable... toBeThrown) {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doThrow(toBeThrown);
return this;
public StaticCapableStubber doThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> toBeThrown) {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doThrow(toBeThrown);
return this;
public final StaticCapableStubber doThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> toBeThrown,
Class<? extends Throwable>... nextToBeThrown) {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doThrow(toBeThrown, nextToBeThrown);
return this;
public StaticCapableStubber doAnswer(Answer answer) {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doAnswer(answer);
return this;
public StaticCapableStubber doNothing() {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doNothing();
return this;
public StaticCapableStubber doReturn(Object toBeReturned) {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doReturn(toBeReturned);
return this;
public StaticCapableStubber doReturn(Object toBeReturned, Object... nextToBeReturned) {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doReturn(toBeReturned, nextToBeReturned);
return this;
public StaticCapableStubber doCallRealMethod() {
instanceStubber = instanceStubber.doCallRealMethod();
return this;