blob: 0f0fbd7d2b89c3388979d317b88e39519c4cf62b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import sys
import logging
import os.path
from collections import defaultdict
import devlib
from devlib.exception import TargetError
from devlib.module import Module
from devlib.platform import Platform
from devlib.platform.gem5 import Gem5SimulationPlatform
from devlib.utils.gem5 import iter_statistics_dump, GEM5STATS_ROI_NUMBER, GEM5STATS_DUMP_TAIL
class Gem5ROI:
def __init__(self, number, target): = target
self.number = number
self.running = False
self.field = 'ROI::{}'.format(number)
def start(self):
if self.running:
return False'm5 roistart {}'.format(self.number))
self.running = True
return True
def stop(self):
if not self.running:
return False'm5 roiend {}'.format(self.number))
self.running = False
return True
class Gem5StatsModule(Module):
Module controlling Region of Interest (ROIs) markers, satistics dump
frequency and parsing statistics log file when using gem5 platforms.
ROIs are identified by user-defined labels and need to be booked prior to
use. The translation of labels into gem5 ROI numbers will be performed
internally in order to avoid conflicts between multiple clients.
name = 'gem5stats'
def probe(target):
return isinstance(target.platform, Gem5SimulationPlatform)
def __init__(self, target):
super(Gem5StatsModule, self).__init__(target)
self._current_origin = 0
self._stats_file_path = os.path.join(target.platform.gem5_out_dir,
self.rois = {}
self._dump_pos_cache = {0: 0}
def book_roi(self, label):
if label in self.rois:
raise KeyError('ROI label {} already used'.format(label))
if len(self.rois) >= GEM5STATS_ROI_NUMBER:
raise RuntimeError('Too many ROIs reserved')
all_rois = set(xrange(GEM5STATS_ROI_NUMBER))
used_rois = set([roi.number for roi in self.rois.values()])
avail_rois = all_rois - used_rois
self.rois[label] = Gem5ROI(list(avail_rois)[0],
def free_roi(self, label):
if label not in self.rois:
raise KeyError('ROI label {} not reserved yet'.format(label))
del self.rois[label]
def roi_start(self, label):
if label not in self.rois:
raise KeyError('Incorrect ROI label: {}'.format(label))
if not self.rois[label].start():
raise TargetError('ROI {} was already running'.format(label))
def roi_end(self, label):
if label not in self.rois:
raise KeyError('Incorrect ROI label: {}'.format(label))
if not self.rois[label].stop():
raise TargetError('ROI {} was not running'.format(label))
def start_periodic_dump(self, delay_ns=0, period_ns=10000000):
# Default period is 10ms because it's roughly what's needed to have
# accurate power estimations
if delay_ns < 0 or period_ns < 0:
msg = 'Delay ({}) and period ({}) for periodic dumps must be positive'
raise ValueError(msg.format(delay_ns, period_ns))'m5 dumpresetstats {} {}'.format(delay_ns, period_ns))
def match(self, keys, rois_labels, base_dump=0):
Extract specific values from the statistics log file of gem5
:param keys: a list of key name or regular expression patterns that
will be matched in the fields of the statistics file. ``match()``
returns only the values of fields matching at least one these
:type keys: list
:param rois_labels: list of ROIs labels. ``match()`` returns the
values of the specified fields only during dumps spanned by at
least one of these ROIs.
:type rois_label: list
:param base_dump: dump number from which ``match()`` should operate. By
specifying a non-zero dump number, one can virtually truncate
the head of the stats file and ignore all dumps before a specific
instant. The value of ``base_dump`` will typically (but not
necessarily) be the result of a previous call to ``next_dump_no``.
Default value is 0.
:type base_dump: int
:returns: a dict indexed by key parameters containing a dict indexed by
ROI labels containing an in-order list of records for the key under
consideration during the active intervals of the ROI.
Example of return value:
* Result of match(['sim_'],['roi_1']):
'roi_1': [265300176, 267975881]
'roi_1': [324395787, 327699419]
'roi_1': [0.199960, 0.199897]
'roi_1': [1000000000000, 1000000000000]
'roi_1': [199960234227, 199896897330]
records = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))
for record, active_rois in self.match_iter(keys, rois_labels, base_dump):
for key in record:
for roi_label in active_rois:
return records
def match_iter(self, keys, rois_labels, base_dump=0):
Yield specific values dump-by-dump from the statistics log file of gem5
:param keys: same as ``match()``
:param rois_labels: same as ``match()``
:param base_dump: same as ``match()``
:returns: a pair containing:
1. a dict storing the values corresponding to each of the found keys
2. the list of currently active ROIs among those passed as parameters
Example of return value:
* Result of match_iter(['sim_'],['roi_1', 'roi_2']).next()
'sim_inst': 265300176,
'sim_ops': 324395787,
'sim_seconds': 0.199960,
'sim_freq': 1000000000000,
'sim_ticks': 199960234227,
[ 'roi_1 ' ]
for label in rois_labels:
if label not in self.rois:
raise KeyError('Impossible to match ROI label {}'.format(label))
if self.rois[label].running:
self.logger.warning('Trying to match records in statistics file'
' while ROI {} is running'.format(label))
# Construct one large regex that concatenates all keys because
# matching one large expression is more efficient than several smaller
all_keys_re = re.compile('|'.join(keys))
def roi_active(roi_label, dump):
roi = self.rois[roi_label]
return (roi.field in dump) and (int(dump[roi.field]) == 1)
with open(self._stats_file_path, 'r') as stats_file:
self._goto_dump(stats_file, base_dump)
for dump in iter_statistics_dump(stats_file):
active_rois = [l for l in rois_labels if roi_active(l, dump)]
if active_rois:
rec = {k: dump[k] for k in dump if}
yield (rec, active_rois)
def next_dump_no(self):
Returns the number of the next dump to be written to the stats file.
For example, if next_dump_no is called while there are 5 (0 to 4) full
dumps in the stats file, it will return 5. This will be usefull to know
from which dump one should match() in the future to get only data from
now on.
with open(self._stats_file_path, 'r') as stats_file:
# _goto_dump reach EOF and returns the total number of dumps + 1
return self._goto_dump(stats_file, sys.maxint)
def _goto_dump(self, stats_file, target_dump):
if target_dump < 0:
raise HostError('Cannot go to dump {}'.format(target_dump))
# Go to required dump quickly if it was visited before
if target_dump in self._dump_pos_cache:[target_dump])
return target_dump
# Or start from the closest dump already visited before the required one
prev_dumps = filter(lambda x: x < target_dump, self._dump_pos_cache.keys())
curr_dump = max(prev_dumps)
curr_pos = self._dump_pos_cache[curr_dump]
# And iterate until target_dump
dump_iterator = iter_statistics_dump(stats_file)
while curr_dump < target_dump:
dump =
except StopIteration:
# End of passed dump is beginning og next one
curr_pos = stats_file.tell()
curr_dump += 1
self._dump_pos_cache[curr_dump] = curr_pos
return curr_dump