Don't require supported binary formats in negative tests.

Bug: 26906411
Change-Id: I4dd1bcbdd43a85e320767fa0160db24f5b84ad74
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fNegativeShaderApiTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fNegativeShaderApiTests.cpp
index cd3fe1d..8aefd03 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fNegativeShaderApiTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fNegativeShaderApiTests.cpp
@@ -432,20 +432,25 @@
 			glGetProgramiv		(srcProgram.getProgram(), GL_LINK_STATUS,			&linkStatus);
 			m_log << TestLog::Message << "// GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH = " << bufSize << TestLog::EndMessage;
 			m_log << TestLog::Message << "// GL_LINK_STATUS = " << linkStatus << TestLog::EndMessage;
-			TCU_CHECK(bufSize > 0);
-			binaryBuf.resize(bufSize);
-			glGetProgramBinary	(srcProgram.getProgram(), bufSize, &binaryLength, &binaryFormat, &binaryBuf[0]);
-			expectError			(GL_NO_ERROR);
-			m_log << TestLog::Section("", "GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not the name of an existing program object.");
-			glProgramBinary		(dummyShader, binaryFormat, &binaryBuf[0], binaryLength);
-			expectError			(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
-			m_log << TestLog::EndSection;
+			TCU_CHECK(bufSize >= 0);
-			m_log << TestLog::Section("", "GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if binaryFormat is not a value recognized by the implementation.");
-			glProgramBinary		(dstProgram, -1, &binaryBuf[0], binaryLength);
-			expectError			(GL_INVALID_ENUM);
-			m_log << TestLog::EndSection;
+			if (bufSize > 0)
+			{
+				binaryBuf.resize(bufSize);
+				glGetProgramBinary	(srcProgram.getProgram(), bufSize, &binaryLength, &binaryFormat, &binaryBuf[0]);
+				expectError			(GL_NO_ERROR);
+				m_log << TestLog::Section("", "GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not the name of an existing program object.");
+				glProgramBinary		(dummyShader, binaryFormat, &binaryBuf[0], binaryLength);
+				expectError			(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
+				m_log << TestLog::EndSection;
+				m_log << TestLog::Section("", "GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if binaryFormat is not a value recognized by the implementation.");
+				glProgramBinary		(dstProgram, -1, &binaryBuf[0], binaryLength);
+				expectError			(GL_INVALID_ENUM);
+				m_log << TestLog::EndSection;
+			}