Fix more 16bit denorms in precision tests

The denorm code that was fixed in:
still persisted in a different function that I hadn't noticed. Update it
there as well.

Because this function is being called on fixed floats, rather than on
random ones, I don't think the brokenness of the old code will cause a
practical problem, but the new version is simpler and more correct, so
I've changed it anyway.

Components: Vulkan
VK-GL-CTS issue: 1843
Affects: dEQP-VK.glsl.builtin.precision_fp16_storage32b.*

Change-Id: I6d6d7f8678f6edf41255e194650648c865b71e76
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/shaderexecutor/vktShaderBuiltinPrecisionTests.cpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/shaderexecutor/vktShaderBuiltinPrecisionTests.cpp
index f2a7b1c..4fee160 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/shaderexecutor/vktShaderBuiltinPrecisionTests.cpp
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/shaderexecutor/vktShaderBuiltinPrecisionTests.cpp
@@ -5243,7 +5243,7 @@
 	for (vector<float>::iterator it = dst.begin(); it < dst.end();)
-		if ( !inputRange.contains(static_cast<double>(*it)) || (glu::PRECISION_LAST == prec && (1.0 - deAbs(static_cast<double>(*it)) >= 0.999939)))
+		if ( !inputRange.contains(static_cast<double>(*it)) || (prec == glu::PRECISION_LAST && isDenorm16(deFloat32To16Round(*it, DE_ROUNDINGMODE_TO_ZERO))))
 			it = dst.erase(it);