eglGetFrameTimestamps: Allow reads done to equal rendering complete.

If there are no reads performed by the compositor, it is possible
for reads done timestamp to be the same as the rendering complete

Also add and use check_lt and check_le, to print out more detailed
debug info in the results.

Test: --deqp-case=dEQP-EGL*get_frame_timestamps*
Change-Id: I258562806aab2f44e91f2aafa1e7a00f4d522959
diff --git a/modules/egl/teglGetFrameTimestampsTests.cpp b/modules/egl/teglGetFrameTimestampsTests.cpp
index 536589b..d65d8d3 100644
--- a/modules/egl/teglGetFrameTimestampsTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/egl/teglGetFrameTimestampsTests.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 #include "deClock.h"
 #include "deMath.h"
 #include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
+#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
 #include "deThread.hpp"
 #include <algorithm>
@@ -201,59 +202,77 @@
 	return timestamp == EGL_TIMESTAMP_PENDING_ANDROID;
+template<typename T>
+void check_lt(tcu::ResultCollector& result, const T& a, const T& b, const std::string& msg) {
+	if (a < b)
+		return;
+	std::string m = msg + "!(" + de::toString(a) + " < " + de::toString(b) + ")";
+template<typename T>
+void check_le(tcu::ResultCollector& result, const T& a, const T& b, const std::string& msg) {
+	if (a <= b)
+		return;
+	std::string m = msg + "!(" + de::toString(a) + " <= " + de::toString(b) + ")";
 void verifySingleFrame (const FrameTimes& frameTimes, tcu::ResultCollector& result, bool verifyReadsDone)
 	// Verify CPU timeline is monotonic.
-	result.check(frameTimes.swapBufferBeginNs < frameTimes.latch, "Buffer latched before it was swapped.");
-	result.check(frameTimes.latch < frameTimes.firstCompositionStart, "Buffer composited before it was latched.");
-	result.check(frameTimes.firstCompositionStart <= frameTimes.lastCompositionStart, "First composition start after last composition start.");
-	result.check(frameTimes.lastCompositionStart < frameTimes.dequeueReady, "Buffer composited after it was ready to be dequeued.");
+	check_lt(result, frameTimes.swapBufferBeginNs, frameTimes.latch, "Buffer latched before it was swapped.");
+	check_lt(result, frameTimes.latch, frameTimes.firstCompositionStart, "Buffer composited before it was latched.");
+	check_le(result, frameTimes.firstCompositionStart, frameTimes.lastCompositionStart, "First composition start after last composition start.");
+	check_lt(result, frameTimes.lastCompositionStart, frameTimes.dequeueReady, "Buffer composited after it was ready to be dequeued.");
 	// Verify GPU timeline is monotonic.
 	if (timestampValid(frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished))
-		result.check(frameTimes.renderingComplete < frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished, "Buffer rendering completed after compositor GPU work finished.");
+		check_lt(result, frameTimes.renderingComplete, frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished, "Buffer rendering completed after compositor GPU work finished.");
 	if (timestampValid(frameTimes.displayPresent))
-		result.check(frameTimes.renderingComplete < frameTimes.displayPresent, "Buffer displayed before rendering completed.");
+		check_lt(result, frameTimes.renderingComplete, frameTimes.displayPresent, "Buffer displayed before rendering completed.");
 	if (timestampValid(frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished) && timestampValid(frameTimes.displayPresent))
-		result.check(frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished < frameTimes.displayPresent, "Buffer displayed before compositor GPU work completed");
+		check_lt(result, frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished, frameTimes.displayPresent, "Buffer displayed before compositor GPU work completed");
 	// Drivers may maintain shadow copies of the buffer, so the readsDone time
 	// of the real buffer may be earlier than apparent dependencies. We can only
 	// be sure that the readsDone time must be after the renderingComplete time.
+    // It may also be equal to the renderingComplete time if no reads were
+    // peformed.
 	if (verifyReadsDone)
-		result.check(frameTimes.renderingComplete < frameTimes.readsDone, "Buffer rendering completed after reads completed.");
+		check_le(result, frameTimes.renderingComplete, frameTimes.readsDone, "Buffer rendering completed after reads completed.");
 	// Verify CPU/GPU dependencies
-	result.check(frameTimes.renderingComplete < frameTimes.latch, "Buffer latched before rendering completed.");
+	check_lt(result, frameTimes.renderingComplete, frameTimes.latch, "Buffer latched before rendering completed.");
 	if (timestampValid(frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished))
-		result.check(frameTimes.firstCompositionStart < frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished, "Composition CPU work started after GPU work finished.");
+		check_lt(result, frameTimes.firstCompositionStart, frameTimes.firstCompositionGpuFinished, "Composition CPU work started after GPU work finished.");
 	if (timestampValid(frameTimes.displayPresent))
-		result.check(frameTimes.firstCompositionStart < frameTimes.displayPresent, "Buffer displayed before it was composited.");
+		check_lt(result, frameTimes.firstCompositionStart, frameTimes.displayPresent, "Buffer displayed before it was composited.");
 void verifyNeighboringFrames (const FrameTimes& frame1, const FrameTimes& frame2, tcu::ResultCollector& result, bool verifyReadsDone)
 	// CPU timeline.
-	result.check(frame1.swapBufferBeginNs < frame2.swapBufferBeginNs, "Swap begin times not monotonic.");
-	result.check(frame1.latch < frame2.latch, "Latch times not monotonic.");
-	result.check(frame1.lastCompositionStart < frame2.latch, "Old buffer composited after new buffer latched.");
-	result.check(frame1.lastCompositionStart < frame2.firstCompositionStart, "Composition times overlap.");
-	result.check(frame1.dequeueReady < frame2.dequeueReady, "Dequeue ready times not monotonic.");
+	check_lt(result, frame1.swapBufferBeginNs, frame2.swapBufferBeginNs, "Swap begin times not monotonic.");
+	check_lt(result, frame1.latch, frame2.latch, "Latch times not monotonic.");
+	check_lt(result, frame1.lastCompositionStart, frame2.latch, "Old buffer composited after new buffer latched.");
+	check_lt(result, frame1.lastCompositionStart, frame2.firstCompositionStart, "Composition times overlap.");
+	check_lt(result, frame1.dequeueReady, frame2.dequeueReady, "Dequeue ready times not monotonic.");
 	// GPU timeline.
-	result.check(frame1.renderingComplete < frame2.renderingComplete, "Rendering complete times not monotonic.");
+	check_lt(result, frame1.renderingComplete, frame2.renderingComplete, "Rendering complete times not monotonic.");
 	if (timestampValid(frame1.firstCompositionGpuFinished) && timestampValid(frame2.firstCompositionGpuFinished))
-		result.check(frame1.firstCompositionGpuFinished < frame2.firstCompositionGpuFinished, "Composition GPU work complete times not monotonic.");
+		check_lt(result, frame1.firstCompositionGpuFinished, frame2.firstCompositionGpuFinished, "Composition GPU work complete times not monotonic.");
 	if (timestampValid(frame1.displayPresent) && timestampValid(frame2.displayPresent))
-		result.check(frame1.displayPresent < frame2.displayPresent, "Display present times not monotonic.");
+		check_lt(result, frame1.displayPresent, frame2.displayPresent, "Display present times not monotonic.");
 	if (verifyReadsDone && timestampValid(frame1.readsDone) && timestampValid(frame2.readsDone))
-		result.check(frame1.readsDone < frame2.readsDone, "Reads done times not monotonic.");
+		check_lt(result, frame1.readsDone, frame2.readsDone, "Reads done times not monotonic.");
 EGLContext createGLES2Context (const Library& egl, EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config)
@@ -616,14 +635,14 @@
 			frame.compositeToPresentLatency	=	compositorTimingValues[2];
 			// Verify compositor timing is sane.
-			m_result.check(1000000 < frame.compositeInterval, "Reported refresh rate greater than 1kHz.");
-			m_result.check(frame.compositeInterval < 1000000000, "Reported refresh rate less than 1Hz.");
-			m_result.check(0 < frame.compositeToPresentLatency, "Composite to present latency must be greater than 0.");
-			m_result.check(frame.compositeToPresentLatency < frame.compositeInterval * 3, "Composite to present latency is more than 3 vsyncs.");
+			check_lt<EGLnsecsANDROID>(m_result, 1000000, frame.compositeInterval, "Reported refresh rate greater than 1kHz.");
+			check_lt<EGLnsecsANDROID>(m_result, frame.compositeInterval, 1000000000, "Reported refresh rate less than 1Hz.");
+			check_lt<EGLnsecsANDROID>(m_result, 0, frame.compositeToPresentLatency, "Composite to present latency must be greater than 0.");
+			check_lt(m_result, frame.compositeToPresentLatency, frame.compositeInterval * 3, "Composite to present latency is more than 3 vsyncs.");
 			const EGLnsecsANDROID minDeadline = now;
-			m_result.check(minDeadline < frame.compositeDeadline, "Next composite deadline is in the past.");
+			check_lt(m_result, minDeadline, frame.compositeDeadline, "Next composite deadline is in the past.");
 			const EGLnsecsANDROID maxDeadline = now + frame.compositeInterval * 2;
-			m_result.check(frame.compositeDeadline < maxDeadline, "Next composite deadline over two intervals away.");
+			check_lt(m_result, frame.compositeDeadline, maxDeadline, "Next composite deadline over two intervals away.");
 			const float colorAngle = (static_cast<float>(i) / static_cast<float>(frameCount)) * 6.28318f;
 			gl.clearColor((1.0f + deFloatSin(colorAngle)) / 2.0f, 0.7f, (1.0f + deFloatCos(colorAngle)) / 2.0f, 1.0f);