Merge commit 'e0292c269d6f5c8481afb9f2d043c74ee11ca24f' into goog/master

Bug: 123431604
Test: CtsDeqpTestCases
Change-Id: Ie664ea90afc4dff0b4c662a77d2bd4051f8ad4ba
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0e000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+filegroup {
+    name: "deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    srcs: ["source/extinst.debuginfo.grammar.json"],
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_1.0",
+    out: [
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-1.0",
+        ":deqp_spirv.glsl.grammar.json",
+        ":deqp_spirv.opencl.grammar.json",
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --spirv-core-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-1.0) "+
+         "--extinst-glsl-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.glsl.grammar.json) "+
+         "--extinst-opencl-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.opencl.grammar.json) "+
+         "--extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json) "+
+         "--core-insts-output=$(location "+
+         "--glsl-insts-output=$(location "+
+         "--opencl-insts-output=$(location "+
+         "--operand-kinds-output=$(location",
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_1.1",
+    out: [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-1.1",
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --spirv-core-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-1.1) "+
+         "--extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json) "+
+         "--core-insts-output=$(location "+
+         "--operand-kinds-output=$(location",
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_1.2",
+    out: [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-1.2",
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --spirv-core-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-1.2) "+
+         "--extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json) "+
+         "--core-insts-output=$(location "+
+         "--operand-kinds-output=$(location",
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_unified1",
+    out: [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-unified1",
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --spirv-core-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-unified1) "+
+         "--extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json) "+
+         "--core-insts-output=$(location "+
+         "--operand-kinds-output=$(location",
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_debuginfo",
+    out: [
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(in) "+
+         "--vendor-insts-output=$(out)"
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-gcn-shader",
+    out: [
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        "source/extinst.spv-amd-gcn-shader.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(in) "+
+         "--vendor-insts-output=$(out)"
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-shader-ballot",
+    out: [
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        "source/extinst.spv-amd-shader-ballot.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(in) "+
+         "--vendor-insts-output=$(out)"
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-shader-explicit-vertex-parameter",
+    out: [
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        "source/extinst.spv-amd-shader-explicit-vertex-parameter.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(in) "+
+         "--vendor-insts-output=$(out)"
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-shader-trinary-minmax",
+    out: [
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        "source/extinst.spv-amd-shader-trinary-minmax.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(in) "+
+         "--vendor-insts-output=$(out)"
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_lang_headers",
+    out: [
+        "DebugInfo.h",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --extinst-name=DebugInfo "+
+         "--extinst-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json) "+
+         "--extinst-output-base=$$(dirname $(location DebugInfo.h))/DebugInfo",
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_enum_string_mapping",
+    out: [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-unified1",
+        ":deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json",
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --spirv-core-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.core.grammar.json-unified1) "+
+         "--extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(location :deqp_spirv.debuginfo.grammar.json) "+
+         "--extension-enum-output=$(location "+
+         "--enum-string-mapping-output=$(location "
+genrule {
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_generators_inc",
+    out: [
+        ""
+    ],
+    srcs: [
+        ":deqp_spirv.registry.xml"
+    ],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) --xml=$(location :deqp_spirv.registry.xml) --generator-output=$(location",
+genrule { // FIXME this relies on `git` which is no good on build machines
+    name: "deqp_gen_spvtools_build_version_inc",
+    out: [""],
+    srcs: ["CHANGES"],
+    tool_files: ["utils/"],
+    cmd: "$(location) $$(dirname $(location CHANGES)) " +
+         "$(location",
+cc_library {
+    name: "deqp_spirv-tools",
+    sdk_version: "27",
+    srcs: [
+        "source/*.cpp",
+        "source/util/*.cpp",
+        "source/val/*.cpp",
+        "source/opt/*.cpp",
+    ],
+    local_include_dirs: [
+        "source",
+    ],
+    export_include_dirs: [
+        "include",
+    ],
+    include_dirs: [
+        "external/deqp-deps/SPIRV-Headers/include"
+    ],
+    generated_headers: [
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_1.0",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_1.1",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_1.2",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_unified1",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_debuginfo",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-gcn-shader",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-shader-ballot",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-shader-explicit-vertex-parameter",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_grammar_tables_amd-shader-trinary-minmax",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_enum_string_mapping",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_generators_inc",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_build_version_inc",
+        "deqp_gen_spvtools_lang_headers",
+    ],
+    stl: "libc++_static",
+    cppflags: [
+        "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough"
+    ],
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8597c50..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH=$(if $(call host-path-is-absolute,$(TARGET_OUT)),$(TARGET_OUT),$(abspath $(TARGET_OUT)))
-	SPVHEADERS_LOCAL_PATH := $(LOCAL_PATH)/external/spirv-headers
-		source/assembly_grammar.cpp \
-		source/binary.cpp \
-		source/diagnostic.cpp \
-		source/disassemble.cpp \
-		source/ext_inst.cpp \
-		source/enum_string_mapping.cpp \
-		source/extensions.cpp \
-		source/id_descriptor.cpp \
-		source/libspirv.cpp \
-		source/name_mapper.cpp \
-		source/opcode.cpp \
-		source/operand.cpp \
-		source/parsed_operand.cpp \
-		source/print.cpp \
-		source/software_version.cpp \
-		source/spirv_endian.cpp \
-		source/spirv_optimizer_options.cpp \
-		source/spirv_target_env.cpp \
-		source/spirv_validator_options.cpp \
-		source/table.cpp \
-		source/text.cpp \
-		source/text_handler.cpp \
-		source/util/bit_vector.cpp \
-		source/util/parse_number.cpp \
-		source/util/string_utils.cpp \
-		source/util/timer.cpp \
-		source/val/basic_block.cpp \
-		source/val/construct.cpp \
-		source/val/function.cpp \
-		source/val/instruction.cpp \
-		source/val/validation_state.cpp \
-		source/val/validate.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_adjacency.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_annotation.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_arithmetics.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_atomics.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_barriers.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_bitwise.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_builtins.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_capability.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_cfg.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_composites.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_constants.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_conversion.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_datarules.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_debug.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_decorations.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_derivatives.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_extensions.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_execution_limitations.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_function.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_id.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_image.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_instruction.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_memory.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_memory_semantics.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_mode_setting.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_layout.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_literals.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_logicals.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_non_uniform.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_primitives.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_scopes.cpp \
-		source/val/validate_type.cpp
-		source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/basic_block.cpp \
-		source/opt/block_merge_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/build_module.cpp \
-		source/opt/cfg.cpp \
-		source/opt/cfg_cleanup_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/combine_access_chains.cpp \
-		source/opt/common_uniform_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/compact_ids_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/composite.cpp \
-		source/opt/const_folding_rules.cpp \
-		source/opt/constants.cpp \
-		source/opt/copy_prop_arrays.cpp \
-		source/opt/dead_branch_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/dead_insert_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/dead_variable_elimination.cpp \
-		source/opt/decoration_manager.cpp \
-		source/opt/def_use_manager.cpp \
-		source/opt/dominator_analysis.cpp \
-		source/opt/dominator_tree.cpp \
-		source/opt/eliminate_dead_constant_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/eliminate_dead_functions_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/feature_manager.cpp \
-		source/opt/flatten_decoration_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/fold.cpp \
-		source/opt/folding_rules.cpp \
-		source/opt/fold_spec_constant_op_and_composite_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/freeze_spec_constant_value_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/function.cpp \
-		source/opt/if_conversion.cpp \
-		source/opt/inline_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/inline_exhaustive_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/inline_opaque_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/inst_bindless_check_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/instruction.cpp \
-		source/opt/instruction_list.cpp \
-		source/opt/instrument_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/ir_context.cpp \
-		source/opt/ir_loader.cpp \
-		source/opt/licm_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/local_redundancy_elimination.cpp \
-		source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/local_ssa_elim_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_dependence.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_dependence_helpers.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_descriptor.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_fission.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_fusion.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_fusion_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_peeling.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_unroller.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_unswitch_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/loop_utils.cpp \
-		source/opt/mem_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/merge_return_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/module.cpp \
-		source/opt/optimizer.cpp \
-		source/opt/pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/pass_manager.cpp \
-		source/opt/private_to_local_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/process_lines_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/propagator.cpp \
-		source/opt/reduce_load_size.cpp \
-		source/opt/redundancy_elimination.cpp \
-		source/opt/register_pressure.cpp \
-		source/opt/remove_duplicates_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.cpp \
-		source/opt/scalar_analysis.cpp \
-		source/opt/scalar_analysis_simplification.cpp \
-		source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/simplification_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/ssa_rewrite_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/strength_reduction_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/strip_debug_info_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/strip_reflect_info_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/struct_cfg_analysis.cpp \
-		source/opt/type_manager.cpp \
-		source/opt/types.cpp \
-		source/opt/unify_const_pass.cpp \
-		source/opt/upgrade_memory_model.cpp \
-		source/opt/value_number_table.cpp \
-		source/opt/vector_dce.cpp \
-		source/opt/workaround1209.cpp
-# Locations of grammar files.
-# TODO(dneto): Build a single set of tables that embeds versioning differences on
-# a per-item basis.  That must happen before SPIR-V 1.4, etc.
-# TODO(dneto): I expect the DebugInfo grammar file to eventually migrate to SPIRV-Headers
-define gen_spvtools_grammar_tables
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/
-$(1)/ $(1)/ $(1)/ $(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(SPV_CORE10_GRAMMAR) \
-        $(SPV_GLSL_GRAMMAR) \
-        $(SPV_OPENCL_GRAMMAR) \
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                --spirv-core-grammar=$(SPV_CORE10_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-glsl-grammar=$(SPV_GLSL_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-opencl-grammar=$(SPV_OPENCL_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --core-insts-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --glsl-insts-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --opencl-insts-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --operand-kinds-output=$(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Grammar v1.0   : instructions & operands <= grammar JSON files"
-$(1)/ $(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(SPV_CORE11_GRAMMAR) \
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                --spirv-core-grammar=$(SPV_CORE11_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --core-insts-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --operand-kinds-output=$(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Grammar v1.1   : instructions & operands <= grammar JSON files"
-$(1)/ $(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(SPV_CORE12_GRAMMAR) \
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                --spirv-core-grammar=$(SPV_CORE12_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --core-insts-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --operand-kinds-output=$(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Grammar v1.2   : instructions & operands <= grammar JSON files"
-$(1)/ $(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                --spirv-core-grammar=$(SPV_COREUNIFIED1_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --core-insts-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --operand-kinds-output=$(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Grammar v1.3 (from unified1)  : instructions & operands <= grammar JSON files"
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/opcode.cpp: $(1)/ $(1)/ $(1)/ $(1)/
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/operand.cpp: $(1)/ $(1)/ $(1)/ $(1)/
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/ext_inst.cpp: \
-	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_grammar_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH)))
-define gen_spvtools_lang_headers
-# Generate language-specific headers.  So far we only generate C headers
-# $1 is the output directory.
-# $2 is the base name of the header file, e.g. "DebugInfo".
-# $3 is the grammar file containing token definitions.
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/$(2).h)
-$(1)/$(2).h : \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(3)
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		    --extinst-name=$(2) \
-		    --extinst-grammar=$(3) \
-		    --extinst-output-base=$(1)/$(2)
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Generate language specific header for $(2): headers <= grammar"
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/ext_inst.cpp: $(1)/$(2).h
-# We generate language-specific headers for DebugInfo
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_lang_headers,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),DebugInfo,$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR)))
-define gen_spvtools_vendor_tables
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/$(2)
-$(1)/$(2) : \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/extinst.$(2).grammar.json
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		    --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/extinst.$(2).grammar.json \
-		    --vendor-insts-output=$(1)/$(2)
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Vendor extended instruction set: $(2) tables <= grammar"
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/ext_inst.cpp: $(1)/$(2)
-# Vendor extended instruction sets, with grammars from SPIRV-Tools source tree.
-SPV_NONSTANDARD_EXTINST_GRAMMARS=$(foreach F,$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/extinst.*.grammar.json),$(patsubst extinst.%.grammar.json,%,$(notdir $F)))
-$(foreach E,$(SPV_NONSTANDARD_EXTINST_GRAMMARS),$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),$E)))
-define gen_spvtools_enum_string_mapping
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/
-$(1)/ $(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                --spirv-core-grammar=$(SPV_CORELATEST_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extinst-debuginfo-grammar=$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR) \
-		                --extension-enum-output=$(1)/ \
-		                --enum-string-mapping-output=$(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Generate enum<->string mapping <= grammar JSON files"
-# Generated header is transitively included by table.h, which is
-# used pervasively.  Capture the pervasive dependency.
-  : $(1)/
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/enum_string_mapping.cpp: $(1)/
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_enum_string_mapping,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH)))
-define gen_spvtools_build_version_inc
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/dummy_filename)
-$(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                $(LOCAL_PATH) $(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Generate       : <= CHANGES"
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/software_version.cpp: $(1)/
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_build_version_inc,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH)))
-define gen_spvtools_generators_inc
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/dummy_filename)
-$(1)/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(SPVHEADERS_LOCAL_PATH)/include/spirv/spir-v.xml
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		                --xml=$(SPVHEADERS_LOCAL_PATH)/include/spirv/spir-v.xml \
-				--generator-output=$(1)/
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Generate       : <= spir-v.xml"
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/opcode.cpp: $(1)/
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_generators_inc,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH)))
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		$(LOCAL_PATH)/include \
-		$(LOCAL_PATH)/include
-LOCAL_CXXFLAGS:=-std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Werror
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-		$(LOCAL_PATH)/include \
-		$(LOCAL_PATH)/source \
-LOCAL_CXXFLAGS:=-std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Werror
diff --git a/METADATA b/METADATA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7033dc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: "SPIRV-Tools"
+    "The SPIR-V Tools project provides an API and commands for processing "
+    "SPIR-V modules."
+third_party {
+  url {
+    type: GIT
+    value: ""
+  }
+  version: "eea449a1e82ab6a860b68f9b0a23f0432fe9939f"
+  last_upgrade_date { year: 2018 month: 12 day: 17 }
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..7a694c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NOTICE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OWNERS b/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2b824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+include platform/external/deqp:/OWNERS
diff --git a/android_test/ b/android_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index dbaf93b..0000000
--- a/android_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cc .cpp .cxx
-LOCAL_CXXFLAGS:=-std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Werror
-include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../