blob: 82d3602ce935d906fcf50ae395c4994730d1e41d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Dagger Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Macros to simplify generating maven files.
load("@google_bazel_common//tools/maven:pom_file.bzl", default_pom_file = "pom_file")
load(":maven_info.bzl", "MavenInfo", "collect_maven_info")
load("@google_bazel_common//tools/javadoc:javadoc.bzl", "javadoc_library")
load("@google_bazel_common//tools/jarjar:jarjar.bzl", "jarjar_library")
def pom_file(name, targets, artifact_name, artifact_id, packaging = None, **kwargs):
name = name,
targets = targets,
preferred_group_ids = [
template_file = "//tools:pom-template.xml",
substitutions = {
"{artifact_name}": artifact_name,
"{artifact_id}": artifact_id,
"{packaging}": packaging or "jar",
excluded_artifacts = [""],
POM_VERSION = "2.25.4"
def gen_maven_artifact(
pom_name = "pom",
packaging = None,
javadoc_srcs = None,
javadoc_root_packages = None,
javadoc_exclude_packages = None,
javadoc_android_api_level = None,
deps = None,
shaded_deps = None,
shaded_rules = None):
"""Generates the files required for a maven artifact.
This macro generates the following targets:
* ":pom": The pom file for the given target and deps
* ":<NAME>": The class jar file for the given target and deps
* ":<NAME>-src": The sources jar file for the given target and deps
* ":<NAME>-javadoc": The javadocs jar file for the given target and deps
* ":<NAME>-validation": Validates the target and deps.
"<NAME>-validation" validates a few things. First, it validates that the
given "target" is a maven artifact (i.e. the "tags" attribute contains
"maven_coordinates=..."). Second, it calculates the list of transitive
dependencies of the target that are not owned by another maven artifact,
and validates that the given "deps" matches exactly.
name: The name associated with the various output targets.
artifact_target: The target containing the maven_coordinates.
artifact_name: The name of the maven artifact.
artifact_id: The id of the maven artifact.
packaging: The packaging of the maven artifact.
pom_name: The name of the pome file (or "pom" if absent).
javadoc_srcs: The srcs for the javadocs.
javadoc_root_packages: The root packages for the javadocs.
javadoc_exclude_packages: The packages to exclude from the javadocs.
javadoc_android_api_level: The android api level for the javadocs.
deps: The required deps to include with the target.
shaded_deps: The shaded deps for the jarjar.
shaded_rules: The shaded rules for the jarjar
name = name + "-validation",
target = artifact_target,
deps = deps,
shaded_deps = shaded_deps or []
shaded_rules = shaded_rules or []
artifact_targets = [artifact_target] + (deps or [])
name = pom_name,
artifact_id = artifact_id,
artifact_name = artifact_name,
packaging = packaging,
targets = artifact_targets,
name = name + "-javadoc",
srcs = javadoc_srcs,
root_packages = javadoc_root_packages,
exclude_packages = javadoc_exclude_packages,
android_api_level = javadoc_android_api_level,
deps = artifact_targets,
name = name,
jars = artifact_targets + shaded_deps,
rules = shaded_rules,
name = name + "-src",
jars = [_src_jar(dep) for dep in artifact_targets],
def _src_jar(target):
if target.startswith(":"):
target = Label("//" + native.package_name() + target)
target = Label(target)
return "//%s:lib%s-src.jar" % (target.package,
def _validate_maven_deps_impl(ctx):
"""Validates the given Maven target and deps
Validates that the given "target" is a maven artifact (i.e. the "tags"
attribute contains "maven_coordinates=..."). Second, it calculates the
list of transitive dependencies of the target that are not owned by
another maven artifact, and validates that the given "deps" matches
target =
if not target[MavenInfo].maven_artifacts:
fail("\t[Error]: %s is not a maven artifact" % target.label)
deps = [dep.label for dep in getattr(ctx.attr, "deps", [])]
all_transitive_deps = target[MavenInfo].all_transitive_deps.to_list()
maven_transitive_deps = target[MavenInfo].maven_transitive_deps.to_list()
required_deps = [dep for dep in all_transitive_deps if dep not in maven_transitive_deps]
missing_deps = [str(dep) for dep in required_deps if dep not in deps]
if missing_deps:
fail("\t[Error]: Found missing deps: \n\t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(missing_deps))
extra_deps = [str(dep) for dep in deps if dep not in required_deps]
if extra_deps:
fail("\t[Error]: Found extra deps: \n\t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(extra_deps))
_validate_maven_deps = rule(
implementation = _validate_maven_deps_impl,
attrs = {
"target": attr.label(
doc = "The target to generate a maven artifact for.",
aspects = [collect_maven_info],
mandatory = True,
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = "The required dependencies of the target, if any.",