blob: 468f569b33b2d49d8592e2266fd9e306fc4e0ee9 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
readonly MVN_GOAL="$1"
readonly VERSION_NAME="$2"
shift 2
readonly EXTRA_MAVEN_ARGS=("$@")
# Builds and deploy the Gradle plugin.
_deploy_plugin() {
local plugindir=java/dagger/hilt/android/plugin
./$plugindir/gradlew -p $plugindir --no-daemon clean \
publishAllPublicationsToMavenRepository -PPublishVersion="$VERSION_NAME"
local outdir=$plugindir/build/repo/com/google/dagger/hilt-android-gradle-plugin/$VERSION_NAME
# When building '-SNAPSHOT' versions in gradle, the filenames replaces
# '-SNAPSHOT' with timestamps, so we need to disambiguate by finding each file
# to deploy. See:
local suffix
if [[ "$VERSION_NAME" == *"-SNAPSHOT" ]]; then
# Gets the timestamp part out of the name to be used as suffix.
# Timestamp format is ########.######-#.
suffix=$(find $outdir -name "*.pom" | grep -Eo '[0-9]{8}\.[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{1}')
mvn "$MVN_GOAL" \
-Dfile="$(find $outdir -name "*-$suffix.jar")" \
-DpomFile="$(find $outdir -name "*-$suffix.pom")" \
-Dsources="$(find $outdir -name "*-$suffix-sources.jar")" \
-Djavadoc="$(find $outdir -name "*-$suffix-javadoc.jar")" \
# Gradle Plugin is built with Gradle, but still deployed via Maven (mvn)