blob: 0bf4b64cc1504e715c6642169648bc21b00a5f95 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "usage $0 <ssl-key> <version-name> [<param> ...]"
exit 1;
readonly KEY=$1
readonly VERSION_NAME=$2
shift 2
$(dirname $0)/ "$VERSION_NAME"
BAZEL_VERSION=$(bazel --version)
if [[ $BAZEL_VERSION != *"4.2.1"* ]]; then
echo "Must use Bazel version 4.2.1"
exit 4
if [[ -z "${ANDROID_HOME}" ]]; then
echo "ANDROID_HOME environment variable must be set"
exit 5
bash $(dirname $0)/
bash $(dirname $0)/ \
"gpg:sign-and-deploy-file" \
"-DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging" \
"-Durl=" \
# Note: we detach from head before making any sed changes to avoid commiting
# a particular version to master.
git checkout --detach
bash $(dirname $0)/ $VERSION_NAME
# Switch back to the original HEAD
git checkout -
bash $(dirname $0)/ $VERSION_NAME