blob: 2ec193093b74e8995efd2a1f3f6532f08682dfe5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Dagger Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dagger.internal.codegen.validation;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValueVisitor;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementVisitor;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeParameterElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ErrorType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVisitor;
import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType;
import javax.lang.model.util.AbstractElementVisitor8;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor8;
* A fork of {@link} that exposes validation for
* things like annotations and annotation values.
// TODO(bcorso): Consider contributing this to Auto-Common's SuperficialValidation.
public final class DaggerSuperficialValidation {
* Returns true if all of the given elements return true from {@link #validateElement(Element)}.
public static boolean validateElements(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
return, false)
private static final ElementVisitor<Boolean, Void> ELEMENT_VALIDATING_VISITOR =
new AbstractElementVisitor8<Boolean, Void>() {
public Boolean visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) {
// don't validate enclosed elements because it will return types in the package
return validateAnnotations(e.getAnnotationMirrors());
public Boolean visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) {
return isValidBaseElement(e)
&& validateElements(e.getTypeParameters())
&& validateTypes("interface", e.getInterfaces())
&& validateType("superclass", e.getSuperclass());
public Boolean visitVariable(VariableElement e, Void p) {
return isValidBaseElement(e);
public Boolean visitExecutable(ExecutableElement e, Void p) {
AnnotationValue defaultValue = e.getDefaultValue();
return isValidBaseElement(e)
&& (defaultValue == null || validateAnnotationValue(defaultValue, e.getReturnType()))
&& validateType("return type", e.getReturnType())
&& validateTypes("thrown type", e.getThrownTypes())
&& validateElements(e.getTypeParameters())
&& validateElements(e.getParameters());
public Boolean visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterElement e, Void p) {
return isValidBaseElement(e) && validateTypes("bound type", e.getBounds());
public Boolean visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) {
// just assume that unknown elements are OK
return true;
* Returns true if all types referenced by the given element are defined. The exact meaning of
* this depends on the kind of element. For packages, it means that all annotations on the package
* are fully defined. For other element kinds, it means that types referenced by the element,
* anything it contains, and any of its annotations element are all defined.
public static boolean validateElement(Element element) {
try {
return element.accept(ELEMENT_VALIDATING_VISITOR, null);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
String.format("%s element: %s", element.getKind(), element), exception);
private static boolean isValidBaseElement(Element e) {
return validateType(e.getKind() + " type", e.asType())
&& validateAnnotations(e.getAnnotationMirrors())
&& validateElements(e.getEnclosedElements());
private static boolean validateTypes(String desc, Iterable<? extends TypeMirror> types) {
for (TypeMirror type : types) {
if (!validateType(desc, type)) {
return false;
return true;
* This visitor does not test type variables specifically, but it seems that that is not actually
* an issue. Javac turns the whole type parameter into an error type if it can't figure out the
* bounds.
private static final TypeVisitor<Boolean, Void> TYPE_VALIDATING_VISITOR =
new SimpleTypeVisitor8<Boolean, Void>() {
protected Boolean defaultAction(TypeMirror t, Void p) {
return true;
public Boolean visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) {
return validateType("array component type", t.getComponentType());
public Boolean visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) {
return validateTypes("type argument", t.getTypeArguments());
public Boolean visitError(ErrorType t, Void p) {
return false;
public Boolean visitUnknown(TypeMirror t, Void p) {
// just make the default choice for unknown types
return defaultAction(t, p);
public Boolean visitWildcard(WildcardType t, Void p) {
TypeMirror extendsBound = t.getExtendsBound();
TypeMirror superBound = t.getSuperBound();
return (extendsBound == null || validateType("extends bound type", extendsBound))
&& (superBound == null || validateType("super bound type", superBound));
public Boolean visitExecutable(ExecutableType t, Void p) {
return validateTypes("parameter type", t.getParameterTypes())
&& validateType("return type", t.getReturnType())
&& validateTypes("thrown type", t.getThrownTypes())
&& validateTypes("type variable", t.getTypeVariables());
* Returns true if the given type is fully defined. This means that the type itself is defined, as
* are any types it references, such as any type arguments or type bounds. For an {@link
* ExecutableType}, the parameter and return types must be fully defined, as must types declared
* in a {@code throws} clause or in the bounds of any type parameters.
public static boolean validateType(String desc, TypeMirror type) {
try {
return type.accept(TYPE_VALIDATING_VISITOR, null);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw ValidationException.create(String.format("(%s) %s: %s", type.getKind(), desc, type), e);
public static boolean validateAnnotations(
Iterable<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirrors) {
for (AnnotationMirror annotationMirror : annotationMirrors) {
if (!validateAnnotation(annotationMirror)) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean validateAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotationMirror) {
try {
return validateType("annotation type", annotationMirror.getAnnotationType())
&& validateAnnotationValues(annotationMirror.getElementValues());
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create("annotation: " + annotationMirror, exception);
public static boolean validateAnnotationValues(
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> valueMap) {
return valueMap.entrySet().stream()
valueEntry -> {
try {
TypeMirror expectedType = valueEntry.getKey().getReturnType();
return validateAnnotationValue(valueEntry.getValue(), expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
"annotation value: " + valueEntry.getKey().getSimpleName(), exception);
private static final AnnotationValueVisitor<Boolean, TypeMirror> VALUE_VALIDATING_VISITOR =
new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Boolean, TypeMirror>() {
protected Boolean defaultAction(Object o, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(o.getClass(), expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("default", o, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitUnknown(AnnotationValue av, TypeMirror expectedType) {
// just take the default action for the unknown
return defaultAction(av, expectedType);
public Boolean visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror a, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.equivalence().equivalent(a.getAnnotationType(), expectedType)
&& validateAnnotation(a);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("annotation", a, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> values, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
if (!expectedType.getKind().equals(TypeKind.ARRAY)) {
return false;
TypeMirror componentType = MoreTypes.asArray(expectedType).getComponentType();
return -> value.accept(this, componentType));
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("array", values, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitEnumConstant(VariableElement enumConstant, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.equivalence().equivalent(enumConstant.asType(), expectedType)
&& validateElement(enumConstant);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("enumConstant", enumConstant, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitType(TypeMirror type, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
// We could check assignability here, but would require a Types instance. Since this
// isn't really the sort of thing that shows up in a bad AST from upstream compilation
// we ignore the expected type and just validate the type. It might be wrong, but
// it's valid.
return validateType("type", type);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("type", type, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitBoolean(boolean b, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Boolean.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("boolean", b, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitByte(byte b, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Byte.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(exceptionMessage("byte", b, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitChar(char c, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Character.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(exceptionMessage("char", c, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitDouble(double d, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Double.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(
exceptionMessage("double", d, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitFloat(float f, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Float.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(exceptionMessage("float", f, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitInt(int i, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Integer.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(exceptionMessage("int", i, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitLong(long l, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Long.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(exceptionMessage("long", l, expectedType), exception);
public Boolean visitShort(short s, TypeMirror expectedType) {
try {
return MoreTypes.isTypeOf(Short.TYPE, expectedType);
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
throw ValidationException.create(exceptionMessage("short", s, expectedType), exception);
private <T> String exceptionMessage(String valueType, T value, TypeMirror expectedType) {
return String.format(
"'%s' annotation value, %s, with expected type: %s", valueType, value, expectedType);
* A runtime exception that can be used during superficial validation to collect information about
* unexpected exceptions during validation.
public static final class ValidationException extends RuntimeException {
public static ValidationException create(String message, Throwable throwable) {
// We only ever create one instance of the ValidationException.
ValidationException validationException =
throwable instanceof ValidationException
? ((ValidationException) throwable)
: new ValidationException(throwable);
return validationException;
private final List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
private ValidationException(Throwable throwable) {
super("", throwable);
public String getMessage() {
return String.format(
"\n Validation trace:\n => %s",
reverse(messages).stream().collect(joining("\n => ")));
public static boolean validateAnnotationValue(
AnnotationValue annotationValue, TypeMirror expectedType) {
return annotationValue.accept(VALUE_VALIDATING_VISITOR, expectedType);
private DaggerSuperficialValidation() {}