blob: e2ba5e436babd025c4860cd380c591bbd76deeb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! crate for the vmm-swap feature.
mod file;
mod logger;
mod pagesize;
mod present_list;
// this is public only for integration tests.
pub mod page_handler;
mod processes;
mod staging;
// this is public only for integration tests.
pub mod userfaultfd;
// this is public only for integration tests.
pub mod worker;
use std::fs::File;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::stderr;
use std::io::stdout;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt;
use std::path::Path;
use std::thread::Scope;
use std::thread::ScopedJoinHandle;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Context;
use base::debug;
use base::error;
use base::info;
use base::syslog;
use base::unix::process::fork_process;
use base::unix::process::Child;
use base::warn;
use base::AsRawDescriptor;
use base::AsRawDescriptors;
use base::EventToken;
use base::FromRawDescriptor;
use base::RawDescriptor;
use base::SharedMemory;
use base::Tube;
use base::WaitContext;
use jail::create_base_minijail;
use jail::create_sandbox_minijail;
use jail::JailConfig;
use jail::SandboxConfig;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use sync::Mutex;
use vm_memory::GuestMemory;
use vm_memory::MemoryRegionInformation;
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")]
use crate::logger::PageFaultEventLogger;
use crate::page_handler::MoveToStaging;
use crate::page_handler::PageHandler;
use crate::page_handler::MLOCK_BUDGET;
use crate::pagesize::THP_SIZE;
use crate::processes::freeze_child_processes;
use crate::processes::ProcessesGuard;
use crate::userfaultfd::register_regions;
use crate::userfaultfd::unregister_regions;
use crate::userfaultfd::Factory as UffdFactory;
use crate::userfaultfd::UffdEvent;
use crate::userfaultfd::Userfaultfd;
use crate::worker::BackgroundJobControl;
use crate::worker::Worker;
/// The max size of chunks to swap out/in at once.
const MAX_SWAP_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // = 2MB
/// The max pages to trim at once.
const MAX_TRIM_PAGES: usize = 1024;
/// Current state of vmm-swap.
/// This should not contain fields but be a plain enum because this will be displayed to user using
/// `serde_json` crate.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum State {
/// vmm-swap is ready. userfaultfd is disabled until vmm-swap is enabled.
/// Pages in guest memory are moved to the staging memory.
/// Trimming staging memory.
/// swap-out is in progress.
/// swap out succeeded.
/// swap-in is in progress.
/// swap out failed.
impl From<&SwapState<'_>> for State {
fn from(state: &SwapState<'_>) -> Self {
match state {
SwapState::SwapOutPending => State::Pending,
SwapState::Trim(_) => State::TrimInProgress,
SwapState::SwapOutInProgress { .. } => State::SwapOutInProgress,
SwapState::SwapOutCompleted => State::Active,
SwapState::SwapInInProgress(_) => State::SwapInInProgress,
SwapState::Failed => State::Failed,
/// Latency and number of pages of swap operations (move to staging, swap out, swap in).
/// The meaning of `StateTransition` depends on `State`.
/// | `State` | `StateTransition` |
/// |---------------------|----------------------------------------------|
/// | `Ready` | empty or transition record of `swap disable` |
/// | `Pending` | transition record of `swap enable` |
/// | `SwapOutInProgress` | transition record of `swap out` |
/// | `Active` | transition record of `swap out` |
/// | `SwapInInProgress` | transition record of `swap disable` |
/// | `Failed` | empty |
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct StateTransition {
/// The number of pages moved for the state transition.
pages: usize,
/// Time taken for the state transition.
time_ms: u128,
/// Current metrics of vmm-swap.
/// This is only available while vmm-swap is enabled.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Metrics {
/// count of pages on RAM.
resident_pages: usize,
/// count of pages copied from the vmm-swap file.
copied_from_file_pages: usize,
/// count of pages copied from the staging memory.
copied_from_staging_pages: usize,
/// count of pages initialized with zero.
zeroed_pages: usize,
/// count of pages which were already initialized on page faults. This can happen when several
/// threads/processes access the uninitialized/removed page at the same time.
redundant_pages: usize,
/// count of pages in staging memory.
staging_pages: usize,
/// count of pages in swap files.
swap_pages: usize,
impl Metrics {
fn new(page_handler: &PageHandler) -> Self {
Self {
resident_pages: page_handler.compute_resident_pages(),
copied_from_file_pages: page_handler.compute_copied_from_file_pages(),
copied_from_staging_pages: page_handler.compute_copied_from_staging_pages(),
zeroed_pages: page_handler.compute_zeroed_pages(),
redundant_pages: page_handler.compute_redundant_pages(),
staging_pages: page_handler.compute_staging_pages(),
swap_pages: page_handler.compute_swap_pages(),
/// The response to `crosvm swap status` command.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Status {
state: State,
metrics: Metrics,
state_transition: StateTransition,
impl Status {
fn new(
state: &SwapState,
state_transition: StateTransition,
page_handler: &PageHandler,
) -> Self {
Status {
state: state.into(),
metrics: Metrics::new(page_handler),
fn disabled(state_transition: &StateTransition) -> Self {
Status {
state: State::Ready,
metrics: Metrics::default(),
state_transition: *state_transition,
fn dummy() -> Self {
Status {
state: State::Pending,
metrics: Metrics::default(),
state_transition: StateTransition::default(),
/// Commands used in vmm-swap feature internally sent to the monitor process from the main and other
/// processes.
/// This is mainly originated from the `crosvm swap <command>` command line.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
enum Command {
#[serde(with = "base::platform::with_raw_descriptor")]
/// [SwapController] provides APIs to control vmm-swap.
pub struct SwapController {
child_process: Child,
uffd_factory: UffdFactory,
command_tube: Tube,
impl SwapController {
/// Launch a monitor process for vmm-swap and return a controller.
/// Pages on the [GuestMemory] are registered to userfaultfd to track pagefault events.
/// # Arguments
/// * `guest_memory` - fresh new [GuestMemory]. Any pages on the [GuestMemory] must not be
/// touched.
/// * `swap_dir` - directory to store swap files.
pub fn launch(
guest_memory: GuestMemory,
swap_dir: &Path,
jail_config: &Option<JailConfig>,
) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
info!("vmm-swap is enabled. launch monitor process.");
let uffd_factory = UffdFactory::new();
let uffd = uffd_factory.create().context("create userfaultfd")?;
// The swap file is created as `O_TMPFILE` from the specified directory. As benefits:
// * it has no chance to conflict.
// * it has a security benefit that no one (except root) can access the swap file.
// * it will be automatically deleted by the kernel when crosvm exits/dies or on reboot if
// the device panics/hard-resets while crosvm is running.
let swap_file = OpenOptions::new()
.custom_flags(libc::O_TMPFILE | libc::O_EXCL)
.mode(0o000) // other processes with the same uid can't open the file
// The internal tube in which [Command]s sent from other processes than the monitor process
// to the monitor process. The response is `Status` only.
let (command_tube_main, command_tube_monitor) =
Tube::pair().context("create swap command tube")?;
// Allocate eventfd before creating sandbox.
let bg_job_control = BackgroundJobControl::new().context("create background job event")?;
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")]
let page_fault_logger = PageFaultEventLogger::create(&swap_dir, &guest_memory)
.context("create page fault logger")?;
let mut keep_rds = vec![
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")]
syslog::push_descriptors(&mut keep_rds);
cros_tracing::push_descriptors!(&mut keep_rds);
// Load and cache transparent hugepage size from sysfs before jumping into sandbox.
let mut jail = if let Some(jail_config) = jail_config {
let config = SandboxConfig::new(jail_config, "swap_monitor");
create_sandbox_minijail(&jail_config.pivot_root, MAX_OPEN_FILES_DEFAULT, &config)
.context("create sandbox jail")?
} else {
create_base_minijail(Path::new("/"), MAX_OPEN_FILES_DEFAULT)
.context("create minijail")?
libc::RLIMIT_MEMLOCK as libc::c_int,
.context("error setting RLIMIT_MEMLOCK")?;
// Start a page fault monitoring process (this will be the first child process of the
// current process)
let child_process =
fork_process(jail, keep_rds, Some(String::from("swap monitor")), || {
if let Err(e) = monitor_process(
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")]
) {
panic!("page_fault_handler_thread exited with error: {:?}", e)
.context("fork monitor process")?;
// send first status request to the monitor process and wait for the response until setup on
// the monitor process completes.
match command_tube_main
.context("recv initial status")?
State::Ready => {
// The initial state of swap status is Ready and this is a signal that the
// monitoring process completes setup and is running.
status => {
bail!("initial state is not Ready, but {:?}", status);
Ok(Self {
command_tube: command_tube_main,
/// Enable monitoring page faults and move guest memory to staging memory.
/// The pages will be swapped in from the staging memory to the guest memory on page faults
/// until pages are written into the swap file by [Self::swap_out()].
/// This waits until enabling vmm-swap finishes on the monitor process.
/// The caller must guarantee that any contents on the guest memory is not updated during
/// enabling vmm-swap.
/// # Note
/// Enabling does not write pages to the swap file. User should call [Self::swap_out()]
/// after a suitable time.
/// Just after enabling vmm-swap, some amount of pages are swapped in as soon as guest resumes.
/// By splitting the enable/swap_out operation and by delaying write to the swap file operation,
/// it has a benefit of reducing file I/O for hot pages.
pub fn enable(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
.context("send swap enable request")?;
let _ = self
.context("receive swap status")?;
/// Trim pages in the staging memory which are needless to be written back to the swap file.
/// * zero pages
/// * pages which are the same as the pages in the swap file.
pub fn trim(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
.context("send swap trim request")?;
/// Swap out all the pages in the staging memory to the swap files.
/// This returns as soon as it succeeds to send request to the monitor process.
/// Users should call [Self::enable()] before this. See the comment of [Self::enable()] as well.
pub fn swap_out(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
.context("send swap out request")?;
/// Swap in all the guest memory and disable monitoring page faults.
/// This returns as soon as it succeeds to send request to the monitor process.
pub fn disable(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
.context("send swap disable request")?;
/// Return current swap status.
/// This blocks until response from the monitor process arrives to the main process.
pub fn status(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Status> {
.context("send swap status request")?;
let status = self.command_tube.recv().context("receive swap status")?;
/// Shutdown the monitor process.
/// This blocks until the monitor process exits.
/// This should be called once.
pub fn exit(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
.context("send exit command")?;
.context("wait monitor process shutdown")?;
/// Create a new userfaultfd and send it to the monitor process.
/// This must be called as soon as a child process which may touch the guest memory is forked.
/// Userfaultfd(2) originally has `UFFD_FEATURE_EVENT_FORK`. But it is not applicable to crosvm
/// since it does not support non-root user namespace.
pub fn on_process_forked(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let uffd = self.uffd_factory.create().context("create userfaultfd")?;
.context("send forked event")?;
// The fd for Userfaultfd in this process is droped when this method exits, but the
// userfaultfd keeps alive in the monitor process which it is sent to.
/// Suspend device processes using `SIGSTOP` signal.
/// When the returned `ProcessesGuard` is dropped, the devices resume.
/// This must be called from the main process.
pub fn suspend_devices(&self) -> anyhow::Result<ProcessesGuard> {
impl AsRawDescriptors for SwapController {
fn as_raw_descriptors(&self) -> Vec<RawDescriptor> {
let mut rds = self.uffd_factory.as_raw_descriptors();
enum Token {
struct UffdList<'a> {
list: Vec<Userfaultfd>,
wait_ctx: &'a WaitContext<Token>,
impl<'a> UffdList<'a> {
const ID_MAIN_UFFD: u32 = 0;
fn new(main_uffd: Userfaultfd, wait_ctx: &'a WaitContext<Token>) -> Self {
Self {
list: vec![main_uffd],
fn register(&mut self, uffd: Userfaultfd) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let id_uffd = self
.context("too many userfaultfd forked")?;
.add(&uffd, Token::UffdEvents(id_uffd))
.context("add to wait context")?;
fn get(&self, id: u32) -> Option<&Userfaultfd> {
self.list.get(id as usize)
fn main_uffd(&self) -> &Userfaultfd {
&self.list[Self::ID_MAIN_UFFD as usize]
fn get_list(&self) -> &[Userfaultfd] {
fn regions_from_guest_memory(guest_memory: &GuestMemory) -> Vec<Range<usize>> {
let mut regions = Vec::new();
.with_regions::<_, ()>(
|MemoryRegionInformation {
size, host_addr, ..
}| {
regions.push(host_addr..(host_addr + size));
.unwrap(); // the callback never return error.
/// The main thread of the monitor process.
fn monitor_process(
command_tube: Tube,
guest_memory: GuestMemory,
uffd: Userfaultfd,
swap_file: File,
bg_job_control: BackgroundJobControl,
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")] mut page_fault_logger: PageFaultEventLogger,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
info!("monitor_process started");
let wait_ctx = WaitContext::build_with(&[
(&command_tube, Token::Command),
// Even though swap isn't enabled until the enable command is received, it's necessary to
// start waiting on the main uffd here so that uffd fork events can be processed, because
// child processes will block until their corresponding uffd fork event is read.
(&uffd, Token::UffdEvents(UffdList::ID_MAIN_UFFD)),
.context("create wait context")?;
let n_worker = num_cpus::get();
info!("start {} workers for staging memory move", n_worker);
// The worker threads are killed when the main thread of the monitor process dies.
let worker = Worker::new(n_worker, n_worker);
let mut uffd_list = UffdList::new(uffd, &wait_ctx);
let mut state_transition = StateTransition::default();
loop {
let events = wait_ctx.wait().context("wait poll events")?;
for event in events.iter() {
match event.token {
Token::UffdEvents(id_uffd) => {
let uffd = uffd_list
.with_context(|| format!("uffd is not found for idx: {}", id_uffd))?;
// Userfaultfd does not work as level triggered but as edge triggered. We need
// to read all the events in the userfaultfd here.
while let Some(event) = uffd.read_event().context("read userfaultfd event")? {
match event {
UffdEvent::Remove { .. } => {
// BUG(b/272620051): This is a bug of userfaultfd that
// UFFD_EVENT_REMOVE can be read even after unregistering memory
// from the userfaultfd.
warn!("page remove event while vmm-swap disabled");
event => {
bail!("unexpected uffd event: {:?}", event);
Token::Command => match command_tube
.context("recv swap command")?
Command::ProcessForked(raw_descriptor) => {
debug!("new fork uffd: {:?}", raw_descriptor);
// Safe because the raw_descriptor is sent from another process via Tube and
// no one in this process owns it.
let uffd = unsafe { Userfaultfd::from_raw_descriptor(raw_descriptor) };
uffd_list.register(uffd).context("register forked uffd")?;
Command::Enable => {
info!("enabling vmm-swap");
let staging_shmem =
SharedMemory::new("swap staging memory", guest_memory.memory_size())
.context("create staging shmem")?;
let regions = regions_from_guest_memory(&guest_memory);
let page_handler = match PageHandler::create(
) {
Ok(page_handler) => page_handler,
Err(e) => {
error!("failed to create swap handler: {:?}", e);
// TODO(b/272634283): Should just disable vmm-swap without crash.
// Safe because the regions are from guest memory and uffd_list contains all
// the processes of crosvm.
unsafe { register_regions(&regions, uffd_list.get_list()) }
.context("register regions")?;
// events may contain unprocessed entries, but those pending events will be
// immediately re-created when handle_vmm_swap checks wait_ctx because
// WaitContext is level triggered.
let mutex_transition = Mutex::new(state_transition);
let exit = std::thread::scope(|scope| {
let exit = handle_vmm_swap(
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")]
&mut page_fault_logger,
// Abort background jobs to unblock ScopedJoinHandle eariler on a
// failure.
if exit {
return Ok(());
state_transition = mutex_transition.into_inner();
unregister_regions(&regions, uffd_list.get_list())
.context("unregister regions")?;
// Truncate the swap file to hold minimum resources while disabled.
if let Err(e) = swap_file.set_len(0) {
error!("failed to clear swap file: {:?}", e);
info!("vmm-swap is disabled");
// events are obsolete. Run `WaitContext::wait()` again
Command::Trim => {
warn!("swap trim while disabled");
Command::SwapOut => {
warn!("swap out while disabled");
Command::Disable => {
warn!("swap is already disabled");
Command::Exit => {
return Ok(());
Command::Status => {
let status = Status::disabled(&state_transition);
command_tube.send(&status).context("send status response")?;
info!("swap status: {:?}", status);
Token::BackgroundJobCompleted => {
error!("unexpected background job completed event while swap is disabled");
enum SwapState<'scope> {
Trim(ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, anyhow::Result<()>>),
SwapOutInProgress { started_time: Instant },
SwapInInProgress(ScopedJoinHandle<'scope, anyhow::Result<()>>),
fn handle_enable_command<'scope>(
state: SwapState,
bg_job_control: &BackgroundJobControl,
page_handler: &PageHandler,
guest_memory: &GuestMemory,
worker: &Worker<MoveToStaging>,
state_transition: &Mutex<StateTransition>,
) -> anyhow::Result<SwapState<'scope>> {
match state {
SwapState::SwapInInProgress(join_handle) => {
info!("abort swap-in");
abort_background_job(join_handle, bg_job_control).context("abort swap-in")?;
SwapState::Trim(join_handle) => {
info!("abort trim");
abort_background_job(join_handle, bg_job_control).context("abort trim")?;
_ => {}
info!("start moving memory to staging");
match move_guest_to_staging(page_handler, guest_memory, worker) {
Ok(new_state_transition) => {
"move {} pages to staging in {} ms",
new_state_transition.pages, new_state_transition.time_ms
*state_transition.lock() = new_state_transition;
Err(e) => {
error!("failed to move memory to staging: {}", e);
*state_transition.lock() = StateTransition::default();
fn move_guest_to_staging(
page_handler: &PageHandler,
guest_memory: &GuestMemory,
worker: &Worker<MoveToStaging>,
) -> anyhow::Result<StateTransition> {
let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();
let mut pages = 0;
let result = guest_memory.with_regions::<_, anyhow::Error>(
|MemoryRegionInformation {
}| {
// safe because:
// * all the regions are registered to all userfaultfd
// * no process access the guest memory
// * page fault events are handled by PageHandler
// * wait for all the copy completed within _processes_guard
pages += unsafe { page_handler.move_to_staging(host_addr, shm, shm_offset) }
.context("move to staging")?;
match result {
Ok(()) => {
if page_handler.compute_resident_pages() > 0 {
"active page is not zero just after swap out but {} pages",
let time_ms = start_time.elapsed().as_millis();
Ok(StateTransition { pages, time_ms })
Err(e) => Err(e),
fn abort_background_job<T>(
join_handle: ScopedJoinHandle<'_, anyhow::Result<T>>,
bg_job_control: &BackgroundJobControl,
) -> anyhow::Result<T> {
// Wait until the background job is aborted and the thread finishes.
let result = join_handle
.expect("panic on the background job thread");
bg_job_control.reset().context("reset swap in event")?;
result.context("failure on background job thread")
fn handle_vmm_swap<'scope, 'env>(
scope: &'scope Scope<'scope, 'env>,
wait_ctx: &WaitContext<Token>,
page_handler: &'env PageHandler<'env>,
uffd_list: &'env UffdList,
guest_memory: &GuestMemory,
command_tube: &Tube,
worker: &Worker<MoveToStaging>,
state_transition: &'env Mutex<StateTransition>,
bg_job_control: &'env BackgroundJobControl,
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")] page_fault_logger: &mut PageFaultEventLogger,
) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
let mut state = match move_guest_to_staging(page_handler, guest_memory, worker) {
Ok(transition) => {
"move {} pages to staging in {} ms",
transition.pages, transition.time_ms
*state_transition.lock() = transition;
Err(e) => {
error!("failed to move memory to staging: {}", e);
*state_transition.lock() = StateTransition::default();
.context("send enable finish signal")?;
loop {
let events = match &state {
SwapState::SwapOutInProgress { started_time } => {
let events = wait_ctx
.context("wait poll events")?;
// TODO(b/273129441): swap out on a background thread.
// Proceed swap out only when there is no page fault (or other) events.
if events.is_empty() {
match page_handler.swap_out(MAX_SWAP_CHUNK_SIZE) {
Ok(num_pages) => {
let mut state_transition = state_transition.lock();
state_transition.pages += num_pages;
state_transition.time_ms = started_time.elapsed().as_millis();
if num_pages == 0 {
"swap out all {} pages to file in {} ms",
state_transition.pages, state_transition.time_ms
state = SwapState::SwapOutCompleted;
Err(e) => {
error!("failed to swap out: {:?}", e);
state = SwapState::Failed;
*state_transition.lock() = StateTransition::default();
_ => wait_ctx.wait().context("wait poll events")?,
for event in events.iter() {
match event.token {
Token::UffdEvents(id_uffd) => {
let uffd = uffd_list
.with_context(|| format!("uffd is not found for idx: {}", id_uffd))?;
// Userfaultfd does not work as level triggered but as edge triggered. We need
// to read all the events in the userfaultfd here.
// TODO(kawasin): Use [userfaultfd::Uffd::read_events()] for performance.
while let Some(event) = uffd.read_event().context("read userfaultfd event")? {
match event {
UffdEvent::Pagefault { addr, .. } => {
#[cfg(feature = "log_page_fault")]
page_fault_logger.log_page_fault(addr as usize, id_uffd);
.handle_page_fault(uffd, addr as usize)
.context("handle fault")?;
UffdEvent::Remove { start, end } => {
.handle_page_remove(start as usize, end as usize)
.context("handle fault")?;
event => {
bail!("unsupported UffdEvent: {:?}", event);
Token::Command => match command_tube
.context("recv swap command")?
Command::ProcessForked(raw_descriptor) => {
debug!("new fork uffd: {:?}", raw_descriptor);
// TODO(b/266898615): The forked processes must wait running until the
// regions are registered to the new uffd if vmm-swap is already enabled.
// There are currently no use cases for swap + hotplug, so this is currently
// not implemented.
bail!("child process is forked while swap is enabled");
Command::Enable => {
let result = handle_enable_command(
.context("send enable finish signal")?;
state = result?;
Command::Trim => match &state {
SwapState::SwapOutPending => {
*state_transition.lock() = StateTransition::default();
let join_handle = scope.spawn(|| {
let mut ctx = page_handler.start_trim();
let job = bg_job_control.new_job();
let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();
while !job.is_aborted() {
if let Some(trimmed_pages) =
ctx.trim_pages(MAX_TRIM_PAGES).context("trim pages")?
let mut state_transition = state_transition.lock();
state_transition.pages += trimmed_pages;
state_transition.time_ms = start_time.elapsed().as_millis();
} else {
// Traversed all pages.
if job.is_aborted() {
info!("trim is aborted");
} else {
"trimmed {} clean pages and {} zero pages",
state = SwapState::Trim(join_handle);
info!("start trimming staging memory");
state => {
warn!("swap trim is not ready. state: {:?}", State::from(state));
Command::SwapOut => match &state {
SwapState::SwapOutPending => {
state = SwapState::SwapOutInProgress {
started_time: std::time::Instant::now(),
*state_transition.lock() = StateTransition::default();
info!("start swapping out");
state => {
warn!("swap out is not ready. state: {:?}", State::from(state));
Command::Disable => {
match state {
SwapState::Trim(join_handle) => {
info!("abort trim");
abort_background_job(join_handle, bg_job_control)
.context("abort trim")?;
SwapState::SwapOutInProgress { .. } => {
info!("swap out is aborted");
SwapState::SwapInInProgress(_) => {
info!("swap in is in progress");
_ => {}
*state_transition.lock() = StateTransition::default();
let join_handle = scope.spawn(|| {
let mut ctx = page_handler.start_swap_in();
let uffd = uffd_list.main_uffd();
let job = bg_job_control.new_job();
let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();
while !job.is_aborted() {
match ctx.swap_in(uffd, MAX_SWAP_CHUNK_SIZE) {
Ok(num_pages) => {
if num_pages == 0 {
let mut state_transition = state_transition.lock();
state_transition.pages += num_pages;
state_transition.time_ms = start_time.elapsed().as_millis();
Err(e) => {
bail!("failed to swap in: {:?}", e);
if job.is_aborted() {
info!("swap in is aborted");
state = SwapState::SwapInInProgress(join_handle);
info!("start swapping in");
Command::Exit => {
match state {
SwapState::SwapInInProgress(join_handle) => {
// Wait until swap-in finishes.
if let Err(e) = join_handle.join() {
bail!("failed to join swap in thread: {:?}", e);
return Ok(true);
SwapState::Trim(join_handle) => {
abort_background_job(join_handle, bg_job_control)
.context("abort trim")?;
_ => {}
let mut ctx = page_handler.start_swap_in();
let uffd = uffd_list.main_uffd();
// Swap-in all before exit.
while ctx.swap_in(uffd, MAX_SWAP_CHUNK_SIZE).context("swap in")? > 0 {}
return Ok(true);
Command::Status => {
let status = Status::new(&state, *state_transition.lock(), page_handler);
command_tube.send(&status).context("send status response")?;
info!("swap status: {:?}", status);
Token::BackgroundJobCompleted => {
// Reset the completed event.
if !bg_job_control
.context("reset background job event")?
// When the job is aborted and the event is comsumed by reset(), the token
// `Token::BackgroundJobCompleted` may remain in the `events`. Just ignore
// the obsolete token here.
match state {
SwapState::SwapInInProgress(join_handle) => {
.expect("panic on the background job thread")
.context("swap in finish")?;
let state_transition = state_transition.lock();
"swap in all {} pages in {} ms.",
state_transition.pages, state_transition.time_ms
return Ok(false);
SwapState::Trim(join_handle) => {
.expect("panic on the background job thread")
.context("trim finish")?;
let state_transition = state_transition.lock();
"trimmed {} pages in {} ms.",
state_transition.pages, state_transition.time_ms
state = SwapState::SwapOutPending;
state => {
"background job completed but the actual state is {:?}",