blob: 462ddcc58c8449317b07b5eb180019893cdee072 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A ffmpeg-based software decoder backend for crosvm. Since it does not require any particular
//! harware, it can provide fake hardware acceleration decoding to any guest and is mostly useful in
//! order to work on the virtio-video specification, or to implement guest decoder code from the
//! comfort of a workstation.
//! This backend is supposed to serve as the reference implementation for decoding backends in
//! crosvm. As such it is fairly complete and exposes all the features and memory types that crosvm
//! support.
//! The code in this main module provides the actual implementation and is free of unsafe code. Safe
//! abstractions over the ffmpeg libraries are provided in sub-modules, one per ffmpeg library we
//! want to support.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Weak;
use ::ffmpeg::avcodec::*;
use ::ffmpeg::swscale::*;
use ::ffmpeg::*;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use base::error;
use base::info;
use base::warn;
use base::MappedRegion;
use base::MemoryMappingArena;
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
use crate::virtio::video::decoder::backend::utils::EventQueue;
use crate::virtio::video::decoder::backend::utils::OutputQueue;
use crate::virtio::video::decoder::backend::utils::SyncEventQueue;
use crate::virtio::video::decoder::backend::*;
use crate::virtio::video::format::FormatDesc;
use crate::virtio::video::format::FormatRange;
use crate::virtio::video::format::FrameFormat;
use crate::virtio::video::format::Level;
use crate::virtio::video::format::Profile;
use crate::virtio::video::resource::BufferHandle;
use crate::virtio::video::resource::GuestResource;
use crate::virtio::video::resource::GuestResourceHandle;
/// Structure maintaining a mapping for an encoded input buffer that can be used as a libavcodec
/// buffer source. It also sends a `NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer` event when dropped.
struct InputBuffer {
/// Memory mapping to the encoded input data.
mapping: MemoryMappingArena,
/// Resource ID that we will signal using `NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer` upon destruction.
resource_id: u32,
/// Pointer to the event queue to send the `NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer` event to. The event will
/// not be sent if the pointer becomes invalid.
event_queue: Weak<SyncEventQueue<DecoderEvent>>,
impl Drop for InputBuffer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self.event_queue.upgrade() {
None => (),
// If the event queue is still valid, send the event signaling we can be reused.
Some(event_queue) => event_queue
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("cannot send end of input buffer notification: {:#}", e)
impl AvBufferSource for InputBuffer {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Types of input job we can receive from the crosvm decoder code.
enum CodecJob {
/// A crosvm decoder needs to go through a number if setup stages before being able to decode, and
/// can require some setup to be redone when a dynamic resolution change occurs. This enum ensures
/// that the data associated with a given state only exists when we actually are in this state.
enum SessionState {
/// Waiting for libavcodec to tell us the resolution of the stream.
/// Waiting for the client to call `set_output_buffer_count`.
/// Decoding and producing frames.
Decoding {
output_queue: OutputQueue,
format_converter: SwConverter,
/// Dynamic Resolution Change - we can still accept buffers in the old
/// format, but are waiting for new parameters before doing any decoding.
/// A decoder session for the ffmpeg backend.
pub struct FfmpegDecoderSession {
/// Queue of events waiting to be read by the client.
event_queue: Arc<SyncEventQueue<DecoderEvent>>,
/// FIFO of jobs submitted by the client and waiting to be performed.
codec_jobs: VecDeque<CodecJob>,
/// Whether we are currently flushing.
is_flushing: bool,
/// Current state of the session.
state: SessionState,
/// Visible size of the decoded frames (width, height).
current_visible_res: (usize, usize),
/// The libav context for this session.
context: AvCodecContext,
/// The last frame to have been decoded, waiting to be copied into an output buffer and sent
/// to the client.
avframe: Option<AvFrame>,
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
enum TrySendFrameError {
#[error("error while converting frame: {0}")]
CannotConvertFrame(#[from] ConversionError),
#[error("error while sending picture ready event: {0}")]
BrokenPipe(#[from] base::Error),
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
enum TryReceiveFrameError {
#[error("error creating AvFrame: {0}")]
CreateAvFrame(#[from] AvFrameError),
#[error("error queueing flush completed event: {0}")]
CannotQueueFlushEvent(#[from] base::Error),
#[error("error while changing resolution: {0}")]
ChangeResolutionError(#[from] ChangeResolutionError),
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
enum TrySendPacketError {
#[error("error while sending input packet to libavcodec: {0}")]
AvError(#[from] AvError),
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
enum TryDecodeError {
#[error("error while sending packet: {0}")]
SendPacket(#[from] TrySendPacketError),
#[error("error while trying to send decoded frame: {0}")]
SendFrameError(#[from] TrySendFrameError),
#[error("error while receiving frame: {0}")]
ReceiveFrame(#[from] TryReceiveFrameError),
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
enum ChangeResolutionError {
#[error("error queueing event: {0}")]
QueueEventFailed(#[from] base::Error),
#[error("unexpected state during resolution change")]
impl FfmpegDecoderSession {
/// Queue an event for the client to receive.
fn queue_event(&mut self, event: DecoderEvent) -> base::Result<()> {
/// Start the resolution change process, buffers will now be of size `new_visible_res`.
fn change_resolution(
&mut self,
new_visible_res: (usize, usize),
) -> Result<(), ChangeResolutionError> {
info!("resolution changed to {:?}", new_visible_res);
// Ask the client for new buffers.
self.queue_event(DecoderEvent::ProvidePictureBuffers {
min_num_buffers: std::cmp::max(self.context.as_ref().refs, 0) as u32 + 1,
width: new_visible_res.0 as i32,
height: new_visible_res.1 as i32,
visible_rect: Rect {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: new_visible_res.0 as i32,
bottom: new_visible_res.1 as i32,
self.current_visible_res = new_visible_res;
// Drop our output queue and wait for the new number of output buffers.
self.state = match self.state {
SessionState::AwaitingInitialResolution => SessionState::AwaitingBufferCount,
SessionState::Decoding { .. } => SessionState::Drc,
_ => return Err(ChangeResolutionError::UnexpectedState),
/// Try to send one input packet to the codec.
/// Returns `true` if a packet has successfully been queued, `false` if it could not be, either
/// because all pending work has already been queued or because the codec could not accept more
/// input at the moment.
fn try_send_packet(
&mut self,
input_packet: &AvPacket<'static>,
) -> Result<bool, TrySendPacketError> {
match self.context.try_send_packet(input_packet) {
Ok(true) => Ok(true),
// The codec cannot take more input at the moment, we'll try again after we receive some
// frames.
Ok(false) => Ok(false),
// This should happen only if we attempt to submit data while flushing.
Err(AvError(AVERROR_EOF)) => Ok(false),
// If we got invalid data, keep going in hope that we will catch a valid state later.
warn!("Invalid data in stream, ignoring...");
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
/// Try to run the next input job, if any.
/// Returns `true` if the next job has been submitted, `false` if it could not be, either
/// because all pending work has already been queued or because the codec could not accept more
/// input at the moment.
fn try_send_input_job(&mut self) -> Result<bool, TrySendPacketError> {
// Do not process any more input while we are flushing.
if self.is_flushing {
return Ok(false);
let mut next_job = match self.codec_jobs.pop_front() {
// No work to do at the moment.
None => return Ok(false),
Some(job) => job,
match &mut next_job {
CodecJob::Packet(input_packet) => {
let res = self.try_send_packet(input_packet)?;
match res {
// The input buffer has been processed so we can drop it.
true => drop(next_job),
// The codec cannot accept new input for now, put the job back into the queue.
false => self.codec_jobs.push_front(next_job),
CodecJob::Flush => {
// Just set the is_flushing flag for now. We will send the actual flush command when
// `try_receive_frame` returns `TryAgain`. This should probably not be necessary but
// we sometimes miss the last frame if we send the flush command to libavcodec
// earlier (which looks like a bug with libavcodec but needs to be confirmed).
self.is_flushing = true;
/// Try to receive a frame from the codec and store it until we emit the corresponding
/// `PictureReady` decoder event.
/// Returns `true` if a frame was successfully retrieved, or false if no frame was available at
/// the time, a decoded frame is already waiting to be returned to the client, or the decoder
/// needs more input data to proceed further.
fn try_receive_frame(&mut self) -> Result<bool, TryReceiveFrameError> {
let mut avframe = match self.avframe {
// We already have a frame waiting. Wait until it is sent to process the next one.
Some(_) => return Ok(false),
None => AvFrame::new()?,
match self.context.try_receive_frame(&mut avframe) {
Ok(TryReceiveResult::Received) => {
// Now check whether the resolution of the stream has changed.
let new_visible_res = (avframe.width as usize, avframe.height as usize);
if new_visible_res != self.current_visible_res {
self.avframe = Some(avframe);
Ok(TryReceiveResult::TryAgain) => {
if self.is_flushing {
// Start flushing. `try_receive_frame` will return `FlushCompleted` when the
// flush is completed. `TryAgain` will not be returned again until the flush is
// completed.
match self.context.flush_decoder() {
// Call ourselves again so we can process the flush.
Ok(()) => self.try_receive_frame(),
Err(err) => {
self.is_flushing = false;
} else {
// The codec is not ready to output a frame yet.
Ok(TryReceiveResult::FlushCompleted) => {
self.is_flushing = false;
Err(av_err) => {
// This is a decoding error, so signal it using a `NotifyError` event to reflect the
// same asynchronous flow as a hardware decoder would.
if let Err(e) = self.event_queue.queue_event(DecoderEvent::NotifyError(
)) {
error!("failed to notify error: {}", e);
/// Try to send a pending decoded frame to the client by copying its content into an output
/// buffer.
/// This can only be done if `self.avframe` contains a decoded frame, and an output buffer is
/// ready to be written into.
/// Returns `true` if a frame has been emitted, `false` if the conditions were not met for it to
/// happen yet.
fn try_send_frame(&mut self) -> Result<bool, TrySendFrameError> {
let (output_queue, format_converter) = match &mut self.state {
SessionState::Decoding {
} => (output_queue, format_converter),
// Frames can only be emitted if we are actively decoding.
_ => return Ok(false),
let avframe = match self.avframe.take() {
// No decoded frame available at the moment.
None => return Ok(false),
Some(avframe) => avframe,
let (picture_buffer_id, target_buffer) = match output_queue.try_get_ready_buffer() {
None => {
// Keep the decoded frame since we don't have a destination buffer to process it.
self.avframe = Some(avframe);
return Ok(false);
Some(buffer) => buffer,
// Prepare the picture ready event that we will emit once the frame is written into the
// target buffer.
let avframe_ref = avframe.as_ref();
let picture_ready_event = DecoderEvent::PictureReady {
picture_buffer_id: picture_buffer_id as i32,
timestamp: avframe_ref.pts as u64,
visible_rect: Rect {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: avframe_ref.width,
bottom: avframe_ref.height,
// Convert the frame into the target buffer and emit the picture ready event.
format_converter.convert(&avframe, target_buffer)?;
/// Try to progress as much as possible with decoding.
/// Our pipeline has three stages: send encoded input to libavcodec, receive decoded frames from
/// libavcodec, and copy decoded frames into output buffers sent to the client. This method
/// calls these three stages in a loop for as long as at least one makes progress.
fn try_decode(&mut self) -> Result<(), TryDecodeError> {
// Try to make the pipeline progress as long as one of the stages can move forward
while self.try_send_frame()? || self.try_receive_frame()? || self.try_send_input_job()? {}
impl DecoderSession for FfmpegDecoderSession {
fn set_output_parameters(&mut self, buffer_count: usize, format: Format) -> VideoResult<()> {
match self.state {
SessionState::AwaitingBufferCount | SessionState::Drc => {
let avcontext = self.context.as_ref();
let dst_pix_format = match format {
Format::NV12 => AVPixelFormat_AV_PIX_FMT_NV12,
_ => return Err(VideoError::InvalidFormat),
self.state = SessionState::Decoding {
output_queue: OutputQueue::new(buffer_count),
format_converter: SwConverter::new(
avcontext.width as usize,
avcontext.height as usize,
avcontext.pix_fmt as i32,
.context("while setting output parameters")
_ => Err(VideoError::BackendFailure(anyhow!(
"invalid state while calling set_output_parameters"
fn decode(
&mut self,
resource_id: u32,
timestamp: u64,
resource: GuestResourceHandle,
offset: u32,
bytes_used: u32,
) -> VideoResult<()> {
let input_buffer = InputBuffer {
mapping: resource
.get_mapping(offset as usize, bytes_used as usize)
.context("while mapping input buffer")
event_queue: Arc::downgrade(&self.event_queue),
let avbuffer = AvBuffer::new(input_buffer)
.context("while creating AvPacket")
let avpacket = AvPacket::new_owned(timestamp as i64, avbuffer);
.context("while decoding")
fn flush(&mut self) -> VideoResult<()> {
if self.is_flushing {
"flush is already in progress"
} else {
.context("while flushing")
fn reset(&mut self) -> VideoResult<()> {
// Reset the codec.
// Drop all currently pending jobs.
// Drop the queued output buffers.
.context("while resetting")
fn clear_output_buffers(&mut self) -> VideoResult<()> {
// Cancel any ongoing flush.
self.is_flushing = false;
// Drop all output buffers we currently hold.
if let SessionState::Decoding { output_queue, .. } = &mut self.state {
// Drop the currently decoded frame.
self.avframe = None;
// Drop all decoded frames signaled as ready and cancel any reported flush.
self.event_queue.retain(|event| {
DecoderEvent::PictureReady { .. } | DecoderEvent::FlushCompleted(_)
fn event_pipe(&self) -> &dyn AsRawDescriptor {
fn use_output_buffer(
&mut self,
picture_buffer_id: i32,
resource: GuestResource,
) -> VideoResult<()> {
let output_queue = match &mut self.state {
SessionState::Decoding { output_queue, .. } => output_queue,
// Receiving buffers during DRC is valid, but we won't use them and can just drop them.
SessionState::Drc => return Ok(()),
_ => {
error!("use_output_buffer: invalid state");
return Ok(());
.import_buffer(picture_buffer_id as u32, resource)
.context("while importing output buffer")
.context("while importing output buffer")
fn reuse_output_buffer(&mut self, picture_buffer_id: i32) -> VideoResult<()> {
let output_queue = match &mut self.state {
SessionState::Decoding { output_queue, .. } => output_queue,
// Reusing buffers during DRC is valid, but we won't use them and can just drop them.
SessionState::Drc => return Ok(()),
_ => {
return Err(VideoError::BackendFailure(anyhow!(
"invalid state while calling reuse_output_buffer"
.reuse_buffer(picture_buffer_id as u32)
.context("while reusing output buffer")
.context("while reusing output buffer")
fn read_event(&mut self) -> VideoResult<DecoderEvent> {
.context("while reading decoder event")
pub struct FfmpegDecoder {
codecs: BTreeMap<Format, AvCodec>,
impl FfmpegDecoder {
/// Create a new ffmpeg decoder backend instance.
pub fn new() -> Self {
// Find all the decoders supported by libav and store them.
let codecs = AvCodecIterator::new()
.filter_map(|codec| {
if !codec.is_decoder() {
return None;
let codec_name =;
// Only keep processing the decoders we are interested in. These are all software
// decoders, but nothing prevents us from supporting hardware-accelerated ones
// (e.g. *_qsv for VAAPI-based acceleration) in the future!
let format = match codec_name {
"h264" => Format::H264,
"vp8" => Format::VP8,
"vp9" => Format::VP9,
"hevc" => Format::Hevc,
_ => return None,
// We require custom buffer allocators, so ignore codecs that are not capable of
// using them.
if codec.capabilities() & AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 == 0 {
"Skipping codec {} due to lack of DR1 capability.",
return None;
Some((format, codec))
Self { codecs }
impl DecoderBackend for FfmpegDecoder {
type Session = FfmpegDecoderSession;
fn get_capabilities(&self) -> Capability {
// The virtio device only supports NV12 for now it seems...
const SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: [Format; 1] = [Format::NV12];
let mut in_formats = vec![];
let mut profiles_map: BTreeMap<Format, Vec<Profile>> = Default::default();
let mut levels: BTreeMap<Format, Vec<Level>> = Default::default();
for (&format, codec) in &self.codecs {
let profile_iter = codec.profile_iter();
let profiles = match format {
Format::H264 => {
// We only support Level 1.0 for H.264.
// TODO Do we? Why?
levels.insert(format, vec![Level::H264_1_0]);
.filter_map(|p| {
match p.profile() {
FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE => Some(Profile::H264Baseline),
FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN => Some(Profile::H264Main),
FF_PROFILE_H264_EXTENDED => Some(Profile::H264Extended),
FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH => Some(Profile::H264High),
FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10 => Some(Profile::H264High10),
FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422 => Some(Profile::H264High422),
FF_PROFILE_H264_STEREO_HIGH => Some(Profile::H264StereoHigh),
FF_PROFILE_H264_MULTIVIEW_HIGH => Some(Profile::H264MultiviewHigh),
// TODO H264ScalableBaseline and H264ScalableHigh have no libav
// equivalents?
_ => None,
Format::VP8 => {
// FFmpeg has no VP8 profiles, for some reason...
Format::VP9 => profile_iter
.filter_map(|p| match p.profile() {
FF_PROFILE_VP9_0 => Some(Profile::VP9Profile0),
FF_PROFILE_VP9_1 => Some(Profile::VP9Profile1),
FF_PROFILE_VP9_2 => Some(Profile::VP9Profile2),
FF_PROFILE_VP9_3 => Some(Profile::VP9Profile3),
_ => None,
Format::Hevc => profile_iter
.filter_map(|p| match p.profile() {
FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN => Some(Profile::HevcMain),
FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_10 => Some(Profile::HevcMain10),
FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_STILL_PICTURE => Some(Profile::HevcMainStillPicture),
_ => None,
_ => unreachable!("Unhandled format {:?}", format),
profiles_map.insert(format, profiles);
in_formats.push(FormatDesc {
mask: !(u64::MAX << SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS.len()),
frame_formats: vec![FrameFormat {
// These frame sizes are arbitrary, but avcodec does not seem to have any
// specific restriction in that regard (or any way to query the supported
// resolutions).
width: FormatRange {
min: 64,
max: 16384,
step: 1,
height: FormatRange {
min: 64,
max: 16384,
step: 1,
bitrates: Default::default(),
plane_align: max_buffer_alignment() as u32,
// We support all output formats through the use of swscale().
.map(|&format| FormatDesc {
mask: !(u64::MAX << in_formats.len()),
frame_formats: vec![FrameFormat {
// These frame sizes are arbitrary, but avcodec does not seem to have any
// specific restriction in that regard (or any way to query the supported
// resolutions).
width: FormatRange {
min: 64,
max: 16384,
step: 1,
height: FormatRange {
min: 64,
max: 16384,
step: 1,
bitrates: Default::default(),
plane_align: max_buffer_alignment() as u32,
Capability::new(in_formats, out_formats, profiles_map, levels)
fn new_session(&mut self, format: Format) -> VideoResult<Self::Session> {
let codec = self.codecs.get(&format).ok_or(VideoError::InvalidFormat)?;
let context = codec
// TODO we should use a custom `get_buffer` function that renders directly into the
// target buffer if the output format is directly supported by libavcodec. Right now
// libavcodec is allocating its own frame buffers, which forces us to perform a copy.
.context("while creating new session")
Ok(FfmpegDecoderSession {
codec_jobs: Default::default(),
is_flushing: false,
state: SessionState::AwaitingInitialResolution,
event_queue: Arc::new(
.context("while creating decoder session")
current_visible_res: (0, 0),
avframe: None,
mod tests {
use base::FromRawDescriptor;
use base::MappedRegion;
use base::MemoryMappingBuilder;
use base::SafeDescriptor;
use base::SharedMemory;
use super::*;
use crate::virtio::video::format::FramePlane;
use crate::virtio::video::resource::GuestMemArea;
use crate::virtio::video::resource::GuestMemHandle;
use crate::virtio::video::resource::VirtioObjectHandle;
// Test video stream and its properties.
const H264_STREAM: &[u8] = include_bytes!("test-25fps.h264");
const H264_STREAM_WIDTH: i32 = 320;
const H264_STREAM_HEIGHT: i32 = 240;
const H264_STREAM_NUM_FRAMES: usize = 250;
const H264_STREAM_CRCS: &str = include_str!("test-25fps.crc");
/// Splits a H.264 annex B stream into chunks that are all guaranteed to contain a full frame
/// worth of data.
/// This is a pretty naive implementation that is only guaranteed to work with our test stream.
/// We are not using `AVCodecParser` because it seems to modify the decoding context, which
/// would result in testing conditions that diverge more from our real use case where parsing
/// has already been done.
struct H264NalIterator<'a> {
stream: &'a [u8],
pos: usize,
impl<'a> H264NalIterator<'a> {
fn new(stream: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
Self { stream, pos: 0 }
/// Returns the position of the start of the next frame in the stream.
fn next_frame_pos(&self) -> Option<usize> {
const H264_START_CODE: [u8; 4] = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1];[self.pos + 1..]
.position(|window| window == H264_START_CODE)
.map(|pos| self.pos + pos + 1)
/// Returns whether `slice` contains frame data, i.e. a header where the NAL unit type is
/// 0x1 or 0x5.
fn contains_frame(slice: &[u8]) -> bool {
slice[4..].windows(4).any(|window| {
window[0..3] == [0x0, 0x0, 0x1]
&& (window[3] & 0x1f == 0x5 || window[3] & 0x1f == 0x1)
impl<'a> Iterator for H264NalIterator<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.pos {
cur_pos if cur_pos == => None,
cur_pos => loop {
self.pos = self.next_frame_pos().unwrap_or(;
let slice = &[cur_pos..self.pos];
// Keep advancing as long as we don't have frame data in our slice.
if Self::contains_frame(slice) || self.pos == {
return Some(slice);
fn test_get_capabilities() {
let decoder = FfmpegDecoder::new();
let caps = decoder.get_capabilities();
// Build a virtio object handle from a linear memory area. This is useful to emulate the
// scenario where we are decoding from or into virtio objects.
fn build_object_handle(mem: &SharedMemory) -> GuestResourceHandle {
GuestResourceHandle::VirtioObject(VirtioObjectHandle {
// Safe because we are taking ownership of a just-duplicated FD.
desc: unsafe {
modifier: 0,
// Build a guest memory handle from a linear memory area. This is useful to emulate the
// scenario where we are decoding from or into guest memory.
fn build_guest_mem_handle(mem: &SharedMemory) -> GuestResourceHandle {
GuestResourceHandle::GuestPages(GuestMemHandle {
// Safe because we are taking ownership of a just-duplicated FD.
desc: unsafe {
mem_areas: vec![GuestMemArea {
offset: 0,
length: mem.size() as usize,
// Full decoding test of a H.264 video, checking that the flow of events is happening as
// expected. Input and output buffers are both backed by shared memory mimicking a virtio
// object.
fn decode_generic<I, O>(input_resource_builder: I, output_resource_builder: O)
I: Fn(&SharedMemory) -> GuestResourceHandle,
O: Fn(&SharedMemory) -> GuestResourceHandle,
const NUM_OUTPUT_BUFFERS: usize = 4;
const INPUT_BUF_SIZE: usize = 0x4000;
const OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE: usize =
(H264_STREAM_WIDTH * (H264_STREAM_HEIGHT + H264_STREAM_HEIGHT / 2)) as usize;
let mut decoder = FfmpegDecoder::new();
let mut session = decoder
.expect("failed to create H264 decoding session.");
// Output buffers suitable for receiving NV12 frames for our stream.
let output_buffers = (0..NUM_OUTPUT_BUFFERS)
.map(|i| {
format!("video-output-buffer-{}", i),
let input_shm = SharedMemory::new("video-input-buffer", INPUT_BUF_SIZE as u64).unwrap();
let input_mapping = MemoryMappingBuilder::new(input_shm.size() as usize)
let mut decoded_frames_count = 0usize;
let mut expected_frames_crcs = H264_STREAM_CRCS.lines();
let mut on_frame_decoded =
|session: &mut FfmpegDecoderSession, picture_buffer_id: i32, visible_rect: Rect| {
Rect {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: H264_STREAM_WIDTH,
bottom: H264_STREAM_HEIGHT,
// Verify that the CRC of the decoded frame matches the expected one.
let mapping = MemoryMappingBuilder::new(OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE)
.from_shared_memory(&output_buffers[picture_buffer_id as usize])
let mut frame_data = vec![0u8; mapping.size()];
mapping.read_slice(&mut frame_data, 0).unwrap(),
let mut hasher = crc32fast::Hasher::new();
let frame_crc = hasher.finalize();
format!("{:08x}", frame_crc),
.expect("No CRC for decoded frame")
// We can recycle the frame now.
decoded_frames_count += 1;
// Simple value by which we will multiply the frame number to obtain a fake timestamp.
const TIMESTAMP_FOR_INPUT_ID_FACTOR: u64 = 1_000_000;
for (input_id, slice) in H264NalIterator::new(H264_STREAM).enumerate() {
let buffer_handle = input_resource_builder(&input_shm);
.write_slice(slice, 0)
.expect("Failed to write stream data into input buffer.");
input_id as u32,
slice.len() as u32,
.expect("Call to decode() failed.");
matches!(session.read_event().unwrap(), DecoderEvent::NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer(index) if index == input_id as u32)
// After sending the first buffer we should get the initial resolution change event and
// can provide the frames to decode into.
if input_id == 0 {
DecoderEvent::ProvidePictureBuffers {
min_num_buffers: 3,
width: H264_STREAM_WIDTH,
height: H264_STREAM_HEIGHT,
visible_rect: Rect {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: H264_STREAM_WIDTH,
bottom: H264_STREAM_HEIGHT,
.set_output_parameters(NUM_OUTPUT_BUFFERS, Format::NV12)
// Pass the buffers we will decode into.
for (picture_buffer_id, buffer) in output_buffers.iter().enumerate() {
picture_buffer_id as i32,
GuestResource {
handle: output_resource_builder(buffer),
planes: vec![
FramePlane {
offset: 0,
stride: H264_STREAM_WIDTH as usize,
FramePlane {
offset: (H264_STREAM_WIDTH * H264_STREAM_HEIGHT) as usize,
stride: H264_STREAM_WIDTH as usize,
// If we have remaining events, they must be decoded frames. Get them and recycle them.
while session.event_queue.len() > 0 {
match session.read_event().unwrap() {
DecoderEvent::PictureReady {
} => on_frame_decoded(&mut session, picture_buffer_id, visible_rect),
e => panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", e),
// We should have read all the pending events for that frame.
assert_eq!(session.event_queue.len(), 0);
// Keep getting frames until the final event, which should be `FlushCompleted`.
while session.event_queue.len() > 1 {
match session.read_event().unwrap() {
DecoderEvent::PictureReady {
} => on_frame_decoded(&mut session, picture_buffer_id, visible_rect),
e => panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", e),
// Get the FlushCompleted event.
// We should not be expecting any more frame
assert_eq!(, None);
// We should have read all the events for that session.
assert_eq!(session.event_queue.len(), 0);
// Check that we decoded the expected number of frames.
assert_eq!(decoded_frames_count, H264_STREAM_NUM_FRAMES);
// Decode using guest memory input and output buffers.
fn test_decode_guestmem_to_guestmem() {
decode_generic(build_guest_mem_handle, build_guest_mem_handle);
// Decode using guest memory input and virtio object output buffers.
fn test_decode_guestmem_to_object() {
decode_generic(build_guest_mem_handle, build_object_handle);
// Decode using virtio object input and guest memory output buffers.
fn test_decode_object_to_guestmem() {
decode_generic(build_object_handle, build_guest_mem_handle);
// Decode using virtio object input and output buffers.
fn test_decode_object_to_object() {
decode_generic(build_object_handle, build_object_handle);