blob: 154aa8d0d0af1b4f9af1808f363953c28e930a3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::{
os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd},
use libc::{
clock_getres, timerfd_create, timerfd_settime, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, EAGAIN, POLLIN, TFD_CLOEXEC,
use super::super::{errno_result, Error, Result};
use super::duration_to_timespec;
use crate::descriptor::{AsRawDescriptor, FromRawDescriptor, SafeDescriptor};
use crate::timer::{Timer, WaitResult};
impl AsRawFd for Timer {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
impl Timer {
/// Creates a new timerfd. The timer is initally disarmed and must be armed by calling
/// `reset`.
pub fn new() -> Result<Timer> {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe { timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_CLOEXEC) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
// Safe because we uniquely own the file descriptor.
Ok(Timer {
handle: unsafe { SafeDescriptor::from_raw_descriptor(ret) },
interval: None,
// Calls `timerfd_settime()` and stores the new value of `interval`.
fn set_time(&mut self, dur: Option<Duration>, interval: Option<Duration>) -> Result<()> {
// The posix implementation of timer does not need self.interval, but we
// save it anyways to keep a consistent interface.
self.interval = interval;
let spec = libc::itimerspec {
it_interval: duration_to_timespec(interval.unwrap_or_default()),
it_value: duration_to_timespec(dur.unwrap_or_default()),
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe { timerfd_settime(self.as_raw_descriptor(), 0, &spec, ptr::null_mut()) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
/// Sets the timer to expire after `dur`. If `interval` is not `None` it represents
/// the period for repeated expirations after the initial expiration. Otherwise
/// the timer will expire just once. Cancels any existing duration and repeating interval.
pub fn reset(&mut self, dur: Duration, interval: Option<Duration>) -> Result<()> {
self.set_time(Some(dur), interval)
/// Disarms the timer.
pub fn clear(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
self.set_time(None, None)
/// Waits until the timer expires or an optional wait timeout expires, whichever happens first.
/// # Returns
/// - `WaitResult::Expired` if the timer expired.
/// - `WaitResult::Timeout` if `timeout` was not `None` and the timer did not expire within the
/// specified timeout period.
pub fn wait_for(&mut self, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> Result<WaitResult> {
let mut pfd = libc::pollfd {
fd: self.as_raw_descriptor(),
events: POLLIN,
revents: 0,
let ret = if let Some(timeout_inner) = timeout {
let timeoutspec = duration_to_timespec(timeout_inner);
// Safe because this only modifies |pfd| and we check the return value
unsafe {
&mut pfd as *mut libc::pollfd,
} else {
// Safe because this only modifies |pfd| and we check the return value
unsafe {
&mut pfd as *mut libc::pollfd,
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
// no return events (revents) means we got a timeout
if pfd.revents == 0 {
return Ok(WaitResult::Timeout);
// EAGAIN is a valid error in the case where another thread has called timerfd_settime
// in between this thread calling ppoll and read. Since the ppoll returned originally
// without any revents it means the timer did expire, so we treat this as a
// WaitResult::Expired.
let _ = self.mark_waited()?;
/// Waits until the timer expires.
pub fn wait(&mut self) -> Result<WaitResult> {
/// After a timer is triggered from an EventContext, mark the timer as having been waited for.
/// If a timer is not marked waited, it will immediately trigger the event context again. This
/// does not need to be called after calling Timer::wait.
/// Returns true if the timer has been adjusted since the EventContext was triggered by this
/// timer.
pub fn mark_waited(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
let mut count = 0u64;
// The timerfd is in non-blocking mode, so this should return immediately.
let ret = unsafe {
&mut count as *mut _ as *mut libc::c_void,
if ret < 0 {
if Error::last().errno() == EAGAIN {
} else {
} else {
/// Returns the resolution of timers on the host.
pub fn resolution() -> Result<Duration> {
// Safe because we are zero-initializing a struct with only primitive member fields.
let mut res: libc::timespec = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
// Safe because it only modifies a local struct and we check the return value.
let ret = unsafe { clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &mut res) };
if ret != 0 {
return errno_result();
Ok(Duration::new(res.tv_sec as u64, res.tv_nsec as u32))