blob: 543d140154b6690ebca379b9b23c90aad03974c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::os::unix::fs::FileExt;
use std::rc::Rc;
use anyhow::Context;
use arch::{MsrAction, MsrConfig, MsrExitHandler, MsrExitHandlerError, MsrRWType, MsrValueFrom};
use base::{debug, error};
use remain::sorted;
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
#[derive(ThisError, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Unable to open host msr file: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to get metadata of dev file for msr: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to read host msr: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to set permissions of dev file for msr: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to write host msr: {0}")]
#[error("Not set msr action parameter")]
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Wrap for userspace MSR file descriptor (/dev/cpu/*/msr).
pub struct MsrDevFile {
dev_msr: File,
impl MsrDevFile {
/// Create a new MSR file descriptor.
/// "Passthrough" handler will create file descriptor with both read and write
/// permissions. MsrHandlers controls read/write with MsrRWType. This avoids
/// the corner case that some MSRs are read-only while other MSRs need write
/// permission.
/// "Emulate" handler will create read-only file descriptor. This read-only
/// descriptor will only be used once to initialize MSR value and "Emulate"
/// handler won't store its descriptor at MsrHandlers level.
fn new(cpu_id: usize, read_only: bool) -> Result<Self> {
let filename = format!("/dev/cpu/{}/msr", cpu_id);
let dev_msr = OpenOptions::new()
.context(format!("Cannot open {}, are you root?", filename))
Ok(MsrDevFile { dev_msr })
fn read(&self, index: u32) -> Result<u64> {
let mut data = [0; 8];
.read_exact_at(&mut data, index.into())
// In fact, only "passthrough" will write into MSR file.
fn write(&self, index: u32, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
.write_all_at(&data.to_ne_bytes(), index.into())
/// Wrap for general RDMSR/WRMSR handling.
/// Each specific handler needs to implement this trait.
pub trait MsrHandling {
fn read(&self) -> Result<u64>;
// For "emulate" handler, it need to update MSR value which is stored in
// `msr_data` of MsrEmulate. So declare `self` as mutable.
fn write(&mut self, data: u64) -> Result<()>;
/// MsrPassthroughHandler - passthrough handler that will handle RDMSR/WRMSR
/// by reading/writing MSR file directly.
/// For RDMSR, this handler will give Guest the current MSR value on Host.
/// For WRMSR, this handler will directly pass the change desired by the Guest
/// to the host, and expect the change to take effect on the MSR of the host.
struct MsrPassthroughHandler {
/// MSR index.
index: u32,
/// MSR source CPU, CPU 0 or running CPU.
from: MsrValueFrom,
/// Reference of MSR file descriptors.
msr_file: Rc<RefCell<BTreeMap<usize, Rc<MsrDevFile>>>>,
impl MsrPassthroughHandler {
fn new(
index: u32,
msr_config: &MsrConfig,
msr_file: &Rc<RefCell<BTreeMap<usize, Rc<MsrDevFile>>>>,
) -> Result<Self> {
let pass = MsrPassthroughHandler {
from: msr_config.from,
msr_file: Rc::clone(msr_file), // Clone first, and then modify it.
/// A helper interface to get MSR file descriptor.
fn get_msr_dev(&self) -> Result<Rc<MsrDevFile>> {
let cpu_id = self.from.get_cpu_id();
let mut msr_file = self.msr_file.borrow_mut();
// First, check if the descriptor is stored before.
if let Some(dev_msr) = msr_file.get(&cpu_id) {
} else {
// If descriptor isn't found, create new one.
let new_dev_msr = Rc::new(MsrDevFile::new(cpu_id, false)?);
// Note: For MsrValueFrom::RWFromRunningCPU case, just store
// the new descriptor and don't remove the previous.
// This is for convenience, since the most decriptor number is
// same as Host CPU count.
msr_file.insert(cpu_id, Rc::clone(&new_dev_msr));
impl MsrHandling for MsrPassthroughHandler {
fn read(&self) -> Result<u64> {
let index = self.index;
fn write(&mut self, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
let index = self.index;
self.get_msr_dev()?.write(index, data)
/// MsrPassthroughHandler - emulate handler that will handle RDMSR/WRMSR
/// with a dummy MSR value other than access to real
/// MSR.
/// This Handler will initialize a value(`msr_data`) with the corresponding
/// Host MSR value, then handle the RDMSR/WRMSR based on this "value".
/// For RDMSR, this handler will give Guest the stored `msr_data`.
/// For WRMSR, this handler will directly change `msr_data` without the
/// modification on real Host MSR. The change will not take effect on the
/// real MSR of Host.
/// 'emulate' Handler is used in the case, that some driver need to control
/// MSR and user just wants to make WRMSR successful and doesn't care about
/// if WRMSR really works. This handlers make Guest's control of CPU not
/// affect the host
struct MsrEmulateHandler {
/// Only initialize msr_data with MSR source pCPU, and will not update
/// msr value changes on host cpu into msr_data.
msr_data: u64,
impl MsrEmulateHandler {
fn new(
index: u32,
msr_config: &MsrConfig,
msr_file: &Rc<RefCell<BTreeMap<usize, Rc<MsrDevFile>>>>,
) -> Result<Self> {
let cpu_id = msr_config.from.get_cpu_id();
let msr_file_map = msr_file.borrow();
let dev_msr = msr_file_map.get(&cpu_id);
let msr_data: u64 = if dev_msr.is_some() {
} else {
// Don't allow to write. Only read the value to initialize
// `msr_data` and won't store in MsrHandlers level.
MsrDevFile::new(cpu_id, true)?.read(index)?
Ok(MsrEmulateHandler { msr_data })
impl MsrHandling for MsrEmulateHandler {
fn read(&self) -> Result<u64> {
fn write(&mut self, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
self.msr_data = data;
/// MSR handler configuration. Per-cpu.
pub struct MsrHandlers {
/// Store read/write permissions to control read/write brfore calling
/// MsrHandling trait.
pub handler: BTreeMap<u32, (MsrRWType, Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MsrHandling>>>)>,
/// Store file descriptor here to avoid cache duplicate descriptors
/// for each MSR.
/// Only collect descriptor of 'passthrough' handler, since 'emulate'
/// uses descriptor only once during initialization.
pub msr_file: Option<Rc<RefCell<BTreeMap<usize, Rc<MsrDevFile>>>>>,
impl MsrExitHandler for MsrHandlers {
fn read(&self, index: u32) -> Option<u64> {
if let Some((rw_type, handler)) = self.handler.get(&index) {
// It's not error. This means user does't want to handle
// RDMSR. Just log it.
if !rw_type.read_allow {
debug!("RDMSR is not allowed for msr: {:#x}", index);
return None;
match handler.borrow().read() {
Ok(data) => Some(data),
Err(e) => {
error!("MSR host read failed {:#x} {:?}", index, e);
} else {
fn write(&self, index: u32, data: u64) -> Option<()> {
if let Some((rw_type, handler)) = self.handler.get(&index) {
// It's not error. This means user does't want to handle
// WRMSR. Just log it.
if !rw_type.write_allow {
debug!("WRMSR is not allowed for msr: {:#x}", index);
return None;
match handler.borrow_mut().write(data) {
Ok(_) => Some(()),
Err(e) => {
error!("MSR host write failed {:#x} {:?}", index, e);
} else {
fn add_handler(
&mut self,
index: u32,
msr_config: MsrConfig,
cpu_id: usize,
) -> std::result::Result<(), MsrExitHandlerError> {
if msr_config.action.is_none() {
return Err(MsrExitHandlerError::InvalidParam);
let msr_file = Rc::new(RefCell::new(BTreeMap::new()));
match msr_config.action.as_ref().unwrap() {
MsrAction::MsrPassthrough => {
let msr_handler: Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MsrHandling>>> =
match MsrPassthroughHandler::new(index, &msr_config, &msr_file) {
Ok(r) => Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::new(r))),
Err(e) => {
"failed to create MSR passthrough handler for vcpu {}: {:#}",
cpu_id, e
return Err(MsrExitHandlerError::HandlerCreateFailed);
.insert(index, (msr_config.rw_type, msr_handler));
MsrAction::MsrEmulate => {
let msr_handler: Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MsrHandling>>> =
match MsrEmulateHandler::new(index, &msr_config, &msr_file) {
Ok(r) => Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::new(r))),
Err(e) => {
"failed to create MSR emulate handler for vcpu {}: {:#}",
cpu_id, e
return Err(MsrExitHandlerError::HandlerCreateFailed);
.insert(index, (msr_config.rw_type, msr_handler));
// Empty only when no 'passthrough' handler exists.
if !msr_file.borrow().is_empty() {
self.msr_file = Some(msr_file);