blob: 4d273eaee8fcca51a1f7aa1073411c82d87556c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Testing virtio-fs.
use fixture::vm::Config;
use fixture::vm::TestVm;
/// Tests file copy on virtiofs
/// 1. Create `original.txt` on a temporal directory.
/// 2. Start a VM with a virtiofs device for the temporal directory.
/// 3. Copy `original.txt` to `new.txt` in the guest.
/// 4. Check that `new.txt` is created in the host.
fn copy_file() {
const ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME: &str = "original.txt";
const NEW_FILE_NAME: &str = "new.txt";
const TEST_DATA: &str = "virtiofs works!";
let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let orig_file = temp_dir.path().join(ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME);
std::fs::write(orig_file, TEST_DATA).unwrap();
let tag = "mtdtest";
let config = Config::new().extra_args(vec![
let mut vm = TestVm::new(config).unwrap();
// TODO(b/269137600): Split this into multiple lines instead of connecting commands with `&&`.
"mount -t virtiofs {tag} /mnt && cp /mnt/{} /mnt/{} && sync",
let new_file = temp_dir.path().join(NEW_FILE_NAME);
let contents = std::fs::read(new_file).unwrap();
assert_eq!(TEST_DATA.as_bytes(), &contents);
/// Tests file ownership seen by the VM.
/// 1. Create `user_file.txt` owned by the current user of the host on a
/// temporal directory.
/// 2. Set virtiofs options: uidmap=<mapped-uid> <current-uid> 1,
/// uid=<mapped-uid>.
/// 3. Start a VM with a virtiofs device for the temporal directory.
/// 4. Check that `user_file.txt`'s uid is <mapped-uid> in the VM.
/// 5. Verify gid similarly.
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
fn file_ugid() {
const FILE_NAME: &str = "user_file.txt";
let uid = base::geteuid();
let gid = base::getegid();
let mapped_uid: u32 = rand::random();
let mapped_gid: u32 = rand::random();
let uid_map = format!("{} {} 1", mapped_uid, uid);
let gid_map = format!("{} {} 1", mapped_gid, gid);
let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let orig_file = temp_dir.path().join(FILE_NAME);
std::fs::write(orig_file, "").unwrap();
let tag = "mtdtest";
let config = Config::new().extra_args(vec![
let mut vm = TestVm::new(config).unwrap();
vm.exec_in_guest(&format!("mount -t virtiofs {tag} /mnt"))
let output = vm
.exec_in_guest(&format!("stat /mnt/{}", FILE_NAME,))
// stat output example:
// File: /mnt/user_file.txt
// Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
// Device: 0,11 Inode: 11666031 Links: 1
// Access: (0640/-rw-r-----) Uid: (2350626183/ UNKNOWN) Gid: (949179291/ UNKNOWN)
// Access: 2023-04-05 03:06:27.110144457 +0000
// Modify: 2023-04-05 03:06:27.110144457 +0000
// Change: 2023-04-05 03:06:27.110144457 +0000
assert!(output.stdout.contains(&format!("Uid: ({}/", mapped_uid)));
assert!(output.stdout.contains(&format!("Gid: ({}/", mapped_gid)));