blob: 370d262535313111008c694c7f0e684745d64f23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use base::debug;
use base::warn;
use base::AsRawDescriptors;
use base::RawDescriptor;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
use super::fd_executor::EpollReactor;
use super::uring_executor::check_uring_availability;
use super::uring_executor::is_uring_stable;
use super::uring_executor::Error as UringError;
use super::uring_executor::UringReactor;
use crate::common_executor;
use crate::common_executor::RawExecutor;
use crate::AsyncResult;
use crate::IntoAsync;
use crate::IoSource;
/// An executor for scheduling tasks that poll futures to completion.
/// All asynchronous operations must run within an executor, which is capable of spawning futures as
/// tasks. This executor also provides a mechanism for performing asynchronous I/O operations.
/// The returned type is a cheap, clonable handle to the underlying executor. Cloning it will only
/// create a new reference, not a new executor.
/// Note that language limitations (trait objects can have <=1 non auto trait) require this to be
/// represented on the POSIX side as an enum, rather than a trait. This leads to some code &
/// interface duplication, but as far as we understand that is unavoidable.
/// See <>
/// for further details.
/// # Examples
/// Concurrently wait for multiple files to become readable/writable and then read/write the data.
/// ```
/// use std::cmp::min;
/// use std::error::Error;
/// use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
/// use cros_async::{AsyncResult, Executor, IoSource, complete3};
/// const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 32;
/// // Write all bytes from `data` to `f`.
/// async fn write_file(f: &IoSource<File>, mut data: Vec<u8>) -> AsyncResult<()> {
/// while data.len() > 0 {
/// let (count, mut buf) = f.write_from_vec(None, data).await?;
/// data = buf.split_off(count);
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// // Transfer `len` bytes of data from `from` to `to`.
/// async fn transfer_data(
/// from: IoSource<File>,
/// to: IoSource<File>,
/// len: usize,
/// ) -> AsyncResult<usize> {
/// let mut rem = len;
/// while rem > 0 {
/// let buf = vec![0u8; min(rem, CHUNK_SIZE)];
/// let (count, mut data) = from.read_to_vec(None, buf).await?;
/// if count == 0 {
/// // End of file. Return the number of bytes transferred.
/// return Ok(len - rem);
/// }
/// data.truncate(count);
/// write_file(&to, data).await?;
/// rem = rem.saturating_sub(count);
/// }
/// Ok(len)
/// }
/// #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
/// # fn do_it() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
/// let ex = Executor::new()?;
/// let (rx, tx) = base::unix::pipe(true)?;
/// let zero = File::open("/dev/zero")?;
/// let zero_bytes = CHUNK_SIZE * 7;
/// let zero_to_pipe = transfer_data(
/// ex.async_from(zero)?,
/// ex.async_from(tx.try_clone()?)?,
/// zero_bytes,
/// );
/// let rand = File::open("/dev/urandom")?;
/// let rand_bytes = CHUNK_SIZE * 19;
/// let rand_to_pipe = transfer_data(ex.async_from(rand)?, ex.async_from(tx)?, rand_bytes);
/// let null = OpenOptions::new().write(true).open("/dev/null")?;
/// let null_bytes = zero_bytes + rand_bytes;
/// let pipe_to_null = transfer_data(ex.async_from(rx)?, ex.async_from(null)?, null_bytes);
/// ex.run_until(complete3(
/// async { assert_eq!(pipe_to_null.await.unwrap(), null_bytes) },
/// async { assert_eq!(zero_to_pipe.await.unwrap(), zero_bytes) },
/// async { assert_eq!(rand_to_pipe.await.unwrap(), rand_bytes) },
/// ))?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
/// # do_it().unwrap();
/// ```
pub enum Executor {
/// An enum to express the kind of the backend of `Executor`
Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, serde_keyvalue::FromKeyValues,
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub enum ExecutorKind {
// For command-line parsing, user-friendly "epoll" is chosen instead of fd.
#[serde(rename = "epoll")]
/// If set, [`ExecutorKind::default()`] returns the value of `DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_KIND`.
/// If not set, [`ExecutorKind::default()`] returns a statically-chosen default value, and
/// [`ExecutorKind::default()`] initializes `DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_KIND` with that value.
static DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_KIND: OnceCell<ExecutorKind> = OnceCell::new();
impl Default for ExecutorKind {
fn default() -> Self {
*DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_KIND.get_or_init(|| ExecutorKind::Fd)
/// The error type for [`Executor::set_default_executor_kind()`].
#[derive(Debug, ThisError)]
pub enum SetDefaultExecutorKindError {
/// The default executor kind is set more than once.
#[error("The default executor kind is already set to {0:?}")]
/// io_uring is unavailable. The reason might be the lack of the kernel support,
/// but is not limited to that.
#[error("io_uring is unavailable: {0}")]
/// Reference to a task managed by the executor.
/// Dropping a `TaskHandle` attempts to cancel the associated task. Call `detach` to allow it to
/// continue running the background.
/// `await`ing the `TaskHandle` waits for the task to finish and yields its result.
pub enum TaskHandle<R> {
Uring(common_executor::TaskHandle<UringReactor, R>),
Fd(common_executor::TaskHandle<EpollReactor, R>),
impl<R: Send + 'static> TaskHandle<R> {
pub fn detach(self) {
match self {
TaskHandle::Uring(x) => x.detach(),
TaskHandle::Fd(x) => x.detach(),
// Cancel the task and wait for it to stop. Returns the result of the task if it was already
// finished.
pub async fn cancel(self) -> Option<R> {
match self {
TaskHandle::Uring(x) => x.cancel().await,
TaskHandle::Fd(x) => x.cancel().await,
impl<R: 'static> Future for TaskHandle<R> {
type Output = R;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
match self.get_mut() {
TaskHandle::Uring(x) => Pin::new(x).poll(cx),
TaskHandle::Fd(x) => Pin::new(x).poll(cx),
impl Executor {
/// Create a new `Executor`.
pub fn new() -> AsyncResult<Self> {
/// Create a new `Executor` of the given `ExecutorKind`.
pub fn with_executor_kind(kind: ExecutorKind) -> AsyncResult<Self> {
match kind {
ExecutorKind::Uring => RawExecutor::new().map(Executor::Uring),
ExecutorKind::Fd => RawExecutor::new().map(Executor::Fd),
/// Set the default ExecutorKind for [`Self::new()`]. This call is effective only once.
/// If a call is the first call, it sets the default, and `set_default_executor_kind`
/// returns `Ok(())`. Otherwise, it returns `SetDefaultExecutorKindError::SetMoreThanOnce`
/// which contains the existing ExecutorKind value configured by the first call.
pub fn set_default_executor_kind(
executor_kind: ExecutorKind,
) -> Result<(), SetDefaultExecutorKindError> {
if executor_kind == ExecutorKind::Uring {
if !is_uring_stable() {
"Enabling io_uring executor on the kernel version where io_uring is unstable"
debug!("setting the default executor to {:?}", executor_kind);
// `expect` succeeds since this closure runs only when DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_KIND is set.
.expect("Failed to get DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_KIND"),
/// Create a new `IoSource<F>` associated with `self`. Callers may then use the returned
/// `IoSource` to directly start async operations without needing a separate reference to the
/// executor.
pub fn async_from<'a, F: IntoAsync + 'a>(&self, f: F) -> AsyncResult<IoSource<F>> {
match self {
Executor::Uring(ex) => ex.new_source(f),
Executor::Fd(ex) => ex.new_source(f),
/// Spawn a new future for this executor to run to completion. Callers may use the returned
/// `TaskHandle` to await on the result of `f`. Dropping the returned `TaskHandle` will cancel
/// `f`, preventing it from being polled again. To drop a `TaskHandle` without canceling the
/// future associated with it use `TaskHandle::detach`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use cros_async::AsyncResult;
/// # fn example_spawn() -> AsyncResult<()> {
/// # use std::thread;
/// # use cros_async::Executor;
/// use futures::executor::block_on;
/// # let ex = Executor::new()?;
/// # // Spawn a thread that runs the executor.
/// # let ex2 = ex.clone();
/// # thread::spawn(move ||;
/// let task = ex.spawn(async { 7 + 13 });
/// let result = block_on(task);
/// assert_eq!(result, 20);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # example_spawn().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn spawn<F>(&self, f: F) -> TaskHandle<F::Output>
F: Future + Send + 'static,
F::Output: Send + 'static,
match self {
Executor::Uring(ex) => TaskHandle::Uring(ex.spawn(f)),
Executor::Fd(ex) => TaskHandle::Fd(ex.spawn(f)),
/// Spawn a thread-local task for this executor to drive to completion. Like `spawn` but without
/// requiring `Send` on `F` or `F::Output`. This method should only be called from the same
/// thread where `run()` or `run_until()` is called.
/// # Panics
/// `Executor::run` and `Executor::run_until` will panic if they try to poll a future that was
/// added by calling `spawn_local` from a different thread.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use cros_async::AsyncResult;
/// # fn example_spawn_local() -> AsyncResult<()> {
/// # use cros_async::Executor;
/// # let ex = Executor::new()?;
/// let task = ex.spawn_local(async { 7 + 13 });
/// let result = ex.run_until(task)?;
/// assert_eq!(result, 20);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # example_spawn_local().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn spawn_local<F>(&self, f: F) -> TaskHandle<F::Output>
F: Future + 'static,
F::Output: 'static,
match self {
Executor::Uring(ex) => TaskHandle::Uring(ex.spawn_local(f)),
Executor::Fd(ex) => TaskHandle::Fd(ex.spawn_local(f)),
/// Run the provided closure on a dedicated thread where blocking is allowed.
/// Callers may `await` on the returned `TaskHandle` to wait for the result of `f`. Dropping
/// the returned `TaskHandle` may not cancel the operation if it was already started on a
/// worker thread.
/// # Panics
/// `await`ing the `TaskHandle` after the `Executor` is dropped will panic if the work was not
/// already completed.
/// # Examples
/// ```edition2018
/// # use cros_async::Executor;
/// # async fn do_it(ex: &Executor) {
/// let res = ex.spawn_blocking(move || {
/// // Do some CPU-intensive or blocking work here.
/// 42
/// }).await;
/// assert_eq!(res, 42);
/// # }
/// # let ex = Executor::new().unwrap();
/// # ex.run_until(do_it(&ex)).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn spawn_blocking<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> TaskHandle<R>
F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
match self {
Executor::Uring(ex) => TaskHandle::Uring(ex.spawn_blocking(f)),
Executor::Fd(ex) => TaskHandle::Fd(ex.spawn_blocking(f)),
/// Run the executor indefinitely, driving all spawned futures to completion. This method will
/// block the current thread and only return in the case of an error.
/// # Panics
/// Once this method has been called on a thread, it may only be called on that thread from that
/// point on. Attempting to call it from another thread will panic.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use cros_async::AsyncResult;
/// # fn example_run() -> AsyncResult<()> {
/// use std::thread;
/// use cros_async::Executor;
/// use futures::executor::block_on;
/// let ex = Executor::new()?;
/// // Spawn a thread that runs the executor.
/// let ex2 = ex.clone();
/// thread::spawn(move ||;
/// let task = ex.spawn(async { 7 + 13 });
/// let result = block_on(task);
/// assert_eq!(result, 20);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # example_run().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn run(&self) -> AsyncResult<()> {
/// Drive all futures spawned in this executor until `f` completes. This method will block the
/// current thread only until `f` is complete and there may still be unfinished futures in the
/// executor.
/// # Panics
/// Once this method has been called on a thread, from then onwards it may only be called on
/// that thread. Attempting to call it from another thread will panic.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use cros_async::AsyncResult;
/// # fn example_run_until() -> AsyncResult<()> {
/// use cros_async::Executor;
/// let ex = Executor::new()?;
/// let task = ex.spawn_local(async { 7 + 13 });
/// let result = ex.run_until(task)?;
/// assert_eq!(result, 20);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # example_run_until().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn run_until<F: Future>(&self, f: F) -> AsyncResult<F::Output> {
match self {
Executor::Uring(ex) => Ok(ex.run_until(f)?),
Executor::Fd(ex) => Ok(ex.run_until(f)?),
impl AsRawDescriptors for Executor {
fn as_raw_descriptors(&self) -> Vec<RawDescriptor> {
match self {
Executor::Uring(ex) => ex.as_raw_descriptors(),
Executor::Fd(ex) => ex.as_raw_descriptors(),