blob: 26d6d662a2bae4a37ca1cf3c80787f734d151316 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::ops::Index;
use std::vec::Vec;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use base::Error;
use base::Event;
use base::Result;
use hypervisor::IoapicState;
use hypervisor::IrqRoute;
use hypervisor::IrqSource;
use hypervisor::IrqSourceChip;
use hypervisor::LapicState;
use hypervisor::MPState;
use hypervisor::PicSelect;
use hypervisor::PicState;
use hypervisor::PitState;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use crate::IrqChip;
pub trait IrqChipX86_64: IrqChip {
// Clones this trait as a `Box` version of itself.
fn try_box_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn IrqChipX86_64>>;
// Get this as the super-trait IrqChip.
fn as_irq_chip(&self) -> &dyn IrqChip;
// Get this as the mutable super-trait IrqChip.
fn as_irq_chip_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn IrqChip;
/// Get the current state of the PIC
fn get_pic_state(&self, select: PicSelect) -> Result<PicState>;
/// Set the current state of the PIC
fn set_pic_state(&mut self, select: PicSelect, state: &PicState) -> Result<()>;
/// Get the current state of the IOAPIC
fn get_ioapic_state(&self) -> Result<IoapicState>;
/// Set the current state of the IOAPIC
fn set_ioapic_state(&mut self, state: &IoapicState) -> Result<()>;
/// Get the current state of the specified VCPU's local APIC
fn get_lapic_state(&self, vcpu_id: usize) -> Result<LapicState>;
/// Set the current state of the specified VCPU's local APIC
fn set_lapic_state(&mut self, vcpu_id: usize, state: &LapicState) -> Result<()>;
/// Get the lapic frequency in Hz
fn lapic_frequency(&self) -> u32;
/// Retrieves the state of the PIT.
fn get_pit(&self) -> Result<PitState>;
/// Sets the state of the PIT.
fn set_pit(&mut self, state: &PitState) -> Result<()>;
/// Returns true if the PIT uses port 0x61 for the PC speaker, false if 0x61 is unused.
fn pit_uses_speaker_port(&self) -> bool;
/// Snapshot state specific to different IrqChips.
fn snapshot_chip_specific(&self) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value>;
/// Restore state specific to different IrqChips.
fn restore_chip_specific(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<()>;
/// Snapshot state common to IrqChips.
fn snapshot(&self, cpus_num: usize) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
let mut lapics: Vec<LapicState> = Vec::new();
let mut mp_states: Vec<MPState> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..cpus_num {
serde_json::to_value(IrqChipSnapshot {
ioapic_state: self.get_ioapic_state()?,
lapic_state: lapics,
pic_state_1: self.get_pic_state(PicSelect::Primary)?,
pic_state_2: self.get_pic_state(PicSelect::Secondary)?,
pit_state: self.get_pit()?,
chip_specific_state: self.snapshot_chip_specific()?,
mp_state: mp_states,
.context("failed to serialize KvmKernelIrqChip")
/// Restore state common to IrqChips.
fn restore(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value, vcpus_num: usize) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let deser: IrqChipSnapshot =
serde_json::from_value(data).context("failed to deserialize data")?;
if deser.mp_state.len() != vcpus_num || deser.lapic_state.len() != vcpus_num {
return Err(anyhow!("IrqChip data has been modified"));
self.set_pic_state(PicSelect::Primary, &deser.pic_state_1)?;
self.set_pic_state(PicSelect::Secondary, &deser.pic_state_2)?;
for (i, lapic) in deser.lapic_state.iter().enumerate() {
self.set_lapic_state(i, lapic)?;
for (i, mp_state) in deser.mp_state.iter().enumerate() {
self.set_mp_state(i, mp_state)?;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct IrqChipSnapshot {
ioapic_state: IoapicState,
lapic_state: Vec<LapicState>,
pic_state_1: PicState,
pic_state_2: PicState,
pit_state: PitState,
chip_specific_state: serde_json::Value,
mp_state: Vec<MPState>,
/// A container for x86 IrqRoutes, grouped by GSI.
pub struct Routes {
/// A list of routes, indexed by GSI. Each GSI can map to zero or more routes, so this is a
/// Vec of Vecs. Specifically, a GSI can map to:
/// * no routes; or
/// * one IrqSource::Msi route; or
/// * one or more IrqSource::Irqchip routes (PicPrimary, PicSecondary, or Ioapic)
routes: Vec<Vec<IrqSource>>,
impl Routes {
/// Constructs a new `Routes` with an empty routing table.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Routes { routes: vec![] }
/// Inserts a route, replacing any existing route that conflicts. Two routes conflict if they
/// have the same GSI, and they're both `IrqSource::Irqchip` routes with the same chip or
/// they're both `IrqSource::Msi`. Returns Err if an `IrqSource::Irqchip` and `IrqSource::Msi`
/// route have the same GSI.
pub fn add(&mut self, route: IrqRoute) -> Result<()> {
let routes = self.get_mut(route.gsi as usize);
if routes.iter().any(|r| !Self::same_source(&route.source, r)) {
// We keep an invariant that legacy and MSI routes can't be mixed on the same GSI.
// Irqchip routes are only on GSIs [0..24) and Msi routes are only on GSIs >= 24. This
// guarantees that in UserspaceIrqChip, the ioapic's incoming Irqchip routes and
// outgoing Msi routes can't trigger each other in a cycle.
return Err(Error::new(libc::EINVAL));
routes.retain(|r| !Self::conflict(&route.source, r));
/// Deletes all existing routes and replaces them with `routes`. If two routes in `routes`
/// conflict with each other, the one earlier in the slice is dropped.
pub fn replace_all(&mut self, routes: &[IrqRoute]) -> Result<()> {
for r in routes {
/// Default x86 routing table. Pins 0-7 go to primary pic and ioapic, pins 8-15 go to secondary
/// pic and ioapic, and pins 16-23 go only to the ioapic.
pub fn default_pic_ioapic_routes(ioapic_pins: usize) -> Vec<IrqRoute> {
let mut routes: Vec<IrqRoute> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..8 {
routes.push(IrqRoute::pic_irq_route(IrqSourceChip::PicPrimary, i));
for i in 8..16 {
routes.push(IrqRoute::pic_irq_route(IrqSourceChip::PicSecondary, i));
for i in 16..ioapic_pins as u32 {
/// Gets the routes as a flat Vec of `IrqRoute`s.
pub fn get_routes(&self) -> Vec<IrqRoute> {
let mut routes = Vec::with_capacity(self.routes.len());
for (gsi, sources) in self.routes.iter().enumerate() {
for source in sources.iter() {
routes.push(IrqRoute {
gsi: gsi.try_into().expect("GSIs must be < u32::MAX"),
source: *source,
/// Determines whether or not two irq routes on the same GSI conflict.
/// Returns true if they conflict.
fn conflict(source: &IrqSource, other: &IrqSource) -> bool {
use IrqSource::*;
// If they're both MSI then they conflict.
if let (Msi { .. }, Msi { .. }) = (source, other) {
return true;
// If the route chips match then they conflict.
if let (
Irqchip { chip, .. },
Irqchip {
chip: other_chip, ..
) = (source, other)
return chip == other_chip;
// Otherwise they do not conflict.
/// Determines whether two routes have the same IrqSource variant (IrqSource::Irqchip or
/// IrqSource::Msi).
fn same_source(source: &IrqSource, other: &IrqSource) -> bool {
use IrqSource::*;
(source, other),
(Irqchip { .. }, Irqchip { .. }) | (Msi { .. }, Msi { .. })
/// Returns the routes vec for `irq`. If `irq` is past the end of self.routes, then self.routes
/// is first resized with empty vecs.
fn get_mut(&mut self, irq: usize) -> &mut Vec<IrqSource> {
if irq >= self.routes.len() {
self.routes.resize_with(irq + 1, Vec::new);
impl Default for Routes {
fn default() -> Self {
const EMPTY_ROUTE: [IrqSource; 0] = [];
impl Index<usize> for Routes {
type Output = [IrqSource];
/// Returns all routes for `irq`, or an empty slice if no routes registered for `irq`.
fn index(&self, irq: usize) -> &Self::Output {
if irq < self.routes.len() {
} else {
pub(super) struct DelayedIoApicIrqEvents {
/// Vec of ioapic irq events that have been delayed because the ioapic was locked when
/// service_irq was called on the irqchip.
pub events: Vec<usize>,
/// Event which is meant to trigger process of any irqs events that were delayed.
pub trigger: Event,
impl DelayedIoApicIrqEvents {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
Ok(DelayedIoApicIrqEvents {
events: Vec::new(),
trigger: Event::new()?,