blob: 83311608e0c050f34bd9e12b168ae17e4615620a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use base::error;
use base::Clock;
use base::Error;
use base::Event;
use base::FakeClock as Clock;
use base::Result;
use base::Tube;
use hypervisor::kvm::KvmVcpu;
use hypervisor::kvm::KvmVm;
use hypervisor::HypervisorCap;
use hypervisor::IoapicState;
use hypervisor::IrqRoute;
use hypervisor::IrqSource;
use hypervisor::IrqSourceChip;
use hypervisor::LapicState;
use hypervisor::MPState;
use hypervisor::PicSelect;
use hypervisor::PicState;
use hypervisor::PitState;
use hypervisor::Vcpu;
use hypervisor::VcpuX86_64;
use hypervisor::Vm;
use hypervisor::VmX86_64;
use kvm_sys::*;
use resources::SystemAllocator;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use sync::Mutex;
use crate::irqchip::Ioapic;
use crate::irqchip::IrqEvent;
use crate::irqchip::IrqEventIndex;
use crate::irqchip::Pic;
use crate::irqchip::VcpuRunState;
use crate::irqchip::IOAPIC_BASE_ADDRESS;
use crate::irqchip::IOAPIC_MEM_LENGTH_BYTES;
use crate::Bus;
use crate::IrqChip;
use crate::IrqChipCap;
use crate::IrqChipX86_64;
use crate::IrqEdgeEvent;
use crate::IrqEventSource;
use crate::IrqLevelEvent;
use crate::Pit;
use crate::PitError;
/// PIT tube 0 timer is connected to IRQ 0
const PIT_CHANNEL0_IRQ: u32 = 0;
/// Default x86 routing table. Pins 0-7 go to primary pic and ioapic, pins 8-15 go to secondary
/// pic and ioapic, and pins 16-23 go only to the ioapic.
fn kvm_default_irq_routing_table(ioapic_pins: usize) -> Vec<IrqRoute> {
let mut routes: Vec<IrqRoute> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..8 {
routes.push(IrqRoute::pic_irq_route(IrqSourceChip::PicPrimary, i));
for i in 8..16 {
routes.push(IrqRoute::pic_irq_route(IrqSourceChip::PicSecondary, i));
for i in 16..ioapic_pins as u32 {
/// IrqChip implementation where the entire IrqChip is emulated by KVM.
/// This implementation will use the KVM API to create and configure the in-kernel irqchip.
pub struct KvmKernelIrqChip {
pub(super) vm: KvmVm,
pub(super) vcpus: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Option<KvmVcpu>>>>,
pub(super) routes: Arc<Mutex<Vec<IrqRoute>>>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct KvmKernelIrqChipSnapshot {
routes: Vec<IrqRoute>,
// apic_base and interrupt_bitmap are part of the IrqChip, despite the
// fact that we get the values from the Vcpu ioctl "KVM_GET_SREGS".
// Contains 1 entry per Vcpu.
apic_base: Vec<u64>,
interrupt_bitmap: Vec<[u64; 4usize]>,
impl KvmKernelIrqChip {
/// Construct a new KvmKernelIrqchip.
pub fn new(vm: KvmVm, num_vcpus: usize) -> Result<KvmKernelIrqChip> {
let ioapic_pins = vm.get_ioapic_num_pins()?;
Ok(KvmKernelIrqChip {
vcpus: Arc::new(Mutex::new((0..num_vcpus).map(|_| None).collect())),
routes: Arc::new(Mutex::new(kvm_default_irq_routing_table(ioapic_pins))),
/// Attempt to create a shallow clone of this x86_64 KvmKernelIrqChip instance.
pub(super) fn arch_try_clone(&self) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(KvmKernelIrqChip {
vm: self.vm.try_clone()?,
vcpus: self.vcpus.clone(),
routes: self.routes.clone(),
impl IrqChipX86_64 for KvmKernelIrqChip {
fn try_box_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn IrqChipX86_64>> {
fn as_irq_chip(&self) -> &dyn IrqChip {
fn as_irq_chip_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn IrqChip {
/// Get the current state of the PIC
fn get_pic_state(&self, select: PicSelect) -> Result<PicState> {
/// Set the current state of the PIC
fn set_pic_state(&mut self, select: PicSelect, state: &PicState) -> Result<()> {
self.vm.set_pic_state(select, &kvm_pic_state::from(state))
/// Get the current state of the IOAPIC
fn get_ioapic_state(&self) -> Result<IoapicState> {
/// Set the current state of the IOAPIC
fn set_ioapic_state(&mut self, state: &IoapicState) -> Result<()> {
/// Get the current state of the specified VCPU's local APIC
fn get_lapic_state(&self, vcpu_id: usize) -> Result<LapicState> {
match self.vcpus.lock().get(vcpu_id) {
Some(Some(vcpu)) => Ok(LapicState::from(&vcpu.get_lapic()?)),
_ => Err(Error::new(libc::ENOENT)),
/// Set the current state of the specified VCPU's local APIC
fn set_lapic_state(&mut self, vcpu_id: usize, state: &LapicState) -> Result<()> {
match self.vcpus.lock().get(vcpu_id) {
Some(Some(vcpu)) => vcpu.set_lapic(&kvm_lapic_state::from(state)),
_ => Err(Error::new(libc::ENOENT)),
/// Get the lapic frequency in Hz
fn lapic_frequency(&self) -> u32 {
// KVM emulates the lapic to have a bus frequency of 1GHz
/// Retrieves the state of the PIT. Gets the pit state via the KVM API.
fn get_pit(&self) -> Result<PitState> {
/// Sets the state of the PIT. Sets the pit state via the KVM API.
fn set_pit(&mut self, state: &PitState) -> Result<()> {
/// Returns true if the PIT uses port 0x61 for the PC speaker, false if 0x61 is unused.
/// KVM's kernel PIT doesn't use 0x61.
fn pit_uses_speaker_port(&self) -> bool {
fn snapshot_chip_specific(&self) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
let mut apics: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
let mut interrupt_bitmaps: Vec<[u64; 4usize]> = Vec::new();
let vcpus_lock = self.vcpus.lock();
for vcpu in (*vcpus_lock).iter().flatten() {
serde_json::to_value(KvmKernelIrqChipSnapshot {
routes: self.routes.lock().clone(),
apic_base: apics,
interrupt_bitmap: interrupt_bitmaps,
.context("failed to serialize KvmKernelIrqChip")
fn restore_chip_specific(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let deser: KvmKernelIrqChipSnapshot =
serde_json::from_value(data).context("failed to deserialize data")?;
let vcpus_lock = self.vcpus.lock();
assert_eq!(deser.interrupt_bitmap.len(), vcpus_lock.len());
assert_eq!(deser.apic_base.len(), vcpus_lock.len());
for (i, vcpu) in vcpus_lock.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(vcpu) = vcpu {
} else {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Received None instead of Vcpu while restoring apic_base and interrupt_bitmap"
/// The KvmSplitIrqsChip supports KVM's SPLIT_IRQCHIP feature, where the PIC and IOAPIC
/// are emulated in userspace, while the local APICs are emulated in the kernel.
/// The SPLIT_IRQCHIP feature only supports x86/x86_64 so we only define this IrqChip in crosvm
/// for x86/x86_64.
pub struct KvmSplitIrqChip {
vm: KvmVm,
vcpus: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Option<KvmVcpu>>>>,
routes: Arc<Mutex<Vec<IrqRoute>>>,
pit: Arc<Mutex<Pit>>,
pic: Arc<Mutex<Pic>>,
ioapic: Arc<Mutex<Ioapic>>,
ioapic_pins: usize,
/// Vec of ioapic irq events that have been delayed because the ioapic was locked when
/// service_irq was called on the irqchip. This prevents deadlocks when a Vcpu thread has
/// locked the ioapic and the ioapic sends a AddMsiRoute signal to the main thread (which
/// itself may be busy trying to call service_irq).
delayed_ioapic_irq_events: Arc<Mutex<Vec<usize>>>,
/// Event which is meant to trigger process of any irqs events that were delayed.
delayed_ioapic_irq_trigger: Event,
/// Array of Events that devices will use to assert ioapic pins.
irq_events: Arc<Mutex<Vec<Option<IrqEvent>>>>,
fn kvm_dummy_msi_routes(ioapic_pins: usize) -> Vec<IrqRoute> {
let mut routes: Vec<IrqRoute> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..ioapic_pins {
// Add dummy MSI routes to replace the default IRQChip routes.
IrqRoute {
gsi: i as u32,
source: IrqSource::Msi {
address: 0,
data: 0,
impl KvmSplitIrqChip {
/// Construct a new KvmSplitIrqChip.
pub fn new(
vm: KvmVm,
num_vcpus: usize,
irq_tube: Tube,
ioapic_pins: Option<usize>,
) -> Result<Self> {
let ioapic_pins = ioapic_pins.unwrap_or(vm.get_ioapic_num_pins()?);
let pit_evt = IrqEdgeEvent::new()?;
let pit = Pit::new(pit_evt.try_clone()?, Arc::new(Mutex::new(Clock::new()))).map_err(
|e| match e {
PitError::CloneEvent(err) => err,
PitError::CreateEvent(err) => err,
PitError::CreateWaitContext(err) => err,
PitError::WaitError(err) => err,
PitError::TimerCreateError(err) => err,
PitError::SpawnThread(_) => Error::new(libc::EIO),
let pit_event_source = IrqEventSource::from_device(&pit);
let mut chip = KvmSplitIrqChip {
vcpus: Arc::new(Mutex::new((0..num_vcpus).map(|_| None).collect())),
routes: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())),
pit: Arc::new(Mutex::new(pit)),
pic: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Pic::new())),
ioapic: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Ioapic::new(irq_tube, ioapic_pins)?)),
delayed_ioapic_irq_events: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())),
delayed_ioapic_irq_trigger: Event::new()?,
irq_events: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())),
// crosvm-direct requires 1:1 GSI mapping between host and guest. The predefined IRQ
// numbering will be exposed to the guest with no option to allocate it dynamically.
// Tell the IOAPIC to fill in IRQ output events with 1:1 GSI mapping upfront so that
// IOAPIC wont assign a new GSI but use the same as for host instead.
#[cfg(feature = "direct")]
.init_direct_gsi(|gsi, event| chip.vm.register_irqfd(gsi as u32, event, None))?;
// Setup standard x86 irq routes
let mut routes = kvm_default_irq_routing_table(ioapic_pins);
// Add dummy MSI routes for the first ioapic_pins GSIs
routes.append(&mut kvm_dummy_msi_routes(ioapic_pins));
// Set the routes so they get sent to KVM
chip.register_edge_irq_event(PIT_CHANNEL0_IRQ, &pit_evt, pit_event_source)?;
impl KvmSplitIrqChip {
/// Convenience function for determining which chips the supplied irq routes to.
fn routes_to_chips(&self, irq: u32) -> Vec<(IrqSourceChip, u32)> {
let mut chips = Vec::new();
for route in self.routes.lock().iter() {
match route {
IrqRoute {
source: IrqSource::Irqchip { chip, pin },
} if *gsi == irq => match chip {
| IrqSourceChip::PicSecondary
| IrqSourceChip::Ioapic => chips.push((*chip, *pin)),
IrqSourceChip::Gic => {
error!("gic irq should not be possible on a KvmSplitIrqChip")
IrqSourceChip::Aia => {
error!("Aia irq should not be possible on x86_64")
// Ignore MSIs and other routes
_ => {}
/// Return true if there is a pending interrupt for the specified vcpu. For KvmSplitIrqChip
/// this calls interrupt_requested on the pic.
pub fn interrupt_requested(&self, vcpu_id: usize) -> bool {
// Pic interrupts for the split irqchip only go to vcpu 0
if vcpu_id != 0 {
return false;
/// Check if the specified vcpu has any pending interrupts. Returns None for no interrupts,
/// otherwise Some(u32) should be the injected interrupt vector. For KvmSplitIrqChip
/// this calls get_external_interrupt on the pic.
pub fn get_external_interrupt(&self, vcpu_id: usize) -> Option<u32> {
// Pic interrupts for the split irqchip only go to vcpu 0
if vcpu_id != 0 {
return None;
.map(|vector| vector as u32)
/// Register an event that can trigger an interrupt for a particular GSI.
fn register_irq_event(
&mut self,
irq: u32,
irq_event: &Event,
resample_event: Option<&Event>,
source: IrqEventSource,
) -> Result<Option<IrqEventIndex>> {
if irq < self.ioapic_pins as u32 {
let mut evt = IrqEvent {
gsi: irq,
event: irq_event.try_clone()?,
resample_event: None,
if let Some(resample_event) = resample_event {
evt.resample_event = Some(resample_event.try_clone()?);
let mut irq_events = self.irq_events.lock();
let index = irq_events.len();
} else {
self.vm.register_irqfd(irq, irq_event, resample_event)?;
/// Unregister an event for a particular GSI.
fn unregister_irq_event(&mut self, irq: u32, irq_event: &Event) -> Result<()> {
if irq < self.ioapic_pins as u32 {
let mut irq_events = self.irq_events.lock();
for (index, evt) in irq_events.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(evt) = evt {
if evt.gsi == irq && irq_event.eq(&evt.event) {
irq_events[index] = None;
} else {
self.vm.unregister_irqfd(irq, irq_event)
/// Convenience function for determining whether or not two irq routes conflict.
/// Returns true if they conflict.
fn routes_conflict(route: &IrqRoute, other: &IrqRoute) -> bool {
// They don't conflict if they have different GSIs.
if route.gsi != other.gsi {
return false;
// If they're both MSI with the same GSI then they conflict.
if let (IrqSource::Msi { .. }, IrqSource::Msi { .. }) = (route.source, other.source) {
return true;
// If the route chips match and they have the same GSI then they conflict.
if let (
IrqSource::Irqchip {
chip: route_chip, ..
IrqSource::Irqchip {
chip: other_chip, ..
) = (route.source, other.source)
return route_chip == other_chip;
// Otherwise they do not conflict.
/// This IrqChip only works with Kvm so we only implement it for KvmVcpu.
impl IrqChip for KvmSplitIrqChip {
/// Add a vcpu to the irq chip.
fn add_vcpu(&mut self, vcpu_id: usize, vcpu: &dyn Vcpu) -> Result<()> {
let vcpu: &KvmVcpu = vcpu
.expect("KvmSplitIrqChip::add_vcpu called with non-KvmVcpu");
self.vcpus.lock()[vcpu_id] = Some(vcpu.try_clone()?);
/// Register an event that can trigger an interrupt for a particular GSI.
fn register_edge_irq_event(
&mut self,
irq: u32,
irq_event: &IrqEdgeEvent,
source: IrqEventSource,
) -> Result<Option<IrqEventIndex>> {
self.register_irq_event(irq, irq_event.get_trigger(), None, source)
fn unregister_edge_irq_event(&mut self, irq: u32, irq_event: &IrqEdgeEvent) -> Result<()> {
self.unregister_irq_event(irq, irq_event.get_trigger())
fn register_level_irq_event(
&mut self,
irq: u32,
irq_event: &IrqLevelEvent,
source: IrqEventSource,
) -> Result<Option<IrqEventIndex>> {
fn unregister_level_irq_event(&mut self, irq: u32, irq_event: &IrqLevelEvent) -> Result<()> {
self.unregister_irq_event(irq, irq_event.get_trigger())
/// Route an IRQ line to an interrupt controller, or to a particular MSI vector.
fn route_irq(&mut self, route: IrqRoute) -> Result<()> {
let mut routes = self.routes.lock();
routes.retain(|r| !routes_conflict(r, &route));
// We only call set_gsi_routing with the msi routes
let mut msi_routes = routes.clone();
msi_routes.retain(|r| matches!(r.source, IrqSource::Msi { .. }));
/// Replace all irq routes with the supplied routes
fn set_irq_routes(&mut self, routes: &[IrqRoute]) -> Result<()> {
let mut current_routes = self.routes.lock();
*current_routes = routes.to_vec();
// We only call set_gsi_routing with the msi routes
let mut msi_routes = routes.to_vec();
msi_routes.retain(|r| matches!(r.source, IrqSource::Msi { .. }));
/// Return a vector of all registered irq numbers and their associated events and event
/// indices. These should be used by the main thread to wait for irq events.
fn irq_event_tokens(&self) -> Result<Vec<(IrqEventIndex, IrqEventSource, Event)>> {
let mut tokens = vec![];
for (index, evt) in self.irq_events.lock().iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(evt) = evt {
tokens.push((index, evt.source.clone(), evt.event.try_clone()?));
/// Either assert or deassert an IRQ line. Sends to either an interrupt controller, or does
/// a send_msi if the irq is associated with an MSI.
fn service_irq(&mut self, irq: u32, level: bool) -> Result<()> {
let chips = self.routes_to_chips(irq);
for (chip, pin) in chips {
match chip {
IrqSourceChip::PicPrimary | IrqSourceChip::PicSecondary => {
self.pic.lock().service_irq(pin as u8, level);
IrqSourceChip::Ioapic => {
self.ioapic.lock().service_irq(pin as usize, level);
_ => {}
/// Service an IRQ event by asserting then deasserting an IRQ line. The associated Event
/// that triggered the irq event will be read from. If the irq is associated with a resample
/// Event, then the deassert will only happen after an EOI is broadcast for a vector
/// associated with the irq line.
/// For the KvmSplitIrqChip, this function identifies which chips the irq routes to, then
/// attempts to call service_irq on those chips. If the ioapic is unable to be immediately
/// locked, we add the irq to the delayed_ioapic_irq_events Vec (though we still read
/// from the Event that triggered the irq event).
fn service_irq_event(&mut self, event_index: IrqEventIndex) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(evt) = &self.irq_events.lock()[event_index] {
let chips = self.routes_to_chips(evt.gsi);
for (chip, pin) in chips {
match chip {
IrqSourceChip::PicPrimary | IrqSourceChip::PicSecondary => {
let mut pic = self.pic.lock();
pic.service_irq(pin as u8, true);
if evt.resample_event.is_none() {
pic.service_irq(pin as u8, false);
IrqSourceChip::Ioapic => {
if let Ok(mut ioapic) = self.ioapic.try_lock() {
ioapic.service_irq(pin as usize, true);
if evt.resample_event.is_none() {
ioapic.service_irq(pin as usize, false);
} else {
_ => {}
/// Broadcast an end of interrupt. For KvmSplitIrqChip this sends the EOI to the ioapic
fn broadcast_eoi(&self, vector: u8) -> Result<()> {
/// Injects any pending interrupts for `vcpu`.
/// For KvmSplitIrqChip this injects any PIC interrupts on vcpu_id 0.
fn inject_interrupts(&self, vcpu: &dyn Vcpu) -> Result<()> {
let vcpu: &KvmVcpu = vcpu
.expect("KvmSplitIrqChip::add_vcpu called with non-KvmVcpu");
let vcpu_id =;
if !self.interrupt_requested(vcpu_id) || !vcpu.ready_for_interrupt() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(vector) = self.get_external_interrupt(vcpu_id) {
// The second interrupt request should be handled immediately, so ask vCPU to exit as soon as
// possible.
if self.interrupt_requested(vcpu_id) {
/// Notifies the irq chip that the specified VCPU has executed a halt instruction.
/// For KvmSplitIrqChip this is a no-op because KVM handles VCPU blocking.
fn halted(&self, _vcpu_id: usize) {}
/// Blocks until `vcpu` is in a runnable state or until interrupted by
/// `IrqChip::kick_halted_vcpus`. Returns `VcpuRunState::Runnable if vcpu is runnable, or
/// `VcpuRunState::Interrupted` if the wait was interrupted.
/// For KvmSplitIrqChip this is a no-op and always returns Runnable because KVM handles VCPU
/// blocking.
fn wait_until_runnable(&self, _vcpu: &dyn Vcpu) -> Result<VcpuRunState> {
/// Makes unrunnable VCPUs return immediately from `wait_until_runnable`.
/// For KvmSplitIrqChip this is a no-op because KVM handles VCPU blocking.
fn kick_halted_vcpus(&self) {}
/// Get the current MP state of the specified VCPU.
fn get_mp_state(&self, vcpu_id: usize) -> Result<MPState> {
match self.vcpus.lock().get(vcpu_id) {
Some(Some(vcpu)) => Ok(MPState::from(&vcpu.get_mp_state()?)),
_ => Err(Error::new(libc::ENOENT)),
/// Set the current MP state of the specified VCPU.
fn set_mp_state(&mut self, vcpu_id: usize, state: &MPState) -> Result<()> {
match self.vcpus.lock().get(vcpu_id) {
Some(Some(vcpu)) => vcpu.set_mp_state(&kvm_mp_state::from(state)),
_ => Err(Error::new(libc::ENOENT)),
/// Attempt to clone this IrqChip instance.
fn try_clone(&self) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(KvmSplitIrqChip {
vm: self.vm.try_clone()?,
vcpus: self.vcpus.clone(),
routes: self.routes.clone(),
pit: self.pit.clone(),
pic: self.pic.clone(),
ioapic: self.ioapic.clone(),
ioapic_pins: self.ioapic_pins,
delayed_ioapic_irq_events: self.delayed_ioapic_irq_events.clone(),
delayed_ioapic_irq_trigger: Event::new()?,
irq_events: self.irq_events.clone(),
/// Finalize irqchip setup. Should be called once all devices have registered irq events and
/// been added to the io_bus and mmio_bus.
fn finalize_devices(
&mut self,
resources: &mut SystemAllocator,
io_bus: &Bus,
mmio_bus: &Bus,
) -> Result<()> {
// Insert pit into io_bus
io_bus.insert(self.pit.clone(), 0x040, 0x8).unwrap();
io_bus.insert(self.pit.clone(), 0x061, 0x1).unwrap();
// Insert pic into io_bus
io_bus.insert(self.pic.clone(), 0x20, 0x2).unwrap();
io_bus.insert(self.pic.clone(), 0xa0, 0x2).unwrap();
io_bus.insert(self.pic.clone(), 0x4d0, 0x2).unwrap();
// Insert ioapic into mmio_bus
// At this point, all of our devices have been created and they have registered their
// irq events, so we can clone our resample events
let mut ioapic_resample_events: Vec<Vec<Event>> =
(0..self.ioapic_pins).map(|_| Vec::new()).collect();
let mut pic_resample_events: Vec<Vec<Event>> =
(0..self.ioapic_pins).map(|_| Vec::new()).collect();
for evt in self.irq_events.lock().iter().flatten() {
if (evt.gsi as usize) >= self.ioapic_pins {
if let Some(resample_evt) = &evt.resample_event {
ioapic_resample_events[evt.gsi as usize].push(resample_evt.try_clone()?);
pic_resample_events[evt.gsi as usize].push(resample_evt.try_clone()?);
// Register resample events with the ioapic
// Register resample events with the pic
// Make sure all future irq numbers are beyond IO-APIC range.
let mut irq_num = resources.allocate_irq().unwrap();
while irq_num < self.ioapic_pins as u32 {
irq_num = resources.allocate_irq().unwrap();
/// The KvmSplitIrqChip's ioapic may be locked because a vcpu thread is currently writing to
/// the ioapic, and the ioapic may be blocking on adding MSI routes, which requires blocking
/// socket communication back to the main thread. Thus, we do not want the main thread to
/// block on a locked ioapic, so any irqs that could not be serviced because the ioapic could
/// not be immediately locked are added to the delayed_ioapic_irq_events Vec. This function
/// processes each delayed event in the vec each time it's called. If the ioapic is still
/// locked, we keep the queued irqs for the next time this function is called.
fn process_delayed_irq_events(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
.retain(|&event_index| {
if let Some(evt) = &self.irq_events.lock()[event_index] {
if let Ok(mut ioapic) = self.ioapic.try_lock() {
ioapic.service_irq(evt.gsi as usize, true);
if evt.resample_event.is_none() {
ioapic.service_irq(evt.gsi as usize, false);
} else {
} else {
if self.delayed_ioapic_irq_events.lock().is_empty() {
fn irq_delayed_event_token(&self) -> Result<Option<Event>> {
fn check_capability(&self, c: IrqChipCap) -> bool {
match c {
IrqChipCap::TscDeadlineTimer => self
IrqChipCap::X2Apic => true,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct KvmSplitIrqChipSnapshot {
routes: Vec<IrqRoute>,
impl IrqChipX86_64 for KvmSplitIrqChip {
fn try_box_clone(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn IrqChipX86_64>> {
fn as_irq_chip(&self) -> &dyn IrqChip {
fn as_irq_chip_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn IrqChip {
/// Get the current state of the PIC
fn get_pic_state(&self, select: PicSelect) -> Result<PicState> {
/// Set the current state of the PIC
fn set_pic_state(&mut self, select: PicSelect, state: &PicState) -> Result<()> {
self.pic.lock().set_pic_state(select, state);
/// Get the current state of the IOAPIC
fn get_ioapic_state(&self) -> Result<IoapicState> {
/// Set the current state of the IOAPIC
fn set_ioapic_state(&mut self, state: &IoapicState) -> Result<()> {
/// Get the current state of the specified VCPU's local APIC
fn get_lapic_state(&self, vcpu_id: usize) -> Result<LapicState> {
match self.vcpus.lock().get(vcpu_id) {
Some(Some(vcpu)) => Ok(LapicState::from(&vcpu.get_lapic()?)),
_ => Err(Error::new(libc::ENOENT)),
/// Set the current state of the specified VCPU's local APIC
fn set_lapic_state(&mut self, vcpu_id: usize, state: &LapicState) -> Result<()> {
match self.vcpus.lock().get(vcpu_id) {
Some(Some(vcpu)) => vcpu.set_lapic(&kvm_lapic_state::from(state)),
_ => Err(Error::new(libc::ENOENT)),
/// Get the lapic frequency in Hz
fn lapic_frequency(&self) -> u32 {
// KVM emulates the lapic to have a bus frequency of 1GHz
/// Retrieves the state of the PIT. Gets the pit state via the KVM API.
fn get_pit(&self) -> Result<PitState> {
/// Sets the state of the PIT. Sets the pit state via the KVM API.
fn set_pit(&mut self, state: &PitState) -> Result<()> {
/// Returns true if the PIT uses port 0x61 for the PC speaker, false if 0x61 is unused.
/// devices::Pit uses 0x61.
fn pit_uses_speaker_port(&self) -> bool {
fn snapshot_chip_specific(&self) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
serde_json::to_value(KvmSplitIrqChipSnapshot {
routes: self.routes.lock().clone(),
.context("failed to serialize KvmSplitIrqChip")
fn restore_chip_specific(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let deser: KvmSplitIrqChipSnapshot =
serde_json::from_value(data).context("failed to deserialize KvmSplitIrqChip")?;