blob: 816105e2b662568265fd45a0af246964224a68af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use libc::{
c_int, pthread_kill, pthread_sigmask, pthread_t, sigaction, sigaddset, sigemptyset, siginfo_t,
sigismember, sigpending, sigset_t, sigtimedwait, sigwait, timespec, waitpid, EAGAIN, EINTR,
use remain::sorted;
use thiserror::Error;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::os::unix::thread::JoinHandleExt;
use std::process::Child;
use std::ptr::{null, null_mut};
use std::result;
use std::thread::JoinHandle;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crate::{duration_to_timespec, errno, errno_result, getsid, Pid, Result};
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
const POLL_RATE: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50);
const DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
/// The signal could not be blocked.
#[error("signal could not be blocked: {0}")]
/// Failed to check if given signal is in the set of pending signals.
#[error("failed to check whether given signal is in the pending set: {0}")]
/// Failed to get pending signals.
#[error("failed to get pending signals: {0}")]
/// Failed to wait for given signal.
#[error("failed to wait for given signal: {0}")]
/// Failed to check if the requested signal is in the blocked set already.
#[error("failed to check whether requested signal is in the blocked set: {0}")]
/// Couldn't create a sigset.
#[error("couldn't create a sigset: {0}")]
/// Failed to get session id.
#[error("failed to get session id: {0}")]
/// Failed to send signal to pid.
#[error("failed to send signal: {0}")]
/// The signal mask could not be retrieved.
#[error("failed to retrieve signal mask: {}", io::Error::from_raw_os_error(*.0))]
/// Converted signum greater than SIGRTMAX.
#[error("got RT signal greater than max: {0:?}")]
/// The wrapped signal has already been blocked.
#[error("signal {0} already blocked")]
/// Timeout reached.
#[error("timeout reached.")]
/// The signal could not be unblocked.
#[error("signal could not be unblocked: {0}")]
/// Failed to convert signum to Signal.
#[error("unrecoginized signal number: {0}")]
/// Failed to wait for signal.
#[error("failed to wait for signal: {0}")]
/// Failed to wait for pid.
#[error("failed to wait for process: {0}")]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Signal {
Abort = libc::SIGABRT,
Alarm = libc::SIGALRM,
Bus = libc::SIGBUS,
Child = libc::SIGCHLD,
Continue = libc::SIGCONT,
ExceededFileSize = libc::SIGXFSZ,
FloatingPointException = libc::SIGFPE,
HangUp = libc::SIGHUP,
IllegalInstruction = libc::SIGILL,
Interrupt = libc::SIGINT,
Io = libc::SIGIO,
Kill = libc::SIGKILL,
Pipe = libc::SIGPIPE,
Power = libc::SIGPWR,
Profile = libc::SIGPROF,
Quit = libc::SIGQUIT,
SegmentationViolation = libc::SIGSEGV,
StackFault = libc::SIGSTKFLT,
Stop = libc::SIGSTOP,
Sys = libc::SIGSYS,
Trap = libc::SIGTRAP,
Terminate = libc::SIGTERM,
TtyIn = libc::SIGTTIN,
TtyOut = libc::SIGTTOU,
TtyStop = libc::SIGTSTP,
Urgent = libc::SIGURG,
User1 = libc::SIGUSR1,
User2 = libc::SIGUSR2,
VtAlarm = libc::SIGVTALRM,
Winch = libc::SIGWINCH,
Xcpu = libc::SIGXCPU,
// Rt signal numbers are be adjusted in the conversion to integer.
Rt0 = libc::SIGSYS + 1,
// Only 8 are guaranteed by POSIX, Linux has 32, but only 29 or 30 are usable.
impl From<Signal> for c_int {
fn from(signal: Signal) -> c_int {
let num = signal as libc::c_int;
if num >= Signal::Rt0 as libc::c_int {
return num - (Signal::Rt0 as libc::c_int) + SIGRTMIN();
impl TryFrom<c_int> for Signal {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(value: c_int) -> result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use Signal::*;
Ok(match value {
libc::SIGABRT => Abort,
libc::SIGALRM => Alarm,
libc::SIGBUS => Bus,
libc::SIGCHLD => Child,
libc::SIGCONT => Continue,
libc::SIGXFSZ => ExceededFileSize,
libc::SIGFPE => FloatingPointException,
libc::SIGHUP => HangUp,
libc::SIGILL => IllegalInstruction,
libc::SIGINT => Interrupt,
libc::SIGIO => Io,
libc::SIGKILL => Kill,
libc::SIGPIPE => Pipe,
libc::SIGPWR => Power,
libc::SIGPROF => Profile,
libc::SIGQUIT => Quit,
libc::SIGSEGV => SegmentationViolation,
libc::SIGSTKFLT => StackFault,
libc::SIGSTOP => Stop,
libc::SIGSYS => Sys,
libc::SIGTRAP => Trap,
libc::SIGTERM => Terminate,
libc::SIGTTIN => TtyIn,
libc::SIGTTOU => TtyOut,
libc::SIGTSTP => TtyStop,
libc::SIGURG => Urgent,
libc::SIGUSR1 => User1,
libc::SIGUSR2 => User2,
libc::SIGVTALRM => VtAlarm,
libc::SIGWINCH => Winch,
libc::SIGXCPU => Xcpu,
_ => {
if value < SIGRTMIN() {
return Err(Error::UnrecognizedSignum(value));
let signal = match value - SIGRTMIN() {
0 => Rt0,
1 => Rt1,
2 => Rt2,
3 => Rt3,
4 => Rt4,
5 => Rt5,
6 => Rt6,
7 => Rt7,
8 => Rt8,
9 => Rt9,
10 => Rt10,
11 => Rt11,
12 => Rt12,
13 => Rt13,
14 => Rt14,
15 => Rt15,
16 => Rt16,
17 => Rt17,
18 => Rt18,
19 => Rt19,
20 => Rt20,
21 => Rt21,
22 => Rt22,
23 => Rt23,
24 => Rt24,
25 => Rt25,
26 => Rt26,
27 => Rt27,
28 => Rt28,
29 => Rt29,
30 => Rt30,
31 => Rt31,
_ => {
return Err(Error::UnrecognizedSignum(value));
if value > SIGRTMAX() {
return Err(Error::RtSignumGreaterThanMax(signal));
pub type SignalResult<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
#[link(name = "c")]
extern "C" {
fn __libc_current_sigrtmin() -> c_int;
fn __libc_current_sigrtmax() -> c_int;
/// Returns the minimum (inclusive) real-time signal number.
pub fn SIGRTMIN() -> c_int {
unsafe { __libc_current_sigrtmin() }
/// Returns the maximum (inclusive) real-time signal number.
pub fn SIGRTMAX() -> c_int {
unsafe { __libc_current_sigrtmax() }
fn valid_rt_signal_num(num: c_int) -> bool {
num >= SIGRTMIN() && num <= SIGRTMAX()
/// Registers `handler` as the signal handler of signum `num`.
/// # Safety
/// This is considered unsafe because the given handler will be called asynchronously, interrupting
/// whatever the thread was doing and therefore must only do async-signal-safe operations.
pub unsafe fn register_signal_handler(
num: c_int,
handler: extern "C" fn(c_int),
) -> errno::Result<()> {
let mut sigact: sigaction = mem::zeroed();
sigact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sigact.sa_sigaction = handler as *const () as usize;
let ret = sigaction(num, &sigact, null_mut());
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
/// Resets the signal handler of signum `num` back to the default.
pub fn clear_signal_handler(num: c_int) -> errno::Result<()> {
// Safe because sigaction is owned and expected to be initialized ot zeros.
let mut sigact: sigaction = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
sigact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sigact.sa_sigaction = SIG_DFL;
// Safe because sigact is owned, and this is restoring the default signal handler.
let ret = unsafe { sigaction(num, &sigact, null_mut()) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
/// Returns true if the signal handler for signum `num` is the default.
pub fn has_default_signal_handler(num: c_int) -> errno::Result<bool> {
// Safe because sigaction is owned and expected to be initialized ot zeros.
let mut sigact: sigaction = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
// Safe because sigact is owned, and this is just querying the existing state.
let ret = unsafe { sigaction(num, null(), &mut sigact) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
Ok(sigact.sa_sigaction == SIG_DFL)
/// Registers `handler` as the signal handler for the real-time signal with signum `num`.
/// The value of `num` must be within [`SIGRTMIN`, `SIGRTMAX`] range.
/// # Safety
/// This is considered unsafe because the given handler will be called asynchronously, interrupting
/// whatever the thread was doing and therefore must only do async-signal-safe operations.
pub unsafe fn register_rt_signal_handler(
num: c_int,
handler: extern "C" fn(c_int),
) -> errno::Result<()> {
if !valid_rt_signal_num(num) {
return Err(errno::Error::new(EINVAL));
register_signal_handler(num, handler)
/// Creates `sigset` from an array of signal numbers.
/// This is a helper function used when we want to manipulate signals.
pub fn create_sigset(signals: &[c_int]) -> errno::Result<sigset_t> {
// sigset will actually be initialized by sigemptyset below.
let mut sigset: sigset_t = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
// Safe - return value is checked.
let ret = unsafe { sigemptyset(&mut sigset) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
for signal in signals {
// Safe - return value is checked.
let ret = unsafe { sigaddset(&mut sigset, *signal) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
/// Wait for signal before continuing. The signal number of the consumed signal is returned on
/// success. EAGAIN means the timeout was reached.
pub fn wait_for_signal(signals: &[c_int], timeout: Option<Duration>) -> errno::Result<c_int> {
let sigset = create_sigset(signals)?;
match timeout {
Some(timeout) => {
let ts = duration_to_timespec(timeout);
// Safe - return value is checked.
let ret = handle_eintr_errno!(unsafe { sigtimedwait(&sigset, null_mut(), &ts) });
if ret < 0 {
} else {
None => {
let mut ret: c_int = 0;
let err = handle_eintr_rc!(unsafe { sigwait(&sigset, &mut ret as *mut c_int) });
if err != 0 {
} else {
/// Retrieves the signal mask of the current thread as a vector of c_ints.
pub fn get_blocked_signals() -> SignalResult<Vec<c_int>> {
let mut mask = Vec::new();
// Safe - return values are checked.
unsafe {
let mut old_sigset: sigset_t = mem::zeroed();
let ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, null(), &mut old_sigset as *mut sigset_t);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::RetrieveSignalMask(ret));
for num in 0..=SIGRTMAX() {
if sigismember(&old_sigset, num) > 0 {
/// Masks given signal.
/// If signal is already blocked the call will fail with Error::SignalAlreadyBlocked
/// result.
pub fn block_signal(num: c_int) -> SignalResult<()> {
let sigset = create_sigset(&[num]).map_err(Error::CreateSigset)?;
// Safe - return values are checked.
unsafe {
let mut old_sigset: sigset_t = mem::zeroed();
let ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, &mut old_sigset as *mut sigset_t);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::BlockSignal(errno::Error::last()));
let ret = sigismember(&old_sigset, num);
match ret.cmp(&0) {
Ordering::Less => {
return Err(Error::CompareBlockedSignals(errno::Error::last()));
Ordering::Greater => {
return Err(Error::SignalAlreadyBlocked(num));
_ => (),
/// Unmasks given signal.
pub fn unblock_signal(num: c_int) -> SignalResult<()> {
let sigset = create_sigset(&[num]).map_err(Error::CreateSigset)?;
// Safe - return value is checked.
let ret = unsafe { pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, null_mut()) };
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::UnblockSignal(errno::Error::last()));
/// Clears pending signal.
pub fn clear_signal(num: c_int) -> SignalResult<()> {
let sigset = create_sigset(&[num]).map_err(Error::CreateSigset)?;
while {
// This is safe as we are rigorously checking return values
// of libc calls.
unsafe {
let mut siginfo: siginfo_t = mem::zeroed();
let ts = timespec {
tv_sec: 0,
tv_nsec: 0,
// Attempt to consume one instance of pending signal. If signal
// is not pending, the call will fail with EAGAIN or EINTR.
let ret = sigtimedwait(&sigset, &mut siginfo, &ts);
if ret < 0 {
let e = errno::Error::last();
match e.errno() {
_ => {
return Err(Error::ClearWaitPending(errno::Error::last()));
// This sigset will be actually filled with `sigpending` call.
let mut chkset: sigset_t = mem::zeroed();
// See if more instances of the signal are pending.
let ret = sigpending(&mut chkset);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::ClearGetPending(errno::Error::last()));
let ret = sigismember(&chkset, num);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::ClearCheckPending(errno::Error::last()));
// This is do-while loop condition.
ret != 0
} {}
/// # Safety
/// This is marked unsafe because it allows signals to be sent to arbitrary PIDs. Sending some
/// signals may lead to undefined behavior. Also, the return codes of the child processes need to be
/// reaped to avoid leaking zombie processes.
pub unsafe fn kill(pid: Pid, signum: c_int) -> Result<()> {
let ret = libc::kill(pid, signum);
if ret != 0 {
} else {
/// Trait for threads that can be signalled via `pthread_kill`.
/// Note that this is only useful for signals between SIGRTMIN and SIGRTMAX because these are
/// guaranteed to not be used by the C runtime.
/// This is marked unsafe because the implementation of this trait must guarantee that the returned
/// pthread_t is valid and has a lifetime at least that of the trait object.
pub unsafe trait Killable {
fn pthread_handle(&self) -> pthread_t;
/// Sends the signal `num` to this killable thread.
/// The value of `num` must be within [`SIGRTMIN`, `SIGRTMAX`] range.
fn kill(&self, num: c_int) -> errno::Result<()> {
if !valid_rt_signal_num(num) {
return Err(errno::Error::new(EINVAL));
// Safe because we ensure we are using a valid pthread handle, a valid signal number, and
// check the return result.
let ret = unsafe { pthread_kill(self.pthread_handle(), num) };
if ret < 0 {
return errno_result();
// Safe because we fulfill our contract of returning a genuine pthread handle.
unsafe impl<T> Killable for JoinHandle<T> {
fn pthread_handle(&self) -> pthread_t {
/// Treat some errno's as Ok(()).
macro_rules! ok_if {
($result:expr, $($errno:pat)|+) => {{
let res = $result;
match res {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(err) => {
if matches!(err.errno(), $($errno)|+) {
} else {
/// Terminates and reaps a child process. If the child process is a group leader, its children will
/// be terminated and reaped as well. After the given timeout, the child process and any relevant
/// children are killed (i.e. sent SIGKILL).
pub fn kill_tree(child: &mut Child, terminate_timeout: Duration) -> SignalResult<()> {
let target = {
let pid = as Pid;
if getsid(Some(pid)).map_err(Error::GetSid)? == pid {
} else {
// Safe because target is a child process (or group) and behavior of SIGTERM is defined.
ok_if!(unsafe { kill(target, libc::SIGTERM) }, libc::ESRCH).map_err(Error::Kill)?;
// Reap the direct child first in case it waits for its descendants, afterward reap any
// remaining group members.
let start = Instant::now();
let mut child_running = true;
loop {
// Wait for the direct child to exit before reaping any process group members.
if child_running {
if child
.map_err(|e| Error::WaitPid(errno::Error::from(e)))?
child_running = false;
// Skip the timeout check because waitpid(..., WNOHANG) will not block.
} else {
// Safe because target is a child process (or group), WNOHANG is used, and the return
// value is checked.
let ret = unsafe { waitpid(target, null_mut(), WNOHANG) };
match ret {
-1 => {
let err = errno::Error::last();
if err.errno() == libc::ECHILD {
// No group members to wait on.
return Err(Error::WaitPid(err));
0 => {}
// If a process was reaped, skip the timeout check in case there are more.
_ => continue,
// Check for a timeout.
let elapsed = start.elapsed();
if elapsed > terminate_timeout {
// Safe because target is a child process (or group) and behavior of SIGKILL is defined.
ok_if!(unsafe { kill(target, libc::SIGKILL) }, libc::ESRCH).map_err(Error::Kill)?;
return Err(Error::TimedOut);
// Wait a SIGCHLD or until either the remaining time or a poll interval elapses.
Some(POLL_RATE.min(terminate_timeout - elapsed))
libc::EAGAIN | libc::EINTR
/// Wraps a Child process, and calls kill_tree for its process group to clean
/// it up when dropped.
pub struct KillOnDrop {
process: Child,
timeout: Duration,
impl KillOnDrop {
/// Get the timeout. See timeout_mut() for more details.
pub fn timeout(&self) -> Duration {
/// Change the timeout for how long child processes are waited for before
/// the process group is forcibly killed.
pub fn timeout_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Duration {
&mut self.timeout
impl From<Child> for KillOnDrop {
fn from(process: Child) -> Self {
KillOnDrop {
impl AsRef<Child> for KillOnDrop {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Child {
impl AsMut<Child> for KillOnDrop {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Child {
&mut self.process
impl Deref for KillOnDrop {
type Target = Child;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for KillOnDrop {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.process
impl Drop for KillOnDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(err) = kill_tree(&mut self.process, self.timeout) {
eprintln!("failed to kill child process group: {}", err);