blob: 072a0f506d14d38b69b181c043edfd30ac90feec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::future::Future;
use std::mem;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU8, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
use intrusive_collections::linked_list::{LinkedList, LinkedListOps};
use intrusive_collections::{intrusive_adapter, DefaultLinkOps, LinkOps};
use crate::sync::SpinLock;
// An atomic version of a LinkedListLink. See for
// more details.
pub struct AtomicLink {
prev: UnsafeCell<Option<NonNull<AtomicLink>>>,
next: UnsafeCell<Option<NonNull<AtomicLink>>>,
linked: AtomicBool,
impl AtomicLink {
fn new() -> AtomicLink {
AtomicLink {
linked: AtomicBool::new(false),
prev: UnsafeCell::new(None),
next: UnsafeCell::new(None),
fn is_linked(&self) -> bool {
impl DefaultLinkOps for AtomicLink {
type Ops = AtomicLinkOps;
const NEW: Self::Ops = AtomicLinkOps;
// Safe because the only way to mutate `AtomicLink` is via the `LinkedListOps` trait whose methods
// are all unsafe and require that the caller has first called `acquire_link` (and had it return
// true) to use them safely.
unsafe impl Send for AtomicLink {}
unsafe impl Sync for AtomicLink {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct AtomicLinkOps;
unsafe impl LinkOps for AtomicLinkOps {
type LinkPtr = NonNull<AtomicLink>;
unsafe fn acquire_link(&mut self, ptr: Self::LinkPtr) -> bool {
!ptr.as_ref().linked.swap(true, Ordering::Acquire)
unsafe fn release_link(&mut self, ptr: Self::LinkPtr) {
ptr.as_ref(), Ordering::Release)
unsafe impl LinkedListOps for AtomicLinkOps {
unsafe fn next(&self, ptr: Self::LinkPtr) -> Option<Self::LinkPtr> {
unsafe fn prev(&self, ptr: Self::LinkPtr) -> Option<Self::LinkPtr> {
unsafe fn set_next(&mut self, ptr: Self::LinkPtr, next: Option<Self::LinkPtr>) {
*ptr.as_ref().next.get() = next;
unsafe fn set_prev(&mut self, ptr: Self::LinkPtr, prev: Option<Self::LinkPtr>) {
*ptr.as_ref().prev.get() = prev;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Kind {
enum State {
// Indicates the queue to which the waiter belongs. It is the responsibility of the Mutex and
// Condvar implementations to update this value when adding/removing a Waiter from their respective
// waiter lists.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum WaitingFor {
// The waiter is either not linked into a waiter list or it is linked into a temporary list.
None = 0,
// The waiter is linked into the Mutex's waiter list.
Mutex = 1,
// The waiter is linked into the Condvar's waiter list.
Condvar = 2,
// Represents a thread currently blocked on a Condvar or on acquiring a Mutex.
pub struct Waiter {
link: AtomicLink,
state: SpinLock<State>,
cancel: fn(usize, &Waiter, bool),
cancel_data: usize,
kind: Kind,
waiting_for: AtomicU8,
impl Waiter {
// Create a new, initialized Waiter.
// `kind` should indicate whether this waiter represent a thread that is waiting for a shared
// lock or an exclusive lock.
// `cancel` is the function that is called when a `WaitFuture` (returned by the `wait()`
// function) is dropped before it can complete. `cancel_data` is used as the first parameter of
// the `cancel` function. The second parameter is the `Waiter` that was canceled and the third
// parameter indicates whether the `WaitFuture` was dropped after it was woken (but before it
// was polled to completion). A value of `false` for the third parameter may already be stale
// by the time the cancel function runs and so does not guarantee that the waiter was not woken.
// In this case, implementations should still check if the Waiter was woken. However, a value of
// `true` guarantees that the waiter was already woken up so no additional checks are necessary.
// In this case, the cancel implementation should wake up the next waiter in its wait list, if
// any.
// `waiting_for` indicates the waiter list to which this `Waiter` will be added. See the
// documentation of the `WaitingFor` enum for the meaning of the different values.
pub fn new(
kind: Kind,
cancel: fn(usize, &Waiter, bool),
cancel_data: usize,
waiting_for: WaitingFor,
) -> Waiter {
Waiter {
link: AtomicLink::new(),
state: SpinLock::new(State::Init),
waiting_for: AtomicU8::new(waiting_for as u8),
// The kind of lock that this `Waiter` is waiting to acquire.
pub fn kind(&self) -> Kind {
// Returns true if this `Waiter` is currently linked into a waiter list.
pub fn is_linked(&self) -> bool {
// Indicates the waiter list to which this `Waiter` belongs.
pub fn is_waiting_for(&self) -> WaitingFor {
match self.waiting_for.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
0 => WaitingFor::None,
1 => WaitingFor::Mutex,
2 => WaitingFor::Condvar,
v => panic!("Unknown value for `WaitingFor`: {}", v),
// Change the waiter list to which this `Waiter` belongs. This will panic if called when the
// `Waiter` is still linked into a waiter list.
pub fn set_waiting_for(&self, waiting_for: WaitingFor) { as u8, Ordering::Release);
// Reset the Waiter back to its initial state. Panics if this `Waiter` is still linked into a
// waiter list.
pub fn reset(&self, waiting_for: WaitingFor) {
debug_assert!(!self.is_linked(), "Cannot reset `Waiter` while linked");
let mut state = self.state.lock();
if let State::Waiting(waker) = mem::replace(&mut *state, State::Init) {
// Wait until woken up by another thread.
pub fn wait(&self) -> WaitFuture<'_> {
WaitFuture { waiter: self }
// Wake up the thread associated with this `Waiter`. Panics if `waiting_for()` does not return
// `WaitingFor::None` or if `is_linked()` returns true.
pub fn wake(&self) {
debug_assert!(!self.is_linked(), "Cannot wake `Waiter` while linked");
debug_assert_eq!(self.is_waiting_for(), WaitingFor::None);
let mut state = self.state.lock();
if let State::Waiting(waker) = mem::replace(&mut *state, State::Woken) {
pub struct WaitFuture<'w> {
waiter: &'w Waiter,
impl<'w> Future for WaitFuture<'w> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let mut state = self.waiter.state.lock();
match mem::replace(&mut *state, State::Processing) {
State::Init => {
*state = State::Waiting(cx.waker().clone());
State::Waiting(old_waker) => {
*state = State::Waiting(cx.waker().clone());
State::Woken => {
*state = State::Finished;
State::Finished => {
panic!("Future polled after returning Poll::Ready");
State::Processing => {
panic!("Unexpected waker state");
impl<'w> Drop for WaitFuture<'w> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let state = self.waiter.state.lock();
match *state {
State::Finished => {}
State::Processing => panic!("Unexpected waker state"),
State::Woken => {
// We were woken but not polled. Wake up the next waiter.
(self.waiter.cancel)(self.waiter.cancel_data, self.waiter, true);
_ => {
// Not woken. No need to wake up any waiters.
(self.waiter.cancel)(self.waiter.cancel_data, self.waiter, false);
intrusive_adapter!(pub WaiterAdapter = Arc<Waiter>: Waiter { link: AtomicLink });
pub type WaiterList = LinkedList<WaiterAdapter>;