blob: f7183f7c861bb1bfd05f3a1b39c0838c661a4cef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::{
mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender},
thread::{self, JoinHandle},
time::{Duration, Instant},
use async_task::{Runnable, Task};
use slab::Slab;
use sync::{Condvar, Mutex};
use sys_util::{error, warn};
const DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
struct State {
tasks: VecDeque<Runnable>,
num_threads: usize,
num_idle: usize,
num_notified: usize,
worker_threads: Slab<JoinHandle<()>>,
exited_threads: Option<Receiver<usize>>,
exit: Sender<usize>,
shutting_down: bool,
fn run_blocking_thread(idx: usize, inner: Arc<Inner>, exit: Sender<usize>) {
let mut state = inner.state.lock();
while !state.shutting_down {
if let Some(runnable) = state.tasks.pop_front() {
state = inner.state.lock();
// No more tasks so wait for more work.
state.num_idle += 1;
let (guard, result) = inner
.wait_timeout_while(state, inner.keepalive, |s| {
!s.shutting_down && s.num_notified == 0
state = guard;
// If `state.num_notified > 0` then this was a real wakeup.
if state.num_notified > 0 {
state.num_notified -= 1;
// Only decrement the idle count if we timed out. Otherwise, it was decremented when new
// work was added to `state.tasks`.
if result.timed_out() {
state.num_idle = state
.expect("`num_idle` underflow on timeout");
state.num_threads -= 1;
// If we're shutting down then the BlockingPool will take care of joining all the threads.
// Otherwise, we need to join the last worker thread that exited here.
let last_exited_thread = if let Some(exited_threads) = state.exited_threads.as_mut() {
.map(|idx| state.worker_threads.remove(idx))
} else {
// Drop the lock before trying to join the last exited thread.
if let Some(handle) = last_exited_thread {
let _ = handle.join();
if let Err(e) = exit.send(idx) {
error!("Failed to send thread exit event on channel: {}", e);
struct Inner {
state: Mutex<State>,
condvar: Condvar,
max_threads: usize,
keepalive: Duration,
impl Inner {
fn schedule(self: &Arc<Inner>, runnable: Runnable) {
let mut state = self.state.lock();
// If we're shutting down then nothing is going to run this task.
if state.shutting_down {
if state.num_idle == 0 {
// There are no idle threads. Spawn a new one if possible.
if state.num_threads < self.max_threads {
state.num_threads += 1;
let exit = state.exit.clone();
let entry = state.worker_threads.vacant_entry();
let idx = entry.key();
let inner = self.clone();
.name(format!("blockingPool{}", idx))
.spawn(move || run_blocking_thread(idx, inner, exit))
} else {
// We have idle threads, wake one up.
state.num_idle -= 1;
state.num_notified += 1;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("{0} BlockingPool threads did not exit in time and will be detached")]
pub struct ShutdownTimedOut(usize);
/// A thread pool for running work that may block.
/// It is generally discouraged to do any blocking work inside an async function. However, this is
/// sometimes unavoidable when dealing with interfaces that don't provide async variants. In this
/// case callers may use the `BlockingPool` to run the blocking work on a different thread and
/// `await` for its result to finish, which will prevent blocking the main thread of the
/// application.
/// Since the blocking work is sent to another thread, users should be careful when using the
/// `BlockingPool` for latency-sensitive operations. Additionally, the `BlockingPool` is intended to
/// be used for work that will eventually complete on its own. Users who want to spawn a thread
/// should just use `thread::spawn` directly.
/// There is no way to cancel work once it has been picked up by one of the worker threads in the
/// `BlockingPool`. Dropping or shutting down the pool will block up to a timeout (default 10
/// seconds) to wait for any active blocking work to finish. Any threads running tasks that have not
/// completed by that time will be detached.
/// # Examples
/// Spawn a task to run in the `BlockingPool` and await on its result.
/// ```edition2018
/// use cros_async::BlockingPool;
/// # async fn do_it() {
/// let pool = BlockingPool::default();
/// let res = pool.spawn(move || {
/// // Do some CPU-intensive or blocking work here.
/// 42
/// }).await;
/// assert_eq!(res, 42);
/// # }
/// # cros_async::block_on(do_it());
/// ```
pub struct BlockingPool {
inner: Arc<Inner>,
impl BlockingPool {
/// Create a new `BlockingPool`.
/// The `BlockingPool` will never spawn more than `max_threads` threads to do work, regardless
/// of the number of tasks that are added to it. This value should be set relatively low (for
/// example, the number of CPUs on the machine) if the pool is intended to run CPU intensive
/// work or it should be set relatively high (128 or more) if the pool is intended to be used
/// for various IO operations that cannot be completed asynchronously. The default value is 256.
/// Worker threads are spawned on demand when new work is added to the pool and will
/// automatically exit after being idle for some time so there is no overhead for setting
/// `max_threads` to a large value when there is little to no work assigned to the
/// `BlockingPool`. `keepalive` determines the idle duration after which the worker thread will
/// exit. The default value is 10 seconds.
pub fn new(max_threads: usize, keepalive: Duration) -> BlockingPool {
let (exit, exited_threads) = channel();
BlockingPool {
inner: Arc::new(Inner {
state: Mutex::new(State {
tasks: VecDeque::new(),
num_threads: 0,
num_idle: 0,
num_notified: 0,
worker_threads: Slab::new(),
exited_threads: Some(exited_threads),
shutting_down: false,
condvar: Condvar::new(),
/// Like new but with pre-allocating capacity for up to `max_threads`.
pub fn with_capacity(max_threads: usize, keepalive: Duration) -> BlockingPool {
let (exit, exited_threads) = channel();
BlockingPool {
inner: Arc::new(Inner {
state: Mutex::new(State {
tasks: VecDeque::new(),
num_threads: 0,
num_idle: 0,
num_notified: 0,
worker_threads: Slab::with_capacity(max_threads),
exited_threads: Some(exited_threads),
shutting_down: false,
condvar: Condvar::new(),
/// Spawn a task to run in the `BlockingPool`.
/// Callers may `await` the returned `Task` to be notified when the work is completed.
/// # Panics
/// `await`ing a `Task` after dropping the `BlockingPool` or calling `BlockingPool::shutdown`
/// will panic if the work was not completed before the pool was shut down.
pub fn spawn<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> Task<R>
F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
let raw = Arc::downgrade(&self.inner);
let schedule = move |runnable| {
if let Some(i) = raw.upgrade() {
let (runnable, task) = async_task::spawn(async move { f() }, schedule);
/// Shut down the `BlockingPool`.
/// If `deadline` is provided then this will block until either all worker threads exit or the
/// deadline is exceeded. If `deadline` is not given then this will block indefinitely until all
/// worker threads exit. Any work that was added to the `BlockingPool` but not yet picked up by
/// a worker thread will not complete and `await`ing on the `Task` for that work will panic.
pub fn shutdown(&self, deadline: Option<Instant>) -> Result<(), ShutdownTimedOut> {
let mut state = self.inner.state.lock();
if state.shutting_down {
// We've already shut down this BlockingPool.
return Ok(());
state.shutting_down = true;
let exited_threads = state.exited_threads.take().expect("exited_threads missing");
let unfinished_tasks = mem::replace(&mut state.tasks, VecDeque::new());
let mut worker_threads = mem::replace(&mut state.worker_threads, Slab::new());
// Cancel any unfinished work after releasing the lock.
// Now wait for all worker threads to exit.
if let Some(deadline) = deadline {
let mut now = Instant::now();
while now < deadline && !worker_threads.is_empty() {
if let Ok(idx) = exited_threads.recv_timeout(deadline - now) {
let _ = worker_threads.remove(idx).join();
now = Instant::now();
// Any threads that have not yet joined will just be detached.
if !worker_threads.is_empty() {
return Err(ShutdownTimedOut(worker_threads.len()));
} else {
// Block indefinitely until all worker threads exit.
for handle in worker_threads.drain() {
let _ = handle.join();
impl Default for BlockingPool {
fn default() -> BlockingPool {
BlockingPool::new(256, Duration::from_secs(10))
impl Drop for BlockingPool {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(e) = self.shutdown(Some(Instant::now() + DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)) {
warn!("{}", e);
mod test {
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Barrier},
time::{Duration, Instant},
use futures::{stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use sync::{Condvar, Mutex};
use crate::{block_on, BlockingPool};
fn blocking_sleep() {
let pool = BlockingPool::default();
let res = block_on(pool.spawn(|| 42));
assert_eq!(res, 42);
fn fast_tasks_with_short_keepalive() {
let pool = BlockingPool::new(256, Duration::from_millis(1));
let streams = FuturesUnordered::new();
for _ in 0..2 {
for _ in 0..256 {
let task = pool.spawn(|| ());
// The test passes if there are no panics, which would happen if one of the worker threads
// triggered an underflow on `pool.inner.state.num_idle`.
fn more_tasks_than_threads() {
let pool = BlockingPool::new(4, Duration::from_secs(10));
let stream = (0..19)
.map(|_| pool.spawn(|| thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5))))
let results = block_on(stream.collect::<Vec<_>>());
assert_eq!(results.len(), 19);
fn shutdown() {
let pool = BlockingPool::default();
let stream = (0..19)
.map(|_| pool.spawn(|| thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5))))
let results = block_on(stream.collect::<Vec<_>>());
assert_eq!(results.len(), 19);
pool.shutdown(Some(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(10)))
let state = pool.inner.state.lock();
assert_eq!(state.num_threads, 0);
fn keepalive_timeout() {
// Set the keepalive to a very low value so that threads will exit soon after they run out
// of work.
let pool = BlockingPool::new(7, Duration::from_millis(1));
let stream = (0..19)
.map(|_| pool.spawn(|| thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5))))
let results = block_on(stream.collect::<Vec<_>>());
assert_eq!(results.len(), 19);
// Wait for all threads to exit.
let deadline = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(10);
while Instant::now() < deadline {
let state = pool.inner.state.lock();
if state.num_threads == 0 {
let state = pool.inner.state.lock();
assert_eq!(state.num_threads, 0);
assert_eq!(state.num_idle, 0);
fn shutdown_with_pending_work() {
let pool = BlockingPool::new(1, Duration::from_secs(10));
let mu = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
let cv = Arc::new(Condvar::new());
// First spawn a thread that blocks the pool.
let task_mu = mu.clone();
let task_cv = cv.clone();
pool.spawn(move || {
let mut ready = task_mu.lock();
while !*ready {
ready = task_cv.wait(ready);
// This task will never finish because we will shut down the pool first.
let unfinished = pool.spawn(|| 5);
// Spawn a thread to unblock the work we started earlier once it sees that the pool is
// shutting down.
let inner = pool.inner.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut state = inner.state.lock();
while !state.shutting_down {
state = inner.condvar.wait(state);
*mu.lock() = true;
// This should panic.
assert_eq!(block_on(unfinished), 5);
fn unfinished_worker_thread() {
let pool = BlockingPool::default();
let ready = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
let cv = Arc::new(Condvar::new());
let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(2));
let thread_ready = ready.clone();
let thread_barrier = barrier.clone();
let thread_cv = cv.clone();
let task = pool.spawn(move || {
let mut ready = thread_ready.lock();
while !*ready {
ready = thread_cv.wait(ready);
// Wait to shut down the pool until after the worker thread has started.
pool.shutdown(Some(Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(5)))
let num_threads = pool.inner.state.lock().num_threads;
assert_eq!(num_threads, 1);
// Now wake up the blocked task so we don't leak the thread.
*ready.lock() = true;
let deadline = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(10);
while Instant::now() < deadline {
let state = pool.inner.state.lock();
if state.num_threads == 0 {
let state = pool.inner.state.lock();
assert_eq!(state.num_threads, 0);
assert_eq!(state.num_idle, 0);