blob: d0a3e45fa0ad22eac7118204eebc346a235869b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::path::Path;
use base::test_utils::call_test_with_sudo;
use fixture::utils::create_vu_block_config;
use fixture::utils::prepare_disk_img;
use fixture::vhost_user::CmdType;
use fixture::vhost_user::Config as VuConfig;
use fixture::vhost_user::VhostUserBackend;
use fixture::vm::Config;
use fixture::vm::TestVm;
use tempfile::tempdir;
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
// Tests for suspend/resume.
// System-wide suspend/resume, snapshot/restore.
// Tests below check for snapshot/restore functionality, and suspend/resume.
fn suspend_snapshot_restore_resume() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut vm = TestVm::new(Config::new()).unwrap();
suspend_resume_system(&mut vm)
fn suspend_snapshot_restore_resume_disable_sandbox() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut vm = TestVm::new(Config::new().disable_sandbox()).unwrap();
suspend_resume_system(&mut vm)
fn suspend_resume_system(vm: &mut TestVm) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// WARNING: Suspend/resume is only partially implemented, some aspects of these tests only work
// by chance. Still, the tests are useful to avoid backslide. If a seemingly unrelated change
// breaks this test, it is probably reasonable to disable the test.
// Verify RAM is saved and restored by interacting with a filesystem pinned in RAM (i.e. tmpfs
// with swap disabled).
vm.exec_in_guest("swapoff -a").unwrap();
vm.exec_in_guest("mount -t tmpfs none /tmp").unwrap();
vm.exec_in_guest("echo foo > /tmp/foo").unwrap();
assert_eq!("foo", vm.exec_in_guest("cat /tmp/foo").unwrap().trim());
// Take snapshot of original VM state
println!("snapshotting VM - clean state");
let dir = tempdir().unwrap();
let snap1_path = dir.path().join("snapshot.bkp");
vm.exec_in_guest("echo bar > /tmp/foo").unwrap();
assert_eq!("bar", vm.exec_in_guest("cat /tmp/foo").unwrap().trim());
// suspend VM
let snap2_path = dir.path().join("snapshot2.bkp");
// Write command to VM
// This command will get queued and not run while the VM is suspended. The command is saved in
// the serial device. After the snapshot is taken, the VM is resumed. At that point, the
// command runs and is validated.
let echo_cmd = vm.exec_in_guest_async("echo 42").unwrap();
// Take snapshot of modified VM
println!("snapshotting VM - mod state");
assert_eq!("42", echo_cmd.wait(vm).unwrap());
// suspend VM
// restore VM
println!("restoring VM - to clean state");
// snapshot VM after restore
println!("snapshotting VM - clean state restored");
let snap3_path = dir.path().join("snapshot3.bkp");
assert_eq!("foo", vm.exec_in_guest("cat /tmp/foo").unwrap().trim());
let snap1 = std::fs::read_to_string(&snap1_path).unwrap();
let snap2 = std::fs::read_to_string(&snap2_path).unwrap();
let snap3 = std::fs::read_to_string(&snap3_path).unwrap();
assert_ne!(snap1, snap2);
assert_eq!(snap1, snap3);
fn snapshot_vhost_user_root() {
// This test will fail/hang if ran by its self.
#[ignore = "Only to be called by snapshot_vhost_user_root"]
fn snapshot_vhost_user() {
let block_socket = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
let disk = prepare_disk_img();
// Spin up block vhost user process
let block_vu_config = create_vu_block_config(CmdType::Device, block_socket.path(), disk.path());
let _block_vu_device = VhostUserBackend::new(block_vu_config);
// Spin up net vhost user process.
// Queue handlers don't get activated currently.
let net_socket = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
let net_config = create_net_config(net_socket.path());
let _net_vu_device = VhostUserBackend::new(net_config).unwrap();
let mut config = Config::new();
config = config.extra_args(vec![
let mut vm = TestVm::new(config).unwrap();
let dir = tempdir().unwrap();
let snap_path = dir.path().join("snapshot.bkp");
// TODO(rizhang): Add verification for snapshotting when it is implemented.
fn create_net_config(socket: &Path) -> VuConfig {
let socket_path = socket.to_str().unwrap();
VuConfig::new(CmdType::Device, "net").extra_args(vec![
socket_path, "", "", "12:34:56:78:9a:bc"