blob: c122224cd96f91e4d3ec6c366a800467fa72f5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! vulkano_gralloc: Implements swapchain allocation and memory mapping
//! using Vulkano.
//! External code found at
#![cfg(feature = "vulkano")]
use std::iter::Empty;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::rutabaga_gralloc::gralloc::{Gralloc, ImageAllocationInfo, ImageMemoryRequirements};
use crate::rutabaga_utils::*;
use vulkano::device::{Device, DeviceCreationError, DeviceExtensions};
use vulkano::image::{sys, ImageCreationError, ImageDimensions, ImageUsage};
use vulkano::instance::{
Instance, InstanceCreationError, InstanceExtensions, MemoryType, PhysicalDevice,
use vulkano::memory::{
DedicatedAlloc, DeviceMemoryAllocError, DeviceMemoryBuilder, ExternalMemoryHandleType,
use vulkano::memory::pool::AllocFromRequirementsFilter;
use vulkano::sync::Sharing;
/// A gralloc implementation capable of allocation `VkDeviceMemory`.
pub struct VulkanoGralloc {
device: Arc<Device>,
impl VulkanoGralloc {
/// Returns a new `VulkanGralloc' instance upon success.
pub fn init() -> RutabagaResult<Box<dyn Gralloc>> {
// Initialization copied from in Vulkano. Look there for a more detailed
// explanation of VK initialization.
let instance = Instance::new(None, &InstanceExtensions::none(), None)?;
// We should really check for integrated GPU versus dGPU.
let physical = PhysicalDevice::enumerate(&instance)
let queue_family = physical
.find(|&q| {
// We take the first queue family that supports graphics.
let supported_extensions = DeviceExtensions::supported_by_device(physical);
let desired_extensions = DeviceExtensions {
khr_dedicated_allocation: true,
khr_get_memory_requirements2: true,
khr_external_memory: true,
khr_external_memory_fd: true,
ext_external_memory_dmabuf: true,
let intersection = supported_extensions.intersection(&desired_extensions);
let (device, mut _queues) = Device::new(
[(queue_family, 0.5)].iter().cloned(),
Ok(Box::new(VulkanoGralloc { device }))
// This function is used safely in this module because gralloc does not:
// (1) bind images to any memory.
// (2) transition the layout of images.
// (3) transfer ownership of images between queues.
// In addition, we trust Vulkano to validate image parameters are within the Vulkan spec.
unsafe fn create_image(
&mut self,
info: ImageAllocationInfo,
) -> RutabagaResult<(sys::UnsafeImage, MemoryRequirements)> {
let usage = match info.flags.uses_rendering() {
true => ImageUsage {
color_attachment: true,
false => ImageUsage {
sampled: true,
// Reasonable bounds on image width.
if info.width == 0 || info.width > 4096 {
return Err(RutabagaError::SpecViolation);
// Reasonable bounds on image height.
if info.height == 0 || info.height > 4096 {
return Err(RutabagaError::SpecViolation);
let vulkan_format = info.drm_format.vulkan_format()?;
let (unsafe_image, memory_requirements) = sys::UnsafeImage::new(
ImageDimensions::Dim2d {
width: info.width,
height: info.height,
array_layers: 1,
cubemap_compatible: false,
1, /* number of samples */
1, /* mipmap count */
true, /* linear images only currently */
false, /* not preinitialized */
Ok((unsafe_image, memory_requirements))
impl Gralloc for VulkanoGralloc {
fn supports_external_gpu_memory(&self) -> bool {
fn supports_dmabuf(&self) -> bool {
fn get_image_memory_requirements(
&mut self,
info: ImageAllocationInfo,
) -> RutabagaResult<ImageMemoryRequirements> {
let mut reqs: ImageMemoryRequirements = Default::default();
let (unsafe_image, memory_requirements) = unsafe { self.create_image(info)? };
let planar_layout = info.drm_format.planar_layout()?;
// Safe because we created the image with the linear bit set and verified the format is
// not a depth or stencil format. We are also using the correct image aspect. Vulkano
// will panic if we are not.
for plane in 0..planar_layout.num_planes {
let aspect = info.drm_format.vulkan_image_aspect(plane)?;
let layout = unsafe { unsafe_image.multiplane_color_layout(aspect) };
reqs.strides[plane] = layout.row_pitch as u32;
reqs.offsets[plane] = layout.offset as u32;
let need_visible = info.flags.host_visible();
let want_cached = info.flags.host_cached();
let memory_type = {
let filter = |current_type: MemoryType| {
if need_visible && !current_type.is_host_visible() {
return AllocFromRequirementsFilter::Forbidden;
if !need_visible && current_type.is_device_local() {
return AllocFromRequirementsFilter::Preferred;
if need_visible && want_cached && current_type.is_host_cached() {
return AllocFromRequirementsFilter::Preferred;
if need_visible
&& !want_cached
&& current_type.is_host_coherent()
&& !current_type.is_host_cached()
return AllocFromRequirementsFilter::Preferred;
let first_loop = self
.map(|t| (t, AllocFromRequirementsFilter::Preferred));
let second_loop = self
.map(|t| (t, AllocFromRequirementsFilter::Allowed));
.filter(|&(t, _)| (memory_requirements.memory_type_bits & (1 << != 0)
.find(|&(t, rq)| filter(t) == rq)
}; = info;
reqs.size = memory_requirements.size as u64;
if memory_type.is_host_visible() {
if memory_type.is_host_cached() {
} else if memory_type.is_host_coherent() {
reqs.map_info = RUTABAGA_MAP_CACHE_WC;
reqs.vulkan_info = Some(VulkanInfo {
memory_idx: as u32,
physical_device_idx: self.device.physical_device().index() as u32,
fn allocate_memory(&mut self, reqs: ImageMemoryRequirements) -> RutabagaResult<RutabagaHandle> {
let (unsafe_image, memory_requirements) = unsafe { self.create_image( };
let vulkan_info = reqs.vulkan_info.ok_or(RutabagaError::SpecViolation)?;
let memory_type = self
let (handle_type, rutabaga_type) =
match self.device.loaded_extensions().ext_external_memory_dmabuf {
true => (
ExternalMemoryHandleType {
dma_buf: true,
false => (
ExternalMemoryHandleType {
opaque_fd: true,
let dedicated = match self.device.loaded_extensions().khr_dedicated_allocation {
true => {
if memory_requirements.prefer_dedicated {
} else {
false => DedicatedAlloc::None,
let device_memory =
DeviceMemoryBuilder::new(self.device.clone(), memory_type, reqs.size as usize)
let descriptor = device_memory.export_fd(handle_type)?.into();
Ok(RutabagaHandle {
os_handle: descriptor,
handle_type: rutabaga_type,
// Vulkano should really define an universal type that wraps all these errors, say
// "VulkanoError(e)".
impl From<InstanceCreationError> for RutabagaError {
fn from(e: InstanceCreationError) -> RutabagaError {
impl From<ImageCreationError> for RutabagaError {
fn from(e: ImageCreationError) -> RutabagaError {
impl From<DeviceCreationError> for RutabagaError {
fn from(e: DeviceCreationError) -> RutabagaError {
impl From<DeviceMemoryAllocError> for RutabagaError {
fn from(e: DeviceMemoryAllocError) -> RutabagaError {