blob: 3d0d050dc7cba635191cb24ae00b11af80823f10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Context;
use argh::FromArgs;
use base::error;
use base::info;
use base::Event;
use base::FromRawDescriptor;
use base::RawDescriptor;
use base::SafeDescriptor;
use base::SendTube;
use base::StreamChannel;
use base::Tube;
use broker_ipc::common_child_setup;
use broker_ipc::CommonChildStartupArgs;
use cros_async::AsyncWrapper;
use cros_async::EventAsync;
use cros_async::Executor;
use futures::future::AbortHandle;
use futures::future::Abortable;
use gpu_display::EventDevice;
use hypervisor::ProtectionType;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use sync::Mutex;
use tube_transporter::TubeToken;
use crate::virtio;
use crate::virtio::gpu;
use crate::virtio::gpu::ProcessDisplayResult;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::gpu::GpuBackend;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::handler::sys::windows::read_from_tube_transporter;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::handler::sys::windows::run_handler;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::handler::DeviceRequestHandler;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::handler::VhostUserRegularOps;
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::VhostBackendReqConnectionState;
use crate::virtio::Gpu;
use crate::virtio::GpuDisplayParameters;
use crate::virtio::GpuParameters;
pub mod generic;
pub use generic as product;
async fn run_display(
display: EventAsync,
state: Rc<RefCell<gpu::Frontend>>,
gpu: Rc<RefCell<gpu::Gpu>>,
) {
loop {
if let Err(e) = display.next_val().await {
"Failed to wait for display context to become readable: {}",
match state.borrow_mut().process_display() {
ProcessDisplayResult::Error(e) => {
error!("Failed to process display events: {}", e);
ProcessDisplayResult::CloseRequested => {
let res = gpu.borrow().send_exit_evt();
if res.is_err() {
error!("Failed to send exit event: {:?}", res);
ProcessDisplayResult::Success => {}
impl GpuBackend {
pub fn start_platform_workers(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let state = self
.context("frontend state wasn't set")?
// Start handling the display.
// Safe because the raw descriptor is valid, and an event.
let display = unsafe {
EventAsync::clone_raw_without_reset(&*state.borrow_mut().display().borrow(), &self.ex)
.context("failed to clone inner WaitContext for gpu display")?;
let (handle, registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
run_display(display, state, self.gpu.clone()),
/// GPU device
#[argh(subcommand, name = "gpu", description = "")]
pub struct Options {
description = "pipe handle end for Tube Transporter",
arg_name = "HANDLE"
bootstrap: usize,
/// Main process end for a GPU device.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct GpuVmmConfig {
// Tube for setting up the vhost-user connection. May not exist if not using vhost-user.
pub main_vhost_user_tube: Option<Tube>,
// Pipes to receive input events on.
pub input_event_multi_touch_pipes: Vec<StreamChannel>,
pub input_event_mouse_pipes: Vec<StreamChannel>,
pub input_event_keyboard_pipes: Vec<StreamChannel>,
pub product_config: product::GpuVmmConfig,
/// Config arguments passed through the bootstrap Tube from the broker to the Gpu backend
/// process.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct GpuBackendConfig {
// Tube for setting up the vhost-user connection. May not exist if not using vhost-user.
pub device_vhost_user_tube: Option<Tube>,
// An event for an incoming exit request.
pub exit_event: Event,
// A tube to send an exit request.
pub exit_evt_wrtube: SendTube,
// Event devices to send input events to.
pub event_devices: Vec<EventDevice>,
// GPU parameters.
pub params: GpuParameters,
// Product related configurations.
pub product_config: product::GpuBackendConfig,
pub fn run_gpu_device(opts: Options) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let raw_transport_tube = opts.bootstrap as RawDescriptor;
let mut tubes = read_from_tube_transporter(raw_transport_tube)?;
let bootstrap_tube = tubes.get_tube(TubeToken::Bootstrap)?;
let startup_args: CommonChildStartupArgs = bootstrap_tube.recv::<CommonChildStartupArgs>()?;
let _child_cleanup = common_child_setup(startup_args)?;
let mut config: GpuBackendConfig = bootstrap_tube
.context("failed to parse GPU backend config from bootstrap tube")?;
let vhost_user_tube = config
.expect("vhost-user gpu tube must be set");
if config.params.display_params.is_empty() {
let display_backends = vec![virtio::DisplayBackend::WinApi(
let wndproc_thread =
virtio::gpu::start_wndproc_thread(None).context("failed to start wndproc_thread")?;
let mut gpu_params = config.params.clone();
// Required to share memory across processes.
gpu_params.external_blob = true;
// Fallback for when external_blob is not available on the machine. Currently always off.
gpu_params.system_blob = false;
let base_features = virtio::base_features(ProtectionType::Unprotected);
let gpu = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Gpu::new(
/*resource_bridges=*/ Vec::new(),
/*render_server_descriptor*/ None,
/*channels=*/ &Default::default(),
let ex = Executor::new().context("failed to create executor")?;
let backend = Box::new(GpuBackend {
ex: ex.clone(),
resource_bridges: Default::default(),
acked_protocol_features: 0,
state: None,
fence_state: Default::default(),
queue_workers: Default::default(),
platform_workers: Default::default(),
backend_req_conn: VhostBackendReqConnectionState::NoConnection,
let handler = DeviceRequestHandler::new(backend, Box::new(VhostUserRegularOps));
// TODO(b/213170185): Uncomment once sandbox is upstreamed.
// if sandbox::is_sandbox_target() {
// sandbox::TargetServices::get()
// .expect("failed to get target services")
// .unwrap()
// .lower_token();
// }
info!("vhost-user gpu device ready, starting run loop...");
// Run until the backend is finished.
if let Err(e) = ex.run_until(run_handler(
)) {
bail!("error occurred: {}", e);
// Process any tasks from the backend's destructor.
Ok(ex.run_until(async {})?)